HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 1546 FILED FOR RECOitii ORDINANCE NO , At : 4f4 6 JUN 167 IVASh�''phG ? •A; COJiVIY AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ZONING ORDINANCE NO . 1� 39AAP" N r� EVISED ZONING . 11 DISTRICT MAP OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS , APPROV& �iMP.7C �2 '=R 1962 , AS AMENDED , TO REZONE CERTAIN REAL ESTATE FROM A-1 ANNEXED TERRITORY DISTRICT TO I -2 HEAVY INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT . WHEREAS , a public hearing was held before the Planning Commis - sion of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , on May 16 , 1967 , on the petition of Catherine Rebecca Hatfield , Emma Lorene Jack , Leonard B . Kendall , et al , requesting that said Planning Commission recommend to the Board of Directors of the City of Fayetteville , . Arkansas , that the Board of Directors enact an ordinance rezoning the following described property presently zoned A- 1 Annexed Terri- O(� tory District to I -2 Heavy Industrial District , to-wit : �( TRACT " A" A part of the East half (E1/2 ) of the Southwest Quarter ( SW1/ 4 ) of Section 7 and the Northwest Quarter (NW1/4 ) of Section 18 , Township 16 North , Range 30 West , County of Washingston , State of Arkansas , being more particularly described as follows : Beginning at a point which is 2264 . 81 feet East and 60 feet South of the Southwest Corner of Section 7 , Township 16 North , Range 30 West ; thence North 1 ° 31 ' 00 " West 2701 . 3 feet ; thence North 89 ° 14 ' 00 " East 800 feet ; thence South 10 31 ' 00 " East 1276 . 3 feet ; thence South 90 53 ' 30 " West 417 . 41 feet ; thence South 4 ° 05 ' 00 " West 513 . 08 feet ; thence South 10 23 ' 30 " East 503 . 61 feet ; thence South 890 14 ' 00 " West 667 . 00 feet to the point of beginning . Con- taining 41 . 96 acres , more or less . TRACT " B " A part of the Southwest Quarter ( SW1/4 ) of Section 7 and a part of the Northwest Quarter (NW1/4 ) of Section 18 , Township 16 North , Range 30 West , County of Washington , State of Arkansas , being more particularly described as follows : Beginning at a point 1763 . 11 feet East of the Southwest Corner of Section 7 , Township 16 North , Range 30 West ; thence North 89 ° 14 ' 00 " East , 171 . 70 feet ; thence North 01 ° 31 ' 00 " West , 2136 . 62 feet ; thence North 200 13 ' 30 " West , 535 . 19 feet ; thence North 890 14 ' 00 " East , 501 . 70 feet ; thence South 01° 31 ' 00 " East , 2701 . 30 feet ; thence South 89 " 14 ' 00 " West , 501 . 70 feet ; thence North 1 ° 31 ' 00 " West , 60 . 00 feet to the point of beginning and containing 21 . 70 acres , more or less . VOi 704P PAGE. ?�j ' MICROFILMED DATE OCT 1 0 193 REEL 17 5 2 - TRACT " C " A part of the SW 1/4 of Section 7 , Township 16 North , Range 30 West , County of Washington , State of Arkansas , being more particularly described as follows : Beginning at a point 1 , 934 . 81 feet East of the Southwest Corner of Section 7 , Township 16 North , Range 30 West ; thence North 1 ° 31 ' 00 " West 2 , 136 . 62 feet ; thence North 200 13 ' 30 " West 535 . 19 feet ; thence South 10 31 ' 00 " East 2 , 641 . 3 feet along the East line of a proposed 50 foot Road ; thence North 89 ° 14 ' 00 " East 171 . 7 feet to the point of beginning . Con- taining 9 . 41 acres , more or less , and WHEREAS , notice of said public hearing , setting forth the date , time , place and purposes of said hearing and location of property was published in the Northwest Arkansas Times , a newspaper of general circulation in said city , more than 15 days prior to said public hearing , and WHEREAS , following said public hearing , said Planning Commis- sion certified to the Board of Directors of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , its recommendation that an ordinance be adopted rezoning the above-described property , presently zoned A-1 Annexed Territory District to I -2 Heavy Industrial District . NOW , THEREFORE , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : SECTION 1 . That the above -described property , which is presently zoned A- 1 Annexed Territory District , be and the same hereby is re- zoned to I -2 Heavy Industrial District . SECTION 2 . That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in con - flict herewith are hereby repealed , and this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage , approval and pub- lication . PASSED AND APPROVED this Lam/ day of 1967 . APPROVED : • F ATTE$T,: DON TRUMBO , JR . , MAYOR GE2paE JC1 D ' S , CITY CLERK Vo. 704 PAGE121 CERTIFICATE STATE OF ARKANSAS CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE I, GEORGE J . DAVIS , City Clerk within and for the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , do hereby certify that the annexed and �� foregoing is a true and correct copy of the w e , therein set forth, and the same is as it appears of Record in PROCEDURE OF CITY COUNCIL RECORD , Volume zy _at Page /4457'thereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal this IAItl ; 414day of 19 �. C\ i � i \` ; . . . ' V • \ C— ITYERK My v0L 704 PnE122 . : :.. : .. . . . . : : _ . . tt\,i ,. . ir .11i L v: r ... ... . . . .. / ! . • s R. Q CERTIFICATE OF RECORD. STATE OF ARKANSAS ] ° 'r Washington County ] SS. I, Alma L. Kollmeyer, Circuit Clerk and Ex-Officio Recorder for Washington County, do hereby certify that the annexed or fora+ goingJJ'T�trument was filed for record in m officeron the 4L day of pOafa'ClockM, and the same is dul ecorded in 22 s record at page Witness my hand and seal thi day of 199 Circuit Clerk and Ex Officio Recorded / r :. . e y .:r•a:5.p,:;.;.,. . Deputy Clerk ' STATE of ARKANSAS County of Washington as. I, �/. .