HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 1699 ORDINANCE N0 . / AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 3 , ARTICLE II , OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES , CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS . BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTE - VILLE , ARKANSAS : SECTION 1 . That Chapter 3 , Article II , of the Code of Ordinances , City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , shall hereafter read as follows : " SEC . 3 - 15 . DEFINITIONS For the purpose of this ordinance , the word " Spirituous " shall mean liquor distilled from the fermented juices of grain , fruits or vegetables and containing more than twenty - one ( 21 % ) per centum of alcohol by weight , or any other liquids containing more than twenty - one ( 21 % ) per centum of alcohol by weight . The word " Vinous " shall mean the fermented juices of fruits , except wine , and containing more than five ( 5 % ) per centum and not more than twenty - one ( 21 % ) per centum of alcohol by weight . The word " malt " shall mean liquor brewed ,from the fermented juices of grain and containing more than five ( 5 % ) per centum of alcohol by weight . Beer containing not more than five ( 5 % ) per centum of alcohol by weight and all other malt beverages containing not more than five ( 5 % ) per centum of alcohol by weight are not defined as malt liquors , and are excepted from each and every provision of this ordinance . SEC . 3 - 16 . SALE PROHIBITED DURING CERTAIN HOURS AND ON CER - TAIN DAYS . ( a ) It shall be unlawful for any person to sell , offer for sale or give away , at wholesale , any spirituous , vinous or malt liquors before the hour of 8 : 00 a . m . and after the hour of 6 : 00 p . m . It shall be unlawful for any person to sell , offer for sale or give away , at retail , any such liquors be - fore the hour of 10 : 00 a . m . and after the hour of 11 : 00 p . m , on weekdays or 12 : 00 p . m . on Friday and Saturday . ( b ) It shall be unlawful for any person to sell , offer for sale or give away any such liquors mentioned in subsection ( a ) on Sunday or on any state , county , municipal or district primary or general election day , or on Christmas Day or during any 24 - hour interval designated an emergency period by the Mayor or City Manager , or any person acting in their capacity . SEC . 3 - 17 . HOUSE TO HOUSE SALES_P_ROHIBITED . It shall be unlawful for any person to sell , offer for sale or give away , or cause or permit to be sold or offered for sale or give away , any vinous , spirituous or malt liquors through salesmen going from house to house soliciting orders . MICROFILMED DATE r C i 1 1978 REEL_ aq. SEC . 3 - 18 , ACCEPTANCE OF RETAIL ORDERS . It shall be unlawful for any person to accept retail orders for any spirituous , vinous or malt liquors for delivery out - side of the premises of the store operated by such person . SEC . 3 - 19 , SALE IN CERTAIN CONTAINERS PROHIBITED . ( REPEALED ) SEC . 3 - 20 . OPEN BOTTLES PROHIBITED ON SALES PREMISES . It shall be unlawful for any person to have in his pos - session or control on premises where liquor is allowed to be sold , any bottle or container containing liquor which has been opened . Any person violating the provisions of this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and , upon conviction , shall be fined in any sum not less than fifty dollars ( $ 50 . 00 ) nor more than five hundred dollars ( $ 500 . 00 ) . SEC . 3 - 21 , SALE OF BEER BY DEALERS . It shall be unlawful for any person having a license to sell liquor to sell or offer for sale , at retail , any beer , except in the original container , such container not to be opened on the premises . Any person violating the provisions of this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and , upon conviction , fined in any sum not less than fifty dollars ( $ 50 . 00 ) nor more than three hundred dollars ( $ 300 . 00 ) . SEC . 