HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 1339 BOOK 589 PAGE118 ORDINANCE NO . 1339 6e` GG N• AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ZONING ORDINANCE NO, 1239 , PASSED AND APPR , JUNE 13 , 1960s AND AMENDMENTS THERETO, AND MORE SPECIFICALLY SAID ORDINANCE AS IT PERTAINS TO THE USE OF BUILDINGS AND \ .�iIY, SPECItAtL CHURCH DISTRICTS, APPEALS OR VARIANCES, PUBLIC HEARING, CTION E PLANNING COMMISSION , AMENDMENT PROCEDURE FOR PRIVATE PAR��j1z THE PLANNING COMMISSION , REPEALING ORDINANCE NO, 1259 , AND �FG1�t OTHER PURPOSES WHEREAS , a public hearing was held before the Planning Commission of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , on February 16 , 1963 , for the purpose of discussing certain amendments and changes to the Zoning Ordinance No . 1239 , passed and approved Juste 13 , 1960 , and WHEREAS , notices of said public hearing , setting forth the date , time , place and purposes of said hearing was published in the Northwest Arkansas Times , a newspaper of general circulation in said City more than fifteen ( 15 ) days prior to said public hearing , and WHEREAS , following said public hearing , said Planning Commission certified to the City Council of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , its recommendation that an ordinance be adopted making the change , and ame .drnents as hereinafter set out . NOW , THEREFORE , BE 1T ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : SECTION 1 , That Artivle IV ( General Provisions ) be and the same is hereby amended by adding a Section 1 . a . to read as follows : Section 1 . Use of Building and Land a. No building permits shall be issued unless the lot or lots front on and have access to a dedicated and open , existing and all - weather usable street . SECTION 2 . That Article V ( Provisions Governing Zoning Districts ) , Section 4 (R - 3 Multi- family Residential District ) , paragraph 4 (Area and Bulk Requirements ) , first sentence of subparagraph "d" ( Building Lot Requirements ) minimum lot area , be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows : d. Building lot requirements - - the principal building shall be located so as to comply with the following minimums : Minimum lot area , single family 5 , 000 square feet two- family 7 , 000 square feet multi- family 7 , 000 square feet for first two ( 2 ) family units plus , 1 , 500 square feet each for next six ( 6) family units , plus , 1 , 000 square feet for each additional family unit over 8 units. . MICROF&EQ 1918 DATE REEL�� BOOK 589 PAGE119 Ordinance No . 1339 - 2 - February 25 , 1963: SECTION 3. That Article V ( Provisions Governing Zoning Districts ), the opening sentence of Section 13 (P- lA Special Church District) be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows :, "A district for churches " ; and that the opening phrase of Paragraph 2 (Uses Regulations ) of the same section be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows : 2 . Uses Regulations a . The church shall be subject to the regulations of the most restrictive zoning district abutting church property , except : 1 ) no minimum lot size is required 2) no referral or appeal to the Board of Adjustment is required 3) Such church property located in R - 1A Single Family Residential District shall be subject to the minimum front , side and rear building set- back , off- street parking and other requirements of R - IB Single Family Residential District (Section 2 , 2c ) . SECTION 4. That Section 3 , entitled "Appeals or Variances " of Article VIII (Board of Adjustment) be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows , to-wit : Section 3 . Appeals or Variances Any appeal or application for variance to the Board of Adjustment may be taken by any person , firm or corporation aggrieved, or by any governmental officer , department , board or bureau affected by any decision of the building inspector , based in whole or in part upon the provisions of this ordinance . The Board of Adjustment shall publish a notice of the time, and place of a public hearing upon such appeal or application for variation; such notice shall be published at least one not less than ten ( 10) days preceding the date of such hearing in an official paper or newspaper of general circulation in Fayetteville , such notice to contain the particular