HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 1555 1 / ORDINANCE NO , ,S1 AN ORDINANCE FIXING RATES FOR SANITATION SERVICES FURNISHED BY THE SANITATION SYSTEM OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS , AND PRESCRIBING OTHER MATTERS PERTAINING THERETO , WHEREAS , the garbage and rubbish collection , hauling and disposal service presently serving the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , ( which will be hereinafter referred to as the " Sani - tation System " ) is inadequate for the needs of the inhabitants of the City ; and WHEREAS , the BOARD OF DIRECTORS has determined that the Sanitation System should be improved and extended and has accepted a special report and estimates of costs of the needed improvements and extensions (Administrative Memo # 61 of June 15 , 1967 ) , which report is on file with the City Clerk and to which reference may be made by any interested person , and which in general calls for the following improvements : Purchase of trucks , trailers , containers and other equipment necessary for the collection and disposal of garbage and rubbish , construction ojr expanded facilities at the City Shop to be used in the operation of the Sanitation System , purchase of trucks and other equipment necessary for the supervision of the Sanitation System (which will hereinafter be referred to as the " improvements " ) , all at an estimated cost of $ 50 , 000 , including necessary expenses incidental to the purchase and construction of the improvements and to the issuance of revenue bonds or other form of indebted- ness , and WHEREAS , the City does not have funds available to undertake and complete the improvements , but can obtain the same by the issuance of revenue bonds or other form of indebt - edness , and WHEREAS , as the initial step in said undertaking , it is necessary for the City to establish increased rates to be charged for the services of the Sanitation System ; NOW, THEREFORE , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CI^1Y OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : SECTION 1 , That the following rates be , and they are hereby fixed as rates to be charged for sanitation services furnished by the Sanitation System of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , which rates the Board of Directofs finds and declares to be reasonable and necessary minimum rates to be charged : MICROFILMED DATE OCT it97e REEL Monthly Residential Rates and Sanitation Services ( Schedule A The monthly residential rate shall be $ 1 . 75 per month for each single family dwelling unit , limited to two garbage cans not to exceed thirty -two ( 32 ) gallons capacity each . Sanitation services shall be the collection , hauling and disposal of garbage not less than two times each week ; the collection , hauling and disposal of rubbish , leaves , grass , and shrubbery trimmings on a call basis , and other services provided by the Sanitation System of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas . Monthly Commercial Rates and Sanitation Services Sc e u e B The monthly commercial rate shall be $ 3 . 45 per month for each commercial establishment using one can not to exceed thirty - two ( 32 ) gallon capacity . Any commercial establishment using more than one thirty -two gallon capacity can shall be charged $ 3 . 45 per month for each can and each can shall not exceed thirty - two gallon capacity . In the event that commercial establishments require bulk pick-up service of cartons , crates , baskets orpf any rubbish not placed in thirty -two gallon capacity cans Asuch commercial establishments the rate for bulk pick-up service shall be $ 0 . 25 per minute required per pick -up . Commercial sanitation service shall be the collection , hauling and disposal of garbage , rubbish and other services provided by the Sanitation System of the City , once each day , Monday through Friday , excepting authorized holidays for city employees ,. in all business areas . Lodal Type Container Service Rates ( Schedule C) The rate for any person using Lodal Type Containers for the collection of garbage and rubbish shall be as indicated below per service for the emptying of same . Container Size Charge per Service 1 cubic yard $ . 75 2 cubic yard 1 . 50 3 cubic yard 2 . 25 4 cubic yard 3 . 00 6 cubic yard 4 . 50 8 cubic yard 6 . 00 SECTION 2 . The biliing for services hereby provided for shall be included in the bill rendered monthly to each user of City water , or such services may be billed by any other practicable means of collection , and it shall be the duty of each owner , occupant , tenant _ or lessee to pay for the ser- vices provided for on or before the tenth day of each month at the same time and in the same manner provided for the pay - ment of water bills . SECTION 3 . In the event that the billing for services provided for herein are not paid on or before the tenth day of the month when due , a penalty of ten per cent ( 108 ) is hereby levied . Such penalty shall become a part of and be collected with the regular billing for services heretofore levied . SECTION 4 . That the