HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 1411 ORDINANCE NO , 141'1 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR THE USE OF CONVICT LABOR IN THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS- BE RKANSASBE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : SECTION 1 . Any person who may be convicted of a misdemeanor by the Fayetteville Municipal Court and who shall be committed to jail to serve his sentence imposed by said Court and/ or in default of the payment of the fine and costs adjudged against him, if willing , to discharge said sentence and/ or fine and costs by manual labor on any public street , alley, public buildings , public parks and/ or any other public improvement of the City , or to perform any other lawful labor for the benefit of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas . SECTION 2 , The City may work such a prisoner for the time he shall have been adjudged to be imprisoned and for such further time as will discharge the fine and costs for which he may be committed at the rate of $5 . 00 per day. SECTION 3 . The City shall obligate itself to furnish said convicts with good and wholesome food, with comfortable clothing , with medicine when sick, and not require them to work unreasonable hours , nor for a longer time during any one day than any other laborers doing the same kind of labor are accustomed to do. SECTION 4 . It shall be the duty of the Chief of Police or a designated assistant to keep a record in which shall be stated the name of the prisoner , time of commitment and the punishment adjudged by the Court , as well as the number of days such prisoner may be held to labor and a record of the days worked by such prisoner . SECTION 5 . That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed, and this ordinance shall. be in full force and effect from and after its passage , approval and publication. PASSED AND APPROVED this 17th day of August , 1964 . APPROVED : r, 1 GUY E . IYROWNq MAYOR ATTEST : Aewn GEOR J`. DAVIS, CITY CLERK MICROFILMED DATE REELy�� STATE of ARKANSAS l J ss. County of Washington I, .----.. ---- rwm. '�.}E _ �____— --_-, hereby certify that I am the ( Gen al 14fanage�tijPFfL�'7NORTAWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, a daily newspaper having a second class-mTaflfig privilege, and being not less than four pages of five columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at a fixed (daily) intervals continuously in the City of Fayetteville, County of Washington, Arkansas for more than a period of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an established place of business to subscribers and readers generally of all classes in the City & County for a definite price for each copy, or a fixed price per annum, which price was fixed at what is considered the value of the publication, based upon the news value and service value it contains, that at least fifty percent of the subscribers thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions to the newspaper or its agents or through recognized news dealers over a period of at least six months ; and that the said newspaper publishers an average of more than forty percent news matter. I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of was published in the regular daily issue of said newspaper for_L_..— -eeneeeutiie insertion/ as follows: /j� / �� The first insertion on the —___ 4. __ day of _ _ 19_!/7 the second insertion on the ____--___________________ day of _____—__—____. 19-- the third insertion on the ---------------------------_._ day of _—_—__—___. 19— and the fourth insertion on the ______-._.__.__ day __.__._- 19 _ -!r Sworn to and subscribed before me on this day�_ day of ---------- -- tary Public My Commission Expires : Fees for Printing Cost of Proof _.__-_- $--_-_--_---- Total J 4 t i . •/ ORDINANCE NO. 1411 AN ORDINANCE 'PROVIDING,';:^' RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR ^ •• THE USE OF CONVICT LABOR IbY "',, ;. ... 