3 - 22 , CONSUMPTION IN PUBLIC PLACES OR CONVEYANCES . It shall be unlawful for any person to drink any liquor in any public place , . highway or street , or in or upon any passenger coach or train , automobile , bus or other public conveyance . Any person violating provisions of this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and , upon conviction , shall be fined in any sum not less than five dollars ( $ 5 . 00 ) nor more than one hundred dollars ( $ 100 . 00 ) . SEC . 3 - 23 , ADMISSIBILITY OF EVIDENCE AS TO REPUTATION ON PROSECUTIONS . In any prosecution in any Court , the general reputation of the defendant for moonshining , bootlegging , drinking or being engaged in the unlawful manufacture of or trade in intoxicating liquors shall be allowed to be introduced in evidence by the City against such defendant . SEC . 3 - 24 . PENALTY FOR VIOLATIONS OF ARTICLE . Where no specific penalty is provided for the violation of any provisions of this ordinance , such violation shall be punished by a fine of not less than fifty dollars ( $ 50 . 00 ) nor more than two hundred fifty dollars ( $ 250 . 00 ) . SEC . 3 - 35 , REQUIRED . It shall be unlawful for any person to engage in the bus - iness of storing , transporting or selling , either at whole - sale or retail , any spirituous , vinous or malt liquor , unless he has a current license to to do from the City . Any person engaging in such business without a current license shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and , upon conviction , shall be fined in any sum not less than one hundred dollars ( $ 100 . 00 ) nor more than one thousand dollars ( $ 1 , 000 . 00 ) , and each day of such operation without a license shall constitute a separate and distinct offense . SEC . 3 - 36 . APPLICATION . . Application for a license required by this division shall be in writing and shall be filed with the City Clerk . Such application shall contain a sworn statement of the name of the business sought to be licensed , the address of the pro - posed location of such business , and the name of the owner of the building or premises in which the business is to be located . A copy of the applicant ' s state license shall accompany such application . SEC . 3 - 37 . TAX . ( a ) The business of storing , transporting , or selling spirituous , vinous or malt liquors at wholesale within the City is hereby declared to be a privilege , and for the ex - ercise of such privilege there is hereby levied an annual license tax in the sum of five hundred dollars ( $ 500 . 00 ) for each and every such business conducted . ( b ) The business of storing , transporting , selling or dispensing , at retail , of any vinous , spirituous or malt liquors within the City • is hereby declared a privilege , and for the exercise of such privilege there is hereby levied an annual license tax in the sum of two hundred fifty dollars ( $ 250 . 00 ) for each retail store operated within the City . ( c ) The City Controller shall have the right to accept installment payments of the license tax provided for in this section for such periods of time as the state commis - sioner of revenues grants for the payment of state license fees or taxes . SEC . 3 - 38 . VIEW OF PREMISES . It shall be unlawful for any person to sell liquor. , either at wholesale or retail , on any premises wherein the view of the interior is obstructed by any means . SEC . 3 - 39 . ISSUANCE . The City Clerk shall issue a license applied for under this division upon ' payment of the license tax prescribed by Section 3 - 37 , SEC , 3 - 40 , TERM . Licenses required by this division shall . be issued in such a manner that they will run for such length of time as will be concurrent with the licenses issued by the state . SEC . 3 - 41 . REVOCATION . ( REPEALED ) SEC . 3 - 52 , HABITUAL DRUNKARDS . ( REPEALED ) SEC . 3 = 53 . INTOXICATED PERSONS . It shall be unlawful for any person engaged in selling liquor to sell or give any liquor to any person who is in an intoxicated condition . Any person violating the provisions of this section shall be deemed . guilty of a misdemeanor and , upon conviction , shall be punished by a fine of not less than fifty dollars ( $50 . 