HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 1522 ORDINANCE NO . AN ORDINANCE ORDERING THE REMOVAL AND RAZING OF A BUILDING LOCATED AT 701 NO . COLLEGE AVENUE IN THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS , AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES . WHEREAS , the owner of a tract of real estate located at 701 North College Avenue , in the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , has allowed a structure situated thereon to become run-down , dilapi - dated , unsafe , unsightly , dangerous , obnoxious , unsanitary and detrimental to the public welfare of the citizens of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , and r WHEREAS , the condition of such building constitutes a serious fire and health hazard , ' and hazard to the public safety , and un - less immediate action is taken to remedy this situation , there is great likelihood that the surrounding property will be damaged or destroyed by fire originating from such unsafe and hazardous structure , and that life and property will be harmed and lost by the collapse and fall of portions of said structure , and through unsanitary conditions existing there . NOW , THEREFORE , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : SECTION 1 . That J . B . Randolph is the owner of the following described real estate and the said owner is hereby ordered to re- move and raze the building or structure now standing upon said real estate within thirty ( 30 ) days from the effective date of this ordinance . SECTION 2 . That said building or structure is located at 701 North College Avenue in the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , upon real estate more fully described as Lot 1 , Block 19 of the City Park Addition to the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , and same is declared to be a structural fire and health hazard , and unsightly , obnoxious and detrimental to the public welfare . SECTION 3 . That the Building Inspector is hereby authorized and directed to serve the owner of said real estate with a certi- fied copy of this ordinance , by certified mail , and notify said owner that the building or structure standing thereon must be torn down , razed and removed within thirty ( 30 ) days from the effective date of this ordinance . That in the event said owner cannot be located by mail as aforesaid , he shall be given notice by posting a certified copy of this ordinance at some conspicuous place on an exterior wall or door of said building or structure , Ilv\F DATE o 1978 DATE oC7 I REEL - 2 - and by mailing such notice as aforesaid to said owner ' s last known address . SECTION 4 . All persons , firms and/or corporations violating the terms and provisions of this ordinance shall upon conviction thereof be fined in any sum not less than Twenty- five Dollars ( $ 25 . 00 ) nor more than Three Hundred ( $ 300 . 00 ) Dollars . SECTION 5 , The City Attorney is hereby directed to institute such legal proceedings as may be necessary in order to enforce the provisions of this ordinance , and to remedy the dangerous , unsanitary , and unsightly conditions brought about as a result of the failure of the owner to properly keep up said property . SECTION 6 . Said legal proceedings shall provide that unless the building or structure is razed within a certain period , to be determined by the Court , the City of Fayetteville be authorized to raze said property and have a lien upon the real estate for the cost of removing said building or structure . SECTION 7 . All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed , and because of the dilapidated building or structure situated upon the real estate heretofore described , causes a constant fire hazard and menace to the public peace , health and safety ; and becAU(se this hazard and the condi- tion of the nuisance created by such property should be removed and abated at once , an emergency is hereby declared to exist , and this ordinance being necessary for the preservation of the public peace , health and safety , the same shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval . PASSED AND APPROVED this 8e�day of � , 1966 . DON TRUMBO , JR . , MAYOR ATTEST : GEORGEVJ , LDAVIS , CITY CLERK _ STATE of ARKANSAS )l ORDINANCE NO. 1521t'011nty of Washington I as' a � ORD:INANCE ORDERING 11:D REhIO'%AI. AND RAZING OF A BUDDING LOCATED AT 701 SO. COLLEGE AVENUE IN .THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, AR- I, - .. �L� ____, hereby certify that I KANSAS, AND FOR OTHER PAR- - -'--- ---' -" " POSES, am theeditor) (manager) (chief accountant) of THE NORTHWEST WHEREAS, the owner of a tract or real estate located at vol North ARKAN TIMES, a daily newspaper having a second class mailing pri- QHlege Avenue, in . the City Fayetteville, Arkansas, has ovilege, and being not less than four pages of five columns each, published