HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 1389 V ORDINANCE NO, 1389 AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE USE OF PUBLIC SEWERS AND DRAINS; AND THE DISCHARGE OF WATERS AND WASTES INTO THE PUBLIC SEWER SYSTEM; PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATIONS THEREOF; REPEALING ORDINANCE NUMBER 983 ; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES , IN THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , COUNTY OF WASHINGTON, STATE OF ARKANSAS . BE IT ORDAINED AND ENACTED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE STATE OF ARKANSAS , as follows : ARTICLE I Unless the context specifically indicates otherwise , the meaning of terms used in this ordinance shall be as follows : Section 1 . "BOD" ( denoting Biochemical Oxygen Demand) shall mean the quantity of oxygen utilized in the biochemical oxidation of organic matter under standard laboratory procedure in five ( 5) days at 200C . ; expressed in milligrams per liter . Section 2 . "Building Drain" shall mean that part of the lowest horizontal piping of a drainage system which receives the discharge from soil , waste and other drainage pipes inside the walls of the building and conveys it to the building sewer , beginning five ( 5 ) feet ( 1 . 5 meters ) outside the inner face of the building wall . Section 3 . "Building Sewer " shall mean the extension from the building drain to the public sewer or other place of disposal . Section 4. " Combined Sewer " shall mean a sewer receiving both surface runoff and sewage . Section 5 . "Garbage " shall mean solid wastes from the domestic and commercial preparation, cooking and dispensing of food, and from the handling , storage and sale of produce . Section 6 . "Industrial Wastes " shall mean the liquid wastes from industrial manu- facturing processes , trade , or business as distinct from sanitary sewage . Section 7 . "Natural Outlet " shall mean any outlet into a watercourse , pond, ditch , lake or other body of surface or groundwater . Section 8 . "Person ' shall mean any individual , firm , company, association, society, corporation or group . Section 9 . "pH" shall mean the logarithm of the reciprocal of the weight of hydrogen ions in grams per liter of solution . MICROFILMED DATE o 1M1 o un Section 10 . "Properly Shredded Garbage " shall mean the wastes from tTiEetprBpaation , I ooking and dispensing of food that have been shredded to such a degree that all particles ill be carried freely under the flow conditions normally prevailing in public sewers , with no particle greater than one- half ( 1 / 2 ) inch ( 1 . 27 centimeters ) in any dimension. Ordinance - Use of Sewers Page Two Section 11 . "Public Sewer " shall mean a sewer in which all owners of abutting properties have equal rights , and is controlled by public authority . Section 12 . "Sanitary Sewer " shall mean a sewer which carries sewage and to which storm , surface and groundwaters are not intentionally admitted. Section 13 . "Sewage " shall mean a combination of the water - carried wastes from residences , business buildings , institutions , and industrial establishments , together with such ground, surface and stormwaters as may be present . Section 14 . "Sewage Treatment Plant" shall mean any arrangement of devices and structures used for treating sewage . Section 15 . "Sewage Works " shall mean all facilities for collecting , pumping , treating and disposing of sewage . Section 16 . "Sewer " shall. mean a pipe or conduit for carrying sewage . Section 17 . "Shall " is mandatory ; " May " is permissive . Section 18 . "Slug " shall rnear_ any discharge of water , sewage or industrial waste which in concentration of any given constituent or in quantity of flow exceeds for any period of duration longer than fifteen ( 15 ) minutes more than five ( 5 ) times the average twenty- four ( 24) hour concen_tratiou or flows during normal operation . Section 19 . "Storm Drain" ( sometimes termed " storm sewer " ) shall mean a sewer which carries storm and surface waters and drainage , but excludes sewage and industrial wastes , other than unpolluted cooling water . . Section 20 . "Superintendent " shall mean the Superintendent of Sewage Works of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , or his authorized deputy , agent or representative . i t Section 21 . "Suspended Solids " shall mean solids that either float on the surface of, or are in suspension in water , sewage , or other liquids , and which are removable by laboratory filtering . I Section 22 . "Watercourse " shall mean a channel in which a flow of water occurs , either continuously or intermittently . Section 23 . " City" shall mean the City of Fayetteville , County of Washington, in the State of Arkansas . Ordinance - Use of Sewers Page Three ' ARTICLE II Section 1 . No person shall discharge or cause to be discharged any stormwater , surface water , groundwater , roof runoff, subsurface drainage ; uncontaminated cooling water , or unpolluted industrial process water to any sanitary sewer . Section 2 . Stormwater and all other unpolluted drainage shall be discharged to such sewers as are specifically designated as combined sewers or storm sewers , or to a natural outlet approved by the Superintendent . Industrial cooling water or unpolluted process waters may be discharged , on approval of the Superintendent , to a storm sewer , combined sewer , or natural outlet . Section 3 . No person shall discharge or cause to be discharged any of the following described waters or wastes to any public sewers : (a) Any gasoline , benzene , naphtha , fuel oil , or other flammable or explosive liquid, solid or gas . ( b) Any waters or wastes containing toxic or poisonous solids , liquids or gases in sufficient quantity , either singly or by interaction with other wastes , to injure or inter - fere with any sewage treatment process , constitute a hazard to humans or animals , create a public nuisance or create any hazard in the receiving waters of the sewage treatment 1 . plant , including , but not limited to , cyanides in excess of two ( 2 ) mg /1 as CN in the wastes as discharged to the public sewer . ( c ) Any waters or wastes having a pH lower than 5 . 5 or having any other corrosive property capable of causing damage or hazard to structures , equipment ,and personnel of the sewage works . ( d) Solid or viscous substances in quantities or of such size capable of causing obstruction to the flow in sewers or other interference with the proper operation of the sewage works such as , but not limited to , ashes , cinders , sand, mud, straw , . egg shells , shavings , metal , glass , rags , feathers , tar , plastics , wood , unground garbage , whole blood , paunch manure , hair and fleshings , entrails and paper dishes , cups , milk con- tainers , etc . , either whole or ground by garbage grinders . Section 4 . No person shall discharge or cause to be discharged the following described substances , materials , waters , or wastes , if it appears likely in the opinion of the Super - intendent that such wastes can harm either the sewers , sewage treatment process or equipment , have an adverse effect on the receiving stream , or can otherwise endanger life , limb , public property , or constitute a nuisance . In forming his opinion as to the accept- ability of these wastes , the Superintendent will give consideration to such factors as the quantities of subject wastes in relation to flows and velocities in the sewers , materials of construction of the sewers , nature of the sewage treatment process , capacity of the sewage treatment plant , degree of treatability of wastes in the sewage, treatment plant , and other pertinent factors . . The substances prohibited are : Ordinance No . 1389 . Page Four (a ) Any liquid or vapor having a temperature higher than one 'hundred' fifty ( 150 ) ' degrees F . ( 650C . ) . ( b ) Any water or waste containing fats , wax, grease or oils , in excess of one hundred ( 100 ) mg / l or containing substances which may solidify or become viscous : at temperatures between thirty- two ( 32 ) and one hundred fifty ( 150 ) degrees F . (0 and 650 C . ) . ' (c ) Any garbage that has not been properly shredded . .The installation and operation of any garbage grinder equipped with a motor of three - fourths ( 3 / 4) horsepower ( 0 . 76 hp metric ) or greater shall be subject to the review and approval of the Superintendent . ( d) Any waters or wastes containing strong acid pickling wastes , or concentrated plating solution whether neutralized or not . ( e ) Any waters or wastes containing iron, chromium , copper , zinc , and similar objectionable or toxic substances ; or wastes exerting an excessive chlorine regquirement , to such degree that any such material received in the composite sewage at the sewage treat- ment works exceeds the limits established by the Superintendent for such materials . ( f) Any waters or wastes containing phenols or other taste - or - odor producing sub- stances , in such concentration exceeding limits which may be established by the Super - intendent as necessary , after treatment of the composite sewage , to meet the requirements of the State , Federal or other public agencies of jurisdiction for such discharge to the receiving waters . (g ) Any radioactive wastes or isotopes of such half- life or concentration as may exceed limits established by the Superintendent in compliance with applicable State or Federal regulations , (h ) Any waters or wastes having a pH in excess of 9 . 