HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 1510 ORDINANCE NO. I�jU AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 15- 25 , FAYETTEVILLE CODE OF ORDI- NANCES , TO PROVIDE FOR THE USE OF CERTAIN PLASTIC WATER PIPING IN LAWN SPRINKLER SYSTEMS WHERE AN APPROVED VACUUM BREAKER IS SUPPLIED . WHEREAS, Fayetteville Code of Ordinances , Section 15 -1 , adopts by refer - ence the Arkansas State Plumbing Code , and Section 15 - 25 of the Code of Ordinances amends Section 10 . 1 . 5 of the adopted State 'Plumbing Code to provide among other things that plastic water piping is prohibited, and WHEREAS, it now appears that certain plastic water piping may be safely used in lawn sprinkler systems where approved vacuum breakers are supplied. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS : SECTION 1 . That Section 15 - 25 of the Fayetteville Code of Ordinances , amending Section 10 . 1. 5 of the Arkai sas State Plumbing Code , adopted by Section 15 -1 of the Code of Ordinances , be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows : Paragraph 10 . 1 . 5 of Chapter 10 of the Arkansas State Plumbing Code referred to above (Section 15- 1) be amended to read as follows : Section 10 . 1. 5 . WATER SERVICE PIPE (Materials ) . Cold water service piping shall be of cast iron, type- "K" or "L" copper tubing or galvanized pipe , except when such service is under con- crete ; then such pipe shall be cast iron pipe , type "K" copper tubing or extra heavy lead pipe , and , comply with Section 3 . 3 . 2 and 4. 4 . 7 . The use of plastic water piping is prohibited, except in lawn sprinkler systems . When plastic water piping and/ or any other approved piping material is used in lawn sprinkler systems , the following requirements shall be met: a. All plastic water piping must be approved by the testing laboratory of the National Sanitation Founda- tion for use in potable water systems and bear the NSF stamp of approval for use in such systems . b. An approved vacuum breaker shall be installed and shall be in conformity with the provisions of Section 10 . 6 . 4 of the Arkansas State Plumbing Code . The vacuum 2 breaker shall be installed in a location so that it will be protected against freezing , tampering and damage . Such location shall be approved by the plumbing inspector . SECTION 2 . All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed, and this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage , approval and publication. PASSED AND APPROVED this —eday of 1966 . APPROVED: � V DON TRUMBO, MAYOR ATTEST : 0 GEORJ. CPAVIS, CITY CLERK ORDIPIP °TCE N0. 1510) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 15-25 , FAYETTEVILLE CODE OF ORDINANCES , TO PROVIDE FOR THE USE OF CERTAIN PLASTIC I'LATER PIPING IN L/t': iN SPRINKLER SYSTEMS '�.RiERE AN APPROVED VACUUM BREAKER LS SUPPLIED . WHEREAS , Fayetteville Code of Ordinances , Section 15-1 , adopts by reference the Arkansas State Plumbing Code, and Section 15-25 0£ the Code of Ordinances amends Section 10 . 1 . 5 of the adopted State Plumbing Code to provide among other things that plastic water piping is prohibited, and WHEREAS , it now appears that certain plastic water piping may be safely used in lawn sprinkler systems where approved vacuum breakers are supplied . NOW, THEREFORE , BE IT ORDAINED PY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, APIANSA3 : SECTION 1 . That :Section 15-25 of the Fayetteville Code of Ordinances , amending Section 10 . 1 . 5 of the Arkansas State Plumbing Code , adopted by Section 15-1 of the Code of Ordinances , be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows : Paragraph 10 . 1 . 5 of Chapter 10 of the Arkansas State Plumbing Code referred to above ( Section 15-1 ) be amended to read as follows : Section 10 . 1 . 5 . 1srATER SERVICE PIPE ( Materials ) . Cold water service piping shall be of cast iron , type "K" or "L" copper tubing or galvanized pipe , except when such service is under concrete; then such pipe shall be cast iron Pipe , type "K " copper tubing or extra heavy lead pipe , and comply with Section 3 . 3 . 2 and 4 . 4 . 7 . The use of plastic water piping is prohibited , except in lawn sprinkler systems . When plastic water piping and/or any other i approved piping material is used in lawn sprinkler systems , the following requirements shall be met : a . All plastic water piping must be approved by the testing laboratory or the National Sanitation Foundation for use in potable water systems and bear the NSF stamp of approval for use in such systems , b , An approved vacuum breaker shall be installed and shall be in conformity with the provisions of Section 10 . 