HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 1582 AN 6 I 1yundr[Q trinte e rithree '. l!!g. t1fM.3) feel to the Southeast ear-ner of pfd Lot 7; thence North 3 ro" mfuut" West f:vc tig as ]Wl :tT:Itt�G T'.All341r The! Alan the botmd's[y line betwee7 sn:d t , is P sRA 10 to the l . ICT ( of the Erf half (E ) oC lMh1��a1Si��St rtes. iNE :4) uC Bectibaa R-[0-W. de- pa� scribed as follows to-wit: begin- ning at the Southwest corner of INOn O[ Lot 17 in Block 1 of Oakland erj Hills Addition; thence West SOD AfksroM; Fayetteville, Arkansas, as per SM pstit plat of said addition on file in Ding CpnD the Office of the Circuit Clerk whethf[ tTN and Ex-Officio Recorder of Wash- should [ ington County, Arkansas, and Dfrectot7,Of bl� running thence North 471.2 feet ville, Ar to the Northwest corner of Lot [aCtOthe 14 in Block 1 in said Oakland >�f-_ Hills Addltil thence Went Sao B �� feet; thence South 40o feet, more or less, to the North line of Roll- ing Hills Drive; thence South 75 degrees 32 minutes East along legon�n� the North line of said Rolling 0-L Opet1 G2 Hills Drive to the point of be- Therplg6flte ct ginning, containing 3 acres, more to P•1A 6 W. or less. wit:A rt of TRACT C Md Lots numbered two (2) and sl I three (3) in Block one (1) of Oaks • 10110"! t Manor Addition to the City of 1011[! Fayetteville, Arkansas, and also Bae Of ,in part of Block numbered four (4) S�,� �ltlt and part of Block numbered six Waft 16), Stubblefield Addition to the &A, d City of Fayetteville. as desig- 8setla 4S" ttfa anted upon the recorded plat of North i- said addition, and being more tion; tparticularly described as follows: MUM Orth- Beginning at the Southwest cor-bel I her of Blo<k numbered six (6), dK n and running thence East 666 feet: thence North 398 feet; thence t0 to I Of West r.60 feet to the Fast line of . 398feet Avenue; thence South t 368 feet to the place of South begin- f ring ptit . n WHEREAS, notice of said public the henring. Lotting forth the date. Dee time, place and purposes of said Ihsu• hearing and location of property was published in the Northwest 11 ]yta Arkansas Times, a newspaper of a,4• . ) general circulation in said City, 1^.4rS to a more than 15 days prior to said feet: p lic hearing, and WHEREAS. following said public Y o arty Learing said Planning Commission - feet hcH to the Board oDirectors !told: of the the of the City of Fayetteville. an- tbu g IN vas. its recommendation that til (NEordinance adopted rezoning the 151 to above-de-descriri bed property. LESS a dyed and EXCEPT Treats A. B and - d e oll?c- from or Open Land District and urn- t : Thoroughfare Commercial esi- Iotor denti to R-IB Single Family the r. ) District and rezoning the ra fromabove-described-1Opn TracLart A. r and C via from O-1 Open Lard District and ' hist , C-2 Tho nm La Commercial Dis- . too trio to Y-IA Special Church Dis- ARIa trict A dtNOW, THEREFORE, BE IT OR. Ad -dle RAINED BY THE BOARD OF DI• o more RECTORS THE CITY OF FAY. huh- ETTCVILi.E.E, ARKANSAS: e d Sera SECTION 1. That the abrave-de- Air EX.Sec• scribed property, LESS and the SEPT. Trach d B and C, be and point the same is hereby eby rictrezoned an from line 0-1 oOpenugh Land District and Cct d Eat Thoroughfare Sing Commercial District a -way iD R-IA Bingle Family Residential the ( District SECTION 2. That the above-descr . the satl a are heA.reby b and C be and anon the same are hereby rfrom A� t g C-! Open Land Districtict an and C-2 t pert ( Thorough fare Commercial District ening , to V-IA Special Church District. it ween SECTION 3. Thai all ordinances rth• for parts of ordinances conflict nd q - and herewith arc bereb> repealed, cram . this ordinance shall be in full force tKt and and effect from and after its Liz tart feet w'ife' the paPASSEDp AND ( aod APPROVED Iion- tnis SmNh linee off Ro11inR Hills Drir=': 2nd day of Januar thenceSbuth five hundred h•. en• y, 1968. . APPROVED is-eight and twenty-nine hun- dredt (520.29) feet, q-cmrn DON TRUMBO JR _ flay or thence South 70 .degmes Eun one ATTEST J. DAVIS CittClerk 6 Ito ! I� P0 ORDINANCE N0 . " 468 JAU - 4 Ay 10: 24 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ZONING ORDINANCE NO . 