HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 1497 L 6370 FILED FOR RECOKU j ORDINANCE NO . � t // 7 3 �� ��l: J AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ZONING ORDINANCE NO . 1239 , AND 'REVISED ZONING DISTRICT MAP OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS , APPROVE D. ;MAY7218 , 1962 , AS AMENDED , TO REZONE CERTAIN REAL ESTATE FROMCI-lB LIGHT INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT TO C- 1 NEIGHBORHOOD COMMERCIAL DISTRICT . WHEREAS , a public hearing was held before the Planning Commis - sion of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , on April 19 , 1966 , on the petition of Dr . Edwin G . Dooley , requesting that said Planning Commission recommend to the Board of Directors of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , that the Board of Directors enact an ordi - nance rezoning the following described property , presently zoned I -1B Light Industrial District , to C- 1 Neighborhood Commercial District , to-wit : Part of the Northeast quarter (NE 1/4 ) of the Southwest quarter ( SW 1/ 4 ) of Section 16 , Township 16 North , Range 30 West , beginning 947 . 7 feet East and 25 feet South of the Northwest corner of said forty ( 40 ) acre tract , THENCE South along the east side of University Avenue 214 . 5 feet ; THENCE East to the Railroad Right -of -way ; THENCE Northerly along the Railroad Right-of -way to a point 96 . 2 feet due east of the point of beginning ; THENCE West to the point of beginning , and Part of the Northeast Quarter ( NE 1/4 ) of "the Southwest Quarter ( SW 1/ 4 ) of Section Sixteen ( 16 ) , Township Sixteen ( 16 ) North , Range Thirty ( 30 ) West , be - ginning at a point on the east line of University Street 358 . 5 feet North of the center line of Putman Street , THENCE North with the East line of University Street 62 . 0 feet ; THENCE East 102 . 0 feet to the Railroad Right-of -way , THENCE South along the Railroad Right-of -way 62 . 0 feet to a point due East of the point of beginning ; THENCE West 105 . 2 feet to the point of beginning , all land sit- uated in Washington County , Arkansas . and , WHEREAS , notice of said public hearing , setting forth the date , time , place and purposes of said hearing and location of property was published in the Northwest Arkansas Times , a newspaper of gen - eral circulation in said City , more than 15 days prior to said pub- lic hearing , and WHEREAS , following said public hearing , said Planning Commis - sion certified to the Board of Directors of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , its recommendation that an ordinance be adopted rezoning the above-described property which is presently zoned I - 1B Light Industrical District to C- 1 Neighborhood Commercial District , MJCRoflvl�o' Isis pp'(E: RE[t P. i or U o V 2 _ NOW , THEREFORE , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : SECTION 1 . That the above -described property which is pres - ently zoned I -1B Light Industrial District , be and the same hereby is rezoned to C- 1 Neighborhood Commercial District . SECTION 2 . That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in con - flict herewith are hereby repealed , and this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage , approval and pub- lication . PASSED AND APPROVED this C. —day of , 1966 . APPROVED : DON TRUMBO , JR . , rYOR ATTEST : �qEI GEO IS , CITY CLERK � � � fad All 673 X ' 7 CERTIFICATE STATE OF ARKANSAS CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE I, GEORGE J. DAVIS , City Clerk within and for the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , do hereby certify that the annexed and foregoing is a true and correct copy of t therein set forth , and the same is as it appears of Record in PROCEDURE OF CITY COUNCIL RECORD, Volume _6 at Page o/ 4 thereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF , I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal this 4 A Yf /,p �� day of 19 (6 6 1 ,f' ► � � � , tt City erk CERTIFICATE OF RECORD STATE OF ARKANSAS Washington County } ss. 1, Lloyd Mcconneii. circuit Clerk and Ex-Officio Recorder fp Washington County, do hereby ccrtiry that the annexed or fore, of instrument was filed for recor in my office on the,sd of. . F42 19"aV4 'clock�d, and the eY duly recor d in same Is Witness m . . . . • • . record . ..460 :7,f y hand and seal this daat Pape• Y of . .�,.�}�,c�Gl� . 19,�(e Q call Clerk and Ex-Offico Recoder • t STATE of ARKANSAS • ss. County of Washington OROINANCK NO. 1097 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ( ,� ZONING ORDINAN E NO 110 , I, - .-__ 1 .