HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 1433 ORDINANCE NO. 1433 S�{' . 0 v C Lj AN ORDINANCE TO BE KNOWN AS THE GENERAL PLUMBING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : PROVIDING FOR THE PROMULGATION OF RULES AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE CONSTRUCTION , INSTALLATION AND INSPECTION OF PLUMBING AND DRAINAGE ; PRESCRIBING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATIONS OF SUCH RULES AND REGULATIONS , REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES WHEREAS , the City Council of the City of ' Fayetteville , Arkansas , caused a notice to be published that it had under consideration the adoption of an ordinance relating to the construction , installation and inspection of plumbing and drainage , as set forth in a pamphlet entitled , "Arkansas State Plumbing Code , Rules and Regulations of the State Board of Health Governing the Construction , Installation and Inspection of Plumbing and Drainage , 1963 Fourth Edition Issued by the Arkansas State Board of Health , Little Rock , Arkansas , " and in a pamphiet entitled , "8$ piic Tank Systems , Arkansas State Board of Health , Bureau of Sanitary Engineering , Bulletin No . 9 , 1961 Edition , 11 and WHEREAS , three ( 3 ) copies of the above named pamphlets are kept on file in the Office of the City Clerk of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , as provided by Arkansas Act 267 of 1949 , Acts of Arkansas , and WHEREAS , the City Council of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , finds that it is to the best interest of the City of Fayetteville that the pamphlet entitled "Arkansas State Plumbing Code , Rules and Regulations of the State Board of Health , Governing the Construction, Installation and Inspection of Plumbing and Drainage , 1963 Fourth Edition , Issued by the Arkansas State Board of Health , Little Rock, Arkansas , " and the pamphlet entitled "Septic Tank Systems , Arkansas State Board of Health , Bureau of Sanitary Engineering , Bulletin No . 9 , 1961 Edition , " be adopted ; NOW , THEREFORE , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL CF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : SECTION 1 . Adoption by Reference There is hereby adopted by the City Council of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , by reference thereto the provisions set forth in the pamphlet entitled , "Arkansas State Plumbing Code , Rules and Regulations of the State Board of Health , Governing the Con- struction , Installation and Inspection of Plumbing and Drainage , 1963 Fourth Edition , Issued by the Arkansas State Board of Health , Little Rock , Arkansas , " together with the provisions of the pamphlet entitled "Septic Tank Systems , Arkansas State Board of Health , Bureau of Sanitary Engineering , Bulletin No . 9 , 1961 Edition, " save and except such portions of said pamphlets as are hereinafter deleted , modified or amended and the provisions contained in said pamphlets are hereby adopted and incorporated as fully as if set out at length herein , and the provisions thereof shall be controlling within the corporate limits of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas . MICROFILMED DATE.� 1975 RELL_L1�� Ordinancd No . 1433 ' - 2 - February 15 , 1965 SECTION 2 . Adoption of Rules and Regulations The City Plumbing Inspector is hereby authorized to make such written Rules and Regulations concerning plumbing as may be necessary to implement , clarify and carry out the purposes of this ordinance , said Rules and Regulations to become effective upon approval by the Mayor and City Council . SECTION 3 . Definitions ( 1 ) The definitions. in this ordinance shall torr .9spond to the definitions con- tained in Act 200 of 1951 , Acts of Arkansas , and contained in the above referred addition of the Arkansas State Plumbing Code . ( 2 ) Plumbing : For the purpose of this ordinance " Plumbing " shall also be defined to include the following : (a) All piping , fixtures , appliances and appurtenances in connection with the water supply and drainage system within a building and to a point from three to five feet outside the building . ( b ) The construction and connection of any drain or waste pipe carrying domestic sewage from a point within three to five feet outside of the foundation walls of any building to the City sewer system or other disposal terminal , including private domestic sewage treat - ment and disposal systems and the alteration of any such system , drain or waste pipe , except minor repairs to faucets , valves , pipes , appliances and removing of stoppage . ( c ) The water service piping from a point within three to five feet outside of the foundation walls of any building to the City municipal water system or private water system . ( d) Including but not limited to the connecting of hot water storage tanks , water softeners , water heaters , washing machines , dish - washers , air - conditioner cooling towers , swimming pools , automatic fire sprinkling systems and any receptacle , device or appliance