5 . (i ) Materials which exert or cause : ( 1 ) Unusual concentrations , of inert suspended .solids ( such as , but not limited to , Fullers earth , lime slurries , and lime residues ) or of dissolved solids ( such as , but not limited to , sodium chloride and sodium sulfate ) . ( 2 ) Excessive discoloration ( such as , but not limited to , dye wastes and vegetable tanning solutions ) . - ( 3 ) Unusual BOD , chemical oxygen demand, or chlorine requirements in such quantities as to constitute a significant load on the sewage treatment works , (4) Unusual volume of }low or concentration of wastes constituting "slugs" as defined herein. Ordinance No . 1389 Page . Five (j) Waters or wastes containing substances which are not amenable to treatment or reduction by the sewage treatment processes employed , or are amenable to treatment only to such degree that the sewage treatment plant effluent cannot meet the requirements of other agencies having jurisdiction over discharge to the receiving waters . Section 5 . If any waters or wastes are discharged, or are proposed to be discharged , to the public sewers , which waters contain the substances or possess the characteristics enumerated in Section 4 of this Article , and which in the judgment of the Superintendent , may have a deleterious effect upon the sewage works , processes , equipment , or receiving waters , or which otherwise create a hazard to life or constitute a public nuisance , the Superintendent may : (a ) Reject the wastes , ( b ) Require pretreatment to an acceptable condition for discharge to the public sewers , ( c ) Require control over the quantities and rates of discharge , and/ or (d) Require payment to cover the added cost of handling and treating the wastes not covered by existing taxes or sewer charges under the provisions of Section 10 of this article . If the Superintendent permits the pretreatment or equalization of waste flows , the design and installation of the plants and equipment shall be subject to the review and approval of the Superintendent , and subject to the requirements of all applicable codes , ordinances and laws , and the Arkansas State Health Department regulations . Section 6 . Grease , oil , and sand interceptors shall be provided when , in the opinion of the Superintendent , they are necessary for the proper handling of liquid wastes con- taining grease in excessive amounts , or any flammable wastes , sand or other harmful ingredients ; except that such interceptors shall not be required for private living quarters or dwelling units . All interceptors shall be of a type and capacity approved by the Super - intendent , and shall be located as to be readily and easily accessible for cleaning and inspection . Section 7 . Where preliminary treatment or flow- equalizing facilities are provided for any waters or wastes , they shall be maintained continuously in satisfactory and effective operation by the owner at his expense . Section 8 . When required by the Superintendent , the owner of any property serviced by a building sewer carrying industrial wastes shall install a suitable control manhole together with such necessary meters and other appurtenances in the building sewer to facilitate observation , sampling , and measurement of the wastes . Such manhole', when required, shall be accessibly and safely located , and shall be constructed in accordance with plans approved by the Superintendent . The manhole shall be installed by the owner at his expense , and shall be maintained by him so as to be safe and accessible at all times . Ordinance - Use of Sewers Page Six Section 9 . All measurements , tests and analyses of the characteristics of waters and wastes to which reference is made in this ordinance shall be determined in accordance with the latest edition of "Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater , " Published by the American Public Health Association , and shall be determined at the control manhole. provided, or upon suitable samples taken at said control manhole . In the event that no special manhole has been required, the control manhole shall be considered to be the nearest downstream manhole in the public sewer to the point at which the building sewer is connected . Sampling shall be carried out by customarily accepted methods to reflect the effect of constituents upon the sewage . works and to determine the existence of hazards to life , limb and property . ( The particular analyses involved will determine whether a grab sample or samples should be taken. Normally, but not always , BOD and suspended solids analyses are obtained from 24- hour composites of all outfalls whereas pH' s are determined from periodic grab samples . ) Section 10 . No statement contained in this article shall be construed aspreventing any special agreement or arrangement between the City and any industrial concern whereby an industrial waste of unusual strength or charactor may be accepted by the City for treat- ment , subject to payment therefore , by the industrial concern . ARTICLE III Section 1 . No unauthorized person shall maliciously, willfully , or negligently break, damage , destroy, ' uncover , deface or tamper with any structure , ' appurtenance , or equip- ment which is a part of the sewage works . Any person violating this provision shall be subject to immediate arrest under charge of disorderly conduct . ARTICLE IV Section 1 . The Superintendent and other duly authorized employees of the City bearing proper credentials and identification shall be permitted to enter all properties for the pur - pose of inspection, observation, measurement, sampling and testing in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance . The Superintendent or his representatives shall have no authority to inquire into any processes including metallurgical , chemical , oil , refining , ceramic , paper , or other industries beyond that point having a direct bearing on the kind and source of discharge to the sewers or waterways or facilities for* waste treatment . Section Z . While performing the necessary work on private properties referred to in Article IV , Section 1 above , the Superintendent or duly authorized employees of the City shall observe all safety rules applicable to the premises established by the company and the company shall be held harmless for injury or death to the City employees and the City shall indemnify the company against loss or damage to its property by City employees and against liability claims and demands for personal injury or property damage asserted against the company and growing out of the gauging and sampling operation, except as such may be caused by negligence or failure of the company to maintain safe conditions . - Section 3 . The Superintendent and other duly authorized employees of the City bearing proper credentials and identification shall be permitted to enter all private properties through which the . City holds a duly negotiated easement for the purposes of, but not limited to, r' Ordinance No . 1389 Page Seven, inspection, observation, measurement , sampling , repair , and maintenance of any portion of the sewage works lying within said easement . All entry and subsequent work, if any , on said easement , shall be done in full accordance with the terms of the duly 'negotiated ease - ment pertaining to the private property involved . ARTICLE V Section 1 . Any person found to be violating any provision of this ordinance except Article III shall be served by the City with written notice stating the nature of the violation and providing a reasonable time limit for the satisfactory correction thereof. The.-offender shall , within the period of time stated in such notice , . permanently cease all violations . Section Z . Any person who shall continue any violation beyond the time limit provided for in Article V , Section 1 , shall be guilty of a misdemeanor , and on conviction thereof shall be fined in an amount not exceeding one hundred dollars ( $ 100 . 00 ) for each violation . Each day in which any such violation shall continue shall be deemed a separate offense , Section 3 . Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall become liable to the City for any expense , loss , or , damage occasioned the City by reason of such violation . ARTICLE VI ' Section 1 . The provisions of this ordinance are severable , and if any part of provisions hereof shall be held void or invalid , the remaining parts or provisions shall not be affected or impaired: Section 2 . Ordinance Number 983 , passed and approved by the City Council of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , on October 30 , 1950, is hereby repealed 'in its entirety. Section 3 . This' ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after .its passage , approval and publication . PASSED AND APPROVED this 13th day of April , 1964. APPROVED: 4L GUY EV BROWN , MAYOR ATTEST : GEORGLW. J, AVIS , CITY CLERK ORDINANCE NO. 1889. ( IANORDINANCE REGULATING - THE USE OF PUBLIC SEWERS - IAND DRAINS, AND THE', DIS- CHARGE . OF' r W"ATERSAND WASTES INTO THE PUOLiC'SEW- EMYSTEMI:PROVIDING'PENAL STATE of ARKANSAS l - TILES FOR THE VIOLATIONS' J THEREOF; )REPEALING. ORDI•. NANCE NUMBER.-983;.AND.-. FOR County 0£ Washington - OTHER PURPOSES, IN THE CITY ' OF FAYETTEVH.LE:' COUNTY OFf�1 - WASHINGTON, 'STATE OF AR- C�I + KANSAS.' , a'�-..`: '.r, j'af• �.•....'-.• G`��t �L �wwW www�" _ }1QLQb certify that I BE IT ORDAINED-!AND. EN- I, . .____.. -_�.r_ ._f..