HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 1449 CANT\r ORDINANCE NO . AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF SANITATION IMPROVEMENT REVENUE BONDS ; SETTING UP CERTAIN FUNDS ; PRESCRIBING OTHER MATTERS RELATING THERETO ; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY . WHEREAS it has been found by the City Council of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas ( called "City" ) that the garbage and rubbish collection , hauling and disposal service ( called " Sanitation System" or "Sys"tem" ) presently serving the City is inadequate for the needs of the City and its inhabitants ; and WHEREAS the City Council has determined that the Sanitation System should be improved and extended and has accepted a special report and estimates of costs of the needed improve- ments and extensions , which report is on file with the City Clerk and to which reference may be made by any interested person , and which in general calls for the following improvements : purchase ' of trucks , containers and other equipment necessary for the collec - tion of garbage and rubbish , construction of an incinerator for the disposal of garbage and rubbish , purchase of equipment for leaf pick- up and disposal , purchase of equipment for insecticidal fogging for the control of flies and other insects , construction of an animal shelter , purchase of trucks , vehicles and other equipment necessary for the supervision of the Sanitation System ( which will be hereinafter referred to as the " improvements " ) , all at an estimated cost of $ 200 , 000 . 00 , including legal and other necegsary expenses incidental to the purchase and construction MiCXFILMED DATE OCT 1 0 1978 REEL of the improvements and to the issuance of revenue bonds ; and WHEREAS the City can obtain funds with which to pay for said improvements by the issuance of revenue bonds to be repaid from sanitation service fees ; and WHEREAS the City has made arrangements for the sale of its $200 , 000 City of Fayetteville 3 1 / 2% Sanitation Improvement Revenue Bonds dated July 1 , 1965 and due on July 1 in each of the years 1966 to 1980 , inclusive , to T . J . Raney & Sons , Little Rock , Arkansas ( called " purchaser " ) , and the purchaser has elected to convert said bonds to an issue of $ 205 , 400 in bonds bearing interest at the rates of 3 and 3 1 / 4% per annum , and maturing as hereafter set forth ; NOW , THEREFORE , BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas : X Section 1 . That the purchase and erection of said improvements be , and the same are hereby , approved , ratified and confirmed . Section 2 . That the sale of $ 200 , 000 in bonds bearing interest at the rate of 3 1 / 2% , maturing as set forth above , to T . J . Raney & Sons , Little Rock , Arkansas , and the conversion of said bonds to an issue of $ 205 , 400 in bonds bearing interest at the rates of 3% and 3 1 /4'/o per annum , as set forth below, be , and the same are hereby , approved and confirmed . Section 3 . That there are hereby authorized and ordered issued City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , Sanitation Improve- ment Revenue Bonds in the total amount of $ 205 , 400 , the proceeds of the sale of which are necessary to pay for said improvements . The bonds shall be dated July 1 , 1965 , and interest shall be pay- able semiannually on January 1 and July 1 of each year commencing January 1 , 1966 . The bonds shall be numbered consecutively from 1 to 206 , inclusive , and shall be in the denomination of $ 1 , 000 each , except Bond No . 11 which shall be in the denomination of $400 . Bonds Nos . 1 to 125 , inclusive , shall bear interest at the rate of 3% per annum and Bonds Nos . 126 to 206 , inclusive , shall bear interest at the rate of 3 1 /4% per annum , which shall be evidenced by interest coupons , and the principal and interest shall be pay- able in lawful money of the United States of America upon presenta- tion of the bond or proper coupon at the office of Worthen Bank & Trust Company , Little Rock , Arkansas . The bonds shall be negotiable coupon bonds payable to bearer and shall mature on . July 1 of each year as follows , but shall be callable for pay- ment prior to maturity as hereafter set forth : YEAR BOND NOS , AMOUNT 1966 1 - 11 $ 10 , 400 1967 12 - 22 11 , 000 1968 23 - 34 122000 1969 35 - 46 12 , 000 1970 47 - 58 . 12 , 000 1971 59 - 71 132000 1972 72 - 84 13 , 000 1973 85 - 97 13 , 000 1974 98 - 111 14 , 000 1975 112 - 125 14 , 000 1976 126 - 140 15 , 000 1977 141 - 155 152000 1978 156 - 171 16 , 000 1979 172 - 188 172000 1980 189 - 206 182000 Section 4 . That the City has examined the computation by which an issue of $200 , 000 in bonds bearing interest at the rate of 3 1 /2% maturing in the years 1966 through 1980 has been converted to an issue of $ 205 , 400 in bonds bearing interest at the rates of 3% and 3 1 /4% per annum , as above set forth , and has found that by virtue thereof the City will receive no less and pay no more than it would receive and pay if the bonds were not converted . Section 5 . That the bonds shall be executed on behalf of the City by the Mayor and City Clerk (with either the facsimile or manual signature of the Mayor and the manual signature of the City Clerk) and shall have impressed thereon the seal of the City . Interest coupons attached to the bonds shall be signed by the facsimile signature of the Mayor , and the facsimile signature of the Mayor lithographed or printed on the bonds or coupons shall have the same force and effect as if he had signed each of said honk` and coupons . The bonds together with interest thereon shall be payable solely out of the Sanitation Revenue Bond Fund , as hereafter set forth , and shall be a valid claim of the holders thereof only against such fund and the amount of revenues pledged to such fund , which revenues are hereby pledged and mortgaged in an amount sufficient to provide for the equal and ratable payment of said bonds . The bonds and interest thereon shall not constitute an indebtedness of the City within any constitutional or statutory limitation . Section 6 . That the bonds and coupons shall be in substantially the following form , and the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby expressly authorized and directed to make all recitals contained therein : UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF ARKANSAS COUNTY OF WASHINGTON CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE SANITATION IMPROVEMENT REVENUE BOND No . $ KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS : That the City of Fayetteville , County of Washington , State of Arkansas , acknowkdges itself to owe , and for value received , hereby promises to pay to bearer , solely from the special fund provided as hereinafter set forth , the principal sum of DOLLARS in lawful money of the United States of America on the first day of July , 19 , and to pay solely from said special fund interest hereon at the rate of per cent ( %) per annum from date , semiannually on the first days of January and July , commencing January 1 , 1966 , upon presentation and surrender of the annexed coupons as they severally become due . Both princi- pal and interest on this bond are made payable at the principal office of Worthen Bank & Trust Company , Little Rock , Arkansas . This bond is one of an issue of two hundred six ( 206 ) revenue bonds , aggregating Two Hundred Five Thousand Four Hundred Dollars ( $205 , 400) , dated July 1 , 1965 , and numbered from one ( 1 ) to two hundred six (206 ) , inclusive , all of like tenor and effect except as to number , denomination , rate of interest , maturity and right of prior redemption , issued for the purpose . of acquiring and constructing Sanitation System improvements ( described in the authorizing ordinance) and paying necessary expenses incidental thereto . This bond and the issue of which it forms a part are issued in full compliance with the Constitution and laws of the State of Arkansas , and pursuant to Ordinance No . / 4+3 of the City Council of Fayetteville , Arkansas , duly adopted and approved in x1n on the Z&A day of 1965 ( called "authorizing ordinance" ) , and do not constitute an indebtedness of the City of Fayetteville within any constitutional or statutory limitations . / The bonds are not general obligations of the City but are special obligations payable solely from net revenues derived from the Sanitation System ( defined in the authorizing ordinance ) which have been duly pledged to the payment of the principal of and interest on the bonds . A sufficient amount of the net revenues are to be set aside as a special fund identified as the Sanitation Revenue Bond Fund , created by the authorizing ordinance , and used solely for the' payment of the principal of , interest on and paying agent ' s fees in connection with the bonds . Reference is hereby made to the authorizing ordinance for a detailed statement of the revenues pledged for the payment of the bonds , the nature and extent of the security for the bonds , and the rights and obligations of the City , the Trustee and the bondholders . The City has fixed and has covenanted and agreed to maintain rates for the services of the Sanitation System which shall be sufficient at all times to provide for the proper and reasonable expenses of operation and maintenance of the Sanitation System , the maintenance of a separate Depreciation Fund for nepessary replacements to the Sanitation System , and to provide 150% of the maximum amount that will become due in any year for principal , interest and paying agent ' s fees on all outstanding bonds payable from the revenues of the Sanitation System . This bond shall be negotiable under the laws of the State of Arkansas and is issued with the intent that the laws of the State of Arkansas shall govern the construction thereof . The bonds shall be callable for payment prior to maturity in inverse numerical order at par and accrued interest as follows : from the unexpended proceeds from the sale of the bonds of this issue and from surplus revenues of the Sanitation System on any interest payment date ; from funds from any source on any interest payment date on and after July 1 , 1970 . Notice of the call for redemption shall be published one time in a newspaper published in the City of Little Rock , Arkansas and having a general circulation throughout the State of Arkansas , giving the number and maturity of each bond being called , with the publication to be at least fifteen ( 15 ) days prior to the redemption date , and after the date fixed for redemption each bond so called shall cease to bear interest, pro- vided funds for its payment are on deposit with the paying agent at that time . This bond shall not be valid until it shall have been authenticated by the certificate hereon duly signed by Worthen Bank & Trust Company , Little Rock , Arkansas , Trustee . IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED , RECITED AND DECLARED that all acts , conditions and things required to exist ; happen and be per- formed precedent to and in the issuance of this bond have existed , have happened and have been performed