HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 1553 ORDINANCE N0 . /��W AN ORDINANCE REGULATING PAWNBROKERS IN THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS , PROVIDING FOR LICENSING THEREOF , AND IMPOSING A TAX , AND FOR -OTHER PURPOSES . WHEREAS , under the provisions of Arkansas Statutes Annotated Section 19 - 2303 ( 1965 Repl ) the City is authorized to license , regulate and tax pawnbrokers , and the Board of Directors finds that it is the 'public interest to adopt appropriate regulations for same , and to incorporate said regulations into the Fayetteville Code of Ordinances . NOW , THEREFORE , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : SECTION 1 . That the Fayetteville Code of Ordinances , is hereby amended by adding a chapter to be numbered Chapter 22 , which chapter shall read as follows ; Chapter 22 PAWNBROKERS Article 1 In General Sec . 22 - 1 . Pawnbroker defined . A pawnbroker shall be deemed to be any person , firm or corporation whose business or occupation is to take , receive , by way of pledge , pawn or exchange any goods , wares or merchandise , or any kind of personal property whatsoever . Article iI Business License Sec . 22 - 2 . Required The business of owning , operating or conducting a business defined by Section 22 - 1 , hereof , as that of a pawnbroker , is hereby declared to be a privilege , and no person shall own , operate , conduct or engage in any such business unless he has a current license to do so issued by the City . Sec . 22 - 3 . Licensing Authdrity . Licenses as herein provided for shall be issued by the City Manager and attested by the City Clerk , The City Manager shall have authority to promulgate from time to time any rules and regulations necessary for the proper administration of this ordinance . MICR ATE C 0�7 LMEQ DATE . c kECL,� 978. Sec . 22 - 4 , Application Any person desiring to engage in any business for which a license is required by this Chapter shall file an application for such license with the City Clerk . Said application shall then be referred to the Chief of Police of the City , who shall make a written recommendation to the City Manager . It shall be unlawful for any person to make any false statement or representation in any application or give any false answer to any question contained therein . Sec . 22 - 5 , Tax . The annual tax or a license required by this Chapter shall be $ �. Sec . 22 - 6 . Issuance . A license applied for under this Chapter shall be issued by the City Manager upon compliance by the applicant with all provisions of this Chapter , includ- ing payment of the prescribed tax . Sec . 22 - 7 . Not Transferrable . A license issued under this Chapter shall not be transferrable . Sec . 22 - 8 , Expiration . Every license issued under this Chapter shall expire on the thirtieth day of June next following its issuance . Sec . 22 - 9 . Revocation . When any person licensed under this Chapter is convicted of a violation of any provision of this Chapter , the Court shall , in addition to the penalty imposed for such violation , revoke such person ' s license . When any license is revoked under this Chapter no new license shall be issued to the same person within one ( 1 ) year after such revocation . ARTICLE III . REGULATION Sec . 22 - 10 , Maintain Books and Records . Every pawnbroker shall keep a book or record , which shall be numbered consecutively and will correspond to the pawn ticket or stub issued to the person so pawning , pledging or leaving as security such article . That such book or record shall contain an accurate , detailed des - cription , so as to be readily identified , bearing the serial number , if it has one , of the article so pawned , pledged or left as security . Such book or record shall further contain the date , the hour , such article was pawned , pledged or left as security , the name , residence , address and signature of the person so pawning , pledging or leaving such article as security , the amount of the money loaned or advanced on the said article , and the date that such is to be redeemed . The said book or record shall be carefully preserved without alteration and shall at all times be open to inspection by . the chief of police , or any police officer of the city . Sec . 22 - 11 . Report Required . Every pawnbroker shall deliver to the police depart- ment every day before noon , except Sunday , a daily report upon a form furnished by the city of his previous day ' s operation . Such report to be completely filled out in detail . Sec . 