HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 1560 d o',1 / ORDIN-;MCE N0 , 1560 GVAA, AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF SANITATION ISR M01T REV34UE BONDS ; SETTING U^ CERT/.IN FUNDS; PRESCRIBING OTHER iiATTERS RELATING THER-TO ; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY WHEREAS it has been found by the Board of Directors of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas ( called "City" ) that the garbage and rubbish collection, hauling and disposal service ( called "Sanitation System" or "System" ) presently serving the City is in- adequate for the needs of the City and its inhabitants ; and WHEREAS the Board of Directors has determined that the Sanitation System should be improved and extended and has accepted a special report and estimates of costs of the needed improvements and extensions , which report is on file with the City Clerk and to which reference may be made by any interested person, and which in general calls for the following improvements " purchase of tracks , trailers , containers and other equipment necessary for the collectionand disposal of garbage and rubbish, construction of expanded facilities at the City Shop to be used in the operation of the Sanitation System, purchase of trucks and other equipment necessary for the supervision of the Sanitation System (which will be hereafter referred to as the "improvements " ) , all at an estimated cost of $50,000, in- cluding legal and other necessary expenses incidental to the purchase and construction of the improvements and to the issuance of revenue bonds ; and V1HEREAS3the City can obtain funds with which to pay for said improvements by the issuance of revenue bonds to be repaid from sanitation service fees ; and WHEREAS the 6ity has made arrangements for the sale of its $50, 000 City of Fayetteville 4 . 64% Sanitation Improvement Revenue Bonds dated October 1 , 1967 and due on July 1 in each of the years 1968 to 1980, inclusive, to T . J . Raney & Sons , Little Rock, Arkansas ( called "purchaser" ) , and the purchaser has elected to convert said bonds to an issue of $52, 075 in bonds bearing interest at the rate of 4% per annum, and maturing as hereafter set forth; NOV, THERRFDRE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Directors of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas : SECTION 1 . That the purchase and erection of said improvements be , and the same are hereby approved, ratified and confirmed . SECTION 2 . That the sale of $50,000 in bonds bearing interest at thexate of 4 .64%, maturing as set forth above , to T . J . Raney & Sons , Little Rock, Arkansas, and the conversion of said bonds to an issue of $52,075 in bonds bearing interest at the rate of 4% per annum, as set forth below, be, and the same are hereby, approved and confirmed . SECTION 3 . The City has outstanding an issue of Sanitation Improvement Revenue Bonds , dated July 1 , 1965 ( called 111965 Bonds " ) , authorized by Ordinance No . 1449 of the ordinances of the City adopted and approved on June 21 , 1965 . The applicable provisions of Ordinance No . 1449 ( referred to above ) permit the issuance of adc.itional parity bonds ( Section 16 thereof) . It is hereby found and declared that the conditions set out in Section 16 of Ordinance No . 1449 have been fully met and complied with and that, therefore, th bonds now being issued are issued on a parity of pledge, lien and security on the Sanitation System Revenues with the outstanding 1965 Bonds . FniC.:UFIUTA D y DATE. ��9 Page 2 SECTION 4 . That there are hereby authorized and ordered issued City of Fayetteville, Arkansas , Sanitation Improvement Revenue Bonds Series 1967, in the total amount of $52, 075, the proceeds of the sale of which are necessary to pay for said improvements . The bonds shall be dated October 1 , 1967, tend interest shall be payable semiannually on January 1 and July 1 of each year commencing January 1 , 1968. The bonds shall be numbered consecutively from 1 to 53 , inclusive, and shall be in the denomination of $1 , 000 each, except Bond No . 