HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 1687 ORDINANCE NO . J �/ AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 29 ARTICLE IV , OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES , CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS . BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTE - VILLE , ARKANSAS ; SECTION 1 . That Chapter 2 , Article IV , of the Code of Ordinances , City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , shall hereafter read as follows : " SEC . 2 - 64 . DEFINITIONS . As used in this article , unless otherwise required by the context , the following words and phrases shall have the meanings herein ascribed to them : Dul authorized re r2s2ntative . The term " duly authorized representative s all mean any city employee so designated by the City Manager . Lowest responsible bidder . The term " lowest responsible bidder " shall mean the bidder , as determined by the City Manager, or his duly authorized representative , after con - sidering all the facts and circumstances in the best interests of the City ; provided however , the City Manager , or his duly authorized representative , shall act only when the power to do so has been . granted by the City Board of Directors . SEC , 2 - 65 . COMPLIANCE WITH ARTICLE . In order to purchase supplies , apparatus , equipment , ma - terials and other things requisite for public purposes in and for the City , and to make all necessary contracts for work or labor to be done , or materials or other necessary things to be furnished for the benefit of the City , or in carrying out any work or undertaking of a public nature therein , the pro - cedure to be followed shall be as set forth in this article ; provided , however , that the City Board of Directors may waive the requirements of competitive bidding or the adver - tising for bids in cases of car load purchases for routine operations and in exceptional situations where such procedures are deemed not feasible nor practical . SEC . 2 - 66 . DESIGNATING CITY MANAGER PURCHASING AGENT . The City Manager , or his duly authorized representative , shall be the purchasing agent for the City , and shall pur - chase all supplies , apparatus , equipment , materials , and other things requisite for public purposes in and for the City , when appropriations have been made therefor in the budget approved by the Board of Directors or when the Board of Dir - ectors have otherwise authorized expenditures therefor . MICROFILMED 1 1315 DATE`S SEC . 2 - 67 . PURCHASES OF $ 500 to $ 1 , 000 . All such purchases in excess of $ 500 , but not in excess of $ 1 , 000 shall be made by the city manager , or his duly authorized representative , after the securing and record - ing of quotation bids therefor . SEC . 2 - 68 . PURCHASES OF MORE THAN $ 1 , 000 . All such purchases in excess of $ 1 , 000 shall be made after the following procedures have been complied with , provided however , that the Board of Directors may waive such procedures upon recommendation of the city manager : ( 1 :) The Board of Directors shall approve advertisement • and solicitation for competitive bids . ( 2.) The Purchasing Agent shall cause the solicitation of bids to be advertised and otherwise notify prospective bidders . ( 3.) Bids received pursuant to such advertisement shall be opened and read on . the date and at the time set for opening such bids in the Board of Directors room . All such bid openings shall be open to prospective bidders , interested parties and the public . ( 4 ) The city manager shall recommend to the Board of Directors a bid award , which bid award shall be to the lowest responsible bidder , provided however that the Board of Directors may award a bid to a bidder other than the lowest responsible bidder if the reasons for such an award are specifically stated and spread upon the minutes of the Board meeting . SEC . 2 - 69 . SALES . The Purchasing Agent may sell or exchange any city own - ed supplies apparatus , equipment or materials if such have a fair market value of less than $ 500 . Such supplies which have a fair market value of $ 500 or more may be sold by the Purchasing agent after formal com - petitive bids for the purchase therefor have been solicited by advertisement and by other means and such bids have been received and opened . " SECTION 2 . That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in con - flict herewith are hereby repealed , and this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage , approval and publication . PASSED AND APPROVED this day of 1969 . APPROVED : GARLAND MELTON , JR . , MAYOR ATTEST : M R YN MO C TYCLERK STATE of ARKANSAS 1 Jr ss. County of Washington ' I, _ i2 ."