22 - 12 . Waiting Period Before Disposition of Pawned Article It shall be unlawful for any pawnbroker to sell , exchange , barter or remove from his place of business or permit to be redeemed any article pawned , pledged , or left as security for a period of twenty- four hours , after making such daily report . ARTICLE IV . VIOLATIONS Sec , 22 - 13 . Violations - Penalties Every person , firm or corporation , or their agents , servants , or employees , who shall violate any of the provisions of this subsection , shall upon conviction thereof , be guilty of a misdemeanor , and shall be fined in a sum not less than ten dollars nor more than fifty dollars , and each day ' s violation shall constitute a separate offense . SECTION 2 . That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage , approval and publication . PASSED AND APPROVED this p� !L�l/day of �i , 1967 . APPROVED : ATTEST : ti !ii/YGf, DON TRUMBO , JR . , MAYOR - GEORGE V , 19AVIS , CITY CLERK • - STATE of ARKANSAS l f as. Countyof /Washington I, 4 _��. _ � ., hereby certify that I am the Ce ral Mama r of THE ORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, a daily newspaper having a second class mailing privilege, and being not less than four pages of five columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at a fixed (daily) intervals continuously in the City of Fayetteville, County of Washington, Arkansas for more than a period . t}.; of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an established place of business to subscribers and readers generally of all classes in the City & County for a definite price for each copy, or a fixed price per annum, which price was fixed at what is considered the value of the publication, j based upon the news value and service value it contains, that at least fifty • 1 " °'':1 percent of the subscribers thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper or its agents or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least six months ; and that the said newspaper publishers an average of more than forty percent news matter. I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of was published in the regular daily issue of said newspaper for.___ ._�ni� insertioq as follows : .;, The first insertion on the -----------7------------ day of ._Z7 19 L7 the second insertion on the —__—_________ day of __—_ 19-- the third insertion on the ___—_____---___ day of - —_ 19— Y and the fourth insertion on the -------------__----- da of ____.__...._.___ 19_____ Sworn to and subscribed before me on this _7____._ ________ day of ------------_. 2F6tary Public My Commission Expires : Fees for Printing Cost of Proof Total p~ E , 1 5". MA. - -AN o ONCINANCK A license�uead This W� NR •MG. CMD shall flot be transferred- , popY�llrt!- F YE 6bS1aag4 Upfradon. 'i'N '. fj Eve cepae i�wl!I nw r this TAI[ 'A Chapter agaU b*DRe on the ttheirrtiieetth day of. Jena next fol- of kill Mia Ch: iinypexneeoteto� UP. S ,ity ' Ater M eonvlatea of a IN to C hooaof say provision of this -- thei 'tibtrffiU� far PrP S adapt asuch :Yblet tp. _ • and so11 whsss•snYntlked ' i+ tZQ�j under this .CgJyptep w it. : cense she u as G OR. person within one (1) yen• after DI such revocatWn. AY- ARTIy�C-�L7pE III. ' REGULATION v1Re^ - a .. S Reebrl VI is �`a and by a a e pp a�eh' arra be Is to numb lively and will chapter cern d- � the pawn tici.et e � ef•c -_ 5e4: . A to Wi aa: con w y r wig �la t of 964nfe one, o re arts e pledged or left as security Such: nit book or record shall further con{ what . .=- l lain -the date, the hour, such at•� title was pawned, pledged or, Sec, ' left as security, the namec: residence, address, and sig.- at nature of the person sol pawning, pledging or 1 e a vz as 'r f• Ing such article as security, thG by a large an� amount of the money loaned 'OC no :,oda, ate advanced on the said, article. and rn atW arch the date that such is to be re_ b 1 gyiA an well deemed. The said book or res; Ilcegga Ord shell be carefully preserved City. - the without alteration and shall at Sec, all times be open to Inspection LI by the chief of police, or any shall lao, for Police officer of the city. - Mer See. 32-11. Report Required. Clerk: . . Every Pawnbroker shall deliver have1 to the police department every free* and day before noon; except Sunday, regula fat tIM a daily report upon a form fur- p Pushed by the city of his previous Thi rT^ - day's operation. Such report to be completely filled out in detail. angage � Sec. 22-12. Waiting Period Before In ly R- It of Pawned Artiela. It sball be unlawful for any ter Chap pawnbroker to sell, exchange, suchnerkrl barter or remove from his place Said Jae re I of business or Permit to be re- s ta' o Poll" of , deemed any article pawned, aaT'rit Pledged, or left as security for the Cit a Period of twenty-four hours. Ma yl after making such daily repo rt. It a - ;,, - ARTICLE TV VfOLATIONS unlawful frr nm- .. ,n! m m.,la, c, ,. ,. .1 : v,, ,,,, , ,,,,, , ..h: n :. n :loil:,r. lur n,oZ .. bac. 2 , than fifty dollars, and each day's A for under violation shall constitute a thus - p} leaped by separate offense. th}, m il- SECTION 2. That this ordinance once y a with all shall be in full force and effect PrMv logo f .IP_ from and after its peerage, ap volume Papnent of the ' pre_ Vroval and Publication. scribed to:. _ PASSED AND APROVEP 3rd day of Julv, 1967. APPROVED- DON DON TRUMO, JR.. 11., . . ATTEST: GEORGE J. DAVIS. C i' . Clerk -