HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 1517 ORDINANCE NO , AN ORDINANCE SUBMITTING TO THE ELECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS , THE QUESTION OF ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY ADJACENT AND CONTIGUOUS TO THE PRESENT CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS , AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES . WHEREAS , the present corporate limits of the City of Fayette- ville , Arkansas , fail to include thickly populated areas adjacent and contiguous to the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , and WHEREAS , service is now being rendered to some parts of the territory by the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , gratuitously , and WHEREAS , the residents of the contiguous areas are without the benefit of police and fire protection and are being penalized on insurance rates by reason of the lack of adequate fire protection , and WHEREAS , such contiguous areas are needed for the extension of streets , sewer , gas and water systems ; to supply places for abode and business ; and for the extension of needed police regula- tions ; and WHEREAS , such contiguous areas , if annexed , will unite with the presently established city limits to make up a homogenous city which will afford to its several parts the ordinary benefits of local government ; and / WHEREAS , the Board of Directors of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , is of the opinion that the question of annexing the territories hereinafter described should be submitted to the qualified electors of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , at its next annual election to be held on November 8, 1966 . NOW , THEREFORE , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : SECTION 1 . That there be submitted to the qualified electors of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , at the next annual election to be held on November 1966 , the question of annexation of territory contiguous an a 7acent to the present corporate limits of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , so as to annex to the present corporate limits of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , the following described territories , to-wit : 1 . All of Sections 24 , 25 , 26 , 33 , 34 , 35 and 36 , Township 17 North , Range 30 West , of the 5th Principal Meridian , except that portion of lands 1v1iC:.0F1U0 1 0 1978 DATE REEL.1 - 2 - within the present corporate limits of Fayetteville, Arkansas . 2 . All of Section 23 , Township 17 North, Range 30 West, of the 5th Principal Meridian, except that portion of said lands within the present corporate limits of Johnson, Springdale , and Fayette - ville , Arkansas . 3 . All of the Southeast Quarter (SE 1/ 4) of Section 22 , Township 17 North , Range 30 West 4the 5th Principal Meridian , except that portion of said lands within the present corporate limits of Johnson, Arkansas . 4 . All of the South Half (S 1 / 2) and all of that portion of land, east of the railroad right- of-way , in the Northeast Quarter (NE 1/ 4) , of Section 27 , Township 17 North , Range 30 West, of the 5th Principal Meridian, 5 . All of the West Half (W 1/ 2 ) of Section 1, Township 16 North , Range 30 West , of the 5th Principal Meridian, except that portion of said lands within the present . corporate limits of Fayetteville , Arkansas . 6 . All of Sections 2 , 4, 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 and 11, Township 16 North, Range 30 West, of the 5th Principal Meridian, except that portion of said lands within the present corporate limits of Fayetteville , Arkansas . 7 . All of the West Half (W 1/ 2 ) of Section 12 , Township 16 North, Range 30 West , of the 5th Principal Meridian, except that portion of said lands within the present corporate limits of Fayette - ville , Arkansas . 