HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 1526 ORDINANCE N0 , 1526 AN ORDINANCE CREATING A DEPARTMENT OF PARKS AND RECREATION OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS , AMENDING THE FAYETTEVILLE CODE OF ORDINANCES , AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES . WHEREAS , it appears to the Board of Directors of the City of Fayette- ville, Arkansas , that it is in the public interest for the City of Fayette- ville, Arkansas , to initiate a comprehensive program for parks and recreation in the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas , and WHEREAS , the Board of Directors desires to establish a department of the City to administer said program. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS : SECTION 1 . There is hereby established the Department of Parks and Recreation of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , SECTION 2 . That the Department of Parks and Recreation shall be neiministered and directed by a person appointed by the City Manager, who shall be known as the Director of Parks and Recreation . That said Director shall have one or more assistants and such staff as the Board of Directors from time to time shall authorize . SECTION 3 . It shall be the duties of the Department of Parke and Recreation to : ' ( 1 ) Develop and coordinate all recreation activities of the City; ( 2) Prepare development plans for present parks and for future park areas ; ( 3 ) Investigate all federal programs for park and recreation development and prepare necessary forms ; ( 4) Supervise swimming pool operation; ( 5) Develop and supervise a Park Maintenance Program; ( 6) Coordinate city wide beautification efforts ; ( 7) Perform such other duties and conduct such other activities in connection with the park, recreation and cultural needs of the inhabitants of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas , as the Board of Directors shall from time to time provide . SECTION 4 . There is hereby created a Parks & Recreation Advisory Board to be composed of seven ( 7) members , no less than three ( 3 ) of which shall MICP DATE. 1@ FIIlr1E9 DATE REEL also be on the Fayetteville Youth Center Board of Directors . The Youth Center Board members on the Advisory Board shall be recommended by the Youth Center Board of Directors and confirmed by the City Board of Directors . The other members of the Advisory Board shall be recommended by the City Manager and approved by the City Board of Directors . Terms for the members of the Advisory Board shall be for a period of 2 years commencing on January 1 . Three ( 3 ) of the initial appointees shall serve for a term of one ( i' ) year and four ( 4) of the initial appointees shall serve for a term of two ( 2) years . Thereafter, all appointments shall be for a period of two ( 2) years . Vacancies shall be filled for the unexpired term in the same manner as provided above . The expiration or termination of a member from the Youth Center Board of Directors of his term on the Youth Center Board, without concurrent re—election or reappointment to said Board, shall also operate as a termination of his membership on the Advisory Board and shall create a vacancy in his position . All members of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board shall serve without compensation . SECTION 5 . The Parks and Recreation Advisory Board shall meet monthly with the Director of Parks and Recreation . The Advisory Board shall advise and recommend to the Director of Parks and Recreation , City Manager and City Board of Directors on all aspects of parks and recreation activities . Annually, the Advisory Board shall develop a suggested work program and operating budget to be submitted to the City Board of Directors by November 1 of each year for the subsequent year . The Advisory Board shall also recom- mend priorities for capital improvements and means for financing same, and shall prepare an annual progress report on Parks and Recreation activities . SECTION 6 . That the Fayetteville Code of Ordinances shall be amended by adding to Chapter 2 an article entitled "Article VI , Parks and Recreation" , which article shall be divided by the dodifier of the Code of Ordinances into numbered sections following the format of the Code of Ordinances . SECTION 7 . This Ordinance being necessary for the preservation of the public peace , health and safety an emergency is hereby declared to exist and this Ordinance shall he in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval. PASSED AND APPROVED This 3rd day of January, 1967. APPROVED : DON TRUMBO, MAYOR ATTEST : GEORGE JVDAVTSteo CITY CLERK STATE of ARKANSAS J ee. Cou///nntyyyyye of Was •ngton .t era a I, — 11 S._.. . __ It yrucVulll. -----_, hereby certify that I ' F'., , , , ' , "ii. _ am the (General Manager) of THE NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, co