HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 1576 ORO . .A a NO lW6 . i lll.. ., k „ � ' ; -n6 A " , 1 , � . L n .I F I' : ? throes to I ,, ason Avenue rl � „ I . j ARAxFiCI OF THE on the t sdc , ' 'h< ' - FAYETTEVII.LE CODE OF ORD I- ONS - NANCES AND FOLt *ELATED ProhibSECTited Yarxmg w uruur- 1 . n pros ofE upon the following Wr- mors Buf ant on roe east and PURPOSES \\ cepts of Eat and Block Streets, ex. National Center Street and the WHEREAS, certain rfYiablts a cep[ on Se event. South, s Guard being a the changes am (a) The east rete ee East Street South, said lo[ being share approxi- tions pe Street between Meadow ., mately rectangular in shape Ing m and estDickson Streets. , with xi east-w'es4t dimension M 19 of (b) Street east side of Block approximately 48 feet f a di of Street between Meadow ' north-south dimension of 144 more and Dickson Streets feel, of to nfl shall for violationimetnig of this SE CTI 31�t t Se 0: 19-1 qo OrOi- o[ O on shall be as prescribed in ', n the ereby Ta Code of Orad NON; - on 19- di of thetteville na nota 1s rehy amended to read RAINED a of N 3. Tcea. as See 19s ' RECTORS OF CTTON 3. That n e 4 Sec, 19- ' Parking ng a Limits. ETTEVILLE, AR ttY WevCode e; Pardes1tigg at standlre a vehicle SECTION 1. That Ilowa: 1n a tles`grwted spaqa in apark- of the FeyetteNlle- m ■ tMifty eiFablished bynances. is hereby amend Wasdivia{olt shell be }awful forea follows: eh'e 112) minutes open deposit ' Ser. 19-1g9 Established. a ne cent ei n, tw'entyefe ur tion minutesThe following such 121 one cent co ns, thirty-six streets 1n the eity are minu - ) minutes upon the deposit of tabl shed as q,[king meter coin dthree (3) one cent coins. forty- (a) Twelve 'pate Sens: hour for eaeight (48) minutes upon the de- ll) First three parking meter ' depeslted, foposit of four (4) one cent coins, apeM on north d e of for the deor sixty 160) minutes upon the Center Street from Church dime. for fivdeposit of five (5) one cent coins Serest Nat' the deposit or one (1) five cent coin two (2) First two ; meter or combinatihours for one (1) ten cent coin or barking' whtla�b the L ee combination of coins of the . spaces en west aidt 01 East stgntdUnited States of America, for ' SDrf 11 Street amsu SECTION 4* Tbat &action 19-195 which the meter is designed. I (b) Two ^^'r =enN� of the Fayetteville Code of Ordf- Such parking shall also be lawful ' (1) The Public Sq nances b hereby amended by add- for like periods n - - streele leading ing the following language atter rain des gnat _r the publte aqua ae otfe ' paragraph nine (9): from one ( 1 ) t: • ( 1 ) block in All di?MWN (10) A part of Block 13, in the hours. inclusive ciwn dol", t r . ex,, ept as in 1a1 (t) above. original Plat of the City of Fay- , the necessary amount of cams. (-)� uick- m Street from Chur4 etteville, Arkansas, described either nickels. dimes or quarters, Avenue to Arkansas Ali as follows: Beginning at a point required for the amount of park enue. One Hundred Twenty Seven ing time desired at the aforesaid (3) West Avenue from Lafar- (127) feet west of the Northeastdgyte of five 151 cents per hour. ette Street to Dickson Av. corner of Block 15 and run- SECTION 6. That Section 19-193 , enue. ^ing thence South Two Hun- of the Fayetteville Code of Ordi- (q School Avenue from Dick dred Six (206) feet to the North inaces is hereby amended to read sort Street to Spring Street. I line of a Twelve (12) foot at. Y follows: 151 Center Street from College ' ley; thence West One Hundred Sec. 19-193. Rental of Parking .Avenue to County Ave. Seventy Seven (177) feet to Spaces. 161 Fast .Avenue from Meadow the East line of an alley; thence (a ) Notwithstanding any other Street to Spring Street ( North Ninety (90) feet; thence provision of this division, the the west side and the first East Twenty-Two (22) feet; Fayetteville Parking Amocia- two parking meter spaces , thence North One Hundred tion is hereby authorized to on the went side of East Sixteen (116) feet to the South rent up to one hundred (100) Avenue -from Spring Street line of Meadow Street: thence ) north except as in (a) (2) parking spaces g meter in the above. East Seventeen (17) festa thence ties off-street parking meter subsidized(7) Block Avenue from Meadow South Twenty-Seven (271 feet: ties which are now suhsitlizetl Street to Spring Street on thence East Twenty 1201 feet; by such association for a . Str et t SD g thertee North Twenty-Seven charge of six dollars 1$6.001 per (s) West 'AQtm Ottin0.