location for which the appeal or variation is requested , as well as a brief statement of what the proposed appeal or variation consists of. A sign eighteen ( 18 ) inches high and thirty ( 30 ) inches wide or larger , as determined by the building inspector , also giving such notice , shall be placed upon the property by the building inspector, fifteen ( 15 ) days before the date of the public hearing . The Board shall also give notice of such hearing to interested persons and organizations as it shall deem feasible and practicable . Upon the date of the hearing any party may appear before the Board in person or by attorney . The applicant shall be required to pay a filing fee of ten dollars ($ 10 . 00 ) to cover the cost of publishing and mailing notices and such other expenses as may be incurred in connection with such appeal or application . SECTION 5 . That paragraph 110" (Public Hearing ) under subsection " 1 " (Amendment Procedure for Private Parties ) of Article IX , be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows , to- wit. Book 589 ME12O Ordinance No : 1339 - 3 - February 25 , 1963 c . Public hearing . Upon receipt of a petition for an amendment ; the Planning Commission shall hold a public hearing on the proposed amendment , after : 1 . Publishing a notice in a newspaper of general circulation in the City at least one tirne fifteen ( 15 ) days prior to the public hearing , setting forth the time and place of such hearing and the amendment proposed; 2 . Posting a sign or signs , each eighteen ( 18 ) inches high by thirty ( 30 ) inches wide , or larger , as determined by the building inspector , at conspicuous places in the area involved , fifteen ( 15) days prior to the date of the public hearing , also giving such notice . SECTION 6 . That paragraph "d" ( Action by Planning Commission ) under subsection 1 (Amendment Procedure for Private Parties ) of Article IX be and it is hereby amended to read as follows : d'. Action by Planning Commission . Following the public hearing , the proposed amendment may be approved as presented in modified form by a majority of the Planning Commission and recommended for adoption by the City Council, with the reasons for such recommendations stated in writing : If the Planning Commission disapprove a proposed amendment , the reasons for such disapproval shall be given in writing to the petitioner . If the Planning Commission neither approves nor disapproves a proposed amend- ment within forty- five ( 45 ) days after the public hearing , the action on such amendment by said Planning Commission shall be deemed favorable ; this period may be further extended by vote of the Planning Commission, if all the parties involved agree in writing to an extension . SECTION 7 . That subsection 1 (Amendment Procedure for Private Parties ) of Article IX be , and it is hereby amended by the addition of paragraph "h " , to read as follows : h . A petition for amendment may be withdrawn at any time before publication of the notice and posting signs for the public hearing ; after the publication and posting of such notice , the petition may be withdrawn at the discretion of the 'Planning Commission . If the petition is permitted to be withdrawn after the public hearing , it shall be in the Planning Commission' s discretion whether or not a petition affecting part or all of the same property may be refiled sooner than one year from the date of withdrawal . SECTION 8 . That Article IX (Amendment ) be and the same is hereby amended by adding a subsection 11311 , entitled "Amendment Procedure for the Planning Commission" , to read as follows , ' to- wit : BOOK 589 PAGE121 Ordinance No . 1339 - 4 . February 25 , 1963 3 . Amendment Procedure for the Planning Commission When members of the City Planning Commission desire to initiate an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance ofthe City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , the procedure will be the passage of a resolution by a majority vote of a quorum of the Planning Commission detailing the proposed amendment . Said resolution shall be filed with the clerk of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , and a public hearing shall be called by the Planning Commission , as provided in 1 - c above . Following such public hearing , the Planning and the City Council shall act in accordance with the procedures set forth in 1 - d and 1 - e above . SECTION 9 . That Ordinance No . 