HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 1410 ORDINANCE NO, 1410 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 12 OF ORDINANCE NO, 1191 KNOWN AS THE GENERAL PLUMBING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF FAY TTEVILLE , ARKANSAS; GOVERNING THE CONSTRUCTION, INSTALLATION AND INSPECTION OF PLUMBING AND DRAINAGE, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES ; AS AMENDED : BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: SECTION 1 , That Section 12, Paragraph ( 2) of Ordinance 1191 be amended to read as follows : "( 2) That paragraph 10,. 1 . 5 of Chapter 10 of Cie Arkansas Stated Plumbing Code referred to above be amended to read as follows : Section 10 . 1 . 5 WATER SERVICE PIPE ( Materials ) - Cold water service piping shall be of cast iron type " L" copper tubing , galvanized p'_pe or extra heavy lead pipe . The use of plastic water piping is prohibited. " SECTION 2 . That Section 12 be further amended by the addition of Paragraph ( 7) which will read as follows : ( 7 ) That paragraph 4. 3 . 3 of Chapter 4 of the Arkansas State Plumbing Code referred to above be amended to read as follows : " Cast iron pipe joints - joints in cast iron pipe shall be either calked or screwed, as provided in paragraph 4. 2 . 1 and 4. 2 . 2 . Also , neoprene gasket for jointing cast iron soil pipe and fittings accepted for sewer , waste and vent system, as approved by the Arkansas State Board of Health , shell be permissable . " SECTION 3 . That all ordinances or parts of ord_nances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed, and the City Council hereby finds that the public health has been and will be injured through improper plumbing and improper construction of sewage and drain pipes and that this ordinance is necessary for the public health and safety , and an emergency is hereby declared to exist and this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval . PASSED AND APPROVED this 17th day of August , 1964. APPROVED: . y GUY E . BROWN, MAYOR TEST : MICROFILMLB REELE�..i_.L7B *.4 GEORGE V DAVIS, CITY CLERK STATE of ARKANSAS as. County of Washington I_ _ hereby certify that I .. am the en an y&w44TE N0RTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, ORDINANCE NO. 1410 — a daily newspaper having a second. al o arfililin g privilege, and being notAN . ORDINANCE AMENDING I IaON 12 OF .ORDINANCE No. less than four pages of five columns each, published at a fixed place of PL KNOWN AS THE GENERAL business and at a fixed (daily) intervals continuously in the Cit of PLUMBING ORDINANCEEN THE ( Y) Y Y CITY OF FAYETTEVII:LE: AR- Fayetteville, County of Washington, Arkansas for more than a period KANSAS; GOVERNINGjT$E:CON- s TR u'C T.i:o N. .iNSTALIaf'rION : of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an established place of aND INSPecriONtOF..PL!untH'IN,c i generally of all classes in the City AND DRAINAGE, �ANDy'F.O i business to subscribers and readers ER PURPOSEs'JAs:rAMENDED: ' & County for a definite price for each copy, or a fixed price per annum, HE IT ORDAIT7ED'$Y! .HE C- T1 CO CIL 1), BY! of AY- ' which price was fixed at what is considered the value of the publication, ETTEVILT:EitARI@A-450 based upon the news value and service value it contains, that at least fifty SECTION. 1: Thata Section 12, Paragraph; (2) 'of;rOr~d Wan 141 percent of the subscribers thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions be amended.to read 611 we• '(2) Than para apn o 1. s o r, to the newspaper or its agents or through recognized news dealers over a Plumbing C or th`e%w,3ka state period of at least six months ; and that the said newspaper publishers an Plumbing Cade referr a v emended to refiv7laverage of more than forty percent news matter. Section 10, ;1:5' 1 V PIPE (Ma{eriaG^} C i t r se - I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of ice yIPIng shall 1 n • L' Cori tuytifn119. g g; or extra heavg1 E OF PLASTICt Wd R IP A. PROHIBITED.•'I SECTION' 2.t•Tne further amentled( A follows:llapn (3)l.�I r as wasublished in the regular daily L________ p gu y issue of said newspaper for—_____ (7) Thatparan rk ter 4 of or G an- censeautive insertionpF as follows : ing rete red amended to read` a 1 a at d e! 19 L /i "CAST _DiON P a The first insertion on the _______________________ day of ___ 7 Joints inca [rot �i tier talked. ,9. or ase Aldo, in paragraph 2 the second insertion on the day of — ----------- 19_____ Also, Ing pest ironenoi accepted In for eewe we th a the third insertion on the ------------------------------ day of _______________ 19— sea a _ sas Stele Hoax p SECTION and the fourth insertion on the _____.___..