`Street from (27) feet to the South line of month for each parking space. Cest -Av to Locust Meadow Street; thence East All proceeds from the rental of Bhum. � ' One Hundred Elghteen (18) feet such parking spaces shall be 19) CR A! - faofd Cen- to the point of beginning. transferred to the city It the ock Street (11) Lots numbered Twelve (12) end of each month, with such and Thirteen (131 in Block amount being credited to thel on e. Thirty (30) of the Original amount the association is re- 1 (10) Minsk et from Hlo Town (now City) of Fayette- qu)red to pay to the cl far Avenue St vtpr. grkaneae. subafdizing the operations of 1 on f'- I certain off-street p e r king (o) meter facilities located in the (7) g city. ue SECTION 7. That all ordinances ' e for ' or parof ordinances fn conflict t parts ftorTh ' herewith are hereby repealed and Sn^nR this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and -after its passage ion PASEDAPPROVED p AND 1 APPRand O bthis s 6th day of November, 19W. APPROVED: SYLVIA SWARTZ, Asst Mayor Acting Mayor ATTEST: GEORGE J. DAVIS, City Clerk ORDINANCE NO , AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 19 ( TRAFFIC ) OF THE FAYETTEVILLE CODE OF ORDINANCES AND FOR RELATED PURPOSESso WHEREAS , certain revisions and changes are needed in the regulations pertaining to parking , parking meters and off street park - ing facilities as contained in Chapter 19 of the Fayetteville Code of Ordinances , in order to provide for more effective and safer handling of traffic and parking facilities . NOW , THEREFORE , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS , SECTION 1 . That Section 19 -169 of the Fayetteville Code of Ordinances , is hereby amended to read as follows : Sec . 19 -169 Established . The following portions of streets in the city are hereby established as parking meter zones ; ( a) Twelve Minute Zones : ( 1 ) First three parking meter spaces on north side of Center Street from Church Street east ; ( 2 ) First two parking meter spaces on west side of East Street from Spring Street south . ( b) Two Hour Zones : ( 1 ) The Public Square and all streets leading to and from the public square for one ( 1 ) block in all directions except as in ( :a) ( 1 ) above . ( 2 ) Dickson Street from Church Avenue to Arkansas Avenue . ( 3 ) West Avenue from Lafayette Street to Dickson Avenue . ( 4 ) School Avenue from Dickson Street to Spring Street . ( 5 ) Center Street from College Avenue to County Ave . ( 6 ) East Avenue from Meadow Street to Spring Street on the west side and the first two parking meter = spaces on the west side of East Avenue from Spring Street north except as in ( .a) ( 2 ) above . MICROFILMED. DATE oC 1 1 D REEL 1'1� ( 7 ) Block Avenue from Meadow Street to Spring Street on the west side . ( 8 ) West Mountain Street from Church Avenue to Locust Street . ( 9 ) Church Avenue from Center Street to Rock Street on the east side . ( 10 ) Rock Street from Block Avenue to Church Street on the North side . ( c ) Ten Hour Zones ( 1 ) East Avenue from Spring Street to Dickson Avenue on the west side except for the first two spaces north of Spring . ( 2 ) Block Avenue from Spring Street to Dickson Avenue on the west side of the street . SECTION 2 . Parking is hereby prohibited upon the following portions of East and Block Streets , except on Sundays : ( a ) The east side of East Street between Meadow and Dickson Streets . ( b) The east side of Block Street between Meadow and Dickson Streets . Penalties for violation of this Section shall be as prescribed in Section 19-263 of the Fayetteville Code of Ordinances . SECTION 3 , That Section 19- 174 ( a) of the Fayetteville Code is hereby amended to read as follows : ( a) Any vehicle parking or standing in any parking meter space within a zone established by this division may lawfully occupy such space for twelve ( 12 ) minutes for each one cent coin deposited , for one ( 1 ) hour for each five cents deposited , for two ( 2 ) hours for the deposit of one dime , for five ( 5 ) hours for the 'deposit of one quarter or combination of coins for which the meter is designed . SECTION 4 . That Section 19 -185 of the Fayetteville Code of Ordinances is hereby amended by adding the following language after para - graph nine ( 9 ) : ( 10 ) A part of Block 15 , in the original Plat of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , described as follows : Beginning at a point One Hundred Twenty Seven ( 127 ) feet west of the Northeast corner of Block 15 and running thence South Two Hundred Six ( 206 ) feet to the North line of a Twelve ( 12 ) foot alley ; thence West One Hundred Seventy Seven ( 177 ) feet to the East line of an alley ; thence North Ninety ( 90 ) feet ; thence East Twenty -Two ( 22 ) feet ; thence North One Hundred Sixteen ( 116 ) feet to the South line of Meadow Street ; thence East Seventeen ( 17 ) feet ; thence