__. ._ �.__ _ ___ .. _ .. _ hereby certify that I ,r am qwtceral Manger) ofof TORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, a dnewspaper having a second class mailing privilege, and being not less than four pages of five columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at a fixed (daily) intervals continuously in the City of Fayetteville, County of Washington, Arkansas for more than a period of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an established place of business to subscribers and readers generally of all classes in the City $ County for a definite price for each copy, or a fixed price per annum, which price was fixed at what is considered the value of the publication, based upon the news value and service value it contains, that at least fifty percent of the subscribers thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper or its agents or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least six months ; and that the said newspaper publishers an average of more than forty percent news matter. s . .� I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of was published in the regular daily issue of said newspaper for--1—_-_- coaaecutiuo- insertionp as follows : (� The first insertion on the ------- ____ day of Q[fft-4-- 19-6-7 the second insertion on the .- ---------._------- day of ------------._. 19-- the third insertion on the ---__--- day of .— 19 and the fourth insertion on the ....._-----_.------ day of _-.._.--_— 19__.. 1 Sworn to and subscribed before me on this ------ day of --------- 19-4-7 -_--_-_.19--(r-7 Notar ublic My Commission Expires : Fees for Printing • Cost of Proof Total 41 the SW Ii of Section 7. ii Nartb, Range 3o . (attoof Washington. Manaus bel cR.Rtv4P dascrlAed u 11 11owe� if Rt a DQinf 1,854.81 feet satls Iija 1166 North[ a, 80; Wast; thence North 90" West. 2,188,62 feel: K North 20' 13' 30" Wert a d0 fest; thence South 1- 31' held before th• Esat 2,N1.8 fast a ' . Un of brag the a PmPesed 50 foot ". ,n theMe North a9' 14' 00" d, P�m n'e e J 1171'7 feet to the point of be- < n , requ e r le ontaining 8.41 acre,, . . Vnnn a,:' nt miss Ib u,.a�d Of EAS, notice of said public the City OI Fe>'ettevillea n8. setting forth the date. fiat the Board of Dir place and purposes of saitl .n ordinance tezonin8 and location of m i ::g described property P Petty coned A-1 Annexed Te Dublished In the Northwest (Acct to 1- Times, a newspaper of 2 Heavy Ind I ctrculetion In said cityy tt TRACT '10. t. � than 15 days prior to said '� hearing, and A part Of the East he EAS, followin the Southwest Glparq . ng, said Plannlns8 said public Section 7 and the No twtltlsd to the Boar Commiselon Quarter INW' , i df ; rSR/ib 18 of the Cit o the F of Directors K: 3 ayetteville, .Arkan- Township t6 Noah, Rau 30 'au, Its recommendation that an or West, County of he dinance be adopted rezoning the Stat of Arkeraae. he above-described propert pparticularly described tAYETTEVILLE Zoned Aa y. present- Beginning at a point' irlet to I- Annexetl Territory 226681 feet East and 60 }' 2 Heevy Industrlel Of the Southwest Corner [clef. O , W, THEREFORE. BE IT OR_ tion 7, Township 16 North, INED BY THE BOARD OF DI- 30 West; thence North 1' 31' CTORS OF THE CITY OF Wast '1701 .3 feet; thence , ARKANSAS: So h 00" Fact gooEast tart; th ECTION 1. That the above-de- South ] ' 31' 00" East 1706,8 : bed property which ispresent- thence South 9' S3' 30" •� mnetl A-1 Annexetl Territory West feet: thence South, trlet, be and the seine hereby is West 513.48 feet; thenge ' EMS,, ned to I-2 Heavy Intluetrla] 28' 30" East 503.61 fe trict. South 89' 14' 00" West ECTION 2. That all ordinance, N the point of beginning, Parts of ordinances In conflict 41n;ng a19d acres, more or tvith are hereby repealed, and TRA, �T 4IB ordini nce ahall he In full force Iyart of the Southwest Qu a and effect froand after its m N) Of Section 7 and a pp paseage, approval and Publics- of the Northwest quarter IN tion. et-6ection IN. Township 16 North, PASSED AND .APPROVED this Haff a 30 West, County of Wesh-' 5th day of June 1967. tr11916h, State of Arkanua. being APPROVED: mdre particularly described as DON TRIIMBO, JR., Mayor ' fa n's: Be inning at a point 17 4; feet Fast of the Southwest C ner of Section 7, Township ' orth, Runge 30 West; thence - North 89' 14' M ' East, 171.70 lead:dh111ce North 019 31 ' 00" West, 2136.62 feet: thence North 80' 18' 3N' West, 6.45.19 feet; 'hence `IORth DT 14. 00" East, 561.70 feet; '. -1Ne7�a South Ol• 81' 06" Fast, "7e1:8o feet: thanes South" Sa• 1a' "I" West. 301 .76 feet: thence Vat th test, 60.00 feel ' he Kidding and �.-is more or