___-"___-__-_-- __-"_._"-_-_._____—__-___ ., Y Y am the neral Manager of TI-IE NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, a daily newspaper having a second class mailing privilege, and being not less than four pages of five columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at a fixed (daily) intervals continuously in the City of LBg01`NO}ite=- i; � Fayetteville, County of Washington, Arkansas for more than a period ACTED SY'THE COUNCIL OF THE of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an * established place of CITY.OF-.FAYETTEVILLE,.STATE business to subscribers and readers generally of all classes in the City OF ARKANSAS, as follows:, & Count for a definite rice for each co or a fixed - rice SAS, as follo s:, Y P copy, P Per annum, Unless the contekfspeciflcally in- which price was fixed at '.what is considered the value of the publication,dicateterms ed In this the meaning of based upon the news value and service value it contains, that at least fifty terms uoth r se, he meansnance shall P Y The as follows. - g," ' "1' r - percent of the subscribers thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions Section 1. "HOD"u(denoting: Bio- chemical 4Oxygen Demand),I• $hall . to the newspaper or its agents or through recognized news dealers over a mean th the biochemical of oxygen uion period of at least six months ; and that the said newspaper publishers an mea m She antitye f o oxidation of Orgame ' matter -under standard average of more than forty percent news matter. - laboratory rocedwe,.)in.•five (3) • days at 80'Lg, 'a xpreaeed - In• milli- I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of grams perliter. , Section 8.• "Building,-Drain" shall - mean that part b_fl drainage. systri-zontal . / '� '^'� ' • which piping. of a dischar eyfrom which waste the drainrge ; apes _ son, waste and other drainagge pipes -- ------- ----"----- Inside the walls of the bull and _ conveysit to the-building sewer:be. tinning five (s) feet (1.5 meteral'out- was published in the regular daily issue of said newspaper er for- aide the , inner face of -the -building "rte"QuU^ insertion as follows : . . wall. - - ' '"Building Section S. "HWlding Sewet" shall - r/- mean the,extenalon from thb,build- The first insertion on the ______.___6_ _ 'l In drain to the .publm ' sewet •or _ _______ day of ' ____ other place rof disposal. - '' . - 'e ! ' - section "'U- sewer Sewer". - shall mean a. sewer receiving both the second insertion on the ____----- __.____._ day of ----------- surface _--____.surface runoff'and sewage:.: m ,.'1 . Section 5. '"Garlmge'1- shall mean solid wastes from the,domestic•and the third Insertion on the ------- ----------__--------- day of commercial '. preparation-.4,cooking - and dispensing of food,& and. from thectehandling. store, sale• . ' and the fourth insertion on the ' "."__."..._----.___ day of __-____— ___ _ produce:' ,.- S. Industrial ' Wastes" ' shall mean. the i1 es from manufacturing recesses. trade, or businedlMppcf from sanitary;adwappe. . ' - V ' Section 2 ! "Naturat, Oiit1M" shell mean any Outlet into'a-watercourse, ; Sworn to and subscribed before me on this ___�y da of 1 pond, ditch; lake or, other body of ---- ,y surf - ,or=groundwater:', '.a✓ �. 1 Section 9, . "Person':; shall' mean any.,indivldual, firm, company, as- - soclation, society, corporatlon•• 'or. . ______-------- group ---________ tl group. . _ >rt �f 3erith 0of the T shall, meati _the /� logarithm of them tons' In of the - �Q/ /GP - per literofHydrogen-Sohs� in ,Brame - __--" --Nota Public •per Section of solution."Prop Section 10. "Properly Shredded Garbage" shall mean the wastes from .the preparation, cooking and - shrded to f food that- have been My Commission Expires: shredded i auchc degree that all particles will co carried freely lly der the flow conditions norntaliy �� /A / prevailing leeg ea Public sewer-, with ro __!f_L_Z _ pa h (I greater than One-ha.a6,,.T! Inch (Y.87 centl-met -1 )* any.dl- mendon- .' .- .- -. i . Section 11. ."Publ16'Sewer"- shall . mean a sowerinwhich all owners of " Fees for Printing abutting properties ,have- agques ; fights, and Is 'controlled by ,puCIla authority. i ' - Cost of Proof _____ $________:_________ '.Section 18. "Sanitary Sewer"shall mean it sewer which-carriea sew. age and to which stotm;durface and Total groundwalere are 'not 'intedtlonally _ admitted. ' j Section 13,E "Sewage'1e9hsU -tnesn a combination•.of therwater-carried ' wastes from • residences, business ' t• buildings, Institutions, mtd '•indua- - ttlal- establidhments„together with such ground. surface rand storm= r .` waters as may be•present. Section 14. n"Sewage ' Treatment iP1anYshalt mean any arrangement r, 1, � •j;"i-, Of devices and structures weed for - - tresting,aewa$e[ ` ' V' .Section. IB:.,Sewage Warks shall - C mesa' all facflties: for" ..collecting. pumping, treating'and -disposing of `r _^ sewage. . ' Section lOw"Sewer" shall mean a C ; pipe br cobdLit'ryfor "carrying sew: .. 