HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 1625 ORDINANCE NO * 16 z 068 OCT 18 Ata 7: 53 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ZONING ORDINANCE NO . 12390 ! iAgy,J !gF9, BONING DISTRICT MAP OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS , APPROVED MAY' '., V'o.";1962 , AS AMENDED , TO REZONE CERTAIN REAL ESTATE FROM R- lA SINGLE -FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT TO R- 3 MULTI -FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT . WHEREAS , a public hearing was held before the Planning Com- mission of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , on May 16 , 1967 , on the petition of Delta Nu House Corporation of Kappa Alpha Theta Fraternity , requesting that said Planning Commission recom- mend to the Board of Directors of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , that the Board of Directors enact an ordinance rezoning the following described property , presently zoned R- lA Single Family Residential District to P- 1 Institutional District , to-wit : A part of the Northeast Quarter ( NE 1/4 ) of the Southeast quarter SE ( 1/4 ) of Section Eight ( 8 ) , in Township Sixteen ( 16 ) North , Range Thirty ( 30 ) West of the 5th P . M . , more particularly described as follows , to-wit : Beginning at the Southwest corner of said forty ( 40 ) acre tract and running thence East four hundred and ninety- five ( 495 ) feet for a point of beginning ; thence North three hundred fifty-two ( 352 ) feet ; thence East one hundred twenty- three and seventy- five hundredths ( 123 . 75 ) feet ; thence South one hundred and forty ( 140 ) feet ; thence East one hundred twenty-three and seventy- five hundredths ( 123 . 75 ) feet ; thence South two hundred and twelve ( 212 ) feet ; thence West two hundred forty- seven and fifty hundredths ( 247 . 50 ) feet to the point of beginning and containing 1 . 60 acres more or less , and WHEREAS , notice of said public hearing , setting forth the date , time , place and purposes of said hearing and location of property was published in the Northwest Arkansas Times , a newspaper of general circulation in said City , more than 15 days prior to said public hearing , and WHEREAS , following said public hearing , said Planning Commission certified to the Board of Directors of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , its recommendation that an ordinance be adopted rezoning the above-described property , presently zoned R- lA Single Family Residential District to R- 4 Multi -Family Residential and Dormitory District , and WHEREAS , after consideration of said petition by the Board of Directors , and after consideration of the problem of fraternity and sotority land use and zoning by the Planning Commission and Board of Directors , the Board of Directors has adopted Ordinance No . 1624 , modifying the zoning ordinance No . 1239 to permit g� M i CR0FIU.f ED ' 74�$ PAGE 318 DAI a DEED gEE6 -11 W - 2 - fraternity and sorority houses in the R- 2 , R- 3 , and R- 4 zones , under certain conditions and upon application to the Planning Commission , and WHEREAS , the Board of Directors has concluded to grant rezoning but in further modified form so as to rezone the pro- perty to R- 3 Multi -Family Residential District in conformance with the authority and limitations contained in Ordinance No . 1624 . NOW , THEREFORE , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : SECTION 1 . That the above-described property , which is presently zoned R- 1A Single Family Residential District , be and the same hereby is rezoned to R- 3 Multi -Family Residential Dis- trict . SECTION 2 . That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed , and this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage , approval and publication . SECTION 3 . That the rezoning of the property granted by this ordinance shall in all respects be subject to the provi - sions and limitations placed upon the R- 3 zone by virtue of the provisions of Section 2 of Ordinance No . 1624 , adopted this date , necessitating that application be made to the Planning Commission under the provisions of Section 2 of Ordinance 1624 , for authority to use the property for a sorority house . PASSED AND APPROVED THIS '4*0 day of , 1968 . APPR D : � V DON TRUMBO , JR . , MAYOR ATT ^ T • GEORGEVIS , CITY CLERK DEED � �� PAGEJ�� CERTIFIMTE STATE OF ARKANSAS CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE I, GEORGE J . DAVIS , City Clerk within and for the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , do hereby certifv that the annexed and 0 foregoing is a true and correct copy of th ' ht l 6 405 . therein set forth, and the same is as it appears of Record in PROCEDURE OF CITY COUNCIL RECORD, Voluoe . , z at Page Sally thereof. ID' WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed Imy official seal this day ofG%�. 19 6 . 