8 . All of Sections 19 , 20 , 21, 22 , and 23 , Township 16 North , Range 30 West, of the 5th Principal Meridian, except that portion of said lands within the present corporate limits of Fayetteville , Arkansas , 9 . All of the Southeast Quarter (SE 1/ 4) , the South Half (S 1/ 2 ) of the Northeast Half (NE 1/ 2 ) , the Southeast Quarter (SE 1/4) of the Northwest Quarter (NW 1/ 4) , and the East Half (E 1 / 2 ) of the South- west Quarter (fSW 1/ 4) , of Section 24 , Township .16 North , Range 30 West , of the 5th Principal Meridian, except that portion of said lands presently within the corporate limits of Farmington, Arkansas . 3 - 10 . All of the West Half (W 1/2 ) of the West Half (W 1/2 ) of Section 19 , Township 17 North , Range 29 West , of the 5th Principal Meridian , except that portion of said lands within the present city limits of Fayette- ville , Arkansas . 11 . All of the West Half (W 1/2 ) of the West Half (W 1/2 ) of Sections 30 and 31 , Township 17 North , Range 29 West , of the 5th Principal Meridian . 12 . All of the East Half ( E 1/2 ) of the East- Half ( E 1/2 ) of Section 28 , Township 16 North , Range 30 West , of the 5th Principal Meridian . 13 . All of Section 27 , Township 16 North , Range 30 West , of the 5th Principal Meridian , except the East Half (E 1/2 ) of the East Half ( E 1/2 ) of said Section . 14 . All of the East Half (E 1/2 ) of the Northeast Quarter (NE 1/4 ) , the West Half (W 1/2 ) of the Southeast Quarter ( SE 1/4 ) , and the Northeast Quarter (NE 1/4 ) of the Southeast Quarter ( SE 1/4 ) of Section 33 , Township 16 North , Range 30 West , of the 5th Princi - pal Meridian . 15 . All of the Northwest Quarter (NW 1/4 ) , the West Half (W 1/2 ) of the Northeast Quarter (NE 1/ 4 ) , the Northwest Quarter (NW 1/4 ) of the Southwest Quarter ( SW 1/4 ) and the North Half (N 1/2 ) of the Southwest Quarter ( SW 1/4 ) of Section 34 , Township 16 North , Range 30 West , of the 5th Principal Meridian . SECTION 2 . The ballot title shall appear as follows : " The Question of Annexation of Certain Territory to the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , For Annexation Against Annexation " SECTION 3 . That in the event of the approval of said annexa- tion by the qualified electors of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , as hereinabove provided for , that such steps be taken as are necessary to comply with the will of the people as expressed in said election . 4/,y��/-J/) PASSED AND APPROVED thi '`' day of . 1966 . APPROVED : DON TRUMBOt JR , - MAYOR ATTEST : GEORGE AVIS , CITY CLERK T"' I STATE of ARKANSAS 1 JP sa. County of Washington "Ai `ii TI tOF rp Crry I/'� D w ILi7RPOSES. cars:' I. ---- �5. _._`�}}� ` -\------------ hereby certify that I W 8.. present co:popate am the Genual Managdr) of THE NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, limits' 'the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas sail to include thickly a daily newspaper having a second class mailing privilege, and being not populated areas adjacent and con- tiguous to the City of Fayetteville, pages of five columns each, published at a fixed place of Arks ns s. and business and at a fixed (daily) intervals continuously in the Cit of Wan F:RF,.4S. service b now be- Y) Y Y Ing rendered to some paste of the Fayetteville, County of Washington, Arkansas for more than a period terniory M- the City of Fayette- vilie .Arkansas. gratuitously, and of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an established place of WHEREAS, the residents of thel business to subscribers and readers y y contiguous areas are without the '.. generally of all classes in the Cit benefit or ponce and fire protec & County for a definite price for each copy, or a fixed price per annum, tion and are being penalized on ins n« rates sy reason of fi,e which price was fixed at what is considered the value of the publication, lack anof adequate lire protection based upon the news value and service value it contains, that at least fifty