HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 1633 UrilI ,:AP:CL' N R :^.wR AN ORDINANCE DETL°MINING THE SUFFICIENCY OF CERTAIN PETITIONS FILLD i9IT1 = T11E CIT: Or rAYLTTEVILLE , ARKAN�A: CALLING FOR A SPECIAL REPERENDU)i ELECTION 1 1 ,i1 :1011 DilaL 11:lit.''OS.�.S Ai AS , uta the /� bay of 196a there was iiiod wits the City Clark of the City of Puyetteville , Arkansas , a Nucition requesting a refereiWum election on Ordinance :% mb er 1625 of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , said ordlnance ., dvil.g been passed ;,y t .,e City Soaru of Directors of zhe City of Fayetteville , Ar;.aoSas , on the 14th day of October 11.163 ; and , WHEREA:i , said petitions .1avv bean certified to the City Board of Directors by tie City Clerk as coataining the requisite r,umbtr of signatures to cull [or a referen3w.i electii;u Pursuant to the Coustitution of the State of Arkansas , and , WiiEnEAS , the City its notice setting a "' ate for a meeting; of the City 3oard ui Diroctors an tae 2nd day of December 1968 , to determine the sufficiency of said petitions pursuant to the constitution of tie :,tate of Araarsss anti Ordinance Nuuber 538 of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas ; and , 4HERIzAS , at tae Board ox" Directors aacting held on the 2nd day of December 19u8 , the Board of Directors has dotera+ ined that the petitions are in t:1e proper order and contain signa - tures of tale requisite number o3 persons , ant , WHEREAS , the Constitution of the State of Arkansas requires that an election be iield refering to a vote of the people whether or nofsaid Ordinance Number 1625 shall pass , and Ordinance Plumber 5113 requiring that a special election be called by the City under these circumstances , and , WHEREAS , there was ad:aitted wit; i said petitions a proposed ballot form to be utilized in said special election , MICROFILMED DATE OCT 1 1 1978 REEL 1 � 4 , NOW , THEREFORE , BE IT ORDAINED BY TifE CITY BOARD OF DIRECTOf,S OF THE CITY OF FAYF.TTLYILLE , ARKANSAS , that the petitions filed with said City for a referendum election be and same are hereby found to be in substantial compliance with the Constitution of the State of Arkansas and the laws of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , and are found to contain sufficient number of signatures of qunlified electors in the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , to mandate a special election . FE IT FURTHER ORDAINED BY TUE CITY BOARD OF DIRECTORS that it special e ecticn tie end same is hereby called to be held on the I4 _ day of 1(4 ''✓ 196F ; said election refering to it vote of the people Ordinance Number 1625 of the City of Fayetteville ; Arkansas , passed by said City Board of Directors on the 14th day of October 1968 . 3E IT FURTHER ORDAINED BY THE CITY SOARD OF DIPFCTORS tLat the ballot for said special cic. ction sht_ll be in the following term , to - wit : OFFICIAL IALLOT SPECIAL ELECTION City of Fayetteville , Arkansas zae 1968 Vote on c: easure by placing an " : " ii: the square either for or against FOR Ordinance No . 1625 . 0 AGAINST Ordinance No . 1625 . C7 -- ------ ---- Ordinance No . 1625 - An ordinance amending zoning Ordinance No . 1239 , and revised zoning district map of Fayetteville , Arkansas , approved May 28 , 1962 , as amended , to rezone certain real estate front R - 1A single family residential district to R - 3 multi - family residential district ; said property being located in Fayetteville , Washington County , Arkansas , and described as follows , to - wit . A part of the Northeast Quarter ( NL 1 / 4 ) of the Southeast Quarter ( SE 1 / 4 ) of Section Eight ( 8 ) , irk Townsi; ip Sixteen ( 16 ) North , Range Tl% irty ( 30 ) West of the 5th P . M . more particularly described as follows . to - wit : Beginning at the Southwest corner of ;, aid forty ( 40 ) acre tract and running thence Fast four hundred and ninety - five (495 ) tent for a point of beginning ; thence North three hundred fifty - two ( 352 ) feet : thence Past one hundred twenty - three and sovarnty - five hundrodths ( 123 . 75 ) foet � thence South one hundred and forty ( 140) feet ; thence Fast one hundred twenty - threo and s venty • .0ive hundrodths ( 123 . 