1259 , passed and approved on March 27, 1961 , be and it is hereby repealed. SECTION 10 . All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith shall be and the same are hereby repealed, and this ordinance being necessary for the preservation of the public peace , health , comfort , convenience , morals , safety and welfare of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , an emergency is hereby declared to exist and this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage , approval , and publication . PASSED AND APPROVED this 25th day of February 196 3 AP PR OV ED : 1 I �� GUY E . B ,_ WN, MAYOR ATTEST : e GEORGE /DAVIS , CITY CLERK BOOK 509 PAGE 122 CERTIFICATE STATE OF ARKANSAS CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE I. GEORGE J. DAVIS , City Clerk within and for the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , do hereby certify that the annexed and e q foregoing is a true and correct copy of thi.✓rifXXto lo& r f � 9 therein set forth , and L the same is as it appears of Record in PROCEDURE OF CITYS �F COUNCIL RECORD , Volume _� at Pagepc thereof . IN WITNESS WHEREOF , I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal this ti�r�dha� ay of _ eliiC /tom 19 !0C13 City CleFct ` '�E;Z t pFICATE OF RECORD 160 GF ARKANSAS1 ss l ;pion v County s I, Uov'd McConnell, Circuit Clerk and,EEY ofefian axed afore' yt-s'nington County, do hereby certify my office on the;, . day C�,rz inst rt We filled for recorP d the san�X „ ` 1LZ +at�O. o'c oc e�<O.Q r± : . . . record . . . at P' „ rec- r.+ed in . . � . . . . . ay of y'i •roes my hand and seat this . . � • ' cuR C'erk ar-d -x-CiLco r.aod.:r STATE of ARKANSAS 1 County of Wcccasmmhington Jj as. I, ____`v"YE ____ ""'_ hereby certify that I am the ( ( anager) ( of THE NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, a daily newspaper having a second class mailing pri- vilege, and being not less than four pages of five columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at a fixed (daily) intervals continuously in the City of Fayetteville, County of Washington, Arkansas, for more than a period of twelve months, circulated and, distributed from an established place of business to subscribers and readers generally of all classes in the City & County for a definate price for each copy, or 'a fixed priceper annum, which price was fixed at what is considered the value of the pub- lication, based upon the news value and service value it contains, that at least fifty percent of the subscribers thereto have paid cash for their sub- scriptions to the newspaper or its agents or through recognized news deal- ers over a period of at least six months; and that the said newspaper pub- lishers an average of more than fourty percent news matter. I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of was published in the regular daily issue of said newspaper for ___/_____ *i••e insertions as follows: The first insertion on the ---i--------- day of 4454_ �__ 19SP the second insertion on the --- ---------- day of ___________ 19______ the third insertion on the --------------- day of ____________ 19______ and the fourth insertion on the ----------- day of _______ ,_,____0__ 19_ O - 4 Swor((nto and subscribed before me on this __�____ day of ______ Notary Public Myy Commission Expires: ommissionExpires: J / Fee for Printing . . . $ -----77/ Cost of Proof . . . . . $ ____________ Total . . . . . . . $ �__7 INGA CIA 15 1 KA 1239.1 13, EED AANDA AMENDMENTS SECTION 4C Tkat B. _ . amts 3'an- a? ORDINA _ CB NOal7I9 —� PASSED AND APPROVED JUNE tltled "Appeals o Vac nee ' o Ar- CALLYTAhI AMENDING SAIDAND MORE pORIDI Iendahe aeme�ir h e y amten ed to �nDTLluifCST0ARKIANSAS TIMESL .LEGA O CES— NA'NCE AS IT PERTAINS TO THEI read as follows, to-wit: - _ USE OF BUILDINGS AND LAND, Section 3. Appeals or Variances - � )LEGALNOTICES- -the ,planning Commission SPECIAL CHURCH DISTRICTS, Any sappeal ,or app scat oo—n{ for When members of the City' APPEALS OR VARIANCES, PUB- variance to the Hoa of Adjust- thirty (30) inches wide, or Planning Commission desire BIC HEARING ACTION BY THE ment may etaaken by any per• larger, as determined by the to initiate an amendment to PLANNING :�C,OjIaf M