HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 1536 ORDINANCE N0 . AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ELECTRICAL CODE OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS , (FAYETTEVILLE CODE OF ORDINANCES SECTIONS 8 -1 THROUGH 8 -31 ) TO ADOPT BY REFERENCE THE 1965 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE OF THE NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION , TO ADD CERTAIN PROVISIONS REGULATING NEON LIGHTING , AND TO RENUMBER CERTAIN SECTIONS AND FOR RELATED PURPOSES , WHEREAS , It is the policy of the Board of Directors of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , to continuously update and improve the Ordinances of the City , in order to better serve the interest of the public ; and WHEREAS , since the City ' s adoption of the 1962 Edition of the National Electrical Code issued by the National Fire Protection Associa- tion , the 1965 Edition , entitled " National Electrical Code , NFPA No . 70 " , has been issued by the National Fire Protection Association , and the Board of Directors has under consideration the adoption of the new Edition in order to update and improve regulations pertaining to the construction , installation and inspection of all electrical wiring and apparatus ; and WHEREAS , three ( 3 ) copies of the 1965 Edition of the National Electrical Code are kept on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , and the Board of Directors has caused a notice to be published in the newspaper of general circulation within the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , stating that it had under consideration the adoption of said code and advising the public that the requisite copies of same were on file in the office of the City Clerk and open to public inspection ; and WHEREAS , the Board of Directors is desirous of adopting certain regulations governing neon lighting to be made a part of the electrical code of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas . NOW , THEREFORE , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : SECTION 1 . That Section 8 - 1 of the Fayetteville Code of Ordinances is hereby amended to read as follows ; Sec . 8 -1 National Electrical Code adopted by reference . There is hereby adopted by the Board of Directors of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , by reference thereto the provisions set forth in the 1965 Edition of the " National Electrical Code , NFPA No . 70 " as issued by the National Fire Protection Association , save and except such portions of said National Electrical Code as may be deleted , modified , or amended by the provisions of Section 8 -2 through 832 of the Fayetteville Code of Ordinances , and the provisions contained in said National Electrical Code are hereby adopted and in- corporated as fully as if set out at length herein , and the MICROFILMED DATE OCT 1 0 wg REEL 1I -2 - Provisions thereof shall be controlling within the corporate limits of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , SECTION 2 . That it is the express intention of the Board of Directors of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , in adopting said amendment to Sec . 8 -1 of the Fayetteville% Code of Ordinances , to adopt by reference to the extent as stated in Section 1 of this Ordinance the provisions of the 1965 Edition of the " National Electri - cal Code , NFPA No . 70 " , as issued by the National Fire Protection Association . SECTION 3 . That the Fayetteville Code of Ordinances is further amended by renumbering the sections which presently appear as " Sec . 8 -30 " and " Sec . 8 -31 " to read " Sec . 8 -31 " and " Sec . 8 -32 " , and further amended by adding the following section to be numbered 8 -30 : Sec . 8 -30 Neon Lighting . That notwithstanding any provision contained in the National Electrical Code to the contrary , the following provisions shall govern neon lighting : ( 1) Persons installing neon tubing must obtain an electrical permit to do such work , and the City electrical inspector may issue this permit under the provisions set forth in Sec . 8 -17 , supra . ( 2 ) Persons installing neon tubing under such electrical permit shall be limited to installing the transformer and the necessary high voltage wiring and material on the second- ary side of the transformer , unless such persons hold a current City Electrician ' s LicenBe which would enable him to install the primary wiring to such installation . ( 3 ) Persons installing such neon work shall be required to furnish the City with a corporate surety permit bond and be required to carry liability insurance as set out in Sec . 8 -22 and Sec . 8 -23 , supra . ( 4 ) Persons installing such neon work must comply with all provisions of this Chapter , except that such persons need not carry a City Electrical LicenBe to install such transformer and secondary wiring . SECTION 4 . That all other provisions of Chapter 8 of the Fayetteville Code of Ordinances shall remain the same . SECTION 5 . If any section , sub-section , paragraph , sentence , clause or phrase of this Ordinance (and the Code adopted by reference herein ) shall be declared invalid for any reason whatsoever , such decision shall not affect the remaining provisions , which shall remain in full force and effect ; and to this end , the provisions of this Ordinance .3- and the Code hereby adopted by reference ) are hereby declared to be severable . SECTION 6 . This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage , approval anublication . PASSED AND APPROVED this � day of , , 1967 . ATTEST : APPROVED : .O GEORGE MVIS , CITY CLERK DON TR O , JR , MAYOR ORDINANCE NO. 1516 :1N OHDINANCE AMENDING THE F.J..ECTRICAL CODE OF THE CITY STATE of ARKANSAS 1 ' OF FNvFTTEVILLE, A6KAN$AS, Jr 88. iFA1"F.TPFCILI.E CODE OF ORDI- County of Washington NANCES SECTIONS 8-1 THROUGH 8-31 ) TO ADOPT BY REFERENCE, THE 1965 NATIONAL ELECTRI� CAI, CODE OF THE NATIONAL^ /\/j�]� FIRE PROTECTION ASSOCIA. I, _ j •_ _--------------- ------_---- ---__-_-___---__---___-- .. , hereby certify that I TION, TO ADD CERTAIN PROV7- lL' SIONS REGULATING NEON am the ( reneral Manager) of THE NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, LIGHTING, AND TO RENUMBER CERTAIN SECTIONS AND FOR 8 daily newspaper having a second class mailing privilege, and being not RELATED PURPOSES. less than four pages of five columna each, published at a fixed place of WHEREAS, It is the policy of the Board of Directors