HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 1384 - 613 FILED FOR FOR RECORD ORDINANCE NO . 1964 FEB 27 PM I : 20 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ZONING ORDINANCE NO , 1239 ANDWMORN COUNTY, ARK. ZONING DISTRICT MAP OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS , APPROU% *3(1 O cLL 28 , 1962 , TO REZONE CERTAIN .-REAL ESTATE FROM R-1B SINGW 9M`Ik[ RK RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT AND 0-1 OPEN LAND DISTRICT TO C-2 - THROUGH- FARE COMMERCIAL DISTRICT . WHEREAS , a public hearing was held before the Planning Commission of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , on January 28 , 1964 , on the petition of W . C . Rogers and Cleada Rogers , requesting that said Planning Commission recommend to the City Council of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , that the City Council enact an ordinance reeoning the following described property , to-wit : Beginning at a point 300 feet East of the East line of U . S . Highway 71 and 102 feet North of the North line of the Northeast Quarter (NEk ) of the Northeast Quarter i (NEk) of Section 35 , Township 17 North , Range 30 West ; thence East 600 feet ; thence South 1 , 422 feet more or less to the South line of the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 35 ; thence West to a point 300 feet East of the East line of U . S . Highway 71 ; thence in a Northerly dir- ection 300 feet from , and parallel to , the East line of U . S . Highway 71 to the point of beginning , all in the City of Fay- etteville , Arkansas , from R-1B Single Family Residential District and 0-1 open Land District to C-2 Thoroughfare Commercial .-Dis- trict , and WHEREAS , notice of said public hearing , setting forth the date , time , place and purposes of hearing , and location of . prop- erty was published in the Northwest Arkansas Times , a newspaper of general circulation in said City , more than 15 days prior - to said public hearing , and WHEREAS, following said public hearing , said Planning Co- mission certified to the City Council of the City of Fayette- ville , Arkansas , its recommendation that an ordinance -be adoptdd ,• ' rezoning the above described property,4except that property described as follows , to-wit : Beginning at a point on the. South line of Harold Street 900 feet East of theEast line of U . S . Highway 71 and 102 feet north of the North line of the Northeast Quarter (NEk ) of the Northeast Quarter (NEk ) of Section 35 , Township 17 North , MICROFILMED DATESOCT 9 1918 613 -2 - Ordinance No . Range 30 West ; thence South 140 feet ; thence West 400 feet , more or less to a point inline with the East ,line of Lee Ave- nue ; thence North 140 feet; more or less to the South line of Harold Street , thence East 400 feet , more or less to , the point of beginning , from R-1B . Single Family Residential District and 0-1 Open Land District to C-2 Thoroughfare Commercial District ; . y.i - ' '�y • L NOW , THEREFORE , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : . SECTION 1 . That the above described property presently zoned as R-IB Single Family Residential District and 0-1 Open Land District be , except that portion of - real estate the plan- ning commission deleted from their recommendation , and the same is hereby rezoned to C-2 Thoroughfare Commercial District , up- on the condition that the . petitioners dedicate to - the City an easement for street purposes , across the . following described real estate , to-wit : Beginning at a point on the south line of Harold Street which is 102 feet North and 150 feet West of the Soutlieast • corner • of the SEh of the SEh of Section 26 , . Town- ship 17 ' North , Range 30 West ; thence West 1125 feet more or less to the East line of U . S . Highway 71 ; thence South 20 feet ; thence East 1125 feet more or less to a point 20 feet South of the point of beginning ; thence North 20 feet to the .point of beginning ; . and also that the petitioners dedicate to the city