which is connected to any water supply (public or private ) or sewer system within the corporate limits of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas . SECTION 4 . Plumbing Inspector ( 1 ) Provision for Inspector : There is hereby created the position of Plumbing Inspector of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , and as many assistants as are needed to discharge the duties of this office . ( 2 ) Limitation of Inspector : Plumbing Inspector and his. assistants shall not be directly or indirectly connected in any business engaged . in plumbing or . the sale of plumbing fixtures , appliances and material . Ordinance No . :1433 - 3 - February 15 , 1965 ( 3 ) Salary of Inspector : The Plumbing Inspector and his assistants shall receive , as full compensation for their services , such salaries as the City Council may direct . ( 4) Inspector Bond : The Plumbing Inspector shall file bond in the sum of $ 1 , 000 to .indemnify the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , from the loss of any money or other personal property through fraud , dishonesty , forgery , or embezzlement , while occupying and performing his duties hereunder . The premium for such bond shall be paid by the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas . ( 5 ) Duties of Inspector , Investigation , Enforcement : It shall be the duty of the Plumbing Inspector and his assistants to enforce the provisions of the Plumbing Ordinance to make investigations , to inspect and/ or test plumbing work, to issue plumbing permits and to prepare suitable forms . (6 ) Inspector , Right of Entry : The Plumbing Inspector , or his assistants and other persons authorized by the Inspector , is hereby granted the authority to enter all buildings in the City in the performance of his duties between the hours of 8 : 00 a . m . and 5 : 00 p . m . daily , except that in emergency the Plumbing Inspector may enter buildings for such purpose at other than the above designated hours , and may disseminate information relative to the provisions of this ordinance . SECTION 5 . Plumbing Examining Board ( 1 ) Appointment of Examining Board: An examining board is hereby created to act on all applications for Plumbing License , examination for licenses and other related duties as may be required by State Law and the Plumbing Ordinance of the City of Fayetteville . Members of the board shall be appointed for a period of two years by the Mayor of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , with the recommendation of the Plumbers ' Association of Fayetteville , given due consideration . The present board shall continue until their terms of office expire and their successors are appointed and qualified . The Plumbing Inspector shall serve as its chairman , and he shall keep a record of all applicants and of the general proceedings of the board , and the board shall issue certificates for license to those who successfully pass the examination , ( 2 ) Members of Examining Board: The plumbing examining board shall be composed of four (4 ) active members and two ( 2 ) alternate members as follows : ( a) Active Plumbing Examining Board Members : 1 . A City- licensed master plumber 2 . A City- licensed journeyman plumber 3 . A City- licensed gas fitter 4 . A representative of the administrative authority of the City . Ordinance No . 1433 - 4 - February. 15 , 1965 ( b ) Alternate Plumbing Examining Board Members : 1 . A City- Licensed master plumber 2 . A City- licensed journeyman plumber ( 3 ) Meetings of Examining Board: The plumbing examining board shall meet atleast once each sixty ( 60 ) days or as soon as possible thereafter upon the call of the chairman of the examining board . ( 4) Examining Board Supplies : The City shall secure necessary material , equipment and supplies as required by the board from the receipts collected with applications for examinations , and the Plumbing Inspector shall be in charge of said equipment and supplies . SECTION 6 : Temporary City Plumbing Work Perrriiis ( 1 ) Master Temporary Work Permits : No temporary City plumbing work permits shall be issued to any applicant who has applied for a City master plumbing license . ( 2 ) Journeyman Plumber Temporary Work Permit: A temporary City journey- man plumbing work permit may be issued to an applicant who has applied for a City journeyman plumbing license for a 30 day period or until the next plumbing examination is given by the plumbing examining board and only on the following conditions : ( a) The applicant must have a temporary Arkansas State Journeyman work permit or hold a permanent Arkansas State Journeyman plumbers license for the current year . ( b ) The applicant must make arrangements with the chairman of the plumbing examining board to take the examination for the City journeyman plumbers license . ( c ) The temporary City work permit authorized under this section shall become void and the applicant must cease doing plumbing work in the City of Fayetteville if the results of said examination should be below the minimum passing grade required by the examining board . (d ) No temporary work permit may be renewed or re - issued to the same applicant . Applicant must have a permanent City plumbers license to continue doing plumbing work in the City of Fayetteville after the expiration date of the temporary work permit or after such late as the examining board may direct . SECTION 7 . Plumbing License Required Any person desiring to install or replace any plumbing work , as defined in this plumbing ordinance , within the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , must first procure a plumber ' s license or renewal thereof except as regulated or modified by provisions set forth in this -Plumbing Ordinance . Ordinance No . 