HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 1588 STATE of ARKANSAS 1 Jr sa. County of Washington ORDINANC[ NO. 1599 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ZONING ORDINANCE NO. It W, //HT1 / CI w p„ AND REVISED ZONING DISTRICT I, - -k�}-4,C14,}� - -=------ ------ ------- ------------------r hereby certify that I MAP OF FAYrrrEVILLE, AR- am the Q�Geenetal Manage) of THE NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, 19992, TO REZONE CERTAIANSAS. APPROVED N �AREALI a daily wspaper having a second class mailing privilege, and being not ESTATE FROM C-2, THOROUGH- less lthan four pages of five columna each, published at a fixed lace of FARE COMMERCIAL DISTRICT, p g TO B-1B, SINGLE TAMMY REII- business and at a fixed (daily) intervals continuously in the City of DENTIAL DISTRICT. - WHEREAS. A publit _ hearing Fayetteville, County of Washington, Arkansas for more than a period .via held before the Planning Goal- of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an established place of mission of the City of Fayette- � ville. Arkansas, on Tuesday, business to subscribers and readers generally of all classes in the City February n, 1966 on the petition initiated by the Planning Commis- & County for a definite price for each copy, or a fixed price per annum, cion to recommend to the Board of which price was fixed at what is considered the value of the publication, Directors of the City of Fayette- ville, Arkansas that the Board of based upon the news value and service value it contains, that at least fifty zcninKDirectors emit o ordinance re- percent of the subscribers thereto have aid cash for their subscriptions Dining the following described P P P Property presently z o n e it C-2 to the newspaper or its agents or through recognized news dealers over a Thoroughfare CGrnmieetal District in R-IB. Single FamilZ Residential period of at least six months ; and that the said newspaper publishers an ( District, to-wit: ft 11 A part of the Nort average of more than forty percent news matter. rt SNE +;i of the 35. -rt N. I� I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached In the matter of So-W, more particularly described as beginning 190 feet Net of the Southwest corner of said 40 acre tract. at a point where the south - r line of said 40 acre tract Inter- ..__.____..._._._____- -----_-----------_______________—__ sects the West righLof-way line of Oaks Manor Drive and ran- ring thence East along the South was published in the regular daily issue of said newspaper for___ line of said 40 acre tract to a point where said South tine inter- evasecutive insertions as follows: sects with the South right-of- , x� way line of Rolling Hills Drive: _ thence west In a Northwesterly . The first insertion on the ------ .__.-___..._ —_ . day of _L!1—Q- — 19 direction along the South right- of-way line of Rollin{ Hills Drive to a point where aai4 the second insertion on the __------ -------.... ------------- day of ______ 19-_- rightaof-way line intersects the West right-of-wav line of Oaks %lathe W st lin thence south along . the third insertion on the da of ________________— the West line he said South al of- ----------------"-------------- y .< a y line to the point of begin- i I �<�as HER.Das ai b lett of fosaid p w�lic i and the fourth insertion on the --------- ---- day of _-------- -____— an'i ova xv.q in the i —_ est Arkansas Times. a newspaper of I rrneral circulation in said oitr . 9 mnr- than 15 days prior to said Sworn to and subscribed before me on this ------- ______ day of -------------. public hearing. And WHEREAS, following said public hearing. sold Piaimmg Commission G certified to the Board of Directors //1se? C - ___ 19_._r._Il o y the City of Fayetteville. Arkan- ---"---------------- - sas. its rgcomm"clation that an ordinance oe 8 Opted rezoning the alcove-deeOrf d IYo{letty, present- � ___ _ psvf CJA[ ly aesnEd C-2. .Thorun tiles Com- _.._...._____ _ inertial District to R-IR, Single Nota Public FamilyResidlntiai District, NOW, THERIWORR, BE IT OR- DAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS 01� THE CITY OF My Commission Expires: FAYF.TTEVILLE, ARKANSAS_ SECTION 1. That the above-de- scribed property. which Is present- IY zoned C-2 Thoroughfare Com- ----------- y " menial District. be and the same hereby - la rezoned to R-IB, Single Family Residential District. , SECTION 2. That all ordinances Fees for Printing or parts of ordinances in conflict ------ - -- _—'-- herewith nre hereby repealed, slid this ordinance shall be in fulli _-____ force and effect from and after its Coat of Proof $--------------- ------- passae, approval and publication 4th A ER Manch 1968.APPROVED this Total _____— VED DON TRUMBO, Maio, ATTEST: GEOROF r . DAVIS Citr f rt €= 1LE ORDINANCE NO , 1s�168 RR 14 Pq I : 24 P/AS81NGTON COnai v AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ZONING ORDINANCE NO . 