__ SECTION 2ral a o Wane I _______ day f _ 191 or parts of ob 'l herewith are ndtegy epeflle an L he C7t ie ea dllAhe�. by tt'ede aRe the public health'•nas been an with ---------- -------- ----_-- bI injured th30tigh f m P o p est plumbing an 1mp4oper constiva i tion of aewage .ana drei'n. 1 end '✓`� that tnIs ordina '•" --------- day Of _------_----- nse ie'neae_ a�;•'tor Sworn to and subscribed before me on this ____ _Q_ the Dublie Health and ':e`afety, and an emergency is 'hereby declared n to exist and flus ordlnenee shall , (�L�C ti¢�(. - ------------ — -- --iea-; --------------- Legal Notice— after In fun force and d- appfrom oval and �i1�_-- after Lts passage and- approval. __________________._-_____�yl/fA/ PASSED AND APPROVED this, Not PUb11C 17th day of August, 1964. ... ' APPROVED: ATTES GUY E. BROWN, Mayor GEORGE,,J. DAVIS, '• My Commission Expires : City Clerk 20-1G0, ' Fees for Printing Cost of Proof --------- $_ ------------------- Total -__-__-__ ` Total ------- $-- -'-rP--- --- STATE of ARKANSAS 1 Jr as. County of Washington �,p p I, 1�_____. ____ _ hereby certify that I am the (( ner31 MaNORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, ORDINANCE WO,AMENDING1a daily newspaper having a second.4dammi tiling privilege, and being not 11 pOIH�j 12 OOr ORDINANCNO pages of five columns each, published at a fixed lace of 1191 KNOWN AS THE GENERAL less than four p p PLUMBING ORDINANCE OF THE business and at a fixed (daily) intervals continuously in the City of CITY OF FAYET EVILLEAR- Fayetteville, County of Washington, Arkansas for more than a periodKANSAS; GOVERNING THE CON-STRUCTION, INSTALLATION of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an established place of AND ON OF AND DRAINAGE AND FOR OITH- business to subscribers and readers generally of all classes in the City ER PURPOSES: AS AMENDED- & County for a definite price for each copy, or a fixed price per annum, COUNCIL OFATHE CITYTOF FAY- which price was fixed at what is considered the value of the publication, ETTEVILLE. ARKANSAS: based upon the news value and service value it contains, that at least fifty SECTION 1. That Section 12, Paragraph (2) of Ordinance 1191 percent of the subscribers thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions be amended to read as tovows: to the newspaper or its a ants or through recognized'(2) That Paragraph 10. 1. s ofg g news dealers over a Chapter 10 of the Arkansas state period of at least six months ; and that the said newspaper publishers an abov Plumbing eedto read referred llows: averse of more than forty y percent news matter. Section 10. 1.5 WATER $ IPIPE (Materials)—Cold .dater s I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of ! ice Piping shall be of cast true ! ' L' copper tubing, galvanizedpIpq or extra heavy lead p;pe. THE USE '! OF PLASTIC WATER .PIPING IS PSEC1'HI IONN D. That Section 12 be - - - - �� -- -- -- ---- turther amended by tha addItfon of Paragraph (1) wItuh will reed as toilows: was published in the regular daily issue of said newspaper for-------!_—_____ (7) That Paragraph 4. E.3 of aChao- ter 4 of the Arkansas atte Pph Ing Code referred to aboveu.sla amended to read as follows: "CAST IRON PIPE so The first insertion on the ---------- 4.__ .._ day of ___ _ __L 4r Joints in cast syn pipe shall: then calked Or screwed, as prow w vided In paragrarb {. 2.1 and. 4. 2.2, the second insertion on the __ _ ___ day of ----------------------- 19__. Also, neophrene gasket for Joint- Ing cast ;roe soil pipe and fittings accepted for sewer, Waste and vent the third insertion on the _______----_-------------- day of --------------- 19 system. as approvedby the Arkan- sas State Board Of Vealth, shall bR p SECTION 3. That. all ordinancell ___-__ _ _and the fourth insertion on the __ _ day f __. __ _ _ — 1 SECTION or parts of r ina ed, heher1/ the City are hereby repealed, and LrJnN_�Yt'_` the City Councii has been that the public health has been and will -------- -- ---------- be injured through i m proper plumbing and improper construc- tion of sewage and tlrain pipes and eldl that this ordinancenecI y. for Sworn to and subscribed before me on this ______ _d- ________ day of .___________. the pu brie health and safety, and ane ncy Is hereby declared to exist and in ordinance shall , 19 Legal Notice— —_� __i _____________ .4% Ito full force and effect from And after atter its Passage and aPProvel. ________--__— PASSED AND APPROVED this Not y Public 17th day of August, 1964. APPROVED: GUY E. BROWN, Mayor ATTEST.E S. DAVIS, My Commission Expires: City Clerk City Cl20-Itc Fees for Printing ------ Cost __Cost of Proof ---------- $---_Q___________ Total --------- $---f---'-�-'�---