of the City of business and at a fixed (daily) intervals continuously in the City of Fayetteville. Arkansas, to contlnu- Fa etteville Count of Washington, ousll' update and improve the Or- Fayetteville. Y gto Arkansas for more than a period dinances of the City: in order to of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an established place of better serve the interest of the public; and business to subscribers and readers generally of all classes in the City WHEREAS. since the City's adop- tion of the 1962 Edition of the Na- Y price for each copy, or a fixed price per annum, tional Electrical Code issued by the which price was fixed at what is considered the value of the publication, National Fire Protection Associa- tion, the 1965 Edition. entitled "Na- based upon the news value and service value it contains, that at least fifty tional Electrical Code, NFPA No. percent of the subscribers thereto have p 70• , has been issued by the Na- P paid cash for their subscriptions tional Fire Protection Association, to the newspaper or its agents or through recognized news dealers over a and the Board of Directors has un- der consideration the adoption of period of at least six months ; and that the said newspaper publishers an the new Edition in order to up- average of more than fort percent news matter. date and improve regulations per- g y tainting to the construction, installs- tion and inspection of all electrical I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached In the matter of wiring and apparatus: and WHEREAS, three (3) copies of the 19W Edition of the National Elec. tricsl Code are kept on file in the �( office of the City Clerk of the City ------------ ---- _ ___-- ---- of __ of Fayetteville, Arkansas, and the Board of Directors has caused a notice to be published in the news- paper of general circulation within was published in the regular daily issue of said newspaper for____________ the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, gQageeetive insertion as follows : stating that it had under consider&- _/ tion the adoption of said code and Ir advising the public that the requi- The first insertion on the -__-___et.' -7 site copies of same were on filo- ------------- day of in the office of the City Clerk and open to public inspection; and WHEREAS. the Board of Direc- the second insertion on the ----- _-__ --------------- day of tors Is desirous of adopting certain regulations governing neon light- ' ;ng to be made a part of the elec- i the third insertion on the -----------------_ ------____ day of -_--_-_-_--___ 19 t-ival code of the City of Fayette- ville. Arkansas. NOW THEREFORE. BE IT OR- and the fourth insertion on the day of 19------ DAINED BY THE BOARD OF DI- RECTORS OF 'VIE CITY OF FAY- , ETTEVILLE, - ARKANSAS- SECTION 1 . That Section 9-1 Of C L.W WWW` the Fayetteville Che of Ordinances ----- -- -- Ia 'hereby amended toed, L, fo} lows; Sec. 8-1 Nationil LFIeltilwI C adopted 4v reference. Sworn to and subscribed before me on this __ y_------- day of ._____-_-_- Thereis hetepY adopt*4 by Board of 'Directoks of t of Fayetteville, Arrkana4a, / 7 erence thereto the p -----..-_.___� ---_--_--___.----_ 19_.VY forth in the 1965 Editi "National Electrical I ���� No. 70" as issued by t Fire Protection Asaocla and except such porttp --___.___--.--_._-_-- ___-_--.-----_____ National Electrical Cdde 'as-,. No y Public he deleted, modified. or amen by the provisions of Section through 8-32 of the Fayette Code of Ordinances. and the *u- My Commission Expires : visions contained in said Na- tional Electrical Code are hereb adopted and incorporated as £u 0 G as if set out at length herein, - ��----- the Provisions; thereof shall controlling within the corpora limits of the City of Fayettevil Arkansas. Fees for Printin O*e • owl SECTION 2, That it is the e£ g ------ $------- - ------"----- press intention of the Board of Di- rectors of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, in adoptCoat Of Proof ___-_----- adopting said amend- $---------------------- ment to Sec. x-I of the Fayetteville, Code of Ordinances, to adopt by reference to the extent as stated in Total Section 1 of this Ordinance the pro- visions of the 1965 Edition of the "National Electrical Godes NFP.) No. 70", as issued by the National Fire Protection Association. SECTION :3. That the Facetteville Code Of Ordinances is further emended by renumbering the sec- tiam which presently appear as "Sec 8-30" and "Sec. 8-31•• to read "Sec. 8-31" and "Sec. 8-32". and further amended by adding the fol- lowing section to be numbered 8-30: Sec. 8-30 Neon Lighting. Ther notwithstanding any pro- 1 vision contained in the National Electrical Code to the contrary. the following provisions shall govern neon lighting: (1) Persons installing neon tubing must obtain an electrical permit to do such work, and the City electrical inspector may issue this permit under the provisions set forth in Sec. 8-17, supra. (2) Persons installing neon tub- ing under such electrical permit shall be limited to installing the transformer end the necessary high voltage wiring and material on the secondary aide of the transformer, undoes such persons hold a current City Electrician's License which would enable him to install the primary wiring to such installation. (3) Persona installingsuch neon work shall be required to furnish the City with a corporate surety permit bond and be required to carry liability insurance as met out in Sec. &-22 and Sec. 6-23, supra. (4) Persons !retailing such neon work most comply with all pro- visions of this Chapter, except that such persons need not carry a City Electrical License to in- stall such transformer and sec- ondary wiring. SECTION 4. That all other provi- sions of Chapter 8 of the Fayette- ville Code of Ordinances shall re- main the same. SECTION 5. If any section• sul section, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance (and , the Code adopted by reference herein) hall be declared invalid , for any reason whatsoever; such decision shall not affect the re- maining provisions, which shall re main in full force and effect: and to this end, the proviiions of this Ordinance (and the Code hereby adopted by reference) are hereby ., declared to be severable. SECTION 6. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and : _publication. PASSED AND APPROVED this 17th day of April, 1967. APPROVED: DON TRUMBO, JR _ Mayor GEORGE J. DAVIS, City Clerk 24-ltc .