S S 10 N, ! son, firm or corpora on ,_ag- building linspector, at con- the Zoning Ordinance of the AMENDMENT ;P.ROCEDURE. FOR { grieved. or by any governmental spicubus places in the area City' of Fayetteville, Arkan- I PRIVATE PARTIES. AND THE officer, department, board or bu- involved, fifteen (15) days I sas, the procedure will be PLANNING. COMMISSION, RE- react affected by any decision of prlpr to the date of the pub- the passage of a resolution PEALING ORDINANCE NO.. 1259, the building inspector,' based int lic hearing, also giving such by a majority vote of a =AND`FORTOTHERIIBURPOSESN�4 whale or in part upon the provi- j notice: - quorum of the Planning WHEREAS, a public hearing was ; sions of this ordinance. SECTION. 6. That paragraph "d" _ Commission detailing the held before the Planning Commis- The Hoard of Adjustment shall (Action by.� Planning Commission) proposed amendment. Said sion of (h City of Fayetteville. Ar- publish a notice of the time and under subsection 1 (Amendment resolution shell be tiled kavas o-r February 16, 1963, for , Place of a public hearing upon Procedure for Private Parties) of with the clerk of the City of the Pur of discussing certain ' such appeal or application for : Article IX be and it is hereby Fayetteville: Arkansas, and amendmen and changes to the variation: such notice shall be amendetlf to - readas follows: a public hearing shall be . Zonii WOrr mance No. '1239, passed ' published at least one and note - _ _ called by the Planning Com- �and approved June 13. 1960, and d. Action by Planning Commis- less than ten such days preceding sion. Following the public mission, as- provided in 1-c WHEREAS, notices of said public the date o[ such hearing fn an _ above. Following such public hewing, setting forth the tlate, official paper or newspaper of merit metbb.)eroposed .amend-. hearing, the Planning Com- time. f d as pre-. time. place and purposes of said general circulation in Fayette- mission and the City Council aentetl in modified form by, a hearing was as Times, in the North- untie, such notice to contain the majority of the Planning Com- shall act in accordance with west Arkansas Times, a news a er particular location for which the the procedures set forth in D P mission and recommended for of general fifteen (15) a said City appeal or variation t requested,' adoption by the City Council; 1-d and 1-e. above. more "than fifteen (15) days prior to as well as a brief statement of with the reasons for such SECTION 9. That Ordinance No. 'said Public Rewin and what the proposed appeal or teen 125& passed and approved hereby March anon consists of. A sign eighteen ., recommendations stated in PP WHEREAS, f011bPlatin fng said pubo Commission, writing. pe 1961, be and it is hereby re- ceari% tot Planning ofthe (18) inches high and thirty (30) I It the 'Planning a pr Commission pealed. certfied to the Cit y Council of the - inches wide or 'larger, as deter- I disapproves a proposed amend- SECTION 10. All ordinances or City of Fayetteville, Arkansas d mined. vi the building inspector, mento the reasons for such writ- parts of ordinances in conflict here- also giving eche notice: shall be approval shall be given in writ- with shall ea and the same are LEGAL NOTICES— placed upon the property by the fog to the petitioner. hereby being necessary and this ortlt- building Inspector fifteen (16) If the Planning Commission nonce being necessary for the Pres . - hear before the oats of the public neither approves am d e ec � -`n'on`.�ix� a "o$i�ence� hearing:' The ^Hoartl shall also} P- ervation of the public peace, health, king n ca give notice of such hearing to in- Proves a proposed amendment comfort, convenience, morals, safe- and entlments .as h rein to ae within forty-five (45) days after ty andwelfareof the City of Fay- terested persons and organize out T- the public hearing, the action is hereby Arkansas, a emergency tions as bl shall cleon the feasible and Planning such amendment by said o hereby shalldeclaredbe to exist and this •W, 1,j$ Q LT OR- practicable. Upon the date of the deemed Commission shall be ordinance shall be in full force and DAIN I) BIY Iii: GIgyYrC-,OUN 0 hearing any party may appear deemed favorable; this period effect from and after its passage, OFj'1;AE�GI•TY O FAYETDEYILSL before the Board in person or by g