HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 1623 ORDINANCE N0 . / k c AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 3A OF THE FAYETTEVILLE CODE OF ORDINANCES , TO EXTEND THE PERIOD OF AMBULANCE OPERATOR PERMITS TO FIVE YEARS , TO EXTEND THE PERIOD OF NOTICE OF INTENT TO REVOKE TO 90 DAYS , AND TO ABOLISH THE CITY AMBULANCE SERVICE DEPARTMENT , AND RELATED MATTERS , WHEREAS , Chapter 3A of the Fayetteville Code of Ordinances now provides for ambulance operator permits of only 1 year duration , and provides for only 10 days notice of intent to revoke a permit for viola- tion of same , and WHEREAS , it now appears in the best interest of the public , that said times be extended to allow 5 year ambulance operator permits and 90 days notice of intent to revoke , in order to encourage a private firm or firms to undertake such service and to justify their investment in same , and WHEREAS , the City Ambulance Service Department was established on a temporary basis in order to provide ambulance service until such time as a private firm or firms would be willing to undertake such service , and as it now appears that such a firm is willing to undertake such service , said City Ambulance Service Department should now be abolished , NOW , THEREFORE , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : SECTION 1 . That the second paragraph of Section 3A- 5 of the Fayetteville Code of Ordinances is hereby amended to read as follows : All licenses to ambulance service operators issued in pursuance of the authority of this chapter shall extend for a period of not more than five years and shall be renewable only by authority of the Board of Directors , Each application for renewal shall be accompanied by an application fee in the amount of five dollars ( $ 5 . 00 ) . SECTION 2 . That the last clause of Section 3A- 7 of the Fayette- ville Code of Ordinances is hereby amended to read as follows : provided , no permit shall be revoked except upon the giving to the person , firm or corporation whose permit is sought to be revoked , ninety ( 90 ) days notice of such intention and such person , firm or corporation shall have an opportunity to appear before said board of directors and show cause why the permit should not be revoked . SECTION 3 . That effective at L40 . M . , November 1 , 1968 , the City Ambulance Service Department is a o 1sfied and Sections 3A- 24 , 3A- 25 , 3A- 26 and 3A- 27 of the Fayetteville Code of Ordinances are repealed , D C.:UfILMtp DrTE, � T l l 3978 REEl� - 2 - SECTION 4 . That all other provisions of Chapter 3A of the Fayetteville Code of Ordinances shall remain in full force and effect , including ; but not limited to , Sec . 3A- 6 which provides among other things for immediate withdrawal from service of mechanically defective ambulances . SECTION 5 . This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage , apprLovv�s�al and publication . PASSED AND APPROVED this Z�� cpnday of . 1968 . APPROVED * a4Llwt4 DON TRUMBO , MAYOR ATTEST : GEORGE PX7IS , CITY CLERK STATE of ARKANSAS as. ORDINANCE NO. IW County of W ahington AN ORDINANCE AMENDINGE- � • / ]� CRAFTER 3A OF THE - G `/1f VILLE CnnE OF ORDINANCES, TO 4'X''F Sn THE PERIOD OF I. - -- -- -- -------- --------- ------------------------___--___, hereby certify that I A>r" ! ) ' . E OPERATOR PER- am t e (General Manager) of THE NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, 1111T -' : iVE YEARS. TO Ex- TY. `-FE PERIOD of NOTICE a daily newspaper having a second class mailing privilege, and being not OF STENT TO REVOKE TO 90 less than four a p p DA 's 9 AND TO ABOLISH THE pages of five columns each, published at a fixed lace of CITY AMBULANCE SERVICE DE- 1 business and at a fixed (daily) intervals continuously in the City of PARTMENT, AND RELATED . MATTERS. Fayetteville, County of Washington, Arkansas for more than a period WHEREAS, Chapter Or of the of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an established lace of FayetEREA Code to Ordinances P now prevldes for ambulance oyer- business to subscribers and readers generally of all classes in the City ator "=`p ermim of only 1 year dura- tion. dna provides for only 10 & County for a definite price for each copy, or a fixed price per annum, days wiles of intent to revoke a which price was fixed at what is considered the value of the publication, permit for violation of same, and WHEREAS, it now Appears in the based upon the news value and service value it contains, that at least fifty bast interest of the public, that said times he extended to allow percent of the subscribers thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions s year ambulance operator pw• to the newspaper or its agents or through recognized news dealers over a ills and 90 days notice of intent to revoke, in order to encourage period of at least six months ; and that the said newspaper publishers an a private firm or firms to under- average of more than fort ercent news matter. take such service and to justify g y P their investment in same, and WHEREAS, the City Ambulance I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of Service Department was "tab. Hshed on a temporary basis in or- der to provide ambulance service �t tarn such time an a private firm or firms would be willing to un- dertake such "Mice, and as it now appears that such a firm is wB1t�� undertake such service, was published in the regular daily issue of said newspaper for----- said City Ambulance Service De- --- parttnent should now be abolmhed. sBRSEGtlbive insertion as follows : NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT OR- DAINED BY THE BOARD OF DI- RECTORS Or TUB CITY OF FAY- The first insertion on the ___ 0 -- day of SITEVII;LE, KANSAS: SECTION L That the second paarztmph of section 3A-5 of the the second insertion on ithe AYetteville Code of Ordinances -_._ day Of _—____________ 19_ is hereby amended to read as follows: All Bceroes W ambulance ser• the third insertion on the _ --------------.----------__- day of .__ 19— vice operators issued m pus-1 suanct of the authority of this ehaRtev shall extend for a Pe- and the fourth insertion on the -- -------- ------ day of __.----- 19—_ d m not more than five years An riod,ra be renewable only by aut tovat th of a Board of Dy vee Each application for re- £ news! shall be accompaniedtheam by an kt're'doion fee o the amount of tel^dollars (Sthe �1 e7N z. That me last Amuse Sworn to and subscribed before me on this ._. !_` "_ da of of t1dR 3A-7 of the Fayetteville y Ccde4Y Ordinances is - hereby amended, to read as foapwp.• provided. no permit the abe re- vokad. except upon haat .giving ---------------______ to the person. firm er-eorpora- tion whose permit to s0�t t to , be revoked, ninety AAi� ph eye notice of such inteOgon and such person, firm W corporation shall have an OPPoeaueity to No y Public appear Wore Mid board of di- I rectors and show cause why- the 9M shoWd .not pe revoked. SECITON .7 ITA4 ' eefeo{{l1ve at My Commission Expires: 12:01 AIM , 1lbvernber 1, 19%. the City Ambulance Service Depart. p ment is abolished and Sections 3A-24, 3A-25, 3A-209trid. 3A-27 of the Fayetteville Cb" of . Ordi- nances are repeal. SECTION 4. pt Yll eater o- etatens of ch er as of the Ky. Fees for Printing remain CM< f prdnd effe shag. remain In full }ALFA dnd effect. 1M 3A.6eluding, buy_ ,not limited to, ser Cost of Proof -------- 3A•6 witch prpvtdea among other thirgs for immediate withdrawal Total -CL� from service of meehani6ally de- --------- fective ambulances. SECTION 5. This ordinance shall be In full force and effect from and after Its paaeage, approval and publication. PASSED AND APPROVED this , 14th day of October, 1969. APPROVED: DON TRUMBO, Mayor ATTEST: GEORGE T. DAVIS. City Clerk Ito laj