WHEREAS, such contiguou percent of the subscribers thereto have aid cash for their subscriptions areas are needed for the eNten. P P P cion of streets, sewer, gas and to the newspaper or its agents or through recognized news dealers over a water systems: to supply places for anode and business; and for period of at least six months; and that the said newspaper publishers an the extension of need ponce re gu- average of more than forty percent news matter. lations: and WHEREAS. such coati[ I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter ,11 areas, f annexed, y g the presently limits to make up city which VMI of Patfs the ordinary — O goverwHEREAS, and _—____—____________— tors of the City of quests. 1s of the was published in the regular daily issue of said newspaper for_________ question o[ anBe gar Y -- -- tones hereinafter swizae •e:ae insertio as follows: be submitted to the �, tors of the City of kansas. at iia next arnlnal' election to he held on November s, 1966. The first insertion on the ____ . - -___ _ __ _ day of NOW. THEREFORE. BE IT OR- DAINED BY THE BOARD OF DI- RECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAY- the second insertion on the -------- ---------______.__ day of -------------------- ETTEVR. X ARKANSAS: S 1. That there be euM mitted to the qualified r2ectoxa of the third insertion on the da of ___________.____ 19— the City of hyetteville, 1<Hlaaa, Y at the seat.annual a 'As be held anNoyem bar 46 .ques- tionoi saltRxatton x and the fourth insertion on the _...._________ day of _______._______ 19_.. tigmW adjoetark p ant t�te litdts ]umeas( an iS 1 A . t/� C �J LFieyx`m of �aaa Binns ft.0 of tk .C{�T°aK.�'syet - Arkan- sae. '. Ilorrine a terrl- torWa. 1. AaSeadona.E( Sworn to and subscribed before me on this __ __�__ -- ---- e day of ---------- North.. -------1� —--- ---------- Ifs Q or yo an, abIvarit ¢dale, ana ry Public Fa�'ettoviile. Arkansas. 1 All of the Southeast QusHer ISE ail of Section n, Tow¢ My Commission Expires : Fees for Printing ___ $_.ata4+ Cost of Proof ---------- $------------------------ Total _________________ _ --Total ------- $--- G-. ¢ ICY. l dmw -'T mita to son. r. AU ISN: 4, All of 1)4 S�W[�n p1pL�ylP IS 15) _ :(pd :,11 R �1M�YLY/Mafof d_ teat all e way, to the Northeast Qtur- ts n 27, 1%WMIAW4 YO&WInge 30 West, of the ,1?ib $rim1w Meridian. S. All of the West Ha" (W '4105 Section i , Towns 16 North, Range "a West, ofthe-Sth Prin- cipal Meridian, exeeDt that portion of said isn within the present curposet!e limtta of Fayetteville. Arlf[taana ts. 6 All of Sections ^_. 4, 5. 9. 7. 8a II , ToMp . ' 16 Hort RaQ{e ", %h. or� the ' h nl of said atthin Imot of corporate limits of Fay I et taun ts, Arkaeaa ., 7, of the W�1 ala l( tW til eT Is I. of 18 North, Range :IS Mer of the eth Principal Meridian except that portion es Mid ords ate limits the present 4. Arkate limits of Fayetteville. Arken- aAb. 8. All of Sections 19. 20.16 21, 22, and 23, Township 18 North, Range Weal. the th Principal al MMtlian. except that porlmsaid of said lands within the present corporate limits of Fayetteville. Arkan- sas. f. All of the Southeast Quarter the South Half12) of thee Northeast Hae (NFE 11 . the the Southeast Quarter ISE :1 of the Northwest Half (NW 141. and the East sf Half tE 1 :1 M the SouthwestQuar- ter (SAW24.1:), of Section 24. Township a North, Range Weste30 - ridia of the tth at Portioncipal Me- ridian.. except that pOri.wit of said lands presently within the corporate limits of Farm-ington.n. Arkthe Was. t=1 30. All he the Weal Half 1W Of the West Halt 61 of Section 19 West.Township 17 North. Range 2e West, of the th . that %Npsal Meridian, except ) that portion of id lands with- in the present m limits of Fayetteville. Arms. 1 '' 11. All of the Westt aHalf of the West Half (W Of 41 See- tions 30 and 31, Township 17 North. Range M Weaof the 5th Principal 12. All of the Eastt Half Meridian. n Half IE lS of the East Half (E .41 of Sec- Ran 28, Township 15 NO Mir Range 3l West. of the 5th Principal chinMerl27, lII. All of Section 27, Township 18 North, Range 30 West. of the 5th Principal Merfdlan. except the East Half (E 12) of the East Half (E !j) of said Section. 