ARISAt SArS. ;..' attorney. may 'be further extended by approval, and publication. SEGS _ ON a Arttel N The applicant shall be required to vote i f the Planning Commis• PASSED AND APPROVED this (Gene eI1a�rovisions be an the pay a filing fee of ten dollars . anon. if all the parties involved 25th day of February, 1963. same t�arreb�mended addin ($10.00) to cover the cost of pub- i agree In writing to an exten- APPROVED: ''''��' 8 Sion. GUY E. BROWN, MAYOR a Sea a: o read as ollows: fishing and mailing notices and SECTION 7. That subsection I ATTEST: Section 1. Use of Build! and such other expenses as may he 8 (Amendment Procedure for Private . GEORGE J. DAVIS, an incurred In connection with such Parties) of Article IX be, and it is City Clerk 7-1t-c appeal or application. hereby'a. No u idin pt a to shall e y amended by the addition of SECTION 5. That paragraph "on "h". to read as follows: slue u ase.. the to or ors i paragraph root on and havIt access to a (Public Hearing) under subsectionh. A petition for amendment may tie fcatea and ' open, . exist ng 1" (Amendment Procedure for be withdrawn at any time be- � - and 'a71-weather usable street: Private Parties) of Article IX, be fore.. publication of the notice SECTION 2 ' That Article V (Pfro� and the same 1s hereby amended to and Postirfg signs for the pub-� ,+'�� v_ ...r ng read as follows, to-wit: lie hear vssfons'tGoverning Zoning Dis- g: After the publlca- c. Public hearing. Upon receipt tion and ostin of such notice, tractse .Section .4 .(ris MultiP 8 of a petition for an amend- . £amfly . Residential District), para. , the petition may be withdrawn merit, the Planning Cammis- ments 4 P at and Bulk' Require- at the discretion of the Plan- ...P on shall hold a public hearing mems , [ rat sentenc of subpara- ning Commission. If the peti- on the proposed amendment, tion Is permitted to be with- graph "d" pB„iltlin Lo Require- P menta minimum to Brea, be and after' drawn after the public hear, 1. Publishing a notice in e the same fs hereby amended'to read news g loom it shell be in the Planning , ollows. Paper of soars] circu- Commission's d i s c r e t i o n ]ations in the City at least whether or not a ail. £ d. Build ng lot-requfrements '-thg P g one time fifteen (15) days p�rl- pcfn i al lluildjng sfTall','bo lo- feeling part or all of the same cute so as. to comply with the or to the public hearing, set- ' property maybe refiled sooner oHowsng mini ting sforth the time ' and V j w than one ear from the date 1Nnimom lot a ea, aingfe fain- pface of such hearing and of Withdrawal. fly, 5'000 'square fee : two-fami- A the (nmentlment proposed SECTION B. That Article Df square feet: multi. 2. Posting a sign or signs, an h (Amendment) be and the :same is fiunily. 7,1100 aupre feet for 'eigtlteen (18) inches h1. y hereby. amended by adding a sub- I tryst two 2) uni family ts plus, section ' 3 ', entitled Amendment } 17500 square fee ach or ext Procedure for the Planning Com six 6 � fa '. units. ,plus, mission", to read as follows, to- tionsquare feet for each adds- Wit: dTIO family unit over g units. $. Amendment procedure for, SECTION $. That. Article s (Pro• visions nidal ent a ce 6f -Section 13 , the opening sentence 6f -Section 13 [P-IA Special Church District) to and the same is herebyca stri to reed as follo`ws:, . "A diLric for churches and that the open phras o Paragraph 2 Uses Re u- la`tlons of th'e same e t on an d fh sem is hereby amended to sad as [ollows 2. Uses Regul ons a T•h hu Pr"""om an a mos o th re Mations of the mos (tone in dis It , e - abutitng.dhc ropert ce D• 1) no m n mum to iz re- qw of or appeal to the Hoer Tot AA ji u ant required 3: Such church property to cared to R-IA Single .4.19 �l� she a au ec e minimum front, aide and rear budding getoff. , street patng andnd dother requiremenents of Sin- gle Family Residesid entiallal � 4 District (Section 2, . 2c)_ J ORDINANCE NO. 1339 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ZON- ING ORDINANCE NO. 1239, PASSED AND APPROVED JUNE SECTION 4. That Section n, en- 13. 