HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 1726 ti ORDINANCE NO . � �p AN ORDINANCE SETTING UP CERTAIN STANDARDS FOR MERCHANT SECURITY OFFICERS AND DECLARING SUCH TO BE A PRIVILEGE , LEVYING A TAX THEREON , PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUING OF PERMITS , FIXING THE PEN - ALTY FOR VIOLATION , AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : SECTION 1 . DEFINITIONS - that for the purposes of this ordi - nance the following definitions are giving : A . MERCHANT SECURITY OFFICER shall mean one engaged in the business of protecting commercial buildings and engaged in working as night watchmen for hire in the City of Fayetteville . B . MERCHANT SECURITY AGENT shall mean one employed by a Mer - chant Security Officer . SECTION 2 . That the business of being a Merchant Security Officer or the Agent of a Merchant Security Officer in the City of Fayetteville is hereby declared to be a privilege and for the exer - cise of such privilege there shall be levied a tax of $ 25 . 00 for the permit to be a Merchant Security Officer and $ 10 . 00 to be the Agent of a Merchant Security Officer for each and every calendar year . SECTION 3 . The Chief of Police of the City of Fayetteville shall be the officer in charge of the issuing of said permits and he shall issue said permits only to qualified persons . Applications shall be obtainable at the office of the Chief of Police . The applicant must possess the following qualifications : ( a ) Twenty - one ( 21 ) years of age or older . ( b ) Highschool degree . ( c ) Must be able to show financial responsibility . ( d ) Must be a person of good moral character . ( e ) Must not have been convicted of a felony . SECTION 4 . The application , along with the fingerprints of the applicant , shall be submitted to the Chief of Police of the City of Fayetteville who shall approve or reject the application , and if the application is approved , and upon the filing of a five thousand dollar ( $ 5 , 000 . 00 ) bond for a Merchant Security Officer of the filing of a one thousand dollar ( $ 1 , 000 . 00 ) bond for an Agent of a Merchant Security Officer , the Chief of Police shall then issue the appropriate license . SECTION 5 . It shall be the duty of the Chief of Police to approve any and all uniforms worn by the Merchant Security Officers and Merchant Security Agents . Also all vehicles and identifications thereon must be approved by the Chief of Police prior to their being placed in operation . MICROFILMED DATE 2T 1 z ic78 REEL 11 V ` ' SECTION 6 . Anyone acting as a Merchant Security Officer or Merchant Security Agent or doing any commercial night watch - men work without the above described licenses shall be deemed quilty of a misdemeanor , and upon conviction shall be fined not less than one hundred dollars ( $ 100 . 00 ) or more than one thousand dollars ( $ 1000 . 00 ) and / or up to thirty ( 30 ) days in jail . Each day of violation may be deemed a separate offense . SECTION 7 . All laws in conflict herewith shall be repealed , and this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage , approval , and publication 1970 . PASSED AND APPROVED this day of , APPROVED : 4iARID MELTON R . , MAYZR ATTEST : / 0 I", / p 2!924 MARILYN MOO c, CITY CLERK STATE of ARKANSAS ss. STANDARDS NO. M County of Washington AN ORDINANCE SI1RTNp IIP CER.. THIN SECURITY OFFICERS FOR MERCHANT r ING SUCH, OFFICERS AND DILEGE, L IEG INCH, TO RE A PRIVILEGE, hereby certify that I LEVYING A TAX THEREON. PRP ...___.._... _....