provisions of this ordinance are separable and , if a section , phrase or provision shall be declared invalid , such declaration shall not effect the validity of the remainder of the ordinance . SECTION 5 . That Sections 10 -28 and 10- 29 of the Fayette - ville Code of Ordinances are hereby amended to conform to the provisions of the Ordinance . SECTION 6 . That the increased rates fixed by this ordinance shall go into effect on the first day of 1967 , so that the first bills affected by this ordinance wi be s ;iitted and will be due and payable between ��c� �t, 1 , and 101 1967 . PASSED AND APPROVED this '✓ day o , 1967s APPROVED : /. ��/r DON TRUMBO , JR , MAYOR ATTEST : 4 GEORGE VIS , CITY CLERK STATE of ARKANSAS 1 Jr ss. County of Washington hereby certify that I am the General Manager) of THE NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, a daily newspaper having a second class mailing privilege, and being not less than four pages of five columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at a fixed (daily) intervals continuously in the City of Fayetteville, County of Washington, Arkansas for more than a period of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an established place of business to subscribers and readers generally of all classes in the City & County for a definite price for each copy, or a fixed price per annum, 'L. + .' • which price was fixed at what is considered the value of the publication, ..� f based upon the news value and service value it contains, that at least fifty percent of the subscribers thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper or its agents or through recognized news dealers over a "Te - period of at least six months ; and that the said newspaper publishers an "I average of more than forty percent news matter. I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of v was published in the regular daily issue of said newspaper for__-___L__-_ cexeaautiiui insertion$ as follows : The first insertion on the ---_ 4_ _ day of 19G 7 the second insertion on the —___—_________ day of _-- 19--- the third insertion on the ------------—____________. day of — 19-- and the fourth insertion on the _-------- ._. day of ------------- 19---- Sworn to and subscribed before me on this ___ --._. day of --------------- ----------- Noly Public My Commission Expires : Lo,�L-�y'� Fees for Printing —_ $__�Z wg Cost of Proof Total '.v IIT .,s 1"4ll.iTl gallon capat113 ran sl"' It irged 83.45 per month Wt j t :: n and each can shall not exceed vi .rh--twp gallon 8:apaciiv he ectad that commercial hme en require omi Vivo vice of cartons, crates, ba.R- [nh4day, Or of any rubbish not placed i[ty-two gallon capacity cane uch commercial establishments ate for bulk pickup service be 8025 per minute required lck-up. jimercial sanilatimt aercice a,i, t :nie . q . nw bbee the collection, hauling and r nal of garbage, rubbish and services provided by the tion System of the City. once reler63ics aw - Monday through Friday, ing authorized holidays for bkmployees, in all business ai Tyye antaitaw ferries Rates ' t>IIMY it pe The cab ' : anv s for using [ectal Tofsq tge a for the rubbish lection or start and nebbish g vice be as et t below per ser- ti.. a vice for thk- ling pe per Csnbitter f•ae hNfe per ferv. `� I cubic card 8 75 2 cubic Nya rd 150 .,n. cubit Ward 2.26 4 e, 1 cubic and s: Y +• 3.00 i' cubic yard 45U 8 8 cubic yarn 6.00 SEChON ?. The billing for sen ,I vices 'hereby prodded for shallb be included ch the bili Centered Ir s aye lablo at all( h se tach carr of City water. or snrh services may be billed b. P anv other practicable shall means of utv ..eqM! a nw of each and it c u0 he the duty o of each ownx f occupant, tenant or lessee to pay for the services pro- vided for on or before the tenth tai of each . month at the same time and in the a3manner pro- vided far the Vayin meat of wnirr bills SECTION 3. in the scent that the belling re services oil or be- for herein are not pail he or be- vile the tenth Jq of the manih q„ when due. a penally vi len per r cent I30shall hereby levied. Such benco{�lyl Mall becomes part of and Ion rte O -t � be cofYeetlQ .Wiih relief re l bill •. Ue. .4rka ns a.. a'h ing for 81TPri Ir pr levied. SEC'1T0T1"7 ce are the separable uany and, •, b, _ b f this o ti n . p ere Reparable and. ! il a section. phrase or provision ' >hali pn declared effect , such tlec- :aonVhly uo'elln❑ er ices Iur scion shall nut effect the velitl- 9 .uiltatmo services ne of the remainder of the ordi- IEcbM1uM •/ ' ate. SECTION 5. That Sections 10-28 • 1_ '- gal 10-2q of the Fayetteville Code s1 �7 ter a ' " ; ordinances are hereby amended W101et li iteQto conform to the provisions of the Ordinance. SECTION g. That the increased rates fixed by this ordinance shall go into effect on the first day of Oatoher, 1967, so that the first bills affected by this ordinance will he submitted and will be due and pavable between October 1 , and October 10, 1967, ethh PASSED AND APPROVED this -ca, R 17th day of July. 1967. APPROVED: DON i'Rl1MR0, JR., Mayor A17EST: GEORGE T. DAVIS, City Clerk ,ll— Itr