6 . 4 of the Arkansas State Plumbing Code . The vacuum breaker shall be installed in a location so that it will be protected against freezing, tampering and damage . Such location shall be approved by the plumbing inspector . SECTION 2 . All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict here- with are hereby repealed, and this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication . PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 8th day of August , 1966 . APPROVED: C \ Al ( wl DON TRUMBO, PAYOR ATTEST : X. y ;ec GEORGE 1 . DLXIS , CITY CLERK MICROFIIN�� DAS CT � 6 StEEI STATE of ARKANSAS 1 fee. - County of Washington awl hereby certify that I am theej( ener2 al Manage ) of THE NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, a daily newspaper having a second class mailing privilege, and being not less than four pages of five columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at a fixed (daily) intervals continuously in the City of Fayetteville, County of Washington, Arkansas for more than a period of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an established place of business to subscribers and readers generally of all classes in the City & County for a definite price for each copy, or a fixed price per annum, , ge that which price was fixed at what is considered the value of the publication, iaMg lot, prohibited. • based upon the news value and service value it contains, that at least fifty WHETtEAS, it now aP cenaI piagic water 'p percent of the subscribers thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions ,he tefely wed in lawn to the newspaper or its agents or through recognized news dealers over a --�y'stytu where approved va g g n Now are supplied. period of at least six months; and that the said newspaper publishers an NOW. THEREFORE. BE IT OR- DAD➢ED BY THE BOARD OF DI average of more than forty percent news matter. RECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAY ETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of SECTION I. That Section 15-25 of -th.dk Taystteville Code of Ordi- nawet tapteni ing Section IQ.1.5 of the AfICMses State Plumbing Code, atlppfeDy Section 15-1 of the M , Osdinenbe and the , fa lsamended 'hereby amended to read es toil":, was published in the regular daily issue of said newspaper for__"_.._�___ Yata&ay h 10 1.5 of Chapter 10 of toe grkanaes state Plumbing Oslugaalltia'Y insertion as follows : Code Deferred to above IS S-4) be amended to read tl -- 19 / / a The first insertion on the _______�G_____ day of __ _ __ Yf+ Ian 101.5. WATER PIP£. (Materials). Vasil, Y% 'y �erv1 1 •nal] the second insertion on the ___________________ day of _____________________ 19__. �lasil' �ml, tyy[ 7C' •Mor ••L•• r� ytu'Eing car galvanized q[], whensuchseroma L:: xerthe third insertion on the _.- -_.--_. ----- _ - day of ----.__. 19 . f�%totncrete. tthen such __ ___ _ _ __ aban cast tans pipe, type Copp" tubing or":extra h je:.d pipe. and comply with and the fourth insertion on the ___._________ da of See- on 3J.? and a t. __. The use to plastic water piping s Prohibited. except n aistic A��� • moi L __ water piping an. When plastic t approved piping and/or any other approved piping material to used � � d8 Of in lawn sprinkler systems; the following reuir<menL anon be Sworn to and subscribed before me on this _.__ ___ _..____ _ y ._____________- met. a. A71 plastic water pipingtest- must be approved by the teat- - -__.------ 19_ /-4 frig laboratory of the Nattonkl ---------- --3 '-^�+-------------- u Sanitation Foundation for use ff4(rr in potable water systema and bqeeeer the NSF stamp of ap- prdral for we in men sys- Is=. NotarlO Public b. An approved vacuum breaker shau be installed and shall be In conformity with the provisions of Section 10.6.4 My Commission Expires: of the Arkansas State Plumb- ing Code. The nm a snail be Installed in i locu a lora askil so that it will , be Prot apsLut freezutg, ism and damage. Such loco shall baapprvved by the pi SE`et�0 t' R ordinances ' for Printing P lw��eii in coin herewith are hereby repealed, and of Proof _—_ this ordinance shall be in full force Cost $----"-____--- and effect from and avert its passage. approval and publication. 'i q PASSED AND APPROVED this '. Total gth day of August, 1966. APPROVED: DON TRVMBO, M .. or• ATTEST: GEORGE J. DAVIS, City Clerk