14. All of the Feat Half CE 10 of the Northeast Quarter (NE ra, the West Half ON 10 of the Southeast Quarter (SE 14). and the Northeast Quarter 4NE ''a) of the Southeast Qnal'- I ter, (SE %) of Section 33, Town- ship 16 North. Range 30 West, of the MIA Principal Meridian. 15. All of the Northwest Quar ter (NW !i), the West Half (W 541 of the Northeast Quar- ter (NE %). the Northwest Quarter (NW 14) of the South- west Quarter ISW 141 and the North 1!alf IN la) of the . Southwest Quarter (SW 1S) of Section 34. Township 16 North.. Ranee 30 West, of the 5th Principal Meridian. SECTION '. The ballot title shall appear as follows: The Question of Annexation Of Certain Terr!torY to the to the City of FeYetteville4 Ar. kanaas, For Annexation Aggainst Annexation' SFCTION 3. That in the event of the approval of said annexation by the qualified electors of the City of Fayetteville. Arkansu. as here. inebove provided for. that each step be taken as are necessary to comply with the will of the peoyle as expressed in said election. PASSED AND APPROVED this 3rd day of October, 1%6. APPROVED' DON TRUMBO, JR., Mayor ATTEST GEORGE J. DAVIS, City Clerk 9 Itc og IV 1 y IV, egg, i 1'N THE COUNTp COURT OF WASHINGTON COUNT! ARKAHSAB • nl .. i (e CLERK IN THE MATTER OF THE ANNEXATION ' " '1 :'U. ARK ` OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO THE CITY 6 OF PAPETTEWLLE , AAEANEAE , A `. " MUNICIPAL CORpORATIOM t and IN THE MATTER OF THE ANNEXATION . . OF CERTAIN TERRITORY To THE TORN . f ' Or rARMIxO ^ MUNICIPAL CORPORATION A ! . , 0RDan • • " (( i NOW On this 9th day of January, 1967, the abovewmtitled "j natters come On�t6 be heard on the original petition of the City into Of raysttev1116 , Arkansas , to annex Certain territory to the ! j , • : City of rayettevllle , Arkansas , as amended by order of this PP Court On Motion of -the City of rayetteville, Arkansas, ffffffll pzlor to the oom®ancenent Of said hearing on January 9, 1967, and on the ;lit • ' tie original petition for annexation of certain territory to the Tom Of rarmington , Arkansas , said petitions for annexation have f ing been set for hearing on this date by Order of this Court 5 of dated December 19 , 1966 , and consolidated for hearin i g by Order . , of this Court this 9th dap of Janna rye 19671 and the petltlonesie City of Fayetteville , Arkansas " a t; • " , appearing by its duly aathorlsed . U. agent , Hugh Re Kincaid, City Attorney, - ` • . and the remonstrants to . : . i :. " .`. .� said petition , Rileykillern appearing by his attorney, ' t .art y may, Peter i. ' .r ,` , iI G. Estes , and James J. Hardin , Lloyd L. Hape , . AndrsW NoDonald, > � • � �1 ' at al , appearing by their attorncyr Leonard Osuaahay r i I � . . ) mad the i Petitioners for annexation to the Town of hrsdagtom, Arkansas, , appearing by their attorney, Janes a. Evans , and the reaonstraa! ' Iter ` to said petition , the City Of Fayetteville , Arkansas , appearing "1 0 y its attorney , Hugh R. Kincaido and it appearing to the Court • !' .'-' ,,�; iron etatemen' . 4f COuapl , data , maps , plats , and other Srideaos�l both oral and " dOounentarp, introduced in open 000st, In support, of said o+etitions , the Court, after dna and barefal 'oonsiderati IV : k +''. fihdsn I � � • ' ' I i •• 1 J .. j.I 0. t y ;��. , t i iS to �' p ;:i: 1k' � t r � • 1 + • �r • t nC � ' � •t' , VA �I �g�Se-r •ti r r .. . + G i .