1239 , AND gV D ZONING DISTRICT MAP OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS , APPROVED MAY 2 ,41 QN AWNTY AMENDED , TO REZONE CERTAIN REAL ESTATE FROM 0- 1 OPEN LAD(�M • vT AND C- 2 THOROUGHFARE COMMERCIAL DISTRICT TO R- 1B SINGLE mnrF DENTIAL DISTRICT AND P - lA SPECIAL CHURCH DISTRICT . WHEREAS , a public hearing was held before the Planning Com- mission of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , on December 12 , 1967 , on the petition initiated by said Planning Commission , to determine whether the Planning Commission should recommend to the Board of Directors of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas that Board of Directors enact an ordinance rezoning the following described property , LESS and EXCEPT Tracts A . B and C , from 0- 1 Open Land District and C- 2 Thoroughfare Commercial District to R- 1B Single Family ResAP i l District ; and rezoning Tracts A , B , and C from 0- 1 Open La hand C- 2 Thoroughfare Commercial District to P- lA Special Church District , to-wit : A part of Sections 25 , 35 and 36 , T- 17-N , R- 30 -W , des - cribed as follows : Beginning at a point where the North right-of-way line of Stubblefield Road intersects with the East line of the West half (W 1/2 ) of the Southwest Quarter ( SW 1/4 ) of said Section 25 ; thence South to the North line of Oaks Manor Addition ; thence East to the Old Missouri Road ; thence in a North- westerly direction along the border of the Oaks Manor Addition to its intersection with the East line of the West Half ( W 1/2 ) of the West Half ( W 1/2 ) of Section 36 ; thence South along said East line of the West Half (W 1/ 2 ) of the West Half (W 1/2 ) of Section 36 to a point due East of the Southeast corner of Oaks Manor Addition ; thence West two thousand ( 2000 ) feet , more or less ; thence North to the South line of the Northeast Quarter ( Ne 1/ 4 ) of Section 35 ; thence West to a point three hundred ( 300 ) feet ; more or less , from U . S . Highway No . 71 ; thence in a Northeasterly dir- ection parallel to and 300 feet from U . S . Highway No . 71 to the South line of the North half ( N 1/2 ) of the Northeast Quarter (NE 1/4 ) of Section 35 ; thence East to a point which is six hundred seventy- five ( 675 . 0 ) feet , more or less , West of the East line of Section 35 ; thence North four hundred twenty ( 420 ) feet , more or less , to the North line of property owned by the Trinity Temple Church ; thence East three hundred ( 300 ) feet , more or less , to the West line of Oakland Hills Addition ; thence North along the West line of Oakland Hills Addition two hundred ( 200 ) feet , more or less ; thence East three hundred seventy- five ( 375 ) feet , more or less , to the East line of Section 35 ; thence North along the East line of Section 35 to a point on the North right-of -way line of Stubblefield Road ; thence East along the North right-of -way line of Stubblefield Road to the point of beginning . MICROFILMED 1 1976 OCT BOOK 720 PAGE193 TRACT A Part of Block 5 of Oaks Manor Addition known as all of Lot 8 , Lot 9 and Lot 10 , and that part of Lot 7 des - cribed as beginning at the common corner between Lots 7 and 8 , being the Northeast corner of said Lot 7 and running thence North 89 degrees 35 minutes West forty- nine and six tenths ( 49 . 6 ) feet with the South line of Rolling Hills Drive ; thence South five hundred twenty- eight and twenty-nine hundredths ( 528 . 29 ) feet ; thence South 70 degrees East one hundred nine and three tenths ( 109 . 3 ) feet to the Southeast corner of said Lot 7 ; thence North 3 degrees 48 minutes West five hundred sixty-eight and thirty- six hundredths ( 568 . 36 ) feet along the boundary line between said Lot 7 and Lots 8 , 9 and 10 to the point of beginning . TRACT B Part of the East half ( E 1/2 ) of the Northeast Quarter ( NE 1/ 4 ) of Section 35 , T- 17 -N , R- 30 -W , described as follows to-wit : beginning at the Southwest corner of Lot 17 in Block 1 of Oakland Hilts Addition to the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , as per plat of said addition on file in the Office of the Circuit Clerk and Ex- Officio Recorder of Washington County , Arkansas , and running thence North 471 . 2 feet to the Northwest corner of Lot 14 in Block 1 in said Oakland Hills Addition ; thence West 300 feet ; thence South 400 feet , more or less , to the North line of Rolling Hills Drive ; thence South 75 degrees 32 minutes East along the North line of said Rolling Hills Drive to the point of beginning , containing 3 acres , more or less . TRACT C Lots numbered two ( 2 ) and three ( 3 ) in Block one ( 1 ) of Oaks Manor Addition to the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , and also part of Block numbered four ( 4 ) and part of Block numbered six ( 6 ) , Stubblefield Addition to the City of Fayetteville , as designated upon the recorded plat of said addition , and being more particularly described as follows : Beginning at the Southwest corner of Block numbered six ( 6 ) , and running thence