75 ) feet ; thence South two hundred and twelve ( 212 ) feet : thence Iest two aundrod "orty - seven and fifty hundredths ( 247 . 50 ) feet to the point of beginning and. containing 1 . 60 acres more or less . LIST OF VOTER ' S N0 . a n VIS ORDINANCE PASSED AND APPROVED thisa� da; of 1968 . rk 15nn Trunk, ay'- Mayor ATTEST : Ge© rb�6" it fs City Clerk STATE OF ARKANSAS ) ) ss . County of Washington CERTIFICATION Comes now George Davis , and being duly sworn states on oath that I am the duly elected , certified and acting City Clerk for the City of Fayetteville , Washington County , Arkansas . I hereby certify that there was filed in my office on the /IZ*day of November 1968 , the petition , which is attached hereto , signed by / 0 9 residents of Fayetteville , Washington County , Arkansas , who are qualified electors as shown on the official list of voters of Washington County , Arkansas , as contained in the office of the County Clerk of Washington County , Arkansas , for the year 1968 . I further certify that said petition requests a referendum election to be called by the City of Fayetteville , Washington County , Arkansas , at a special election at a time to be designated by the City Board of Directors . I further certify that I have examined the petition , and it appears to be in the proper form and manner required by law and to contain a sufficient number of signatures to refer Ordinance No . 1625 to a vote of the people , yL1 This certification made on this 0 day of i 1968 . eorge Davis , City Clerk /� Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of * 1968 . _ Notary Plic�_ MY COMMISSION EXPIRES ; LEWIS D. JONES ATTORNEY AT LAW 29 E. CENTER STREET FAYETTEVILLE. ARK. TELEPHONE 4432021 Feu in my office oGY� mon tl� r �8' YLa ciy clerk 'q-)TICE nNEREAS , there was filed with the City Clerk of Fayetteville, elashington County, Arkansas , on the 4th day of November, 19689 a petition for a referendum election on Ordinance Numter 1625 of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas , which was passed on October 14th , 1968; and, WEERBAS , pursuant to the provisions of Ordinance Number 588 of the City of Fayetteville, ' rkansas , the City hoard of Directors is required to have a public hearing to determine the sufficiency of said petition and to allow any interested parties to appear before said City board of Directors . NOW , THEREFORE, pursuant to the provisions of said Ordinance \'umber 588, notice is hereby given that the City board of Directors of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , will hold a public hearing on the 2nd day of Pecember, 1968, at 7 : 30 P . N. . , in the Directors Room of the City Hall of Fayetteville, Arkansas , to detsmine whether said petition is signed by the requisite number of petitioners . All persons who wish to to heard on this question may apcear at that time, and they shall be heard . THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS -�� G ORGF. D `' , CITY CLERK Publish one time , only , on Monday, November 25, 1968 rectors ou ;the 7rA day of - her 1966. to determine the ciency of said petition■ p to the Constitution of the St Arkansas and Ordinahee N - 588 Of the City of Fayetteville, kansas: and, FTATE of ARKANSAS WHEREAS. at the board of as. rectors meeting bold on the 2n Ceunt of Washington day of December 1969, the Board Y g of Directors has determined thim the petitionsa in the p order and coWin signatures the requisite q{imper of persof To �IL Li�siW\ and. .. .-- ----- --' --------------------.. ..__, hereby certify that I WHEREAS;•�he Constitution of � .�, thGeneal Manag ) of THE NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, the State of Arkansas requires , daily that an election -be held referring Y new'S paper having a second class mailing privilege, and being not to a votenof the.people whether or than four pages of five columneach, at fixed lace of no said Ordniancr Number :625 s ac , pa p &hall pass. and Ordinance Numbdrl usiness and at a fixed (daily) intervals continuously in the City of do rb-e Irina rt by a o.Cltvi elect F:i etteville, Count of Washington,elec- tion ec ne6 0i t special undo' Y Y Arkansas for more than a period these - crreumstaac"a aid. : Itwelve months, circulated and distributed from an established place of WHEREAS, ttirre was adm6ted ' with said petitions a proposed ! usiness to subscribers and readers generally of all classes in the City ballot CagleFrn to be utilized to said Count for a definite rice for each ballot ) election. Y P copy, or a fixed price per annum, NOW. FORE. 