HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 1450 653 racx 75 FILED FOR RECORD ORDINANCE NO . AY45Q AN ORDINANCE TO ACCEPT AND CONFIRM THE DEDICATION OF A19 42 5g� *ob STREET IN SUNGATE ADDITION TO THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLLEE A, )j�SANS59 WA$ HI ON COUNIY, ARK . WHEREAS , there has been duly presented to the Cit W61k61g02fElhe City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , a quitclaim deed dated J%fiCU1176tLEV95 , l; and executed by Cy Carney , Lettie Carney , his wife , and Sunrise Manor Inc . , a corporation , by its President , Cy Carney , and Secretary , Lenis Zinnamon , wherein the said grantors have granted and dedicated for a public street the following described lands situated in Washington County , Arkansas , to-wit : A strip of land fifty ( 50 ) feet of uniform width for a Public Street running from the South Line of Rochier Street to the West Line of Paris Avenue as formerly platted and of record and shown upon the Plat of Rochier Heights Addition to the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , more particularly described as a strip of land fifty ( 50 ) feet of uniform width lying East of and inside a line with the following described curvature : Beginning at the Northeast corner of Block 6 in Rochier Heights Addition to the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , said point being also 562 . 62 feet East and 299 . 84 feet South of the Northwest corner of Section 21 , Township 16 North , Range 30 West of the 5th - P . M . , and running thence S . 890 59 ' West , 429 . 36 feet along the South line of Rochier Street to the point of beginning for the West line of the strip of land herein conveyed ; thence S . 370 43 ' W . , 64 . 00 feet to the P . C . of a 300 09 ' Curve to the Southeast ; thence curving South- easterly along said curve 267 . 64 feet to the P . T . of said Curve , this curve line being on the West and Outside line of right -of-way of the 50 - foot strip herein conveyed for street ; thence S . 43 ° E . , 103 . 45 feet or to the West line of Paris Avenue as formerly platted ; thence South 62 feet to the north end of Paris Avenue at the North-West corner thereof as now platted ; thence East fifty ( 50 ) feet ; thence North 84 feet to the South Line of Grandview Street as formerly platted ' and the portion of which is now closed ; thence North- westerly to the East line of the Street herein conveyed . It is intended and understood that said 50 - foot strip of land shall constitute a curved continuation of Paris Avenue as the same now exists to Rochier Street , as the same are platted , and WHEREAS , the said grantors in said quitclaim deed further agreed to provide a temporary turn- around at the South end of the above described street suitable for vehicular access of ingress and egress until such time as the remainder of Paris Avenue is developed further MiCROFILMED DATE OCT U u 1978 REEL 17 3 2VOL 653 PAR 76 - - to the South of the above property , at which time said turn- around rights shall terminate and revert to grantors as their right appears , and WHEREAS , the Planning Commission of . the City of Fayetteville ,= Arkansas , has recommended the acceptance of said lands for a public street and temporary turn-around . NOW , THEREFORE , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : SECTION 1 . That the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas hereby accepts and confirms the dedication by said quitclaim deed of the aforedescribed lands for a public street and for a temporary turn- around , and hereby declares said street and temporary turn-around to be a public street and public temporary turn-around , and the City Council hereby assumes the care , control and ,jurisdiction of the same . SECTION 2 . That this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage , approval and publication . PASSED AND APPROVED this day of , 1965 • APPROVED : 1 GUY BROWN , Mayor ATTEST : " lot IAY/ / ;G. t GE ,J • D ^ t S , City Clerk ` • + CERTIFICATE OF RECORD t • 0.� STATE OF ARKANSAS ) r Washington County ••"" "` • , `' 1, Lloyd McConnell, Circuit Clerk and Ex-Officio Recorder for Washington County, do hereby certify that the annexed or fore* r going I rum ant was filed for record in myvoffice on the�Yday ot. . . . . if ce..t<. . . . . ��t �'.oclockt:. M, and the sam 19 dulyr corded in . . . . Aw. 4s4 . record . ,Gs . atpage7i , Witness my hand and seal this4 day of . .9�A+a► 60. l94r iceC ircuit Clerk and Ex-Offioo Recoder r VOL 653 PACE 77 CERTIFICATE STATE OF ARKANSAS CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE I. GEORGE J. DAVIS , City Clerk within and for the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , do hereby certify that the annexed and / foregoing is a true and correct copy of they therein set forth , and the same is as it appears of Record in PROCEDURE OF CITY COUNCIL RECORD , Volume �j ' at Page AII6 thereof . IN WITNESS WHEREOF , I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal this p�day of 19 6 s % .lA .. . . . ; Apr + + r City Cl k CERTIFICATE OF- RIECORDI . STATE OF ARKANSAS . . i ss. Washington County � 1, Lloyd McConnell, Circuit Clerk and Ex-Officio Recorder for Washington County, do hereby certify•' tha-t the annexed orfor9e going i rument was filed for record in my office onthatti:W day Of. . . . �/�. 