South Twenty -Seven ( 27 ) feet ; thence East Twenty ( 20 ) feet ; thence North Twenty - Seven ( 27 ) feet to the South line of Meadow Street ; thence East One Hundred Eighteen 118 ) feet to the point of beginning . ( 11 ) Lots numbered Twelve •( 12 ) and Thirteen ( 13 ) in Block Thirty ( 30 ) of the Original Town ( now City ) of Fayetteville , Arkansas . ( 12 ) All the existing parking area lying between the existing County Courthouse and the Arkansas National Guard Armory Building on the east and between Center Street and the National Guard Building on the South , said lot being approximately rectangular in shape with an east-west dimension of approximately 48 feet and a north -south dimension of 144 feet . SECTION 5 , That Section 19 -190 of the Fayetteville Code of Ordinances is hereby amended to read as follows : Sec . 19 - 190 Parking Time Limits . Parking or standing a vehicle in a designated space in a parking meter facility established by this division shall be lawful for twelve ( 12 ) .minu.tes upon deposit of a one cent coin , twenty -four ( 24 ) minutes upon deposit of two ( 2 ) one cent coins , thirty -six ( 36 ) minutes upon the deposit of three ( 3 ) one cent coins , forty -eight :( 98 ) minutes upon the deposit of four ( 4 ) one cent coins , or sixty ( 60 ) minutes upon the deposit of five ( 5 ) one cent coins or one ( 1 ) five cent coin , two hours for one ( 1 ) ten cent coin or combination of coins , of the United States of America , for which the meter is designed . Such parking shall also be lawful for like periods of time for certain designated parking meters from one ( 1 ) hour to ten ( 10 ) hours , inclusive upon deposi - ting the necessary amount of coins , either nickels , dimes or quarters , required for the amount of parking time desired , at the aforesaid rate of five ( 5 ) cents per hour . SECTION 6 , That Section 19 -193 of the Fayetteville Code of , Ord- inances is hereby amended to read as follows : Sec . 19 -193 . Rental of Parking Spaces . ( a ) Notwithstanding any other provision of this division , the Fayetteville Parking Association is hereby authorized to rent up : to one hundred ( 100 ) parking spaces located in the off -street parking meter facilities which are now subsidized by such association , for a charge of six dollars ( $ 6 . 00 ) per month for each parking space . All proceeds from the rental of such parking spaces shall be trans - ferred to the city at the end of each month , with such amount being credited to the amount the association is required to pay to the city for subsidizing the operations of certain off -street parking meter facilities located in the city , SECTION 7 . That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed and this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage , approval and publication . PASSED AND APPROVED this ��"� day of d'L`e' A , . 1967 . APPROVED : 1oe R ATTEST : GEORGE J(9DWSj CITY CLERK STATE of ARKANSAS l f as. County of Washington V/1� S 4 G� _.Ij--------- j hereby certify that I am the ( G eral Manager) of THE NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, a daily newspaper having a second class mailing privilege, and being not less than four pages of five columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at a fixed (daily) intervals continuously in the City of Fayetteville, County of Washington, Arkansas for more than a period of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an established place of business to subscribers and readers generally of all classes in the City & County for a definite price for each copy, or a fixed price per annum, which price was fixed at what is considered the value of the publication, based upon the news value and service value it contains, that at least fifty percent of the subscribers thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper or its agents or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least six months ; and that the said newspaper publishers an average of more than forty percent news matter. I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached In the matter of was published in the regular daily issue of said newspaper for ._ consecutive insertions as follows : y The first insertion on the _—_`l day of J �' ' _ 19e the second insertion on the —._--__—___.__ day of 19— the third insertion on the --------------------_---- day of __ 10-- and the fourth insertion on the _—______—__— da f __ Asq-4 . Sworn to and subscribed before me on this —2�3 day of ___.._._— . ' °;" � '.> . ------� /_r�ijr✓O-moi -- 19_ G-< No ry Public My Commmmm�issiiio""""n Expires : p' Fees for Printing --- 3`�' (14P $--------------- Cost of Proof Total $ 33 • S�0