( i1`" 1 , }.'S ,� # L �,•`� r F 4v : ti, ► 1 . , j ;: _ 2 _ 1. That the allegations contained in the petition for an- nexation to the Town of rsrmington are not swtaln•d by the : , I proof, that the requirements for signatures ander Ark, Stab, Ann , section 19-301 have not been shown or proved , that an acca- ; 1 rate map Of the territory Proposed for annexatlon has not been � i rude and filed , that territory in question is not right Rad prop or for annexation to the Town of tarmington, Arkansast and said Petition shourd be dismissed , 2 , That the allegations contained in the petition for snnez- riatlon to the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , u vended, are it sustained by the proof, and the following described real esbLs fi ehOald be annexed to the City of Fsyetteville, Arkeasas to-watt _+; r { r 1 (l) All of sections 21 , 25 , 26 , 35 , and 26 'Township II 17 north , Range 30 Nast, Of the 5th PrInel al ! I � Meridian , except that p that Porti F o! lands within the , . ., Present w ayetteville, Arkaasas, ' i (2) All of section 23 , Township17 North, {{I ' ' J ` , ' . • � � Neat , of the 5th Principaliagoo Msridn, e� that ';; portion of said lands within the present corporates i limits Of Johnson , Springdale, and raretbvillar . : ( Arkansas , (3) All of the south Half (S 1/2) and all of that L ' portion of land , east of the railroad right of way, in the northeast Quarter' of Sectlop 27, ; . t Township 17 North Ran p , Range 30 Nest Of the Sth f (I Principal Meridian , except that portion of said •• ' landswi thin the present corporate lisps ofJohn ' ! v8 i � (4 ) : ' All of the Nest Ralf (N 1/2) of Section 1 , + i', • ' ' . ship 16 North, Rang,: 30 Nest, of the Sth rrinei41011 • ' :e+:F1 ' Pal Meridianexcept t that r i ;^..c,..! within the resentr►wza co Portion o! said lands I Ville , Arkante 1Laib of raystte- sas . If (5) All of Sections 2 , S , 7 , A and Il, Samehip X16 ! ' , ., 1, .,•1• � , . North , Range 30 Neo: of the SW Franclpal Meridian, : ( f•: f except that portion of said lands witbia the I (• (:(!r^ ; ! �, ; ;7 Present corporate limits of Fayetteville , Azlcaasas:' J-s s oo (6) All Of the Nest Half (N 1/2) of go otlon 12 i fi ship 16 , North Range 30 Nast, o! the SUr Prinoi- ± Ir r ' g pal Meridian , except that portion of said lands •• +. i rr ;'4 ''";+{, wit :. the present corporate limb ' ^ ' • Ville , Arkansas goo to ;to It (7) All of Sanctions 19 , 20, 21, 22 ,. and 23t Township 1 .i ,; � . 16 North , Range 30 Nett, of the Sth principal Meridian', except that portion of said l the present w atA ppoo land within .,a , 1 . }y Arkansas , ilnlLs of rayattevilla, i goo. go g go S1 . goo , Flo, , a •n , r til �? ik..�}I _'-- � ! r , r� t PI-1 sr go n tKt .I .:: 71�d-(•r.:i % ' ,('•Y-`,.h•a-.1 �L , 'R`E 12. r T,•{,?; , 3�S 3 . I (8) All of the southeast ! ` Hal! (8 1/2 ) of the lipzthsaat (8E 1/4) , the South the Southeast Quarter (BE 114 ) of rter Northws4�t Quarter (NN 1/4 ) and the East golf (E 1/2) o! the 1 ii Sonthwast Ousrbr SX 1 1 • I ship 16 North ( / ) r of Section 2/ , Tavn- " r Range 31 Nest, Of the Sth PrincI Pal Meridian , except that portion of said lands Presently with" the b 1Lalb of Arstfng� : • . Arkansas . s All of the Nut Half (w BectiO1/2) of the w OU est Hall. (18. 1 21. • ! OUtLla� .Tmelahi2%jz 'ee 'Fri 1pal fMridian , except t Dc o � Of •aid lands within the present Portion Units e! Fa 1 yetteville , Arkansas . E ; S (10) All of the Nest Half (N 1/2) of the west Ha is (N 1/2) of Sections 30 and 31if , Range 28 west, of the Sth PzTownship 17 North, inolpal Meridian, 1 (11) All of the East Half (E 1/2) of the east Sall (E 1/2) of Section 28 , Township 16 Bo , Hangs rth ; . I 30 Nest, of the 5th Principal Meridian. � f (12) All of Section 27, Township 16 North, Range 30 Nast , of the Sth Principal Meridian, the i . East Half (E 1/2) of the East Hal! (Bel/2) i I 1 said Section , of sz ilf . (13) All of the East Hal! (E 1/2) of the Northeast ! i Quarter (HE 1/4 ) , the Nast Hall (N 3✓2) of the • I : ;. ' • ; 6 ' Southeast Quarter (8E 1/4) , and the Northeast ! . . Quarter (N8 1/4) of the Southeast Quarter (BE 1/4) , Lr •, of section 33 , Township 16 North• Range 30 Nest, of ' tha Sth Principal Meridian. - { f1 (14) All of the Northwest Quarter (NW 1/4) • the was •F, Half (w 1/2) of the Northeast Quarter (NE i T ) the Northwest Quarter (NN 1/4) o! the southeast r ,• <} 3p_',• t � Quarter (8E 1/1) and the North Half (N 1/2) o! i • ' :.'