4 which shall be in the denomination of $75, shall bear interest at the rate of 4% per annum, whicb shall be evidenced by interst coupons , and the principal and interest shall be payable in lawful money of the United States of America upon presentaion of the bond or proper coupon at the office of Worthen Bank & Trust Company, Little Rock, Arkansas , The bonds shall be negotiable coupon bonds payable to bearer and shall mature on July 1 of edach year as follows , but shall be callabe for payment prior to maturity as hereafter set forth : YEAR BOND NO , AMOUNT 1968 1 - 4 $3 ,075 1969 5 - 7 3, 000 1970 8 -11 43000 1971 12 -15 4,000 1972 16 -19 43000 1973 20 -23 4,000 1974 24 -27 4,000 1975 28 -31 41000 1976 32 -35 4, 000 1977 36 -39 4,000 1978 40 -43 4,000 1979 44 -48 5 ,000 1980 49 -53 5 , 000 SECTION 5 . That the City has examined the computation by which an issue of $50, 000 in bonds bearing interest at the rate of 4 . 64% maturing in the pears 1968 through 1980 has been converted to ar. issue of $52,075 in bonds bearing interest at the rate of 4% per annum, as above set forth, and has found that by virtue thereof the City will receive no less and pay no more than it would receive and pay if the bonds were not converted . SECTION 6 . That the bonds shall be executed on behalf of the City by the Mayor and City Clerk (with either the facsimile or manual signature of the Mayor and the manual signature signature of the City Clerk) and shall have impressed ther on the seal of the City. Interest coupons attached to the bonds shall be signed by the facsimile signature of the Mayor, and the facsimile signa.tuseof the Mayor lithographed or printed on the bonds or coupons shall have the same force and effect as if he had signed each of said bonds and coupons . The bonds together with interest thereon shall be payable solely out of the Sanitation Revenue Bond Fund, as hereafter set forth, and shall be valid claim of the holders thereof only against such fund and the amount of revenues pledged to such fund, which revenues are hereby pledged and mortgaged in an amount sufficient to provide for the equal and ratable payment of said bonds . The bonds and interest . thereon shall not constitute an indebtedness of the City within any constitutional or statutory limitation . Page 3 SECTION 7 . That the bonds and coupons shall be in substantially the following form, and the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby expressly authorized and directed to make all recitals contained therein : UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF ARKANSAS COUNTY OF WASHINGTON CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE 4% SANITATION IMPROV&,,1ENT REVENUE BOND, 1967 SERIES No . $ KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS : That the City of Fayetteville, County of Washington, State of Arkansas, acknowledges itself to owe , and for value received , hereby promises to pay to bearer, solely from the special fund provided as hereinafter set forth, the principal sum of DOLLARS in lawful money of the U nited States of America on the first day of July, 19 , and to pay solely from said special fund interest hereon at the rate of four per cent ( 4%) per annum from date, semiannually on the first days of January and July, commencingJanuary 1 , 1968, upon presentation and surrender of the annexed coupons as they severally become due . Both principal an( interest on this bond are made payable at the principal office of Worthen Bank & Trust Company, Little Rock, Arkansas . This bond is one of an issue of fifty-three ( 53) revenue bonds , aggregating Fifty-Two Thousand Seventy-Five Dollars ( $52,075 ) , dated October 1 , 1967, and numbered from one ( 1 ) to fifty-three ( 53 ) , inclusive, all of like tenor and effect except as to number, denomination , rate of interest , maturity and right of prior redemption, issued for the purpcPe of acquiring and constructing Sanitation System improvements ( described in the authorizing ordinance) and paying necessary expenses incidental thereto( called the "bonds " ) . The bonds are issued in full compliance with the Constitution and laws of the State of Arkansas , , and pursuant to Ordinance No . of the Board of Directors of Fayetteville , Arkansas , duly adopted anC approved on the day of , 1967 ( called "auth6rizing ordinance" ) , and do not constitute an indebtedness of the City of Fayetteville within any constitutional or statutory limitations . The bonds are not general obligations of the City but are special obligations payable solely from net revenues derived from the Sanitation System( defined in the authorizing ordinance) which have been duly pledged to the payment of the principal of and interest on the bonds . The bonds are issued on a parity