an easement for street purposes , sufficient to provide a street sixty feet in width , running from U . S . Highway 71 and connecting to the Old Missouri Road , as proposed in the plat of the real estate submitted to the planning commission • for rezoning . SECTION 2 . That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed , . and this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage , approval and publication . PASSED AND APPROVED this 24th day of February , 1964 . C� IAYfjlf APPROVED : 0,( 14 FES t:' n� { kj : ea; GUY E . B WN , MAYOR . , Ys • ' ri . ��o10EORIS , CITY CLERK - ' 613 1 P a r 1 ' CERTIFICATE STATE OF ARKANSAS CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE " I, GEORGE J, DAVIS , City Clerk within and for the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , do hereby certify that the annexed andel foregoing is a true and correct copy of thaz�, I � 2' 4 therein .set forth , and the same is as it appears of Record in PROCEDURE OF CITY 1p COUNCIL RECORD , Volume _�_ at Page thereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF , I have hereunto set my hand and affixed Amy official seal this ai� day of O�lGo'+�^�'�•1 19 � . "'•ct I AYlTjf� r ' • ; it CMAE o � �' o a y � i •�.. ` par . pe ' ooD'a t6tlA�i• Y 1 I 1 _ " w a m •�. of v lam: E O c p .r/ U La x m O " oo U t11 Ld U u o N N-' t 5 ? L{. ¢ Y COO N a r a r�( v O c c c U LIM i i r4 s • o Nce<NOEt78a . - . . $AN ORDINANCE' -A M E'N<D I N G - iZOp1ING 'ORDINANCE" NO>61239 AND KEVISED ZONING.DISTRICT MAP OF FAYETTEVILLE ikAR- KANSAS, " APPROVED " MA$c.28, . - 1982 TO REZONEnCERMIN REAL STATE of ARKANSAS 1 " "ESTATE FROM IA. SINGLE JY - FAMILY RESIDENTIALaDISTAIC - - Count of s5. AND O-1 OPEN LAND DIS'IRICTa' - y �VaS}lingtgp TO C-2 THOROUGHFARECOM . I(` MERCIAL DISTRICT} -t r m / a " - WHEREAS, a public hea}In was YNSL1` _ ^ •held before the Planning Commis+ - - .Iy - ---- ---- s-- -- ----- - ______ , hereby certify that I ' cion of the City of Fayetteville. Ar-y am the ( Gen a] Manager) of THE NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, kaneas. .on.7anuary,. 28. 1964 on.the,1 petition,of W'C: ROgers and"Cleadal Rogers^ reInesting that saidl Plan= - a daily newspaper having a second class mailing' privilege, and being not ning commission'recommend,tEtDly less than four pages of five columns each; published at a fixed place of - City,CohacilItiQl } City of Fayette- ville Arkansas; that''- reroinng9ththCCity'COun� business and at a -fixed (daily) intervals •.continuously in ,the City. of cirenact•an oreinance' t , Fayetteville, County of Washington, Arkansas for more than -a Period following deseribedfpropertyo - _ wit: Beginning of{a Point 3- Me of twelve months, circulated and distributed . from am. established place of East of:the East line oftU S. tgh� way 71-and 102 feet Norh,,, Iaithe business to subscribers and readers generally of all :elasses ' in the City North" line of the'No1itheasta44vas'I & ' Count for a . definite rice for each co or a fili'ed rice per annum . ` ter (NE101 of .the :Nbfthea9tjQVOr. Y P Pt',,. P P i ` . Iter (NE!:hot Sectmh 356Townanip, which price was fixed at what is considered" the valueof' the publication, . . 17 North; Range 30 `weal thence, based upon the news value and service value it contains, that at least fift East 600 feet thane South 1 421;.feet•. P Y more or- leas-, t3, t�,a' souiD�Bhq..o;' percent of the subscribers thereto have paid cash for their subscriptions the Northeast Quarte!yof,the�I�grth% ' - east Quarter -tof, wide, Sectio n 35, to the newspaper, or its agents or through recognized news dealers over a thence.weat td`a' ppppint $oD'£te Eaa period of at least six months ; and that the said newspaper publishers an, of the-,East 11 e,'df tU�43.