in due time , form and manner , as required by law ; that the indebtedness represented by this bond and the issue of which it forms a part does not exceed any constitu- tional or statutory limitations ; and that sufficient of the revenues derived from the operation of the Sanitation System have been pledged to and will be set aside into said special fund for the payment of the principal of and interest on the bonds . IN WITNESS WHEREOF the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , by its City Council , has caused this bond to be signed by the facsimile signature of the Mayor and the manual signature of the City Clerk , and sealed with the corporate seal of said City , and has caused the interest coupons hereto attached to be executed by the facsimile signature of the Mayor , all as of the first day of July , 1965 . CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS By. ( facsimile signature ) Mayor ATTEST : City Clerk (SEAL) Section 7 . That the rates to be charged for services furnished by the Sanitation System heretofore fixed by Ordinance No . 1443 of the ordinances of the City , passed and approved on the 26th day of April , 1965 , and the conditions , rights and obligations pertaining thereto set out in said Ordinance No . 1443 are hereby ratified and confirmed . Section 8 . That the Treasurer designated by the City shall be custodian of the gross revenues derived from the operation of the Sanitation System and shall give bond for the faithful discharge of his duties as such custodian and all references herein to "Treasurer " shall mean the person so designated . If the City Treasurer be so designated as Treasurer of the funds herein referred to , then no additional bond shall be required ; otherwise , the amount of the bond shall be in the sum of $ 10 , 000 and shall be approved by the Trustee . From and after the delivery of any bonds issued under the provisions of this ordinance , the System shall be continuously operated as a revenue producing undertaking . All moneys received by the Treasurer shall be deposited by him in such depository or depositories for the System as may be lawfully designated from time to time by the City , subject however to the giving of security as now or as hereafter may be required by law , and providing that such depository or depositories shall hold membership in the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation . All deposits shall be so designated as to indicate the p g particular fund to which tale revenues belong . Any deposits in excess of the amount secured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation shall be secured by bonds or other direct or fully guaranteed obligations of the United States of America . (Form of Coupon) $ No . January On the first day of July , 19 , the City of Fayetteville , Washington County , Arkansas , unless the bond to which this coupon is attached is paid prior thereto , hereby promises to pay to bearer , solely out of the funds specified in the bond to which this coupon is attached DOLLARS principal in lawful money of the United States of America at the /office of Worthen Bank & Trust Company , Little Rock , Arkansas , Paying Agent , being six (6 ) months ' interest then due on its Sanitation Improvement Revenue Bond dated July 1 , 1965 , and numbered CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS By ( facsimile signature ) On each bond shall appear the following CERTIFICATE Worthen Bank & Trust Company , Little Rock , Arkansas , hereby certifies that this is one of a series of bonds described herein aggregating $205 , 400 numbered from 1 to 206 , inclusive , all of like tenor and effect except as to number , denomination , rate of interest , maturity and right of prior redemption . WORTHEN BANK & TRUST COMPANY LITTLE ROCK , ARKANSAS By (Authorized Signature) Section 9 . Sanitation Fund . All revenues derived from the operation of the Sanitation System , shall be paid into a special fund which is hereby created and designated "Sanitation Fund " . Such revenues so deposited in the Sanitation Fund shall be applied to the Operation and Maintenance Fund , the Sanitation Revenue Bond Fund and the Sanitation Depreciation Fund and shall be used only as authorized by this ordinance . Section 10 . Sanitation System Operation and Maintenance . Fund . There shall be paid by the Treasurer from the Sanitation Fund into a fund which is hereby created and designated "Sanitation System Operation and Maintenance Fund" (sometimes called ' Operation and Maintenance Fund" ) , beginning on the first business day of the month immediately following the month in which the bonds are deliver- ed and continuing on the first business day of each month thereafter while any of the bonds of this issue shall be outstanding , an amount sufficient to pay the reasonable and necessary monthly expenses of operation , repair and maintenance of the System for such month and from which disbursements shall be made only for those purposes . Fixed annual charges such as insurance premiums and the cost of major repair and maintenance expenses may be computed and set up on an annual basis and one - twelfth (1 /12 ) of the amount thereof may be paid into the Sanitation System Operation and Maintenance Fund each month . If in any month for any reason there shall be a failure to transfer and pay the required amount into said fund , the amount of any deficiency shall be added to the amount otherwise required to be transferred and paid into said fund in the next succeeding /' month . If in any fiscal year a surplus shall be accumulated in