196r� at/r?o'clock?. M; and the-Same�ls dulyr X% * * a -alpage.7{. Witness my hand and seal thi day of •. .r+t..r« .. 19�s� rcuit Clerk a ndr�r7lr7C!!P7. i ucuit Clerk and \ Ex-Otfico Recoder ORDINANCK NO. I"# N ORDINANCE TO ACCEPT AND - ONFIRN THEDEDICATION .OF N FIFTY f FOOT STREET IN STATE of ARKANSAS 1 TE ADDITION TO THEI ' CITY OF FAYEITEVILLE, All as. KANSAS: County of Washington WHEREAS, there has been duly ,.resented to the City Council of it City City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, quitclaim deed dated June ]a, v CSL, V 1. tf�J1 gas atI4,ecrecuted wife. Cy carnes, _ hereby certify that I Let his telfe, end Sun- Ir ______. _... �.... .__________ _.__- --------------------____ , Y Y ase a corporation, by am the reneral Manager) of THE NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, is t. :y Carney, and Sec- - Itary, Lenis zlnnamon wherein a daily newspaper having a second class mailing privilege, and being not i :,r td gra ors have granted and less than four pages of five columns each, published at a fixed place of d odit, f a Public street the '91 tinea lands situated business and at a fixed (daily) intervals continuously in the City of .o w county% Arkansas, Fayetteville, County of Washington, Arkansas for more than a period low t2mo A of (50) feet of of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an established place of 'labac street business to subscribers and readers y y Line of generally of all classes in the Cit r he West Line & County for a definite price for each coformerly py, or a fixed price per annum,and shown which price was fixed at what is considered the value of the publication, Fayette- based upon the news value and service value it contains, that at least fifty g ' particular- percent of the subscribers thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions So p of land t of uniform width to the newspaper or its agents or through recognized news dealers over a f and inside a line period of at least six months ; and that the said newspaper publishers an ollowing described Re t the average of more than forty percent news matter. ner of 6 inehts Add1fR%' to the I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of etteviilllse. 5A2rkansas, feet / feet lo4i}tgof the1. North RRaange 230 /� LGC�- West of the 5th P. Ill and running _ _____-__________.________________________..___________________________.______ _ — tneew '-W .38 feet ��og�� �mm�g was published in the regular daily issue of said newspaper for__.___ for tha IMP of coasacutiv insertion ' as follows: / land lal i thence S. p 370 43' WSeat qt the P.C. of a 30' 0�1 Varier to a south- The first insertion on the --------- east: th" Southeast- --- -- day of _ ___G rte- 19 G `� ____ _ _ _____ tris a P.T.said. - 347.84 feet er the P. dY . : • Curve, this curve line x 4Q�the west and the second insertion on the __.____ -------- ________ day of Outside line +LtghLof-way of the 50-foot Strip bel In conveyed for Street: tlfylcgs. 63' E., 103.43 the third insertion on the ------------ ---________ day of ------- 19--- fast o[ Lo the Nl live of Paris Avenue as f6hderly platted; Line PlGtte Ceand L trtioo South ww � Irl end of Porta A the North- and the fourth insertion on the day of C of , VU ' nee u e nor' _ _ __ West Nor (5 now �— thence Nor f the Southl �•( __ ofnthe Street herein conveyed. It closed: thence Northwesterly to the East tine ! Sworn to and subscribed before me on this ___ ______ day of .. is intended and understood that said 50-toot strip of land shall constitute a curved continuation / of Paris Avoid file same now ------ -____.. c - t l 19___3_ exists to t, as the same are i WHEAEA mora 1n Iota quite r agrees Noy Public I protide a - -around at the Sopth Above de- seribed sheet bI r vehicu- lar access of i Jiyd �egress un- til such en a 4tfl� geDfal furl eof r My Commission Expires : Pada Avenue e6 1 further to the South of the above property at which time rids turn-around rl[hY shall termlLlr' gn! revert to eNRth" as the t appears, And WHEREAS. 't]le' Plinatng Com- / %ikon of the eco of nded theins. Fees for Printing _____ $__1 1� • �'� Arkansan, the recommended Faye the ac- .. ............. -eotance of salddaMn for a public street and to rary turn-around. VOW THEIti ORE, BE TT OR- Coat of Proof _____ $_________________ RAINED gY CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY R FAYETTEVILLE. A SIrANSAS: SECTION 1. That the City of Fey- Total ____.___ ettevllle. Arkansas hereby accepts . and confirms the dMleetion by said quitclaim deed of the afore- dell bed lands for a public street land for a temporary turnaround 'land hereby declares said street and temPoge,Fium-tround to be a puh- lic u C temporary ', It a City Council h a. care, control same Ordinance CORRECTION and effect Heading on Ordinance No. 1450 ge, approval published yesterday Should read: a - - ! AN ORDINANCE TO ACCEPT AND APPROVED this ' CONl7RM THE OERICATION OF Slat day of Sam, less. A FIFTY (501 FOOT STREET IN . ROCIITF.R HEIGHTS ADDITION G BROWN. Mayor Ali To THE CITY OF FAYErrEVILLE, ATTEST: ARKANSAS GEORGE J. DAVIS. - - - - - - - - City Clark 2.5-Ite