as to lien, pledge and security with the outstanding Sanitation Improvement Revenue Bonds of the City, dated July 1 , 1965 ( called 111965 Bonds " ) . A sufficient amount of the net revenues are to be set aside in the special fund being maintained for the payment of the principal of, interest on and pa yingagent ' s fees in connection with the to nds and identified as the Sanitation Revenue Bond Fund . Reference is hereby made to the authorizing ordinance for a detailed statement of the revenues pledged for the payment of the fonds , the nature and extent of the security for the bonds , and the rights and obligations of the City, the Trustee and the bondholders . Page 4 The City has fixed and has covenanted and agreed to maintain rates for the services of the Sanitation System which shall be sufficient at all times to provide for the proper and reasonable expenses of operation end maintenance of the Sanitation System, the maintenance of a separate Depreciation Fund for necessary replacements to the Sanitation System, and to provide 150% fo the maximum amount that will become due in any year for principal, interest and paying agents ' s fees on all outstanding bonds payable from the revenues of the Sanitation System ( being the 1965 Bonds, these bonds and any subsequently issued parity bonds ) . The bonds shall be negotiable under the laws of the State of Arkansas and are issued vath the intent that the laws of the State of Arkansas shall govern the construction thereof. The bonds shall be callable for payment prior to maturity in inverse numerical order at par and accrued interest as follows : from the unexpended proceeds from the sale of the bonds of this issue and from surplus revenues of the Sanitation System on any interest payment date; from funds from any source on any interest payment date on and after July 1 , 1972 • Notice of the call for redemption shall be published one time i:, a newspaper published in the City of Little Rock , Arkansas and having a general circulation throughout the State of Arkansas, giving the number and maturity of each pond being called, with the publication to be at least fifteen ( 15 ) days prior to the redemption date, and after the date fixed for redemption :,Rch bond so called shall cease to bear interest , provided funds for its payment are on deposit with the paying agent at that time . The bonds shall not be valid until they shall have been authenticated by the certificate hereon duly signed by Worthen Bank & Trust Company, Little Rock, Arkansas , Trustee. IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED, RECITED AND DECLARED that all acts , conditions and things required to exist , happen and be performed in due time, form end manner, as required by law; that the indebtedness represented by the bonds does not exceed any constitutional or statutcry limitations ; and that sufficient revenues derived from the operation of the Sanitation System have been pledged to and will be set aside into said special fund for the payment of the principal of and interest on the bonds . IN WITNESS WHEREOF the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , by its Board of Directors has caused this bond to be signed by the facsimile signature of the Mayor and the manual signature of the City Clerk, and sealed with the corporate seal of said City, and has caused the interest coupons hereto attached to be executed by the facsimile signature of the Mayor, all as of the first day of October , 1967 . CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS BY ( facsia,ile signature ) ATTEST : Mayor CITY CLERK (SEAL) Page 5 (Form of Coupon) $ No . January, On the first day of July, 19. the City of Fayetteville , Washington County, Arkansas , unless the bond to which this coupon is attached is paid prior thereto , hereby promises to pay to bearer, solely out of the funds specifie d in the bond to i•hich this coupon is attached . DOLLARS in lawful money of the United States of America at the principal office of Worthen Bank & Trust Company, Little Rock, Arkansas , Paying Agent, being six ( 6 ) rponths ' interest then due on its Sanitation Improvement Revenue Bond ' Series 1967 , dated October 1 , 1967, and numbered CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS By facsimile signature ) Mayor On each bond shall appear the following : CERTIFICATE Worthen Bank & Trust Company, Little Rock , Arkansas , hereby certifies that this is one of a series of bonds described herein aggregating $52,075 numbered from 1 to 53 , inclusive, all of like tenor and effect except as to number, denomination, rate of interest , maturity and right of prior redemption . WORTHEN BANK & TRUST COMPANY LITTLE ROCK , ARKANSAS By Authorized Signature SECTION 8. That the rates to be charged for services furnished by the Sanitation System heretofore fixed by Ordinance No . 