1239A bARFVI5 D ZONING + DISTRICT MAP OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS , APPROVE • �KA'��( 8!� yt;962 , TO RE - ZONE CERTAIN REAL ESTATE FROM C- 21 THOROUGHFARE COMMERCIAL DISTRICT , TO R- 1B , SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT . WHEREAS , A public hearing was held before the Planning Commission C of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , on Tuesday , February 20 , 1968 on the petition initiated by the Planning Commission to recommend to the Board of Directors of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas that the Board of Directors enact an ordinance rezoning the following described property presently zoned C- 2 Thoroughfare Commercial District to R- 1B , Single Family Residential District , to-wit : A part of the Northeast Quarter (NE 1/4 ) of the North- east Quarter ( NE 1/4 ) of Section 35 , T- 17 -N , R- 30 -W , more particularly described as beginning 150 feet east of the Southwest corner of said 40 acre tract , at a point where the south line of said 40 acre tract inter- sects the Wdst right-of-way line of Oaks Manor Drive and running thence East along the South line of said 40 acre tract to a point where said South line intersects with the South right-of-way line of Rolling Hills Drive ; thence West in a Northwesterly direction along the South right- of-way line of Rolling Hills Drive to a point where said right-of-way line intersects the West right-of-way line of Oaks Manor Drive ; thence South along the West line of said right-of-way line to the point of beginning . and WHEREAS , notice of said public hearing , setting forth the date , time , place and purposes of said hearing and location of property was pub- lished in the Northwest Arkansas Times , a newspaper of general circula- tion in said city , more than 15 days prior to ' said public hearing , and WHEREAS , following said public hearing , said Planning Commission certified to the Board of Directors of the City of Fayetteville , Arkan- sas , its recommendation that an ordinance be adopted rezoning the above- described property , presently zoned C- 2 , Thoroughfare Commercial District to R- IB , Single Family Residential District , NOW , THEREFORE , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE - BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : • SECTION 1 . That the above- described property , which is presently zoned C- 2 Thoroughfare Commercial District , be and the same hereby is rezoned to R- 1B , Single Family Residential District . ii p BOOK 72U P!:'.E '.1i�iC OFILMED l91® DATE ^rte-' 1 SECTION 2 . That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in con. flict herewith are hereby repealed , and this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage , approval and publication . PASSED AND APPROVED this day of , 1968 . APPROVED : DON TRUMBO , MAYOR ATTEST : n G OR( F0,. DAVIS , CITY CLERK BOOK .7/: PAGE 419 CERTIFICATE STATE OF ARKANSAS CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE I, GEORGE J. DAVIS , City Clerk within and for the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , do hereby certify that the annexed and 0 foregoing is a true and correct copy of th therein set forth, and ` the same is as it appears of Record in PROCEDURE OF CITY COUNCIL RECORD , Volume _ d t Pagee49 thereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal this LC=D y of a 19 0/0 rr ; N 4 ig. ter' • ..... ti �` CITY E C 0 U ' `4:l1i.111111"i BOOK 726 PAfE420 . • f' . . - - CERTIFICATE OF RECORD "Mr OFARKANSAS ) - JNashington County I Ss. Ir Alma L. Kourneyer, Circuit .Washington County, tlo herebyClerk and Ex-Officio Recorder far goingmstrument w certify that the t Of. �' m*!e as filed to recon i for or f re. —"��4� of ntloc fficc�non th e is _ duly recorded n 1 a rec rd the same Witness my hand-------- a 7s and seal this„Xday of �jatOge C adBY 4a , dsd .. r .. pe„ rY Clark , —"��