s of ]owed a structure situated there- at a fixed place of business and at a fixed (daily) intervals continuously in on to become run-down, dilapi- dated.. lim"fe. unsightl,v. dangr- the City of Fayetteville, County of Washington, Arkansas, for more than Pus, obnoxious, unsardtary and a period of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an established dettinental to the Public welfare of rheasw>Rns of the City of Fayette- place of business to subscribers and readers generally of all classes in the -qlAkanias, dna athe condition or mak Cit & County for a definate price for each cop y, or a fixed plvre per ;,uikktytnng constitutes a serious fire annum, which price was fixed at what is considered. the value of the pub- EA, IF)¢affh �harard, and hazard to :hw.a+Wic safety, and unless inn- lication, based upon the news value and service value it contains, that at ' edta situation. L taken to r rent least fifty percent of the subscribers thereto have paid cash for their sub- that is aken¢ is great 1,i! _ that the surrounding scriptions to the newspaper or its agents or through recognized news deal- PrPn will be damaged or yi"drgyled by fire originating from ers over a period of at least six months; and that the said newspaper pub- surp,% fe and hazardous etric- lishers an average of more than fourty percent news matter. 9tfoe that life and property iM1Ry,,•heri ied and Inat by the Ke1 pend tall of Portions of mid I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of and through unsanitary 1 existing there. - + EREFORE, BE IT OR- THE BOARD OF DI- HE CITY OF FAY- "ARKANSAS: ;1. That J. B. Randolph y1e R� ANI or the foland the aid was published in the regular daily issue of said newspaper for ___ _____ +^ Ze de- ANI state aad the said Y P Per os'wmwtt hereby ordered to re- eettsec"Here insertiotti as follows: -�. eRd. raze the building or . / ----- •R a .cow =tending upon said YA 'e to within thirty (30) days roes tba eftective sere of this The first insertion on the ----- ----- day of __/ ry-_ 19_44 2 a�N�gge. • ON 2. That said building ,rll [Avenue is in the at 701 North the second insertion on the ___ __________ day of _____________ 19______ -+atle��gRIE.tAvenue to the City ea Fay- ,W 1119, Afull s s, upon real of 'r�M e0e[e fitly described as Lot VA1104 19 of the City Park Addi- the third insertion on the ____ day of ____________ 19______ k, VDAD Ake City of Fayetteville, viisegees, and same is declared to 'x* - f/lft+ctural, fire and health N1 and the fourth insertion on the - ______ _____ _ 19______ '11 and unsightly, obnoxious --- y ':u'eef4•f��l+rrM�r�etr7nrentN to the Public � ~ 9Y•g IVN 3. That the Building _IJI L __- _____ uOsieator is hereby authorized. and =}1 ureeftad to serve the owner of said • a estate with a certified copy .rthY ordinance, by certified mail, Sworn to and subscribed before me on this _�Z ------- day of ______ nd- otQy said owner that the ldldkig or structure standing ' hereon must be tort[ down, razed �y{� •(/ 19 ' d removed within __(301 _ � '-'------'- ------ 'IS from the effectiveve da date of iordinaowner That to the event . ,i owns enrtd. t behes located by -r1•i1 at aforesaid. a shall ed given Notary bIle lice or posting a certified copy this Place on at tern cotes[] o- r elf s d an ".exterior wall e. fir y rust building or structure. by mailing such notice as ire Ad to mid owners tact My Commission Expires: I ,a'n)Wn address /J 5+m CTION 4 All Person firma d or corporations violating the rme and Prov,�'..nns F ore- inoe shall in .r rea he fined m eats en Twenta' c -.sal Fee for Printing . . . 0more than Thr, iii ilred e0.00) Dollars. �ECTiON 5. The City Attorney hereby directed to institute Cost Of Proof . . . . . $ ------------ - h legal proceedings as mnv be e stony in order to enforce the - remelu of this ordinance, and Total . $ remedy the dangeunsightly ouc notion- ' and -a unsightly conditions dight -about as a r (if the I; ire pf iowner to properly -.n up said to property. ` ,shallN B. SaiProvide legal proceed- ing provide that tris r the acting certain structure Lt razed hih a ey the period, to t be City nined6A tile. Court. the Cicv FayeMe bse . aatholized to - � ' - -eObiWvea lien "'n tW dhe . cost of " �gfdt-!dzue- tde'ECITT ' SECTIO 7 iconalnan nflictr here th . arel ereb dn'=' aenfllct herewith are a dilapidated band Ing or rucof the situated u n the Ing or tate Pee tofor ed upon the real estate heretofore described, caused a constant fire hazard and menace to the public peace, health and aand because this haz- ard andnd the the condition of the i sance created such propeinrty should be removed and abated at once, an emergency Ishereby de- clared necessary exist, and this ordinanceoe - being necessary for the presen•a- tion of the public peace. health and and safety, the same shall he In toll force and effect from and atter il•. pass - „ qtc t