HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 1478 N o rArE . i FILGO FOR - RECORD ORDINANCE NO . / � 96JAN I I ,9M IU: 57 WASHINGTON COUNTY, ARK. AN ORDINANCE TO ESTABLISH THE NAME OF A S TIVHC ('pMIC[ITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS , AS " JANE AVENUE " * CIRCUIT CLERK WHEREAS , by Ordinance No . / 71r , dated December JO , 1965 , the City Council of the City of Fayettevi le , Arkansas , accepted the dedication of certain lands in the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , for the purpose of public street , said lands being described as follows : A part of the Fractional East one-half ( Frl . E 1/2 ) of the Northwest. Ouarter (NW 1 /4 ) of Section 3 , Township 16 North of Range 30 West and being more particularly described as follows : Beginning at a point which is 236 . 78 feet East and 20 feet South of the Northwest corner of the above mentioned eighty [NW Cor . Frl . E 1 /2 NW 1/4 ) ; thence East 30 . 8 feet ; thence South 155 feet ; thence West 30 . 8 feet ; thence North 155 feet to the point of beginning . A part of the Fractional East Half ( Frl . E 1/2 ) of the Northwest Quarter (NW 1/4 ) of Section 3 , Township 16 North of Range 30 West , being more particularly described as follows , to-wit : Beginning at a point which is 236 . 78 feet East and 20 feet South of the Northwest corner of the above mentioned quarter section [NW Cor . Frl . E 1/2 NW 1/41 ; thence South 155 feet ; thence 30 . 8 feet East ; thence 81 . 1 feet South ; thence West approximately 38 . 5 feet to a point 229 . 3 feet East and 256 . 09 feet South of the Northwest corner of said quarter section ; thence Northc0 ° 25 ' West 236 . 1 feet ; thence 9 . 2 feet East to the point of beginning . And in addition , all that land not included in the above description which is within a circle having a radius of 40 feet from its center point which is located 229 . 3 feet East and 256 . 09 feet South of the Northwest corner of said quarter section . WHEREAS , the proposed name of " Jane Avenue " has been approved by the Planning Office of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas . NOW , THEREFORE , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : SECTION 1 . That the above-described lands heretofore dedicated and accepted as a public street in the City of Fayetteville be and the same hereby are named " Jane Avenue " . i:: iiOCT CT j 0 o tvg FEEL 1:�2 -2 - SECTION 2 . That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage approval and publication . PASSED AND APPROVED thiso//� day of , 1966 . 61 APPROVED it ( GU1 GUY E . BROWN, MAYO ATTEST : CITY CLERK ,'J .. aboK 6"11 rAct g CERTIFICATE STATE OF ARKANSAS CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE I, GEORGE J. DAVIS , City Clerk within and for the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , do hereby certify that the annexed and foregoing is a true and correct copy of th A,,�.ni.�,.,,u� / l� . J � / �} therein set forth, and the same is as it appears of Record in PROCEDURE OF CITY COUNCIL RECORD , Volume G at Page thereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF , I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal this 1011 a 1 6 4 day of 19 (D v ♦ ' llw, w •l .� City Cier&lt CERTIFICATE OF RECORD STATE OF ARKANSAS wasF.�ng'cn County ss. �. yd MnCnnneii, Circuit Clerk and Ex-Officio Recorder for N% lou •tv, do hereby certify that the annexed or f - ;i m•-n; was tilatl for r��Jd in my otficc on -he�/-he//. . day 7 . :a.+ . . . . 9(4ate. . . O'clockf/�. M, an '. the same is du , ' •r,. , ^d .in . . . . .0VACd!. reord . ,(p11 atp >a.✓9�0, Witness my hand and seal this / LA of . . .cuit . YJh�Ge_ Clerk and fix-Offico Recoder • - STATE of ARKANSAS 1 J as. • County of Washington I, ____. _ _. £ ��^'�`^'-"---- , hereby certify that I am the (Genet Ma agerofHE NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, t a daily newspa er having a second class mailing privilege, and being not less than four pages of five columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at a fixed (daily) intervals continuously in the City of Fayetteville, County of Washington, Arkansas for more than a period 71he of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an established place of llst, - business to subscribers and readers generally of all classes in the City at 6 Count for a definite rice for each coof Y P py, or a fixed price per annum, which price was fixed at what is considered the value of the publication, based upon the news value and service value it contains, that at least fifty percent of the subscribers thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper or its agents or through recognized news dealers over a west ularlyl period of at least six months ; and that the said newspaper publishers an desert nnlnel P At a feet 's average of more than forty percent news matter. East a of the Northwe/( ! abovei I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of i 1 meNQ. het hl. E ' IZN: 7Yt net: YeN thencerco West 76.6 ' North 155 feet to ' s � 2'rt of t __..--- -.-.-__--_-__-_____ -� ----------- ------------ --- _______ flhl. ! west 3.To sht was published in the regular daily issue of said newspaper for. . _ I-_-..- W et. tying 6 lar17y osse nemeses insertion' as follows : d�t�t ltl Be- Rat 176.78 i 1tM'tatlE / as f AY0 M the The first insertion on the _ - 3______— day of - 1Lr__ 19_IcG NortlWeet :above mmNMeQ It INw' Cor. 041. 94 NW 10' thence the second insertion on the -------- day of _ ------------------- 19---.- tilt) Iss feet: theme leJ feet . thern:t 61.1 feet - sleuth'. ' r.^Ixto wear 01) a f9cl; t#iyFast and the third insertion on the - . . day of :,48 .1 to • t So th�A tett Eur ens ..4-, t tern South of the North. 41��, �n,: thence corner eNotth In ?id Quarter west - _ Y and the fourth insertion on the _ da of --- - feet: thence 92 feet Feat )n the Point all hat land And ( I addition. ❑1 tbat de net in- / olH ch 7n the Ala circle cle ha tion - -----__-.-- a radius is within a circle hewer a radius is l/l feet fano l sewer PointAnd which is locfeet South t o fret // Feet and ; co reel south of me Sworn to and subscribed before me on this ___fl__-_-___. day of Ncorlhweat turner of said quarter ool \ p Athe proposed name fJAOestu has been ______ -___ _ __--__-_- -_-__-__ 19 /fe�j rni-pel by e Planning of v rEansas _ _ NOW, TAEOR6 A1COR- 1 nINb BY THE CITY COUN FNMOFAY1S1 IEAR O o ?Wary Public SECTION 1. That the alwve-dt- - 114'd lands heretofore dedicated nrrepted As a publie street in My Commission Expires : M Fa Seto011e be and the tYrehy are named "Jane Av- MON t. That ni ordinanea '.v In full force and effect "Oltafter 1}a pane8e approval .ILT, Or_ ,APPROVED tMa / nett. 1906. Fees for Printing Cost of Proof __.._ $--------- ----- ._ e 1t44 Total _---- $---------