+ ' .r ` � ' .;{ + . • . .. " the Southwest Quarter (SN 1/4) of Section 31 S Township 16 North , Range 30 Nast, of the Sth" Principal Meridian , (15) All of the wast Hal! (w 1/2) of Section 13 Town- I shi tt pa p 16 North r Ran ge 30 Nest O! the Sth Prind 1 ' I � • t,° ( �� ��'^.e . if Meridian , except that portion of said lands within the present corporate limits of Fayettaville Arkansas , and the area lying South of the 0 U Present corporate li: •it lino South of Stab ` . r,,• t ( r ' Highway No. 16 . ` ( 16) All of Sections 14150 17, 18 and 28 , Township ) hili, • IS; '. 16 , North , Range 30 west Of the Sth Principal . • t. . .;.�.� Fc.;g ; F Meridian , except that portion of said lands within ! r I �kapm;ant corporate limits of Fayeitevllle, t €t . ' (17) All of sections 4 and S ' Township 16 North, Range ` •ra ' , � lYS� ;.. , .30 west , of the Sth Principal Meridian , and all ' 1 ` ' n! 8eatiana 33 and 34 , Township 17 North , Range } 30 west, of the 5th Principal Meridian , alasppt � '.�`; ! that portion of said solutions 1 , S, 33 and 31 � ;c r ifh y l ' • within the present corporate limit of Fayetteville, ' Irl � f Illj� L,TN J , ( t �� J /!f ,•�' 4 i �VF}• , t' • i rN , if 111 • f't.. .,iYRr • �,�@ ,Iz.t r• ;� > •t Yrr��Y'�) + r } �y �, , i ! r � � ��"�n.�e •is y t�• � y r ��[[ r is J •�. s+� � {)}y(• �E� .Y�+� 'Ji„i'abl i z�i Sr+ F. ,•a. 66.�{t�. §J�e-:t/r ' Scr , 71pe LSSP•:Flak .•}T� ..lilt �. 1 - Arkansasr also , except the following described pow to tions of said Sections 1 , S , 33 and 31 owned by the University of Arkansas and more fully described . and shown in Exhibit 'A• to this order , • In 6eotion 1 , T 16 N , R 30 . i All of NN frl . quarter. Part of N 1/2 of NE fr1 . quarter (2. 92 &Orae) . In section S , T 16 N , R 30All of HE frl . Quarter. i • i (• • . Part of NN frlo quarter, beginning at WE corner i of said frl . quarter section and ironing thence ' : Nest 12 chainst thence south 19 chains 26-1/2 I � links ! thence East 12 chains , thence North to place of beginning (21. 96 acres) , f All of SN quarter, except 20 sods of equal width off south side thereof. i N 1/2 of BE quarter. 1 . • , I1 * 1 SN quarter of BE quarter. exospt 20 rode o1 equal width off the South side thereof, �.( ` • . �: ! ' N 1/2 of SE quarter Of sE goarterr except 20 " " � : it + : i rods of equal width off the South side ereof ' In Section 33, T 17 N, R 30 N E 1/2 of BE quarter, except 10 acres of equal " R and uniform width off the Nest side thereof. I 1 , . � � � � • ! In section 31 , T 17 N, R 30 N ON quarter. 41 Part of w 1/2 0! 02quarter (11.96 ,arse) . • �f 3 . . The Court finds that the Doard of Directors of the ^� city of rayetteville , Arkansas , passed Ordinance 1517. on October f 3 , 1966 , submitting the guastion Of the annexation OL certain 1 ' territory to the electors of the City Of Pagettevill-• Ad msae* { i%: at the next general election on November S . 1966, and that said ordinance was . : • ' ' �r3,'a i :.• ; : . Paned mon than 30 days before the said gansral I V 14 election, T3,o Court further finds that 'On October' 26 , 1966► in, %' t� t'ii order to con c certain errors and osdseions inadverte6tly ooaarring in the land descriptions oontalDed !A said ordiaaacs� i ' and to confirm the intentions of the Board o!. Dinotors.. '.� f � • 1 1� : , , 1 i /, (tgipp )•� Iff \ a�l � � . J (OiJ ' ,t �,a._ .t'' " ' � / I a �t ,e Ilt(pi1 ;;r t•u•.d.' et , A ; tYI'1± '' J 1 . 1 , . • - + .. r i p , L; •;: , +,�.t• •..+'- o-?' a i ra /•'11;'i}�R ;:f9,;s'�',';}y �r.! -; +.4 S. y +;f r r7 ('. : ei•.9. 4 ':q:A'si�Sc'� ' .Cn ,y;. ,•.