! _-_ hereby certify that I am the ( ( eneral Manager) of THE NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, a daily newspaper having a second class mailing privilege, and being not less than four pages of five columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at a fixed (daily) intervals continuously in the City of Fayetteville, County of Washington, Arkansas for more than a period of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an established place of business to subscribers and readers generally of all classes in the City & County for a definite price for each copy, or a fixed price per annum, which price was fixed at what is considered the value of the publication, based upon the news value and service value it contains, that at least fifty percent of the subscribers thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper or its agents or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least six months; and that the said newspaper publishers an average of more than forty percent news matter. .. I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of was published in the regular daily issue of said newspaper esnseeubire insertion/ as follows : pp The first insertion on the _ (Q ____ day of _ 19-6J_ the second insertion on the _—_.__—_______--_ day of __-______ 19 - the third insertion on the _.—__ day of — 19— and the fourth insertion on the day of _ 19—.. Lt c in ��_ + Sworn to and subscribed before me on this C 9 ___ day of ------------------ - ---- - 19L_L-- tary Public My Commission Expires: Fees for Printinga Cost of Proof Total Oma . IN( F. NO, ISA • It "rn 1MEyn I'IIafTVR All each purchases he excess of $1,000 I1l.Y' si ` lit gTiF I 'ODK I Ir Ott Nall be made after the failewing pre 1 • ] "F'. till' IF F ' \ 1:17F.I eedures have been Clumplied with, Dtp aided however, that the Board of D4 Fie It Ordained By The Board Of rectors muswaive such Pmcedura rectors Of This QIY Of Fayeltevl uPon recommendation of the Cii :dad- Arkansas: ager: SFI-TION L That Qapef 21 ) •lie Rived of Directors shall ap- ed Ne Code of Ordinances, Qp - Prove Advertisement and solicitation for etlevdle. Arkansas, shall beraafle Md Competitive bids. s follows: 0);r81 The Purchasing Agent shall cause ••InC. nim. DF.e W1T^dyNS. tWholtatim of bids to be advertised As used In the article, unless pBvF and otherwise notify prospective bidders. value required by the contest, Use fol- t3) Bids received pursuant to such atl- b ng words ane Pimm shall have vertisement shall be opened Sed reatl the mem:cCa " 'r'W. to them m the date and at the time set for Daly authorned representative. The opening such bids in the Hmp1 of Di- terr "duty authorized reprcsenlatl':e" rect°rs ro°nr. All such bid openings Shall coed enc rtls' employee so decig shall he open to prolpeclive bidders, mted by De Cull' Manager interested parties antl the public. (4) The City Manager shall mmm- I.weat responsible bidder. The term mend to the Board of Directors a bid -'lowest remomlble Mdder' shall mean award, which bid award shall be to the the hie Ari . an detemrmed by the City lowest responsible bidder, provided. Maruger. or his dul authorized mpre- ' however that the Board of Directors seataUvel after dwln¢lderall the may award a bid to a bidder other faa4 and eirenpaabacea in the best than the lowest responsible bidder if mussel of the Qt}; provided. how. the reasons for such an award are speci-I aeer, the ntR MaM¢er, or his duly fically stated and spread upon the aathorlzed representative, shall act only minutes of the Hoard meeting. when the fewer a do se has been SEC. 2-69. BALES. granted by Me City Board of Directors. The Purchasing Agent may sell or ! FF.r. ^ 6.5. COMPp1ANCE Vyll•H exchange any Gtv owned supplies a6 AR'rlrl.F.. Installs, equipment or materials if such In mice to purehaee supplies, upper- have a fair market value of less than Us, equipment. materials and other M. things requisite for public purposes In Such supplies which have a fair mar. And for the ('it, , and to make all nee ket value of 5500 or more may be sold ecsnry eartrads for work lir labor toby the Purchasing Agent after formal be done, or matenals in nlher necI competitive bids for the purchase there- ary' things to IV Nnudied for the for have been solicited by advertise- benefit of the rile, lir 1n CmI ling out ment and by other means and such bids any work or underwking lir A public have been received and opened.'• nature therein, the prnrednre to he fol- SECTION 2 That all ordinances or parts Inwed shall he as .rt fora In this a ordinances in conflict herewith are article•, Providedhoecrnr, that the ; hereby repealed, and this ordinance ahal14 CIU' Bmrd of nlrertors nix, waive the be a full force and effect from an requirements of rnnlnrtit Eve bidding ) after its passage, approval and pub! ica=. or the adcerlismg fol' bids In cases a tion. ter lead nurrhn.rc for routine opera• PASSED AND APPROVED this 21st tins and m eccirtmmal Mtunllom when day of July, 190. such procedures are deemed not fea- , ( APPROVED: s'.ble nor practical. OARL:1ND MELTON, SR. . Mavor. i SEC. f-O9. DESIGNATING CITY AITEST: I MANAGER PURCHASING AOE1rT MARILYN MORE, CAI' Clerk. The City JanagPL or h16 duly Ant. lir — yj tlVI repleai shall be the purrhncing agent Inr the Clh', and shall purchase all vupPl•.r.. apparatus, stl Ment, melenAb, and other things recap• Idle for Public pulpo.e. In and mr the Cii when aMlnpi- abni, heave help made therefor in the hudgrt approved by the Boned of Director, n w'M1en the Beard of Directors have otherwise W. thortaed expenditures (herder. SEC. ^_-Br. PURCHASES OF &SW TO $11000. All such purchases in excess of $500. but not In excess of 1ILM shall be made by the Qty Manager, or his duty authorised rpraenatire, after the securing and recording of quotation blue therefor. AM 2.98, PDRCH\SEB OF MORE THAN $1,Oah.