00 ) nor more than three hundred dollars ( $ 300 . 00 ) . SEC . 3 - 54 , PERSON FAILING TO SUPPORT FAMILY . ( REPEALED ) SEC . 3 - 55 . MINORS . It shall be unlawful for any person engaged in the sale , at wholesale or retail , of any liquor in the City to sell , offer for sale , or give away , under any conditions , any liquor to any person under the age of twenty - one ( 21 ) years . The burden of determining the age of any person shall be upon the seller . SEC . 3 - 56 . MINORS BUYING OR POSSESSING WINE OR LIQUOR . It shall be unlawful for any person under the age of twenty - one ( 21 ) years to purchase or have in his possession any intoxicating liquor or wine . It shall also be unlawful for any adult to purchase on behalf of a person under the age of twenty - one ( 21 ) any intoxicating liquor or wine . Any person violating this provision shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be subject to a fine of not less than fifty dollars ( $ 50 . 00 ) nor more than five hundred dollars ( $ 500 . 00 ) . " SECTION 2 . That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage , approval and publication . PASSED and APPROVED this day of 1969 . APPROVED : GARLAND MELTON , JR . , MAYOR ATTEST : MARILYN MOORV, CITY CLERK STATE of ARKANSAS l as. County of WashinjEton ORDINAF'F: NO. 1699 Ilouors %hall be allowed to be intro- AY ORDIN.1fi(E 10 AMEND CRAP- dared in evidence by the C"e against , TYR 3. ARTICLE n, OF THE CODE OF 'ouch defendant. q ' C ORDINANCES, CITY OF FAYE Yge SEC. defendant. PENALTY FOR VIOW- w ` ` VILLE, ARRAxses• t I, - hereby certify that I BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD -+TTONS OF ARTICLE. ____ ..._.__— ..__.. .__...__ .__.___._—______________._. ., Y Yof DIRECTORS of zlm cIq•Y of Wmere no aperrcm cenmty ion prpviaed [m theneral Manager) of THE NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, FAYETPEVILLE, ARKANSAS: .for the violation of any provisions of SECTION I, net Chapter 3, AxUCI@ 11 tots odinance, Much violation shall bell daily newspaper having a second class mailing privilege, and being not a the Code of Ordinances, city of Fay- -m khed y a fine of nor less than than four pages of five columns each, published at a fixed place of as Arkansas, sM1eS hereafter elle two hundred fifty dollars (1250.01). business and at a fixed (daily) intervals continuously in the City of et follows: 'SEC. 3.15 DEFINITIONS A SEC 335. REQUIRED. For me purpose Or this orainantY, It Shall be unlawful for any ... mFayetteville, County of Washington, Arkansas for more than a period the word "spirituous" shag seep '-:en age in tsell�tness of storing,at teaele )f twelve months, circulated and distributed from an established place of liquor distilledgrafrom me fermented or Cal 1, any spirituous, vinous orlusiness to subscribers and readers generale of all classes in the Cit grain, fruits w vegy. me Y Y and Containingffmore man twenty- one malt theme,t unless he has n current Count for a definite rice for each co or a fixed rice per annum, flnweight, Per cent/ per Centum of alcohol by Il Any e m do from the city. Y P PY P weighH or any other liquids cntalnine Any person engaging in such busi- phieh price was fixed at what is considered the value of the publication, mom than twenty-one (21 per cent) neem without a current a license shell be Per centum of alcohol by weight. Phe •eeemea gouty, ora misdemeanor dna, awed upon the news value and service value it contains, that at least fifty Pleaweeted Vinous" shall seen the fen u� not less thankall ane hund ed e fined raonarsllercent of the subscribers thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions juices of fruits, except wine, (b0000) nor more than one thousend ;0 the newspaper or its agents or through recognized news dealers over a cold) conte Cert more than }iv! (5 per , tten per centum and not more man dollars f$1withou dna