3 l �9Section 4-N0 person shall Els- '—" •'Baetlotl'iT" a ( charge or cause.to be discharged .May" G . wive. !4' i ( the following described substances, Sectio ifi: ';Slu aha;l.mlan�0ny materlela. W82era. ot ' weates. if 1t t}; g"- appears likely in the opinion of the dischargelDt. abater,J§ewaget 4r In-' •I Superintendent , that such wastes duatrlal- uW1 »ldch ;i$ twfitentra- can harm either the sewers, sewage tion of klv6A;MnsHtuent Celli , treatment process ' or equipment, legal-Notice t •( quantttylb ,} oW,'exebeds, fpr any , have.an .adverse effec' on the re• period of!yuretion' longer'than,flfi celving stream, or can otherwise the Superintendent, may have e . ,teen (15), fiiinutes More 'than- five - endanger life. limb, public property deleterious effect-upon the sewage (5) ' limes the avetage ',tWentyfour, or constitute a nuisance. In forming works, processes, equipment,.or,re- 2t) hour' concentration or' flows Tie, opinion as to the.acceptabiltty calving waters,(w which otherwise durinngg normal operation, . : Ot these wastes, the'SuperintentleAt create' a-hazard to life w constitute Section 19.- "Storm Drain" '(Same• will give consideration to such fac- a' public,nuisance, the, 9uperin S times termed."storm eewer;'). ahell - Mors as'.the quantities of Subject tendent-may: , , 1 S mean a sewer which carries Storm : wastes in relation to flows and ve• (a) Reject'.the wastes, and surface waters and drainage, locitles in the.sewete. materials of Iib)' Aepulre pretreatment to an but excludes sewage and Industrial constructidnlof the. sewarsf nature acceptable condition for discharge , wentee, other'than unpolluted codes of the sewage treatment,process, ea- to'the'publfc'sewera, Ing water. pBelt y of thesewage,. treatment (c).Requfre'control over the quern- - Section 20. "Superintendent" plant, degree , of treatability, of tides-and-rates'of discharge, and/or shall mean the.Buperintendent of wastes - In--the sewage treatment (d) Requireyayment to cover the Sewage Works of the CIty .Of Fay- in I, and other. pertinent factors. added cost of handling and treating etleville. Arkansas;.or his • author- The Imbstanees prohibited are: the wastes not covered by existing ized deputy, agent or represents-' (a) Anyliquld°or'vaDor having a taxes or-sewer charges under-the tive. s _. : -- - -P. tempperature Ihtgher. than One hum- rpvialons of Section 10 of this err-' Section 21, "Suspended Solids" dred' fifty (1 50) da rtg1 F, (65'C). P , shall' mean solids that either. float (b) Any water or wsale Containing title.•, ' wax ease orroilz, in excess . -If the Superintendent permits the an the Surface of. or are In sus- fats.- gt retreatment or equalization of pension in water, . Sewage, or ,oth- — of.one hundred (100):mg/l.or_con- � P er liquids, and which are "movable twining substances'-,WTIGp may - waste flows, the design and instal- by laboratory' filtering. solidify or beco me .VI cous at tem- lotion of the plants and equipment Section 22. • "Watercourse" shall pevatures between , I. irtY-two (32) approva subject to the review and approval , of the, Superintendent, , mean a channel In which a flow of end one hunQred fiftY'(150)=F. (0 and and subject to the requirements of waterer occurs, either continuously '.,,,,,, . ...f .,,-��- _ j all applicable codes, ordinances and '. m Intermittently: - - 039C)• laws, and the Arkansas State Health Section 23. "City" shall mean the (c) Any garbage that bas not been Department regulations. City of Fayetteville. County of properly shredded. The installation .Section 6.t Grease; oil, and sand Washington, in the State Of Ar_ and operation of any garbage grind• interceptors shat] be provided , jrs„ •., er equipped with a motor' of three- when, In the opinion of the Super- ARTTC{-g,n fourths (?i) -horsepower (0.76 hp Intendant. they are necessary for Section 1. No person shall dis- metria)-.or greater. shall-be Subject the proper handling of liquid charge or cause to be discharged to the review. and 'approval of the wastes containing grease in exces- any stormwater. surface water: Superintendent: sive amounts, or any flammable groundwater, roof runoff, subsur- (d) Any waters or West" contain- wastes-sandror-other,hwmful-i - f a e e drainage. uncontaminated' mg strong acid iron pickling wastes: gradients: except that such inter- cooling water, or unpolluted indus= ' or concentrated `plating solution ceptors shall not be required' for Ufa] pr0eess waiter to..any sanitary whether neutralized or not. , private living quarters or dwelling "War. ,(e) Any waters or wastes contain- units. All Interceptors shall be ofa Section 8. Stormwater end 9111 Ing• iron. • chromium, copper, zinc, type,and capacity approved by the other .unpolluted drainage shall be - and, similar. objectionable or, toxic Superintendent, and Shall be lo- discharged td•suCh sewers as ate' substances; or wastes exerting an cated as to be readily and easily ac- specifically designated - es earn. excessive' chlorine requirement, to cessible for cleaning and Inspection. bined ,sewers or Storm' sewers, or such degree that any such material Section 7. Where preliminary to a natural outlet approved by the received • in the composite sewage treatment or flow-equalizing facili- Superintendent. Industrial ' cooling; at the sewage' treatment-works ex= ties are provided for any waters or water or unpolluted process waters