HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 1387 ORDINANCE NO, 1387 AN ORDINANCE ORDERING THE REMOVAL AND RAZING OF CERTAIN BUILDINGS, HOUSES AND OTHER STRUCTURES IN THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS , AND FOR ' OTHER PURPOSES , WHEREAS , in many parts of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , owners of real property have allowed such property to become rundown, dilapidated , .unsafe , unsightly , dangerous , obnoxious , unsanitary and detrimental to the public welfare of the citizens of the City of Fayetteville , and WHEREAS , the condition of this property is a serious fire hazard and that , unless immediate action is taken to remedy this situation , there is a great likelihood that _' the surrounding property will be destroyed by fire originating in ' such unsafe and hazardous ` structures, NOW , THEREFORE , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS: SECTION 1 . That Bertha Cornelison , Mary Cortwright ; and Sidney T . Billingsley, are the owners of the real estate described as Tract A below , and that Robert L . Vaughan ' is the owner of the real estate described as Tract B below , and that said owners are hereby ordered to remodel , remove or raze the dilapidated buildings and/ or structures .. now standing upon said real estate within thirty ( 30 ) days from the effective date of this . ordinance , to- wit: TRACT A: Part of the Southeast Quarter (SE 1 / 4) of the Northeast Quarter ( NE 1 / 4) of Section 8 in Township 16 North of Range 30 West , more particularly described as follows , to-wit : Beginning 32 rods North of the Southwest , corner of said 40 acre tract , thence running East 25 rods ; thence South to the center of State Highway No . 16 ; thence running northwesterly with the center of said highway to the West line of said 40 acre tract; thence running North to the point of beginning , containing * . 7 acres of an acre , TRACT B : A part of Lot Eight (8 ) in Block Six (6 ) in the Original Town ( now City) of Fayetteville , Arkansas , described as - Beginning at the Northwest corner of said, Lot Eight ( 8 ) and running thence South Fifty ( 50) feet ; thence East twenty- eight ( 28) feet ; thence North fifty ( 50 ) feet ; thence West twenty- eight ( Z8 ) feet to the place of beginning , SECTION Z . The Chief of the Fire Department is hereby authorized and instructed to serve the owners of said above - described real estate with a copy of this ordinance and notify said owner .or owners of the above - described property that said buildings must be either torn down and removed or remodeled in accordance with applicable building and zoning ordinances of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , within thirty ( 30 ) ._ days from ,the date of passage of this ordinance . MICROFILMED DATE ocr 9 REEL \L978 Ordinance No . 1387 - . 2 - March 23 , 1964 SECTION 3 . In the event the owner or owners of any of said properties cannot be located, the Chief of the Fire . Department is instructed to serve notice by posting a copy of this ordinance on the front door or exterior wall of. the building , and to mail a true copy of same by registered mail to . said owner or owners last known address and report such action to. the Fire Committee of the City Council . SECTION 4. That in the .event the owner refuses to comply with the terms of this ordinance , the City will cause the removal and razing of the above -described structures and . the cost shall be a lien against the above - described property , SECTION 'S . .The City Attorney is hereby directed to .institute such legal , proceedings against such persons as may be necessary in order to enforce the provisions of this ordinance , and to remedy the .dangerous , unsanitary , and unsightly conditions brought above as a result of the failure of the owners to properly keep up said property . SECTION 6 . Because the parcels of property heretofore described causes a constant fire hazard and menace to the public peace , health and safety; and because this hazard and the condition of the nuisance created by such properties should be removed and abated at once , an emergency -is hereby declared to exist , and this ordinance is found to be necessary for the preservation of the public peace , health and safety, and the same shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval . PASSED AND APPROVED this 23rd day of March , 1964 . APPROVED: GUY E . BRVOWN, MAYOR ATTEST : GEOR J. DAVIS, CITY. CLERK STATE of ARKANSAS . ORDINANCE No. 1337, County of Washington AN ORDINANCE ORDERING THE REMOVAL AND RAZING OF CER-OTHER BUILDINGS, HOUSES 'AND ' OTHER STRUCTURES I IN ,AR- ' CITY . OF FAYETT'EVTLLE, � AR- I, —__-. __-- . —. -}-- - - _ _ _ hereby certify that I KANSAS;'AND .FOR' OTHER PUR- ' 'am the ( Gef&ral Manager) THFi NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, POSES. - .o[ 'tTe - - a doll news WHEREAS, jr; inaiiy carte o - - y paper having a second .,dq;i las ling privilege, and being not City o[. Fayettaville,• , Arave at. less than four a es of five columns each, published at a fixed lace of lownca suen vrov ry�io Ieecome business and t a fixed (daily) intervals continuously in the' City of rundown.' euaplaate a, ' unsate, un- 'Fa etteville, Count Washington, sightly. ,dangerous,.