- Licrc� Tj tjy.in, 1 t •.. . .. . ._. , l that all the lands shown On a certain annexation map, which map had been given ride circulation and publicity by the Board of Directors , be included in the Proposed annexation area , the Board of Directors of the City of layettwille , Arkansas , adopted Ordinance Wo . 1519 . Said ordinance WAS Published not less than , ? ten times in the Northwest Arkansas Times , a newspaper of general circulation in the City. of Fayetteville, Arkansas , and County of Washington , giving to all persona notice of the corrections made, The Court further finds that -said proposed annentlon ras &P' ' + Proved by a maJOrity of the qualified &lectors Of the City Of layecteville , Arkansan , voting in the general election on Nosea- j ' bar 1 , 19660 and that same is evidenced by a Osrtlficate by the . . ti Board of Election Commissioners of Washington Comity, Arkansas, ' ? 6 , That on the iSth ay Of November, 1966, the Cosa ty r Court entered an Order fixing the 19th tI d•1 of December, ilii, in • , . }; ,, s the Circuit Courtroom of Washington County ., ;. ' ty Coart Rouse Fayetteville , Arkansas, as the time , Place and ate fixed for ? � the hearing on the said petition, That doe notice of the tlma, { s „:f.. j Place and date fixed for the hearing on said ` j �' g Petition was dale - ; ' . . Published in the Northwest Arkansas Times, a newspaper of general , til circulation in the Ci u- ty of Fayetteville, Arkansas, and the county . . ;. ,_'`it � j of Washington . In the fon and manner and for khe time required - •' ' by law, That i on the ata t for said bsanlnq the court ' t• ! . ?! aoatlni� 1 wed said hearing until the 9th a tf y of ry, of67, at Which0, r 1 ' ripe the matter was fully heard. •.. r :._:,s. :i .. .. " 4 . • i� 7 t' •: ' f`a That at the hearing on the 9th a y of Janmrlr 1967, Ijd , open court , the proof for the petitioners and remonstramb ras : • _^,g.:. � ' . t placed before the Court, and the Court finds that the ahovem I describedr ^ �r p P ty, • Plat of which L annexed hereto an stdilbit ' 71 to ..this order and Inco rporated fully here" , should be annexed" �;::: j ; 1:14, to the City of layetbville , Arkansas , That A true and correct ' plat 0f' th6 above-described territory has been filed with the ;' F Coltrt" )sy •the petitioner, City of Fayetteville - , . < 1.. •, , '1; ;. r Arkansas. , t ( ,' �,. � C ✓ Y ,ti ' ^F{411 _•iii � ,,� ' d }� �l y �I�i. i��� rslx'•-i�Gr�Ft t�'.•!�'� �41k •� sf . A �"•�,� Ir l� � iBri•Y�7. t�4Sa yrJ,:f ..L � stir"� .��1 , _� . a�� . ` o�.�n'r•�!!.'s 1�' iii14'1,.Y iA= si 1 . riy«,.i..'r t� .+ . - F "" � +, - 6 - , i 6 . That the above-described property Is not unusually large , it is contiguous to adjoining the present corporate limits of the City of Fayetteville , Washington County, Arkassasl that i the property obtains it/ value by reason of Its adaptability for prospective town uses , that the land is particularly suitable I , for urban purposes , and that it i/ right and proper that it should ' be annexed to the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas, IT IB , THEREFORE , CONSIDERED , ORDERED AND ADJDDOED, the ! CIM real estate hereinabove described and situated in Washington Cmmty , Arkansas , and not presently inside the corporate limits ' ; i of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , be and Is hereby aaonMd I + I to , and it is now a part of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas. IT IB FURTHER CONBIDERED, ORDERED AND AD10D06D, that the i l t ' . • t petition for annexation td the Town of Farmington, Artansasp be I i , � � : .• : and the same i/ hereby denied and said petition dlsadssW. . itThis matter having bean heard an January 9, 1967, this Order ! is entered this AO day of January, . 1967, iI ! f t • � t I 1 ,. 4r r + &I!! rj 4 � ll N t l :'. • 1 ri •'. Z;cl I l,il it }. • . ; I •� + h V. • 7 1 1 1 14 1 try 7 {L i l . { : I 1 � n ] it Int r 117n 'Y `t � > - +.0 �: •. ' 1- � . rt ` N' • :It IT l t4.1 .N rI' f •! _��: ' Y. = I .. 'HlptMrl• r, til i .. r r !¢Z�i ; . 11 «,,;v .•.n _ 1 • itr.