1433 - 5 - February 15 , 1965 SECTION 8 . Renewal of Plumbing License An applicant desiring to renew a City Plumbing License may do so under one of the following conditions : ( 1 ) Yearly Renewal of Plumbing License : The applicant must hold an Arkansas State Plumbers License for the current year ( temporary Arkansas State Plumbers Permit will not satisfy this requirement) and the applicant must have held for the pact year a similar city license as that applied for in his application . (a ) Applications for renewal. of a City plumbing license where the applicant has failed to renew the City license regularly each year shall be referred to the plumbing examining board for consideration and review . ( 2 ) Inactive Deferred License : A licensed master plumber or licensed journey- man plumber may choose to move to another city for employment purposes but wishes to keep his city plumbing license in good standing . Such plumber may make application to the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , for deferment of his City plumber ' s license . This deferment may be granted for a period of not to exceed three ( 3 ) years , except that additional deferment to members of the Armed Services in times of emergency and in cases of serious illness may be granted by the examining board. ( 3 ) Changing a Deferred License into an Active City License : The applicant must convert a deferred city plumbing license to a similar active license during or at the end of the allotted three year deferment period . (4) Inactive Master Plumber License : A City- licensed master plumber not actively engaged in the plumbing business as a master plumber in the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , may keep up his City master plumbers ' license Ly paying the regular master plumber renewal fees plus any delinquent fees . ( 5 ) Length of License : No City plumbing license shall be issued for longer than one year and all licenses shall expire on December thirty- first ( 31st) of each year , and such license may be renewed upon application made within thirty days ( 30 ) following the date of expiration . SECTION 9 . Transfer of License It shall be unlawful for any person holding a City plumbing license to transfer same or allow the use of same , directly or indirectly , by any other person for the purpose of obtaining a permit to do any of the plumbing work herein specified . Ordinance No . 1433 - 6 - February 15 , 1965 SECTION 10 . Examination for City Plumbing License The applicant must hold an Arkansas State Plumbers license for the current year (a temporary Arkansas State Plumbers Permit will not satisfy this requirement ) . The applicant must arrange with the chairman of the City plumbing examining board for an examination for the license desired . The applicant must take and pass a plumbing examination to be administered by the examining board . In order to satisfy this requirement for eligibility , the applicant must achieve at least , the minimum score or grade as required by the examining board on said examination . Should an applicant fail two examinations in succession , he will be required to wait six months from the date of the last examination and pay an additional examination fee before he can be re - examined . SECTION 11 . License and Examination Fee - - Delinquent License Fee The following license and examination fees shall be paid in advance to the City of Fayetteville : ( 1 ) Schedule of License and Examination Fees : Master plumber license - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $ 15 . 00 Renewal of master plumbing license - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 15 . 00 Examination fee for master plumbing license - - - - - - - - 15 . 00 Journeyman plumber license - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5 . 00 Renewal of journeyman plumbing license - - - - - - - - - - - - 5 . 00 Examination fee for journeyman plumbing license - - - - 5 . 00 ( 2 ) Re - examination Fee : An applicant who fails upon examination shall be entitled to one re - examination without an additional fee . For each two subsequent examinations thereafter , the fee shall be as set out in the above schedule of examination fees . ( 3 ) Delinquent Fee : If application for renewal of City plumbing license is made after February 1st , a delinquent fee of one dollar( $ 1 . 