'C: THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLB '<r - ARKANSAS: . BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CjW - COUNCIL OF THE CITY' OF FAY - ETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS SECTION I +`Any+•-person who e' n may be condic_tedrof a rniademeanpn by the sr•Fayetteville Munictpe"[ Court and who atiall be earn Vd „ to jail^Wrserve'lj�fiis sentmce fm posed by:saidCourt and%or m d� - i fault. nde of the, paymet of the fm��,�j• .and costs: adjudged egamet himTR it willing, to''ldlschasge ssiA xMencA = and/or fine and costs by manual labor on inyl public street alley _ public bgil'dfnga putilic p a t kri .'T and/Morlany other putilic improve •1, mentlof theperform an - otherilawf`ul laboror the benefit of the City.;of Fayetteville, Arkansas - SECTION The City , au h a prisoner for the time he ud sh 11 have been adjudged to betim RR�r caned rus ntl for aucb�furthe`Ttt1 r?; �q, ll�dischaxge the fine�androstsy* ly to. whiz haTmay be committed!ids .•"lam -.r the rat of 3500 pera,;dayAp' w`," ' WO s6 C1TON 3 Th ,JCity, shalllobll;{f. gate itself to furnishfceid�onvictaj •, 1 '1 with g and wholesome foody+ - spa ,. with c3mfoMable cl`otiifn8 rurwfth� . mad cine when sick, and4notialk- Q- them to ion unreasonableid hours, nor ora e�durfn$ d . an y one day than n on, other yl r era' d''Ing the same kind' of labor 'are accustomed to no. ;y�;...:.-.. . 0(SEC,T-ION S. It shall be the duty fjth Clilel of Pollce or mated ass to keep a record in which shall be stated''the namelun ,of the lsoner time bfaarnmmit l ' Imen and the pundshmmtraadjudgedR Iby'the C urt, as well a`a?the..numa _ '/jar datja such prisoner maywr:', .h'eld So la r artrd a recprd,youfyehehe�;' `;` days worked by such prlaoner_ �rf^f,_ .:: .SECT ON 5. Ther all ordlnancejs - , on.ipsrts o ordinances Sn• carifliCtv;;, herewith ere hereby repealed;,andj, :. •-• thisto'rdinance shall be in fullyfdice and ifld from andpefter rte passageyappr'oval and�yyubllcation 1 PAS 17th 17th day-o[+August 1864", APPROVED: I 111- .1. . •.- I .i I ".GUY8dE4BEOWN�Mayoe.. 11 ddd.' •• . .. ATTEST: P9"P p yea, - GEORGE "TL DAMS - ' - City Clerk, 4 201t-e J . L N dol / ORDINANCE NO. 1011 AN ( 11MIN .% N" 1 11110% MING hI' LFS AND 1i16 (: I "1 .ATIONS FOR I fJF'. 1-51 ( ) i,' I '( NVICT I.AROH IN ' THF tIPS ( IF I:AYF.'Pl'EViLLE, . I OR I Alai : Ll; ORDAINED AY THE FAYCrIly - COP VIT I OF THE CITY OF FAY. ES EVIL IF.. ARKANSAS: - - - Sy he con 1.is Any person who- may may he convicted of ll misdemeanor. - hv the Fayetteville Municipal Court and who shall se committed ; pjail to aen•e his anMmce dm posed f said Court and/or in fine fault of the payment of the fine and costa adjudged against him," it willing, to discharge coldidsentence and/or tine and mala re manual labor on any public street, alley, puldi public buildings. public parka and / or he other publicic mimprove- ent of the Ctt or to perform any - other lawful labor for the benefit of - the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas _ SECTION 2. The City may work such a prisoner for the time he nh fll have been adjudged fu to be time Hoed and for such further time f w111 ch he may the fine and costa toe which he may committed at the rage of $. perer day. SECTION 3.. The City obit gate Itself to saidd convicts with goal endd wholesome food, with comfortable awith . medicineinswhen work,, and not quire them to work unreasonable hours, nor for a longer time during any one day than any other iaboh- era acing the same kind of labor /s are SECTION to all Sthe Chi 4. It shall or the duty of the Chef of Police ora record in w arohall to keep a record in which isoll be stated the name t of the d the punishment time of commit- ment end the p s well e s th Judged be the Court, as well as the num. bee of days such prisoner may he held to ri;ed and a record of the days TION d by such pordinan _ SECTION S. That es ordinances or parte a ordinances In conflict herewith are hereby repealed, and this offrom be in full force effect and effectect f firm orWyy after its p PASSED� APPROVEDtion. this 17th day of August. 1993. APPROVED: GUY E. BROWN. Mayos' ATTEST' GEORGE I. DAVIS, - City Clerk 20-It-e