each day of such xreUrone ID Per cents per centum a , M�reeloat separate and licenseshall otteose-PeriOd Of at least six months ; and that the said newspaper publishers an alcohol by weight The word "mall•• - average of more than forty percent news matter. shell mean liquor brewed from the her. . SEC. 336. APPLICATION. mented iuias Of grain and containing... , Mis ec for a limner writing I further certify that the le more than five (5 Per Cent) per common b" mie dieisioe swan be in writing Y gal notice hereto attached in the matter of of alcohol by weight. Beer containing and shall be filed with me City Clerk. net more than ave q per Cent) per Such application shall contain a sworn Centum of alcohol by weight and all statement Or the name of the business other malt beverages containing net weight to be licensed, the address of 1 / more than fire (5 We em0 per return the proposed location or such business. _ _- _,/�;.�/JZ +/ l __ --_-._t_J_��__-----_---------------- Of -_-______Ot alcohol by weight are it defined as - and the name of the owner of the malt liquors, and -oralpled from building or premises in which the bust- Estt notice. rel- "cam s m be located. A cony of e Was published in the regular daily issue of said newspaper for__..�_______ each and every gravel" s tela o SEC 3-16. SALE CERTAIN HOURS AND ON ponyapplisuch state license shell ecrnm- papa Sprs tate licen. %eRseealive insertiol>ff as follows: INC- SEC. 3-37 TAX. TAIN DAYS, (A) Th.e business Of storing, trans- (ON It am][ be unlawful for any paeans Desna, or seflmg �vPhm ; om, vinous of The first insertion on the -__3_ ez�_---------- day o4 a4QZ, _ 19 ,n� to sell, offer for sale or all away, at mall liquors at wholesale within the wholesale, any spitlmou; ate Of City Is hereby, declared to be a priv- malt liquors before the hoer of 9:00 ilege. and for the exercise of such the second insertion on the __._____._.---_._-.__ _—__ day of ____— _ 19--. a.m. and atter the hour of 6:o0 It It pr:vllege there Is hereby levied an an- Shall be unlawful for any person be noel license tax in the Sum of five sell, offer for sale or give away, at bundmQ dollars f3500.00) for each and the third insertion on the ------- a of — --- -- 19— stall, any such liquors before me hour every such business Conducted. ----------------- Y a 10:00 a.m, and after the hour a ilio The business pe storing, transport- Op F p. y n weekdays or 12:00 pm. 1Ty venous Or dispensing, at retail, rsi (a Friary dna Bamreay- any vinous, spirituous hereby mall liquors and the fourth insertion on the day o4 19-- (a) It Shall off he a sale for any peen within the City is hereby declared s to sell, offer foe Nleor give away Privilege. and for me exercise of aveM1 any S"M liquors mentioned in nub- privilege there is thereby levied an an- section (a) on Sunday, or on aRv able runt license tax in the sum or two aunty municipal or district primary hundred fifty. Unions (32000) for each . or general election day, or on Christ- retail store operated within the City. . ones Pay or during any 21-hour interval 'ctThe City Controller shall have the designated an emergency Period by the r,ght to accept instalment payments Sworn to and subscribed before me on this �3 day of Mayan City Magerm son, or aperof me license tux provided for ithis In nMe acting in their capacity. Mention dod inn for such pas or time as the SEC 3-17. HOUSE TO HOUSE SALEM .state coPaymene[ of revenues grants ' PROHIBITED.bD, fur se payment of state license reel 19 It shell he unlawful for any or taxes. ----- ---- ------- ----- ------------ ------ --- 'O sell, offer for Perms "EC. VTEW aw PR£MI�p sale or ¢ire away, or It shall 1K unlawful for any person to cause le r give to be sold or offered for sale or give away, ane vroom, sail on an either es wholesale or view re- a Pi r 1 t u pus or melt liquors through mil, on any premium wherein the view —____—_—___._______ __ - ___ salesmen going from home to house of the Interior is obstructed by any No Public soliciting orders. _ Wans. SEC. 