mPrehpwtY' and ret reatwn of a daily newspaper having a second class mailing privilege, and being not et critic. Ar:,aaeAa: and less than four pages of five columns each, published at a fixed lace of WHEREAS . the Board of yir P g P P :its dinciea th Establish e - business and at a fixed (daily) intervals continuously in the City of "ta It tbin car to gM Fayetteville, County of Washington, Arkansas for more than a period Dery. B§ -firs dA of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an established place of RECTORS OF THE rV business to subscribers and readers generally of all classes in the City ETTEV LE. ARKA Att� $y f.ellnt SECTION 1. There is h y for a definite price for each copy, or a fixed price per annum, labbshed the Department which price was fixed at what is considered the value of the publication, ' and Recreation of the City of ere.evdle. Arkanst based upon the news value and service value it contains, that at least fifty SECTION:a 2. That the Dephall be percent of the subscribers thereto have aid cash for their subscriptions of Parka end That the D shall be P P P a(Intnistered and directed by a per- to the newspaper or its agents or through recognized news dealers over a son appointed by the C9 y Manager, who aha)1 be known a$ t e Director period of at least six months ; and that the said newspaper publishers an nt racks too Recreation. 'rhes average of more than forty percent news matter. more Director shall have one Kmore a,rd (if Di and such staff as mE Board ..r authorize. from time b I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of time shall authorize SECTION 3_ Id shall be the duti andof the Department Or Harts and RI'a( I )loEion a: - ------- - -- - A / a/ -- Ul evaiap, and coordinate all reit Prov aeLLvNlea of the -. ,P Prepua lAevabDwsY�� for precept parka anq was published in the regular daily issue of said newspaper for_ ___ park Arras - t3) Investigate all fed consecutive Insertions as follows: "r to fnf park and resp i - elepment star! 'Spire es- sari•' torten; The first insertion on the ---------L3--------------- day of _ AsiaL 19— y ,1 ) firroetvtee swtmtRing PoQI otre vi 15, Develop god suaerv)se i the second insertion on the _. __ day of 19—_ Park Ma'.ntenance Program; Ii) Coordiai ailypWide beau- tification lef'foxi t lI) P"fosm such ot1Nr Arae, the third insertion on the day of — 19— end conduct such other activities in conrecti". with the park and the fourth insertion on the _...___....__.___.__ da of rearr mheic and roll iih Reeds of /yam the inhville, 4 of t" City e Boar OfUe. Arxet[t" at the :line of Dtrecbry . ad from :line to time pmvida: ----- 9ECTI Parka 4. Th e l hereby, vii. / ort,at- a Parks a �apelleted seven �J ort, BnaM in be enott "d tof[u�e4�veh ,7; members. a !ea� llLLR m"" 'P y- Sworn to and subscribed before me on this __ _ _—__ day o4 ................ et which voui a1�o eon a ay- et:erUle Y h eh Qlealal rd} ` members on Youth Center Board G members on Me AshElsandeedmp the shag ly ree*-r, Board .04 by the Yrnl c Oirmed Hord of Internet of confirmed Eby tha-CHAMh Boprd — of Dire ctau T9ta oto; or the Ad y goarNo Public recommends p toe anA appDireoro ' of the AdvLuvy Board IF hem a period of 2T yearn opmrnenet My Commission Expires : Jyeu i 1. 1 l� the in !Parton ist .two yeas. Vaca ana ° be mle� for the unexw Fees for Printing __ ;_l_�1 term in the "me manner % ided a+nve. Rhe expire termination of a gtembeo Cost of Proof Youth Center Board of bur ---------- F is term on the YoFlh Oen .. Phout concurrent {e- y r'L_ppmotinenl to iwt0 Total ; �1 • 'so operate as a le[[in�] mem herihfp on tits A I"irf art shall ereate a au i't his position. All emtters of the Parke a Rc'reatlon Adviisi Board s serve without compensationy StAMON A The Pasts Re, reation Advisory Hoard meet notA Parks qqM '1 ommend mettoo l and Recreatioy, City Heard N7 {) rei 94 fill pec is of parks ■TA rppii as asl�. t4yilfee. A rally, 17w Ad teary M ahalrge o a mggrted a r k pn,eram d oyersling Wet to be submitted to the OM d of year for I )j eq 1 of each Yur far the yyant year. The Advisory Bcard %all also remmmeat prlorlt e; for capi- tal improvement+ ana i for financing sanw, and shall prepare an annual progress report an Parka and Recrea then a%Iies. SE ION 1 et the ravetut- vllle Code Of Otnanees shall be amended by ad I to Chapter 1 an arifcle entitled "Article Vt. Parks and Recreation." which art M. cle rhall bge� divided by the codf.' fier of the CO a of Ordinances Into numbnred seettoiu fallowing the format of the Code of Clydlnarunin SECTION 7, This Ordinance be- ing necessary far the preservation of the public Mace, health and safety, an emergency Is beret de- clared to ext" and this Ordinance ,hall be In full three and Meet nd after its pas,ya Re and ap LSSF,D AND APPROVED This .tax' of .Tanuary. IM7. APPROVED. DOR TY117 BO Mn_vnr QST