East 660 feet ; thence North 398 feet ; thence West 660 feet to the East line of Elizabeth Avenue ; thence South 398 feet to the place of beginning . WHEREAS , notice of , said public hearing , setting forth the date , time , place and purposes of said hearing and location of property was published in the Northwest Arkansas Times , a newspaper of general circulation in said City , more than 15 days prior to said public hearing , and aooK 740 PAPE 194 WHEREAS , following said public hearing said Planning Com- mission certified to the Board of Directors of the City of Fayette - ville , Arkansas , its recommendation that an ordinance be adopted rezoning the above-described property , LESS and EXCEPT Tracts A . B and C . from 0- 1 Open Land District and C- 2 Thoroughfare Commer- cial District , to R- 1B Single Family Residential District ; and rezoning the above-described Tracts A . B and C from 0- 1 Open Land District and C- 2 Thoroughfare Commercial District to P - lA Special Church District . NOW , THEREFORE , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : SECTION 1 . That the above-described property , LESS and EX- CEPT , Tracts A , B and C , be and the same is hereby rezoned from 0- 1 Open Land District and C- 2 Thoroughfare Commercial District to R- 1B Single Family Residential District , SECTION 2 . That the above-described Tracts A , B and C be and the same are hereby rezoned from 0- 1 Open Land District and C- 2 Tho- roughfare Commercial District to P- lA Special Church District . SECTION 3 . That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed , and this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage , approval and publication . / O PASSED AND APPROVED this ' day of - !Lk 1968 . APPROVED : DON UMBO , MAYOR ATTEST: t1IS , CITY CLERK 'i . 4w 'DON 7201%1495 CERTIFICATE STATE OF ARKANSAS CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE I, GEORGE J• DAVIS , City Clerk within and for the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , do hereby certify that the annexed and foregoing is a true and correct copy of th< 44�r-& � 9te 01A3�YP. therein set forth, and the same is as it appears of Record in PROCEDURE OF CITY COUNCIL RECORD , Volume _ J at Page5�0 / thereof, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set �t 4AYfji. my hand and affixed my official seal this + root 4 da o 19 (O .r .a Yf �'cG�l�i'w , (r ry CITY E eooK 720 PAQ196 A. _ . ._ _ . . . I -.i--i ,-.-.. . CERTIFICA I E OF STATE OF ARKANSAS I SS. yVashingtcn County I 1, Alma l.. Kcllmeyer, Circuit Clerk and Ex-Officio Recorder for Washington County, do hereby certify that the annexed or fore- going instr ent was filed for recor in my offico on they_ day 194t ,clockAM, and the same Oits� ¢(phi rded in ��-� record Iz�at pagezM g My hand and seal thisj5 .day of�19511 ALMA K01 I MFYPR �C"rcou06larkland Offi to Recorded Ply Deputy Clerk � _ t ' STATE of ARKANSAS 1 County of Washington Jas.. I, L__ "" `ten .._______, hereby certify that I am the Generaa l Managkr) of THE NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, a daily newspaper having a second class mailing privilege, and being not less than four pages of five columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at a fixed (daily) intervals continuously in the City of Fayetteville, County of Washington, Arkansas for more than a period of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an established place of business to subscribers and readers generally of all classes in the City 6. County for a definite price for each copy, or a fixed price per annum, which price was fixed at what is considered the value of the publication, based upon the news value and service value it contains, that at least fifty percent of the subscribers thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper or its agents or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least six months ; and that the said newspaper publishers an average of more than forty percent news matter. I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of was published in the regular daily issue of said newspaper esueeeu"L insertions as follows : The first insertion on the _____ ______ day of the second insertion on the __--------_---------_---- day of the third insertion on the —_________._.________ day of _---.— 19— et �h . and the fourth insertion on the __._.. —____ d of Sworn to and subscribed before me on this ____CJ _ day of .________. ------------ - -��----- ----�- ------ --- ------ 19.Gf ory Public My Commission Expires : F' Fees for Printing _ $._. •_.9�e.. ;y Cost of Proof "? < ' Total