00 ) per month shall be added to the above annual renewal license fees . Such delinquent fee shall not exceed four dollars ( $4 . 00 ) for an applicant in any one year . ( 4) Deferment Fee : A fee of $3 . 00 shall be charged to cover special deferment services connected with the deferment of a City plumbers ' license . Ordinance No . 1433 . - 7 - February 15 , 1965 SECTION 12 . Apprentice Plumbers A person who is qualified under the Arkansas State Apprentice Program shall be permitted to work inside the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , as an apprentice plumber provided: ( 1 ) Registration: The apprentice plumber must register with the Plumbing Inspector and he shall be required to notify the Plumbing Inspector each time he changes employment to work for another master plumber . ( 2 ) Supervision : The apprentice plumber working in the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , shall work at all times under the direction and constant personal supervision of a licensed journeyman or master plumber . An apprentice plumber who qualifies under the requirements of the Arkansas State Apprentice program to work on a plumbing job alone may also work in Fayetteville , Arkansas , on a job unsupervised . ( 3 ) Registration Fee : Every apprentice plumber working in the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas shall pay a $ 1 . 00 registration fee . This fee shall be payable each year . SECTION 13 . Plumbing Permits ( 1 ) Permit Required: A plumbing permit shall be applied for and obtained from City Plumbing Inspector ' s office before beginning any plumbing work in the corporate limits of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas . ( 2 ) Persons Qualified to Obtain Plumbing Permits : The City Plumbing Inspector is authorized to issue plumbing permits to the following : ( a ) City licensed master plumber ( b ) Property owners : A permit may be issued to a property owner to install plumbing in a single - family residence , provided the property owner does the work himself, and the building is owned and occupied by such owner as his home , and provided the issuance of said permit is not used as a device to circumvent the requirement of a city plumbing license imposed by this ordinance upon persons, firms or corporations who are in the business of building such residences for resale . Such plumbing work must be completed within strict compliance with the requirements of this ordinance . ( c ) Qualified and Experienced Contractors Engaged in the Construction of Certain Type of Specialized Jobs : Certain installations shall be interpreted to fall under the definition of "Plumbing " , as set out Ordinance No . 3433 - 8 - February ' 15 , 1965 above in this plumbing ordinance , because such installations will be directly or indirectly connected to or served by a public or private water supply and / or sewer system . However , because of the size of the job , and the technical or specialized nature of the work , the City Plumbing Inspector is authorized to issue special plumbing permits to contractors which he determines to be qualified and experienced to make such installations . This includes , but is not limited tq the following types of installations : 1 . Swimming pools . 2 . Automatic fire sprinkler systems and stand- pipes . 3 . Special sewage disposal systems including sewer mains in connection therewith , and manufacturing machinery together with pumps and tanks used in conjunction therewith . SECTION 14 , Permit Fees ( 1 ) Definition of a Plumbing Fixture : For the purpose of establishing plumbing permit fees for remodeling work and new work, a plumbing fixture shall be defined as follows : (a ) New washing machines or replacements of washing machines that require any extensions or alterations of the water supply or sewer drainage piping . ( b ) Water heaters ( new installations or replacements ) ( c ) Air - conditioner cooling towers (d ) Sand , oil , grease or special interceptor traps and separators . (e ) Sewer yard lines ( replacement or new yard lines ) ( f ) Water yard lines ( replacement or new yard lines ) (g ) Floor drains ( h ) Any receptacle , device or appliance which is connected to any water supply system or sewer system within the corporate limits of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas . ( 2 ) Plumbing Permit Fees : Fees for plumbing permits shall be paid to the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , as follows : ( a ) Permit Fee Schedule : $4 . 00 for the first fixture 2 . 00 for the second fixture 1 . 00 each for the next five ( 5 ) fixtures . 50 each for all additional fixtures above seven ( 7 ) fixtures ( b) Concrete Floor Building : An additional plumbing permit fee of $ 3 . 00 will be charged on plumbing permits for concrete floor buildings . Ordinance No . 1433 - 9 - February 15 , 1965 ( c ) Large Buildings : An additional fee of $2 . 