1960 AND AMENDMENTS titled "Appeals or Variances" of Ar- THERETO. AND MORE SPECIFI- ticle VIII (Board of Adjustment) be ^DTU%AII:ST ARKANSAS TIMES, CALLY AMENDING SAID ORDI- and the Same is hereby amended to LEGAL NOTICES— NANCE AS IT PERTAINS TO THE read as follows, to-wit: I the Planning Commission SPECIAL OF BUILDINGS AND LAND. Section 3. Appeals ar Varianen LEGAL NOTICES— SPECIAL CHURCH DISTRICTS, Anvsappeal or application for When members of the City APPEALS OR VARIANCES, PUB- variance to the Board of Adjust- I thirty (30) inches wide. or Planning Commission desire LTC HEARING, ACTION BY THE ment may be taken by any per- larger, as determined by the to initiate an amendment to PLANNING C O M M I S S 10 N. son, firm or corporation ag- building inspector, at can- the Zoning Ordinance of the AMENDMENT PROCEDURE FOR grieved, or by any governmental spicuous places in the area City of Fayetteville. Arkan. PRIVATE PARTIES AND THE officer, department, board or but- involved, fifteen 1151 days sas. the procedure will be PLANNING COMMISSION, RE- reau affected by any decision of prior to the date of the pub- , the passage of a resolution PEALING ORDINANCE NO. 1259, the building inspector, based in lie hearing, also giving such by a majority vote of a AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES whole or in part upon the provi- notice, quorum of the Planning WHEREAS, a public hearing was sions of this ordinance. SECTION 6. That paragraph "d" Commission detailing the held before the Planning Commis- The Board of Adjustment shall (Action by Planning Commission) proposed amendment. Said sion of the City of Fayetteville, Ar- publish a notice of the time and resolution shall be filed ka nsas, on February 16, 1963, for P g upon under subsection 1 (Amendment y lace of a public hearts u n procedure for Private Parties) 01 with the clerk of the City d he purpose of discussing certain such appeal or application for Article IX be and it is hereby Fayetteville. Arkansas, and amendments and changes to the i variation: such notice shall be amended to read as follows: a public hearing shall be Z• .,t ing Ordinance NO. 1239, passed published at least one and not d. Action by Planning Commis- called by the Planning Com- approved Jim, ]3. 19tio, and less than ten (10) days preceding sion. Following the public mission, as provided in 1-c `t'HEREAS, notices of said public the date of such hearing in an hearing, the proposed .amend- above. Following such public 1• -ing, setting myth the date. official paper or newspaper of ment may be a hearing, the Planning Com- lir"( . om- t i i Y fieri f d as pre- . place and purposes of said general circulation in Fayette-e seated y modified form o - mission and the City Council west A was published a the North- villa, such notice to f contain the majority of the Planning Com- shall not d es seta for with west Arkansas Times, i newspaper particular location for which the mission and the City Co for the and I-u ab set forth in of general circulation in said City appeal or variation t requested, adoption by the City Council, 1-d and Th shave. more than fifteen (15) days prior to as well as a brief statement of with the reasons for such SECTION 9. That Ordinance No. Said public hearing and what the proposed appeal or vara- recommendations s t a t e tl in 1259, passed and approved on March ' following loo wing sold public (tion inches hi h A sign eighteen writing pe 1961, be and it is hereby re- I hearing, said Planning Commission (18) inched high and thirty (er- If the Planning Commission pealed. Certfled to the Ci1> Cour, itas the inches wide or -larger, as deter- meet. the r a proposed emend- SECTION 10. All ordinances or , City of Fareuevene. Arkansas, its mined vi the building inspector, mento al reasons for such ris- parte of ordinances in conflict here -- -- also giving such notice, shall he approval shall be given in writ- with shall ea and the same are LEGAL NOTICES— placed upon the property by the ing to the Planning oneC hereby repented, and this orei- buildingaysbef instaeche tordate fifteen (16) If the Planning Commission Hance being necessary for the pres- days before the date of the public neither approves nor disa recommendation ma that the ordinance pP nt ervation of the public peace, health. hearing. The Boartl shall also roves a proposed be adopted encs as the changes P t Po e( amendment comfort, convenience, morale, safe- and amendments as hereinaftR set leve notice of such hearing to in- within forty-five g. the a after et and welfare of the City er Fay- out, terestas persons and organize- the public