313. ACCEPTANCE OF RETAIL 6EC. 339. ISSUANCE. ORDERS, no City Clerk shall issue a license . It Shall be unlawful for any Person toapplied for under this division upon M Commission Expires: accept retail orders for any spirituous, p"yment ad the license tax prescribed Yommon x P vinous or melt liquors for delivery by Sectio 3-37. ) outside of the leemisea or me store SEC, 340, TERN op . / / operated by such person. Licenses required by this timsioll - SEC. 3-19. SALE IN CERTAIN CON. Shall be issued in such It manner that TAINERS PROHIBITED. they will ran for such length of time (REPEALED) as will be concurrent with the licenses SEC. 3-20, OPEN ROTI LES PROIRM 1 issued by the state. ITED ON SALES PREMISES. SEC 741. REVOCATION. Fees for Printing —_.— $__.__—_._s___ It shall be unlawful for any Close" (REPEALED, to have in his possession or control on REC. 3-5?, HABITUAL DRUNKARDS. premises where liquor is allowed to be (REPEALED) Cost of Proof sold, any bottle or Container Contain. SEC. .3--53. INTOXICATED PERSONS. ins liquor which has been opened. It shall be unlawful for any Person h'd � Any Person vlObling the Provisions engaged in selling liquor to sell or give Total Of this section shall he deemedgulity any liquor te any person who is in an $of a misdemeanor and, upon contIntoxicated condition. sen, shall i tined a any sum not -Any person violating the Provisma" -less than ti(q- dollar ($3000) Ara! of this section shall be, deemedgam more than five hundred dpihtf Q500,00r, of a misdemeanor and, upon Con _ SES.D. RALE OF SEER ]BY DEA G tion, shall be punished by a fine ERs, s_stet less man Day dollars 0,1100) not It shall be ungwlW It One pear more than three hundred dollars having It Rcense to sell agger m Melt (310.00). or offer for elle, at Trash, any bi SEC. 3-54. PERSON FAILING TO SUP- Marred in me original container, "Ch - PORT FAMILY. Container not to be opened on the iREPEALED) Premise. Any Person violating the pro- SFC. 355. MINORS. visions of this section shall be deemed It shall be unlawful for any person guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon con- , engaged in me sale, at wholesale or victiion, fined in any sum not less than retail, of any liquor in the City to sell, fifty dollars (1S0.6h nor more titan • offer for sale, or give away, under three hundred dollar. 43fu t, .-an': Conditions, any liquor to any per. SEC. 3-_i CONSUilTPTION IN PUBLIC seat under the ase of twenty-one (21) PLACES OR CONVEYANCES, years. The burden of determining the It shall be unlawful for any person age of any person shall be upon the m drink any liquor in anv public place. selxr. I,ignwa, or street. or in or upon any SEC. 3.56. MINORS BUYING OR POS. passenger roach lir train, automobile. - SESSING WINE OR LIQUOR. bus or other public conveyance. Any Ii ,shall be unlawful for any Person Pelson violating provision, of this see. ' under the age of twcnt) .one (21) years _ tin shill I be deemed guilty of a mis. e. m purchase or have in his Possession demeanor and, upon conviction, shall am intoxicating liquor or wine. It shall be fined in env sum not less than rive Mise be unlawful tinany adult to pur- dollars its ads nor mom than me hu"- chase on behalf of a person antler the died 4100.001. age of twenty-one (21) any intoxicating SEC 3-23. .ADMISSIBILTTY OF £)T. Ionto or wine. DENCE AS TO REPUTATION ON a Any person violating this provision PROSECLITIO" , shell be dee"red guilty of a misde In any prosecution in any Court, me, mention and upon O nvibtion thereof general reputation of me defendant shall be subject to a fine of not less for mornshining, haotlegin drintlng than fifty dollars (150.00) nor more or being retraced :n the mdawful man-' than five hundred dollars 11500.W)." ulactute of m trade n, Intoxxarbgr SECTION 2. That this ordinance shall be in fill forcr and effect from and after its yl approval and publication. r'AS.FED and APPROVED this Said day of September, 1969. APPROVED: GARLAND MELTON JR. MAYOR - ATPEST 5PkRILYN MOORE, CITY CLERK I te A