-obnoxtoua;,un- Y y of Washin on, Arkansas for more than a period sanitary and detrimental to the' pub- of twelve months, circulated and distributed from an established place of lic welfare of thecitizen ;of the - city of Fayetteville. and ' business to subscribers- and readers generally of all classes in the City r WHEREAS. ,the ;COndItiOR of,.thia $+ County for a definite rice for each co p p andpthetpi unless dmmedla_telaeon Y P copy, or a fixed rice per annum, which price was fixed at what is considered the value , of the publication, is taken to ,remedy this situation. - there is.a great'It ell hooa' tnat the based upon the news value and service value it contains, that at least fifty surrounding Property will he de- percent of the subscribers thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions strayed!by : fire originating in such unsafe end .hazardous structures. t0 the newspaper or its agents or through recognized, news dealers over a Y NOW;, THEREFORE, . C U CIL period of at least six months ; and that the said newspaper publishers an OR- DAINED HE THE . CITY COUNCIL P OF THE CITY OF'FAYETTEVILLE, i average Of more than forty percent- news matter. ARKANSAS: j11 ' arne SECTION 1. That BerthColl- - I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of son., Mary Cartwright, -and', Slaney T. Billingsley.'are the owners of the real estate described as,Trnct A ,be- , low, and than Robert L. Vaughan is - - .�-- the .Owner of ' the real estate ,de' c�LG2 scribed as, Tract B below, and'that ---------------------------------------- --- ------ ' tsaid lowners are hereby orderedto ' , remodel, remove or raze the,dilapl- _ i dated buildings and/or 'structures - was, published in the regular daily issue of said newspaper now standing upon said real' estate T!nnpit}ye•, insertionp( as follows : wllh'i' thirty ) days from. the ef- nce, to- �f TRACTo tLheO Northeast Quarter � The first insertion on the --.__P�_7_____ day of 4 . . . . TRACT A: 1 ; / „". , t JSEy) of Section a in Township ` the second insertion on the _.—__—___-__-- day of IN J 16:North ,of Range 30 -West. -more particularly' described as' follows, ' to-wit: Beginning 32 rods North of the third insertion on the —____—_______—__ day. of _ -_. 19 ' 1-the` Southwest corner of East 26 40 • ' acre tract, thence running - t -rods: thence South-to-the to the center and- the fourth insertion on the .-_____________ day of Z • of State Highway eily-. thence cc6nning- northwesterlw--with• the .I ', center ne said highway to the i - , .West-line of said.. 40,acre. tract: Vt7Al�/ -_ - _--___ thence.running North to the point of beginning; containing- .7 acres of an acre. ` TRACT B: `•' ' " 1, Sworn to and subscribed before me on this _____J_� - - A part of Lot Eight, (91'tn • Block ---_-- day Of -__...._...... six (6) 1n the Original Tawn (riaw •Lydescri a Fayetteville, , Arkansas. , - - , described ar of Saing-aR the 1 _ ------------------ 1�- -�/ •Northwest corner.of enid Lot Etght 4 -------------- - , - - , (e) end running thence South Fit- eight ) feet: thence, East twenty- —� eight (29)' feet: thence North fifty t [�(60) feet: thence Wesq 'twenRY,- - - --------- -- ---------- -- . ?. eight '(28) feet to;the place,of be- - - - OC Publle .rtginning. ' . ) ( Js i t 'l. .t . -SECTION 2. The Chief of the'Fire '. Department is hereby nuthortzed r _and instructed to serve' the owners My Commission Expires : . ' w said above-described real estate _SECTION 5 Thto Institute I notify said o f this orwners o and /D / 9 ,r/ notify eesc owner or owners th of the /e hereby oieecin a int such a per t above-tleacrlbetl property tl+at said -� legal proceedings against such Der- F buildings.most be either torn down. sons as may be necessary in order and removed or remodeled, In, ac= to- enforce, the .provision .of .this 'i cordance with applicable building / ordinance, and to. remedy the dan- ', and 'zoning '-ardmances.of,thedCity - Fees for Printing — $___/_ _ U gerous, , unsanitary, and unsightly of -'Fayetteville. Arkansas.z:wfhin conditions brought above as a to- ' thirty (30) ways- from' thei date,�of' suit of the failure of the owners to passage"of this-ordinance. '+Y^ . j(; - Cost Of Pl'00£ .. _ Properly keep' up said--property. SECTION 3. In the edent,tMe own• $---- SECTION 6. Because the parcels er.or owners of anyofsaid-::proper- DO of property :heretofore described tfesetinnot be located. thepChiet:of, Total causes a -constant fire, hazard ,and the.Fire Department ,is instructed $— — menace .to the public peace, health to aerp . notice by posting 'n- copy and'safety: and because this hazard of this ordinance onithe front door, t 11f-Cp ((1 and the condition of the nuisance orbexterior wall of. the building. Q created -by such properties should andira mall a true 'eopy of same'by `tiP J y. t • � he removed and ' abated at once. an registered mall to`said owner ;or emergency is hereby'tleclered'to ex- owners last known eddress.ana.re- r` ist, and this ordinance is found to be, 5 port such action to the Fire.Commit- .` :•; �� �ti, ( a `-ti necessary for the preservation of tee of the City Council :' V . .^`+ ' J w the public. peace, health and safe- 1 .SECTION 4,That 1n the event the - " �`` . ���~ �. `' "y F ty. and Ahe sarne'shall ' be in full 'owner irefuses' tocomDly with-the y . k Yl force and effect from ana ,after its terms --of, thts„ori7lnance„ the -City - —, h , ' C< Z passage and approval'. _will cause tam remavaa .and razing PASSED AND APPROVED ,this of. the above-described structures }� G' �4� t7 'ti t 23rd'day o£ March: 1964. and the cost shall be a lien agalrmt APPROVED: the above-described -,property. { GUY E. BROWN, Mayor .iryti• ! ATTEST:. GEORGE J. DAVIS, City Clerk i 27-It-c'