___—__—__—___ _ , V1DING FOR THE . ISSUING OF PERI am the ( eneral Manager of THE NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, Mrrs, FIXING THE . PENALTY FoR, a daily newspaper having a second class mailing privilege, and being not VIOLATION, AND FOR . OTHER PUR. POSES. less than four pages of five columns each, published at a fixed place of BE IORDAINED TRS O 33YY THE Ronan, intervals continuous] n e OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OP business and at a fixed (daily) y ithe City of FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Fayetteville, County of Washington, Arkansas for more than a period ulON LlhlNfo the pposes Of this ordinance e l of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an established place of loving definitions are giving: k business to subscribers and readers generally of all classes in the City A. MERCHANT SECURITY OFFICER' mail man one engaged In the business & County for a definite price for each copy, or a fixed price per annum, of Prataged Ing gking as >f buildings uedo eno which price was fixed at what is considered the value of the publication, engaged to working rc night orals and for hire In the City of .Fswctte.iue. based upon the news value and service value it contains, that at least fifty R. Man we eo SECURITY AGENT percent of the subscribers thereto have anon man one employed by a MerrENT P paid cash for their subscriptions SecVrlty Officer. to the newspaper or its agents or through recognized news dealers over a a MerchanON t �ty officer mor too period of at least six months ; and that the said newspaper publishers an Agent City a Merchant lesvrity Officehereby, In average of more than forty percent news matter. the Cilt et a furi%cviuc is hereby de- clarod to be a privileg and for au es• ercia. of such privilege mere elrau be I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of Ib fled a las n ESecu [y the cermit to Dee Merchant Security . officer and MQ.w to be me Agat, of a d event Security officer Sor add) entl every p )ear. S17M , tt , or a s The CIuof Police. of ma CIU', C Fayetteville shell M the off]. Cel In charge of the issuing of sold poo- was published in the regular daily issue of said newspaper . nlis toAtia sedan Issue calx aeons ce�utiye insertion)e as follows : orgy to 9uau b parsed. Ace Or ]the ahku heobtalaWeal the olfitt of the � chw a Police. The applicant raw pos. / .� cess me fouowla yulmestiau: (at The first insertion on the __Z4 L.JS�--_ day of _ 192 .Tsleptyme Olt ypeea of We or older, -HlaEscbeat degree. (c) Most be aDi1 the second insertion on the _____ day of _— 19--- 010 Show financial resppnslMutY. (a) Mut a person of good moral ebarscuN.l Must not basebeenr<aylmea of a the third insertion on the —_ _ day of _ 19— SECTION /. The apgiatlon; along Nth the fingerprints of the awucant,II and the fourth insertion on the ____________--,day of droll be aban m the CNet ia PoIll "Wthaal 1 Oprove a tet tetteviae. who !6h an ePll ethos *be aJea the approved. dna Ifs Lu 1 L the filing Of A is approved, and upon) _—_ the filing M a flue thousand dollar as.- 5 i6: ------"-- 00) bond .for' a Wrelumt Security 1Dfear: of the. filing of a one thousand 77r�- 04L Me1ar chant Se) bona for an Agent of Sworn to and subscribed before me on this ____ -9....__ day of .__________- of Merchant Securely him the the CNet � o< Potla shall oro lssae me tappmDrl- atp -uttna. ff ION S. a mailmailbe the duty of tin10 ChICNeI as worn y ne Me han and KII ty Officers f is woo by the Met loci lly /� o age Alssi a .and Merchant socially -- ----� //�+�V' �N?4� vM: 'Also all veNtlea and ldrotlaa- !/11Y��G//s—+ Does thereon must be approved by me Chief of Police prior to their being NO y Public plead In operation. ;r SPI•CTION 6. Anyone acting as a Mer, aahmIl security Officer or Merchant Se. ,TuritY Agent cur doing any commercial My Commission Expires : i night "Odma work without the above r.MNof midens sbaor, be dames I.gMN of al me flood oq and upov con-, thundre shall be fined 0) less form one:hundred -- hvnarcd dollars (g100.00I cur more then -- ---- me thousand dollars (51,0110.00) avd/Or, up to thirty (30) days N tall. Each day of vllatloa may he deemed a separated ..offense. Fees for Printing bl, SECTION 7. All laws in ctmSla here• tenth shall be ropealed, end ora ordl- ,Nana shah be In full fora Cost of Proof and effect --"'— $'----------- from and atter Its pelage, approval, and / Publication. Total 02L,�,lt3V PASSED AND APPROVED THIS &h' $--- Jany of January, JIM r. APPROVED: - GARLAND MELTON JR., ATrICST: MARILYN MOORE, City Clerk 19 no