�FI,igiiway, _ 71: thenceAn?'a;•Northerly,dlreFtion average of more than forty .percent news matter. - 300 . feet.from find parallel;to:the ' East lineiof U S Hig¢way 71,to .the I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter, of point.of ADeglntiing,-,aB Snthe City- _ �of Fayetteville , - Arkansas,` from' R-113 Single Family Resitlenlist Dis- ,trlct`and;0 i 0ppeeir,.Iand Dlatrlet'.to s GtirU- Q./f cT-P� ,- � C-2CThm'Oughfire)CSmmeretfiLt'Ili — trict.4aria .I wH.EREAaSDdT4'pda¢e - '___1----- - time; t��.4 �8f Dearing. I: was published in the regular daily issue of said newspaper for _-__ time placE an putpoeP� - _ ana lOcaticialOrrp - �veagpub 4 .eenseelatire lnsertio4 as follows : - hshed in the�Northwe Arkansas { - ' Ttmea '6 neWspeper33ofK anETan efn I cutattonm a`td„Y" YZ°'mora'than',16 . : The first insertion on the ----------aR _,_ day of date ;priordry'bra b1Lc�'fiearg: - - and „s I said-".u KwILElt A takm«yn%i snta_pum(c - _ da of - 19—_- „ . the second insertion on the hearing; aBi d to, t r ommL+- _ - --_ _- y . ___ - sion 6f_the7CI l d tq, fi1]lee�� CI Cdunn- of the', C1tof:FqYjl 1e441rken- - - ordinance c mtfie t�i that tau the .third insertion on the _-_ __ day of _ __ - —_ 19 ordmancecft. edl3p ogingythe ehatlip E3efiGGed�r'� as , except ' thatlip rd3'...9e cr1 d as folio g. � ourth insertion on the ---------------------- :__ day of .__ ._ 19______ to-wit: ¢ipntnTol aLe _1 the . and the ;f South iln glDn 9, at 9 eg1 ' East of,the Ebaf lino of U S.111- High way 713P1td f02' tegt n8rth0 oY,tfiehe car. i North� Uartii 17 Normiecid'A 41 hong So wesstt; t�hDe a cee,South Sworn to and subscribed before-me on this _- a 9__ day. of ---------------- 140 __ _______ 1 140 feet theme.WesV400Yeet inure or less" po East (line of1L, iaor venue + -thence _ Yi-J 19 North 140 feet more of Itasifb(the (�/f - _ South�llne of Hnroltl�Str§et tpence -- ---- ---- - East 4QOjj6jrtl morel urlless}to, the. point Family Resid ntitil Mhi s 1B$Sm gle Family ResidenU6llPietrlet andti 10 C-2 rou ( ✓l}I/ �(9 0-1. O enllle ndoiDmdtr onl Distr cL - _ - - ---- — ---- - R Notary Public 1NOW. 'THEREFORE E� %OR ,. - - _ DAINED EY 'THE 'C tfaOLiNCIL, OF THE'CITY OFF YE--v gVILBE; - ARKANSAS Pr"-`.' Y ' ::'r-y�"� My Commission °Expires - - - SECTION 1.`That n Dot(b 8 de- - scribed property Present - R-D3 SSngleFamily 11es1p ntlaYDis, Gy /it GLvr- /D�/ �/' G t - tract and 0-1 Open Land DSbkict be> — ------ except' that eportianre ioEE i4i* state the planning commis ilon,, di4ted from their recommendatlon'- -and' - - n/ L,z the same is _hereby rezoned ,to C-2 - Fees for Printing _____ p[ J --- Thoroughfare . r Thoroughfare Commereigl=Diarrlct- ------ -- the conditiothe�_`.�h_e—,-petl• .. boners dedicate tb the City-aa ;ease, ,. - -Cost of Proof —___ _ r rent ','Tis or stractyyorposes; across^the - - � --------- tract tal`estate. to=y ��/1 �wit::BeginninB Data pnlnt!on�the e - $ o` / . Ya2 - }south line4 of.Haroldf,`StEFeliwhicD� ' - - . Total _-_ is '102;feet= ort West' - - lof the l outheast corner _Lha'SEis!of -e SEiq of '�Sectiofi's O'.:TWeat IshiP^ 17 North Ran or less! ' \t tat tNtl':d l,i [thence West 1125 teat - . to [tie East line of 'U�Highway Cti t 4 t, -� partsofordinancm in conflict ' _ 71; }thence South 2b�ileet; -thence ti,;, t<'^"''< .d,, . (East 1125 kfeet; more(oD�]ass'- to lad Tt herewith'-are hereby repealed, and poin620-feet SOutD O�t�4tt�ltd point of � `•. �; }this ordinance. shall be m full- force i - ]beglmm�g:' thehce Nw.l+�. '.feet t ? �. 4 � \ice `.cam �; and effect from and after-.its pass- I the point of begiant d also) ' ti i,. h age, approval and publication. d that the petitioners deddllcagtE:to)the o' ,`�' fr - J PASSED AND [APPROVED this, ` . city " an easement for afreet�pui I (C .ti k f; 24tD day of Februaay 1964. Poses aufffcient'.to provldeta:street - ` tl ,y i �;. 1 , APPROVED: ! sixty feet in width running' from AC GIJY'E: BROWNMeyor U. S. Highway 71 and connecting to _ . a • 4 -ry (ATTEST. I �t "1 ( • )•. 1 the Old Missouri Road. asjproposed, ' •> �- _ George T. I)avla in the platofthe [real estate sub- - i. , a.+ Ctty. .Clerk. - / ;:29-lt-ct mitted to the plailning 'commission+ -- -- -- - - - for -rezoning. - - - SECTION 2."_ Thah_'all :Ordinances