00 per inspection trip shall be charged when the size of the building requires more than one "below the concrete floor " plumbing rough- in inspection or more than one "above the concrete floor " (top- out) plumbing rough- in inspection . ( d) Additional Fee for Extra Inspections: When any extra trip by the City Plumbing Inspector or his assistants is necessitated by failure of the plumber or property owner who is installing plumbing work to be ready for a plumbing inspection or to comply with this ordinance , an additional fee of $3 . 00 shall be charged for each and every trip so made inside the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas ; An additional fee of $4 . 00 shall be charged for each and every trip so made outside the limits of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas ( e ) Double Plumbing Permit Fees : Should any person willfully or through negligence begin or complete any plumbing work for which a plumbing permit is required by this ordinance without having notified the inspector ' s office or applied for the necessary permit prior to or during the day that work is commenced , or on the next working day of the Plumbing Inspector , where such work is com - menced on a Saturday or a Sunday or a holiday , he shall , when subsequently securing such permit , be required to pay double the fees hereinafter provided for such permit ; and shall be subject to all penal provisions of this ordinance . (f) Septic Field Inspection Fee : When the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , is requested to inspect or make septic field percolation tests or fill out septic field forms , additional plumbing permit fees shall be required as follows : 1 . A fee of $ 10 . 00 when the City Plumbing Inspector makes a percolation test and inspects a new septic disposal field instal - lation for the minimum requirements as outlined by the Arkansas State Board of Health . The required percolation holes being dug and water for making the test furnished by the plumber or property owner prior to calling the City Plumbing Inspector for a percolation test . 2 . A fee of $ 5 . 00 when the City Plumbing Inspector makes an inspection of an extension to an existing septic disposal field installation , or when the City Plumbing Inspector makes an inspection of a new septic field installation for the minimum requirements as outlined by the Arkansas State Board of Health where a licensed engineer has made the percolation test and has designed the disposal system . The licensed engineer must furnish the Plumbing Inspector a design of the proposal disposal system prior to inspection by the inspector . Ordinance No . 1433 ' - 10 - February 15 , 1965 3 . When the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , is requested to fill out any forms such as F . H . A . and G . I . septic disposal field forms , a fee of $ 3 . 00 will be charged for preparing each septic disposal form . (g ) Outside City Inspection Fees : When the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , is requested to make a plumbing inspection of plumbing installed out - side the corporate limits of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , that is to be connecLed to the City water or City sanitary sewer system , an additional fee of $4 . 00 shall be added to the above plumbing per - mit fees . SECTION 15 , Time Limitation on Plumbing Permits Every plumbing permit issued hereunder shall expire by limitation and become null and void if the plumbing work authorized by the permit is not commenced within six ( 6 ) months from the date of such permit , and the work diligently executed , or if the plumbing work authorized by such permit is abandoned at any time after the work is commenced . Before such work can be recommenced , a new plumbing permit shall first be secured for the unfinished portion of the work . SECTION 16 . Refusal of Permit and Suspension of City Plumbers License Any person engaged in the business of installing plumbing work who shall fail to correct promptly , any defect in any work done by him contrary to this ordinance after having been notified thereof by the Plumbing Inspector , shall not be issued any further permits until such defect has been corrected; and in any case in which any person shall continue to or persistently violate the ordinances of the City in regard to plumbing work or the orders of the Plumbing Inspector in relation to the same , the license of such person shall be suspended or revoked . SECTION 17 . Plumbers ' Bond Every master plumber shall execute and file in the Office of the City Clerk a corporate surety license permit bond in the sum of One Thousand Dollars ( $ 1 , 000 . 00 ) conditioned to indemnify and hold harmless , the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , and all persons , firms or corporations , against all loss by failure of said master plumber , his agents , servants or employees to comply with the provisions of this plumbing ordinance . SECTION 18 . Plumbers Liability Insurance Every master plumber actively engaged in the plumbing business in the City shall be required to carry liability insurance as set out below : ( 1 ) Bodily injury - - - - - - - - - - $25 , 000 each person $50 , 000 each accident ( 2 ) Property damage - - - - - - $ 10 , 000 each accident $25 , 000 aggregate Ordinance No . 