'BE IT OR hich price was fixed at what is considered the value of the publication, RAINED BVdVHE CITYr HOARD . . or DIRrCT9OA OF TtWCiTY of used upon the news value and service value it contains, that at least fifty Ft _ dlwthalethe•trgadutsiWitu1percent of the subscribers thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions City for« aefSMpdLtes alectan tato the newspaper or its agents or through recognized news dealers over a and same arc hereby found to bb he eriod of at least six months ; and that the said newspaper in same are' with tMppublishers an CoistityNon ell5gaslof A�average of more than forty percent news matter. Itansas vend t laws of the: I% of Fayettevil ar`' I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of I found to cm - tan.• Y g be of signalkn1�ita;nd?LeU1F tors in theAlectio as. ER-DAIN n BE FL'R `DR- OF Dili B THE C1TY. SIARD - -- - -- -- — — le Dili S that a , >greb cleclip ba,s el same is ticb caUca�}o. DAY 1 8 on me .�'1' t was published in the regular daily issue of said newspaper for__ ____._ of De or vote said cls ferrigg oat.rote or the pep ' .3tinse '•ro' insertions as follows : dins Npmber 16-25 of (bA;. said of raayyettsyille. Arkansas_ di by id City Boa � Board of Dirce The first insertion on the __ - day of _ _- ____-_- 19d 4th day of October l , LRTHER ORDAINED GlItY BOARD OF DIE he second insertion on the _____ --- day of __ ----. ------------- 19-- that the ballot for said election staff be in the fo form, to-wit: a , - .the third insertion on the ----_--- ______ . day of ----- ______---- 19__. OF*ICIAL RALLOT SrltCIAL ELECTION r LSIy of °�FF�+and the fourth insertion on the __ ___ ._ . - _ da of --- --7, 1969at:t9lQ�• - Y - —.-_-- 19--- December It, 1968 Vote ogp g�ee aquae by plat' II "X" irP�fe square eithae weal , FOR =cc F No. 1625" ' . . . . . . . . . . AGAINS ce Sworn to and subscribed before me on this _-- _-- y - ------ da of ------- No: 1625f1x•.:. .044 s . . . Or Q nail --- - (- No. I1_3Q. __-- - ----- - ----- - --- ---------- 19-l/ -pmv - 4s apr d menctid "fate from residential d NotqW Public famiiv rest d tjIk1I d property bei 'loiffd Fagett - rille. Was Cannot 1\rltan- sae. and dead lop I$. to. Aly Commission Expires: wit - js� I ISE I " ______ _ _ ________ _ Towne ORDINANCE ORDINANC NUMBER INN gauge. t AN ORDINANCE DETERMINING CERTAIN 6th P'. p� ,s � ? TUBPET SUFFICIENCY OF CERTAIN arr{bed aq, to n- Fees for Printing PETITIONS FILED WITH THE n' aIf the S of CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, AA- said. fo 1 , RANSAB CALLING FOR A SPE- ILnning ` ■ atstl Cost of Proof _ i CIAL REFERENDUM ELECTION dred arid. slnKy-R yf <et ------- $-------[------ - - AND FOR OTHER PURPOSESfor a asL ruWt ( WHEREAS. on the 4th day off North wee fpuadred' J' co `� November. 1969, there was filed a (Ml!) feet: thence Et on p by d Total -------- -`-- with the City Clerk of the City Of 11 twenty.Wree of fve . Fayetteville. Arkansas, a petition hundreeddths requesting a referantlum erection v$puth one ' on Ordinance Number 1625 of the ( Cpl teeh Ctty of Fayetteville. Arkansas, said red twen ordinance having been passed by five hurl the City Board of Directors of the thence nd City of TsyettMlle. Arkanaaa;' on twelve t the 11th dry of October 1968: and two hundred orty As and W1IF.AEAS. said petitions have fifty blinares{Yu 124 f fee► to been certified to the City Board the point M beginning . 1 _ of Dtrectors by the City Clerk as twining 1.60 acre more ,jsj I containing the requisite number LIST OF VOTERS NO ofsignatures to call for a referent THIS ORDINANCE dum alxlion pursuant to the Con- AND APPROVED ,tbis Ertl stitution of the State of Arkansas; December Riss. . and, DON - TRUMBO. Mayne s WHEREAS. the City publfsljed ATTEST: ' 'S— T rb , Its notice setting a date for a GEORGE T. Dgyfis, ;r meeting of the City Board or Di- City Clerk ilc .'