1555 of the ordinances of the City, passed and approved on the 17th day of July, 1967 , and the conditions , rights and obligations pertaining thereto set out in said Ordinance No . 1555 are hereby ratified and confirmed . The said rates shall never be reduced below an amount which i:rill produce sufficient revenues at all times to provide for the proper and reasonable expenses of operation and maintenance of the Sanitation System , the maintenance of a separate Depreciation Fund for necessary replacements to the Sanitation System, and to provide 150% of the maximum amount that will become due in any year for principal, interest amid paying agent ' s fees on all outstanding bonds payable from the revenues of the Sanitation System ( being the 1965 Bonds , the bonds of this issue and any subsequent issued parity bonds ) . And, the City covenants and agrees that it will maintain rates for the services of the system so that the revenues produced therefrom will always be sufficient for the above set forth purposes . SECTION 9 • Inasmuch as the bonds are issued on a parity of security with the 1965 Bonds all provisions of Ordinance No . 1 "9 adopted and approved on the 21st day Page 6 of June, 1965 , ( authorizing and securing the 1965 Bonds ) shall, except in those instances that the provisions deal specifically with the 1965 Bonds , inure to the benefit of an be applicable to these bonds to the same extent as though set forth herein . To that end the provisions of Ordinance No . 1449 are incorporated herein by reference and shall continue to be applicable to the bonds of this issue even though the 1965 Bonds might be paid or payment provided for prior to the final payment or the making of provisions for the payment of these ponds . Specifically, ( a ) the Sanitation Fund created and being maintained pursuant to the provisions of Section 9 of Ordinance it 1449 shall continue ; ( b) the Sanitation System Operation and Maintenance Fund created by and being maintained pursuant to the provisions of Section 10 of Ordinance No . 1449 shall con- tinue . ( c ) the Sanitation Revenue Bond Fund created by and being maintained pursuant to the provisions of Section II of Ordinance No . 1449 shall continue; and ( d ) the Sanitation Depreciation Fund created by and being maintained pursuant to the provisions of Section 12 of Ordinance No . 1449 shall continue . With particular reference to the Sanitation Revenue Bond Fund, the required monthly deposits therein shall be increased by the amount necessary to provide for the payment of principal of, interest on and paying agent ' s fees in connection with the bonds and to increase the dept service reserve to the sum of $22 , 000 and maintained at that level . To this end the principal of and interest on the bonds mature according to the following schedule : Interest YEAR BOND NOS . AMOUNT JANUARY 1 JULY I TOTAL 1968 1 - 4 $3 ,075 . 00 $ $ 1 , 562 . 25 $43637. 25 1969 5 - 7 3 , 000 . 00 980 . 00 980 . 00 42960 .00 1970 8 - 11 4,000 .00 920 .00 920 . 00 5 , 840. 00 1971 12 - 15 4, 000 .00 840 .00 840 .00 5 , 680 .00 1972 16 - 19 4,000 .00 760 .00 760. 00 5020 .00 1973 20 -23 42000 . 00 680 .00 680.00 5 , 360 .00 1974 24 -27 4, 000 . 00 600, 00 600.00 5, 200.00 1975 28 -31 49000 . 00 520 .00 520 . 00 5, 040.00 1976 32 -35 45000 . 00 440 .00 440 . 00 4, 880 .00 1977 36 -39 4 ,000 . 00 360 . 00 360 .00 4, 720 .00 1978 40 -43 4,000 . 00 280 .00 280 . 00 4, 560 ,00 1979 44 -48 5 ,000 . 00 200 .00 200 .00 5 , 400 .00 1980 49 -53 5,000.00 100000 100 . 00 5 , 200 ,00 The required monthly payments into the Sanitation Revenue Bond Fund shall be increased by one-fifth ( 1 /5 ) of the next installment of interest and one-tenth ( 1 /10) of the next installment of principal, plus the amount sufficient to provide for the paying agent ' s fees , until the reserve for contingencies is increased to the required level , and thereafter, so long as the reserve is maintained in the required amount , the additional payments into the Sanitation Revenue Bond Fund shall be one-sixth ( 1 /6 ) of the next installment of the interest and one-twelfth ( 1 /12 ) of the next installment of principal, plus the amount to provide for the paying agent ' s fees , Page 7 Without limiting the genFrality of the foregoing, all provisions set forth in Ordinance No . 