1433 - 11 - February 15 , 1965 Such active master plumber shall file with the City Clerk a certificate or certificates of insurance coverage , the number of said policy or policies and the name of the insurance company issuing the insurance policy or policies , stating that said master plumber , his agents , servants , employees , have obtained a contractor ' s liability insurance policy- in the minimum coverage as specified . SECTION 19 . Responsibilities of the Licensed Master Plumber ( 1 ) Advance Notice for Plumbing Inspection: It shall be the duty of the master plumber or his authorized representative to give advance notice to the Plumbing Inspector when the plumbing work is ready for an inspection . ( 2 ) Make Sure Work is Ready for Inspection : It shall be the duty of the master plumber to make sure that the plumbing work will stand the inspection before he requests the Plumbing Inspector to make an inspection of the plumbing work . ( 3 ) Access to Work : It shall also be the duty of the master plumber to provide ready access to the premises where the requested inspection is to be made . SECTION 20 . Inspection and Tests ( 1 ) Number of Plumbing Inspections : There shall be a minimum of two increnr; nns by the Plumbing Inspector or assistants when plumbing is installed in any building . The first such inspection to be known as the rough- in inspection and the second such inspection to be known as the final inspection . ( a) Plumbing Rough-In Inspection : The " rough- in" inspection is to be made when the sewer drainage or water piping is installed but before concealing the plumbing work . ( b ) Final Plumbing Inspection: The "final " plumbing inspection is to be made when all plumbing fixtures are connected and the plumbing job is completed . ( 2 ) Inspection and Test of Existing Plumbing Installations : The plumbing inspector shall have the legal right to inspect and test existing plumbing or drainage installation when he has reason to believe that such system is not safe for the use it is intended . When such inspections or tests indicate a faulty or unsafe system , the owner shall recondition or replace such system in order to render it safe . SECTION 21 . Liability for Damages The issuance of permits or certificates of approval as required by this section shall not be construed as relieving anv person from liability for damages to persons or property in connection with the operation , control or installation of any plumbing work, and the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , shall not be held as assuming any liability by Ordinance No . 1433 - 12 - February 15 , 1965 reason of the issuance of permits or certificates of approval . The intention of the pro- visions of this code is to afford the public safety to life and property insofar as such safety can be provided bylaw . This ordinance shall not be construed to relieve from or lessen the responsibilities of any person , firm or corporation , owning , operating or installing plumbing work , appliances , apparatus , construction or equipment , for the damage to property or persons injured by any defect therein , nor shall the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , or any agent thereof be deemed to assume any such liability by reason of the inspection authorized herein or by any type of certificate of inspection as may be issued by the City Plumbing Inspector . SECTION 22 . Uncovering Plumbing Work If any plumbing work or part thereof which is installed, or altered, or repaired , is covered before being inspected by the Plumbing Inspector , it shall be uncovered for inspection after notice to uncover the work has been issued to the responsible person by the Plumbing Inspector . SECTION 23 . Exemptions Exemptions from the provisions of this ordinance are as follows : ( 1 ) County , State and Federal Government : Installations on property owned , used and operated by the County , State or United States Government . This does not include the erection and/ or remodeling of privately owned buildings prior to leasing of a governmental agency . ( 2 ) City Property : Plumbing permit fees shall be waivered for the City of Fayetteville owned installations , however , these installations must have inspection and meet other provisions of this ordinance . ( 3 ) Railroad: Installations or equipment of a railway utility in the exercise of its functions as a utility , and located outdoors or in buildings used exclusively for that purpose and to which the general public has no access . ( 4) Special Equipment : The assembly and erection of plumbing equipment by the manufacturer of such equipment . This does not include any plumbing work other than that involved in making connections within the equipment itself. ( 5 ) Minor Repairs : No permit is required for minor repairs to faucets , valves , pipes , appliances , and the removal of stoppage .