0 CITY CLEEK DEED � `t� PAGE ��U n : r CERTIFICATE OF RECORD STATE OF ARKANSAS ] SS. Washington County ] I, Alma L. Kollmeyer, Circuit Clerk and that tOhe annexed or Recorder Washington Couniy, do hereby & day going instrument was filed for recd d in my /o�ffice on the Y 19�oerat76'°�clock��Nit ar/fid the same is of record�4V at Page duly recorded in ��day of�19 Witness my hand and seal thi ALMA KOLLMEYER Circuit Clerk and Ex.Officio R rde BY De y erk ORDINANCE NO, Ign - AN • ORIDINANDE AMENDING ZONING' ORDINANCE NO. 1239: ` AND FAWNED ZONING DISTRICT MAP OF FAYETTEVILLE, AR- KANSAS, APPROPFD �1AY 28 STATE of ARKANSASjr, 1 ` c ALiIA-lf7 ) 'Cn REZON +� CountJae. ( t y - I V '— LV'F FR K T V - r I NVILY RESIDENy of Washington 9 1 1 I ! til I T c0 R-3 MULTI-� F IN I ' . P I L: 1DENTIAL DIS. I R A 'i' WHER EA9, a Public hearing wtu __ - . hereby ,. .. ' a ,""ore the Planning Com. I, _- _ -"-- I�--. _ _--------_ --------- --- - --- - , y certify that I of the CHY of Fayetteviue ' am th (General Mana er) of THE NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, yctsas. On May 16, 1967, on the=y ltiu . pt. Deas Nu Rouse coo- a daily newspaper having a second class mailing privilege, and being not -Fra n" , T Kappa Alpha Tsaid less than four 8 p p 7. ' requesting that Theta pages of five columns each, published at a fixed lace of Ptarfthi& Commission recommend business and at a fixed (daily) intervals continuously in the City of to, the- rd of Directors of the City of Fayetteville,Tayetteville. Arkansas, County of Washington, Arkansas for more than a period that Tkedibi Roars of nirg the enact of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an established lace of th tir�ro rezoning Directors fol- P 1 +nod property, pts- business to subscribers and readers generally of all classes in the City e R-tA Single Fam & Count f p copy, or a fixed price per annum, Rsadagrl DR-lAt to le - I y or a definite rice for each t District• do�"it: which price was fixed at what is considered the value of the publication, f Northeast Q r ? of the Soothe based upon the news value and service value it contains, that at least fifty Ia I ' , 1 ip wetter its percent of the subscribers thereto have p ): ip. 'i}g.., 4 ) of Sixteen U P paid cash for their subscriptions ottn. lldnge Thirty t3o1 w to the newspaper or its agents or through recognized news dealers over a Iaf'i the e-tcd ed as follows, ws, ` period of at least six months; and that the said newspaper Ppublishers an w;: u• o.nr of s the soot average of more than forty percent news matter. vest , . - '.er of saidMrd�ppSyyortY 1 F:, r mdrre pend' in nety- I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of I feet Bir a point of be- ji ,n, theip" North three irfty-two 13521 feet: ! P r I .. i one hundred twen- , -mrr, .:::d I eeefivel �sfetthena tlIIh hundred d fort- _— tI4ai fc ,l thimsie Ea hill was published in the regular daily issue of said newspaper for --------- -- veand y- -, dilis hundred rant. g9agapYtlVe insertions as follows: fcau hundred and I feJi: thence Went ! n/� y forty-seven forty- ven one The first insertion on the ____- da of - 19 lot " ba -M tag (247.60) feet ; ¢ i. . 4 bglnning and con- n- a raining 1 acro more or leas, the second insertion on the day of . WRFRL > notice of said pub. n1iflie nng.a .Ini,td P forte the date. the third insertion on the _--_________-_-._ da of _________--_____ 19— tt ay Puce .end tion of plo said -------- Y 1 aagg and location of Northwest !j 'pulillehM . the ne newspaper of ansa., r. „as, ., in a said - of and the fourth insertion on the ___ _ ____.---_ day of ______._—______ 19—_ �c-,et 'i clr.ula tlon i riot to ifd =e 't can ]s d.v, price• to /f1a public Ire n6; end wi7F„'RiaaAj 4 fonowiin said �u6uc hearing. teaI, Planning Co Y ' ilnn certified to the Board of III- rectnrs of the City of Fapett q Arkansas. Its reeornme^ri "tion- Sworn to and subscribed before me on this -----&_U? _ day of --------___-. apprdinan V;r•ainoted r the abnc e-dONribed pro .ac=entl� ^ nc<t %4k Single aidor. I Distr$ t to R ------------------ _ 19_G nttodenryal and _ —_-____ _ and alio o !vim Sem - � otary Public 4. modi ° My Commission Expires: .1624, ce 11 ity andnd aotp I ries. u the � 0 R•2. R-3. attd ns zones, under , - ------------- certain conditions and upon ap- ' plicetlon to the Planning Com- miasion, and EAS. the concluded to r t re- / tete Ira tinur a grant to- Fees for Printing inning but in further modified foam ao as to rezone the eeld er- ty m Rri Muilconform Resider- Cost of Proof -_ -- $---_________________ sEcnoN S. teat the ng tial District in conformance with p} Iw r• � I the authority and limitations con- ewa�S{yM-d be rained to Ordinance No. 1624. Total $ ___ � -� +� a" 1' •NOW. THEREFORE. IT OR ta�lOvMuyYpa vpott tM 24 DAIDiF 'OF BOARD OF h DIR S "OF THE CITY OF of Section 2 of 6reinenrovisioer FA . ce No. ARKANSAS: 1624, adopted this date, necessi- S ,Olr.l: TAet the abave•dp- tating that application be made to acrgiad property, which is prs- the Planning Commission under enitiy toned R-1 Single FamYy the provisions of Section 2 of Or- ReJfeietNial District, be and the dirunce I024. for authority to use same hereby is rezoned to R-3 the property for a sorority house. Multi-Family Residential District. PASSED AND APROVED THIS SECTION 2. That all Ordinances 14th day of October, 1968. or parts of ordinance in contact APPROVED; herewith are hereby repealed, and DON TRUMHO, JR., Mayor this ordinaries shag be in full ATTEST- force and eltalW 4pOi and AfW GEORGE J. DAVIS, Its passage, aFOstfat and pubbips, I City Clerk ]tc 21 tion.