1449 pertaining to the handling, investing, and disbursing of moneys in the various funds shall inure and be fully applicable to these bonds . SECTION 10 . With reference to the issuance of additional bonds , the pro- visions of Section 16 of Ordinance No . 1449 shall be applicable to these bonds as aforesaid, with the language "the bonds then outstanding" to include the 1965 Bonds and these bonds . SECTION 11 . That the bonds authorized hereby and issued hereunder shall be callable for pay4Lent prior to maturity in accordance with the terms set out in the bond form. SECTION 12. ( a) That when the bonds have been executed by the Mayor and City Clerk and the seal of the City impressed as herein provided, they shall be delivered to the Trustee, which shall authenticate them and deliver them to the purchaser upon payment of cash to the Trustee of the purchase price and accrued interest from Octrober 1 , 1967 to date of delivery. ( b) The Trustee shall deposit the accrued interest in the Sanitation Revenue Bond Fund . ( c) The Trustee shall remit the remaining balance of the proceeds of the sale of the bonds for deposit in a special account designated 111967 Construc- tion Fund" with a depository that is a member of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation to be designated in a letter of instructions delivered to the Trustee, signed by the Mayor, at the time of the . Closing of the bond issue . The moneys in the 1967 Construction Fund in excess of the amount insured by the Federal Deposit Insura ce Corporation shall be continuously secured by bonds or other direct or fully guaranteed obligations of the United States of America, except that any moneys invested as hereafter authorized need not be so secured. ( d) The moneys in the 1967 Construction Fund shall be disbursed solely in payment for the improvements as hereinabove defined, including expenses necessary and incidental thereto and to the issuance of the bonds . ( e ) That when the construction of the improvements shall have been completed, as evidenced by a letter so stating, signed by the Mayor and City Clerk, th6 depository with which the 1967 Construction Fund is deposited shall pay or transfer any remaining balance pursuant to said letter for the sole purpose of calling the bonds of this issue for payment prior to maturity, or if insufficient to call one or more bonds , for transfer into the Sanitation Revenue Bond Fund . SECTION 13 . Moneys held for the credit of any fund referred to in this ordinance may, at the option of the City, be invested and reinvested pursuant to direction of the City in direct obligations of, or obligations the principal of and interest on which are unconditionally guaranteed by, the United States Government , which shall mature, or which shall be subject to redemption by the holder thereof at the option of the holder, not later than the date or dates when the moneys held for the credit of the particular fund will be required for the purpose intended . Obligations so purchased as an investment of moneys in any such fund shall be placed in the custody of the Treasurer and shall be deemed at all times to be a part of such fund, and the interest accruing thereon and any profit realized from such investment shall be credited to such fund, and any loss resulting from such investment shall be charged to such fund . • 1 .. .. .- Page ti SECTION 14 . That the provisions of this ordinance shall constitute a binding contract between the City and the holders of the outstanding bonds and coupons issued hereunder , and the City will utrictljr adhere to the provisions hereof . The holders of not less than seventy-five per cent ( 75% ) in aggregate principal amount of the bonds then outstanding shall have the right from time to time to consent to and approve the adoption by the City of such ordinance supplemental hereto as shall be necessary or desirable for the purpose of modifying, altering, amending, adding to or rescinding in any particular any of the terms or provisions contained in this ordinance or in any supplemental ordinance ; provided , however, that nothing herein