ceeds.the limits established by the wastes, they shall be maintained may be discharged, on approval of Superintendent for such materials. continuously in satisfactory and ef- the Superintendent to a . storm - fective operatfona by the owner at ' . (O Any waters or wastes conmtn- (sewer, combined sewer: Or'natural Ing phenols or other taste-or-odor- his expense. I outlet. Section 8, When required by the p Seetlon' & No centraproduion e substances, limits such con- person' shall ged maybe established s exceeding the S which Superintendent, the owner of any any o or. cause to in discharged may be este nates by the Supreat. property serviced by . a building , any of the following public sew. tandem as necessary, after , treat- Sewer carrying Industable tial wastes waters or Wastes to any public sew- meet of the c ¢mento of the qe, to shall install a suitable control man- on: meet the requirements of the State. hole together with each necessary I (a) Any oil. or other flammable h.w Federal or other public agencies of meters and other appurtenances In ' the, fuel all. or other flammable or jurisdiction for ouch ' dfacharge to the •bullding sewer to facilitate 0132explosive liquid: solid, gas. servation, sampling, and ,measure- , (b) Any wales or wast es contain- the receiving waters. - (g),Any radioactive wastb or iso- ment Of the wastes. Sue manhole; Ing toxic or poisonous solids, topes of such half-life w concentra- when .required, shall be accessibly liquids, or gases In sufficlent•quan- tions as mayexceed limits estab- and sefely located. P and shall be lily, either singly w by. Interaction lished by -the Superintendent in constructed In accordance with with other wastes. to Injure or in- compliance with applicable State or plans ' approved by the • Superin- terfere with any sewage treatment tendent. The manhole shall be in- process. constitute a hazard to hu- Federal regulations. 1 mann s. consuls, create - a o blichu- (h) Any waters or wastes having stalled by the owner at his expense. nuisance, ni create any hazard in a pH in excess of 9.5. - and shall be maintained by him so the receiving waters of the sewage (I) Materials which exert or cause: as to be safe and accessible at all treatment plant. Including but not ' (1) ' Unusual concentrationsoftimes. limited to cyanides in excess of two inert euspended'solids (such as, but Section 9. All measurements, testa (2) it /1 m CN In the ,wastes as die- not limited to. Fullers earth, lime antl anelyaeS of the characteristics 8 of waters and wastes to which ref- charged 'to the public-sewer. " . slurries,-and s (such as, b or -o[ (c) An waters or wastes hewn a dissolved solids (such ss, but not I sheets la made. ted in ordinance Any g limited to, sodium chloride and no. - shall be - determined in accordance PH lower than 5,5 or•having any oth. dium sulfate): With 'lna latest ad Ilan of "Standard er corrosive property capable of - Methods for the &xarpinatIon of ( , coursing damage or hazard to strut- (2) Excessive d9coloratlon (ouch ubllshed . tures, equipment, and personnel of is, but not limited to. dyYe wastes Water. and Wasteaower, ,p the sewage works.- -» -- - --- - . and vegetable tanning solutions). : I (d) Solid or viscous-substances In ' (3) Unusual HOD; chemical oxy- quantities or .of such size capable gen demand, or Pchlorine -require- ments in such quantities as to con- of.causing obetr In sewers, by other tiInterference flew a a , significant load ;on , the with the proper operation of ' the ¢ewe�e us a l volume , sewage works such as. but.not lim- nt V ion o volume flo nsti con- sewage to, ashes, cinders, sand, mud, cenu+elion at wastes constituting strew,. egg shells, shavings, metal;' 'I , slug99 as.defined herein, glass„ tags, feathers,iter, plastics, l �(ll,Walers or wastes containing wood. unground ' garbage, whole substances which are not amenable blood,_pauneh manure.- hair 1 and to treatment or reduction -by the sewage (treatment processes em- flashinga,k containers, to and paper dishes. ployed. 'or are amenable to treat- bupe miltelnen, etc.. .either ment (only to such degree that the t .whole or ground by garbagee grinds sewage treatment plant effluent cry' cannot meet the requirements of other agencles havingH 'jurisdiction over discharge to qie receiving waters. Section-S. If any waters or wastes are discharged, or are proposed to be discharged, to the public sewers.. ' which waters contain the substances or (. possess the , eharecterlaties . enumerated In Section a of this At- tfcle,,and which In 'Ahe Judgment of Legal•-Notice---I.