--_--------------__ _ hereby certify that I AND REVI6SD ZON DIS'i`Rf am the �_,�' }I MAP DF FAY ( Ge eral lKanager) of THE NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, KANSAS, APPH� Y a daily newspaper having a second class mailing privilege, and being not 1962. AS AMENL pD CERTAIN RE124 of less than four pages of five columns each, published at a fixed place of TRII-IB LIGHT IND business and at a fixed (daily) intervals continuously in the City of TRICT TO C-1 COMMERCIAL 4u I Fayetteville, County of Washington, Arkansas for more than a period WHEREAS, a public hearing wN held before the Pamdnt Commit of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an established place of Mon of the City of fiyette.•H as, business to subscribers and readers generally of all classes in the City Arkansas. on April it. 199d, on the petit on of Dr. Edwin G. Dooley. & County for a definite price for each copy, or a fixed price per annum, re IVNting that aid Planning I which price was fixed at what is considered the value of the publication, Commission tertmmehd to III Board of Directors of the City II based upon the news value and service value it contains, that at least fifty � Fayetteville. Arkansas, that the percent of the subscribers thereto have aid cash for their subscri tions Board of Directors emnt an a 1•' P P P mance rezoning the tdllowfllg ads to the newspaper or its agents or through recognized news dealers over a scribed property, ri presently period of at least six months ; and that the said newspaper publishers an scribed Light industrial ntly t, P . C-1 Neighborhood Com nersial Dis• average of more than forty percent news matter. trict, to-WIC Part of the NSoUthWt quarter I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of (NE tai of the SouNwtN quare Y 6 ter 49W 14) of Sectbh 19, Town• '. ship 16 North, Rang! 30 W beginning 947.7 feet Fest and 2� feet South of the Northwest ceFI nor of said forty (so) acre treat ) ___ - ___-_____ _-----__---_--_._-- ----- - ____________._____._._____._-_____._______ tl THENCE South along the ea side of University Avenue 2119' feet: THENCE East to the Rail- , was published in the regular daily issue of said newspaper for . ...._..._--.-..- roa d Riaht of-weyl TH$NCE : eyngKOtiye insertiorki as follows : Northerly along the Railroad ' Riehtof-way to a point 96a feetdue ' THENCE: weetp tont th pointinof The first insertion on the _____ _._ .___. day of beginning, and Part of the North- i east Quarter (NE Ill of the , Southwest Quarter (sw 1;1 oil the second insertion on the _____ _____ _____— day of ______—________--_ 19_----- n Section Sixteen ( 16), Towship Sixteen ( 16) North, Range Thirty tam West. beginninat a point the third insertion on the ____-______________ day of ____—__-----__ on the east line o( University Street 359.5 feet North of the cen- tre line of Putman Street, and the fourth insertion on the _-_--__- ______ day, qv THENCE North with the Eastlinof University Street 620feet: THENCE. East 102.0 feet to L the Railroad Right-of-wav,THENCE South along the Rail ______ road Right-of-away 620 feet to A , - point due East of the point of 77 hegmmllg; THENCE west M5,2 Sworn to and subscribed before me on this __-_L_.------------ day of ----- ----_-_-- feet to the point of beginning, all land situated In Wathlnaton County Arkeneas. / and, - ---- _._ - - _ _ __ __-_-__ WHEREAS, notice of Bald public - - - - - - ---------- --- - beating setting forth the date, time, Place andppur ld se of Bao hearing and locetioll at Property was published in the Northwest Arkansas Times, a newspaper o Notgry Public general circulation in mid City more then 13 do" prior to Nisi public hearing, and WREAS, following sold publld MY Commission Expires : s : heAdd planning Cbmmiolon c9etlfltj -te the Roar of blelor9 r D o tlfg'City of YeyelteWBL ^rEan• ________________ _ _ _-f-/--so _-_ sag fYfl`9 reeommendatlea that Ad - ordl ee be Adopted feAOhmg the a1MW-dactibed property which it prelehtlY toned 7-18 Light Indus- trial District to C-1 Neighborhood i Fees for Printing ___--_ Commercial District. NOW, THEREFORE, RE IT OR- IDAINEn BY THE BOARD OF DI- Cost of Proof --.--__-- $__-____________ HECTORS OF THE CITY OF FAY• ETTECILLE, ARKANSAS: SECTION I . That the above-de- Total _-----_-_ scribed property which it ptes- ently coned T-113 Light industrial nlsirict, be and the some hereby L rearned to C-1 Neighborhood Com- ', mercial Dletrlet. SECTION 2. That all ordinance* or parts of ordinances In ronOiat herewith are hereby repeRled, and this offlinenee shall be m full force and etrect from eft after its passage. gANDI AQubI P %tthis 2hd GOT 41 May, I$" , bOVNL1ITR(1MEl1li A . Mayor A CIN VeA - _ 6-Ito