contained shall permit or shall be const-Med as permitting ( a) an extension of the maturity of the principal of or the interest on any bond ipsued hereunder, or, ( b) a reduction in the principal amount of any bond or the :ate of interest therein, or ( c ) the creation of a lien upon or a pledge of revenues other than as expressly authorized by th@ appropriate provisions of this ordinance as now adopted, or ( d) the creation of a privilege of priority of any bond or bonds over any other bond or bonds , or ( e ) a reduction in the aggregate principal amount of the bbnds required for consent to s:ch supplc-neaial ordinance SECTION 15 , That the Trustee of the bonds irs•:ed hereunder shall be Worthen Bank & Trust Company, Little Rock, Arkansas , The Trustee shall only be responsible for the exercise of good faith and reasonable prudence in the execution of its trust . The recitals in this ordinance and in the face of the bonds are the recitals of the City and not of the Trustee . The Trustee shall not be required to take any action as Trustee unless it shall have been requested to do so in writing by the holders of not less than ten per cent ( 10% ) in principal a mount of the bonds of this issue then outstanding and shall have been offered reasonable security and indemnity against the costs , rxpenses and liabilities to be incurred therein or thereby. The Trustee may resign at any time by ten ( 10 ) days ' notice in writing to the Mayor, and the majority in value of the holders of the outstanding bonds of this issue at any time , with or ::_i' hout cause, may remove the Trustee . In the event of a vacancy in the office of Trustee, either by resignation or by removal, the majority in value of the holders or the outstanding bonds of this issue may appoint a new Trustee, such appointment to be evidenced by a written instrument or instruments filed with the Cit;; Clerk . If the majority in value of the holders of the outstanding bonds of this issue shall fail to fill a vacancy within thirty ( 30 ) days after the same shall occur, then the City shall forthwith designate a new Trustee by a uTitten instrument filed in the office of the City Clerk . The original Trustee and any successor Trustee shall file a written acceptance and agreement to execute th:. trust imposed upon it or them by this ordinance, but only upon the torms and conditions set forth in this ordinance and subject to the provisions of this ordinance , to all of which the respective holders of the bonds agree . Such written acceptance shall be filed with the City Clerk, and a copy thereof shall be placed in the bond transcript . Any successor Trustee shall have all the po::= herein gtanted to the original Trustee . The old Trustee upon resignation or removal shall cease to be Paying Agent and this successor trustee shall automatically beccze Paying Agent . SECTION 16 . That the provisions of this ordinance are hereby declared to be separable , and if any provision shall for any reason be held illegal or invalid such holding shall not affect the validity of the remain3er of the ordinance . SECTION 17 . That all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such con-flict . SECTION 18. That it is herebv ascertaind and declared that eaid improvements are necessary to the health and safety of the inhabitants of the City, and that the construction of said improvements is necessary in order to alleviate an unhealthy and unsafe condition which exists in the City. It is , therefore , declared that an emergency exists , and this ordinance being necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health and safety shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage . PASSED: August 30 , 1967 APPROVED : 2) 1 ATTEST : L o DON TRUMB02 MAYOR s 'UGr�r_�tiv`�� GEORGEW 6ZAVIS , CITY CLERK ( SEAL ) CERTIFICATE The undersigned, Clerk of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas ,hereby certifies that the foregoing pages numbered 1 to 18, inclusive, are a true and correct copy of Ordinance No . 1560, adopted at a Special session of the Board of Directors of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas , held at the regular meeting place of the Board in said City at 44:30 o ' clock , P .M. CDST, on the 30th day of August , 1967, and that said ordinance is of record in Ordinance Record Book H , Page , now in my possession 22 GIVEV under my hand and seal this d� day of 1967. CITY CLERK