- — Z i Legal- Notice =�1• • by the AmericWPublic Health As- to Its property by City,employees ' - As- sociation, and:6hal1 be determined and against Iiabjlity. claima and de- _ at the control manhole provided; or mends for pera nal injury or prop- • upon suitablesamples taken-atbafd Orly damage asserted against the control ,manhole. In. the.eventithat company and growing, out of the no special manhole has been re- - quired,i the control manhole shall gauging ,and ' Sampling - operation, .be' considered -, to be the nearest except as ,such, may be, caused by downstream- manhole in the public negligence or failure of the com- 'sewer to the point at which the Pany to maintainsate' conditioru. building •newer is connected. Sam. Section 3. The Superintendent and pling 'shall be carried out by cue- other duly authorized employees of .,temerity- accepted methods to re- the City. bearing proper credentials fleet the effect of constituents upon and/ Identification to. enteral shall be. 'per- the sewage workwand to determine misted to, enter all private proper- ' the existence of hazards ,to life, I Les through which the City holds duly negotiated easement for the e limb and property. (The particular analyses involved :will ,determine inspepurposes,of; but not' limited to, ,whether a grab sample or samples ment, sampling, observation, measure- ' should be taken. Normally. but not mens, eampling, repair, and melnte- always,. BOD and suspended. solids _ nance of any portion of the sewage analyses are obtained from 24-hour works lying. withinsaideasement. composites- of all outfalls whereas All entry and subsequent work, if pH's-are determined. from periodic any, on said easement. shall be grab samples.) done in.full'. accordance with the - . � terms of the duly negotiated ease- ment pertaining. to the private_ ' twined in' this article shall be con. property Involved. 1 istrued as preventing any special ARTICLE V agreement Or arrangement between the An the City and any industrial. con- violating any,Any ire alan found this' or. ' cern whereby, an industrial waste dlnance except Article III shall be of unusual strength; or characterserved - by the City with written • _ may be accepted by the City for - notice stating ,the nature of the vi. treatment, a u b l e c t to payment olation and providing a. reasonable therefore, by. the industrial con= time- limit for the so Isfactory car- cern, , • rection thereof: The offender shall, ' ARTICLE 2H i within the period of time stated in . - Section 1. No unauthorized per- , such notice,.permanently cease' all, son shall maliciously, willfully, %or violations. ' _ � ' negligently break, .damage. destroy, Secllon 2. -Any'D¢reon who shall uncover, deface or temper with any continue:any violation, beyond the structure, appurtenance. Or equip. time Iimft- violatvided fore Article ment which is a part of the sew- V, Section pr viae] be guilty tLa age works: Any person violating misdemeanor, and he conviction this provision shall be subject Ito thereof shall be fined in the amount Immediate anent under charge of not exceedin one hundred dollars disorderly con - - - ($100.00)"for -each- -vfelatlon. Each ARTTICLEICLE N day in which any such violation Section 1: The Superintendent shall continue shall be deemed .a and other duly authorized em separete'offeme. - pioyees of the City bearing proper section 3. Anypperson' violating credentials and identification shall any of ' the provLper of this sting be permitted to enter all properties nonce shell roviabecoperson t s - the for the purpose of Inspection:nt, nam ab- City for.any expense: loss, er dam- . Servation,teton, meaauremenc sampling age occasioned the City, by ;reason provisand testing In accordance with the of such violation. 1. Superintendent de this ordinance. The . ARTICLE' VI� Superintendent or his hour to In- Section 1. The revisions Of this+ fives shell have processes authority to in= ordinance -are severable, and if an l quire into any hemicl. including part Or Provisions hereof shall bel, metallurgical, a chemical.or , ell, refin- held void or invalid, the remaining*, Ing, ceramic, paper, ar , t having ln= parts or provisions shall not be a , du dares beyond that pont having fected or impaired. source dere of beadisc age t the kind. and , Section 2. Ordinance Number 983;1 wateof discharge to the fsewersor. waste or to waterways or 'facilities , for.- weete �Cpassed unc and approved by the City treatment. Council s. the City er 30, 1 50, is : Section 2.work o performing the IA reap r ea October 30. 1950, f- , necessary work n ,Arivate proper- •hereby repealed in rd entirety. - • - ties refereed to 1Superint Ide t or L in fon 3. This ordinance shall ' tion , authorized the Superintendent or be after full force and effect from and duly , authorized emplpyees. of the after its Passage., R City shall; observe all. safety rules I PASSED AND APPROVED THIS applicable to the Premises- ¢stab- 13th day of April, 1984. - llehed by the con(pany and the com- APROVED: ppany shell ix. held harmless for in- GUYy E._BROWN, MAYOR ,for or death to the CItY empleyeea ATTEST: yand the City ehe-11 ..indemnify the GEORGE J., DAVIS,, _ ,company agaimt.ld or , damage , CITY CLERK • 20-lt.e