hearing, the attain is hereby Arkansas, a emergency tions as l shall deem feasible and Planning such amendment by said o hereby shalldeclaredbe to exist and this NOW. THEREFORE, BE IT OR. practicable. Upon the date of the planning Commission shed be ordinance shall be in full force and D BY THE CITY COUNCIL hearing any party may appear deemed favorable; this period effect from and after its passage. OF TH OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVH.LE, before the Board in person or by may be further extended by approval, and publication. ARKANSAS: attorney. vote of the Planning Commis- PASSED AND APPROVED this SECTION 1. That Article IV The applicant shall be required to sion. if all the parties Involved 25th day of February, 1963. (General Provisions) be and the pay a filing fee of ten dollars agree in writing to an exten- APPROVED: same is hereby amended by adding ($30.00) to cover the cost of pub- sion GUY E. BROWN. MAYOR a Section 1, a. to read as follows: lishing and mailing notices and SECTION 7. That subsection 1 ATTEST: Section 1. Use of Buildingand such other expenses as may be Land incurred in connection with such (Amendment Procedure for Private GEORGE J. DAVIS, appeal or application. Parties) of Article IX be, and is City Clerk 7-]t-c a. No building permits shell SECTION 5. That paragraph "c„ hereby amended by the additionn of ironed unless the lot or Iotais (Public Hearing) under subsection paragraph "h". to read as follows: front to and have access ti a h. A petition for amendment may andic ll- and open. existing Private (Amendment Procedure for be withdrawn at any time be- and all-weather usable street. Prlvarte Parties) of Article DC, be fora publication of the notice SECTION 2. That Article V (Pro- and the same is hereby amended to and postlrfg signs for the pub- visions GoverningZoning Dis. read as follows, to-wit: lic hearing; After the g C. Public hearing. Upon receipt opublice, tritest. Section 4 tR-3 Multi- tion and posting of such notice, of a petition for an amend- family Residential District). pare- the petition may he f withdrawn men[, the Planning Commis- graph 4 (Area and Bulk Require- sion shall hold a public hearing at the discretion of the Plan- ment8), flrat sentence of aubpare- si the proposed amendment, Hing Commission. If the peti- graph "tl" (Building Lot Require- atter: tion is permitted to be with- menta) minimum lot area, be and drawn after the public hear- the same is hereby amended to read 1. Publishing a notice in a Ing, it shall be In the Planning as follows: newspaper of general circu. Commissim's discretion it. Building lot requirements—the lations in the City at least whether or not a petition pf- one time fifteen (15) days i- principal building or to the public hearing, sbt- Setting pert or all of the same Gated so as to complyly withth thehe ting forth the time and Property maybe refiled sooner following minimums: place of such hearing aced then one peer from the date Minimum lot area, single fam- of Withdrawal. ily. 5.000 square feet: two-farm- the amendment proposed; SECTION 8. That Article IX ily. 7.000 square feet: multi- 2. Posting a sign or signs, each (Amendment) be and the same is family. 7,000 square feet for eighteen (18) inches high by hereby amended by adding a sub- first two (2) family units plus. . section "3 ', entitled "Amendment 1.500 square feet each for next . Prnredure for the Planning Com- six (6) family units. plus. 1 mission". to read as follows, to- 1.008 square feet for each addi- wit tional family unit over 8 units. 3. Amandmont Procedure for SECTION 3. That Article V (Pro- vision; Governing Zoning Districta). the opening sentence of Section 13I iP-IA Special Church District) be and the same is hereby amended to read as follows: "A district for churches": and that the opening phrase of Paragraph 2 (Uses Ratio. fictional of the same section be and the name is hereby amended to read as follows: 2. Uses Regulations a. The church shall be subject to the regulations of the most . restrictive rating district abutting Church property, ex. cept: 1) no minimum lot size is re- quired 2) no referral or appeal to the Board of Adjustment is required 3. Such church property lo- cated in R-lA Single Fam- ily Residential District shall be subject to the minimum front, side and rear building set-back. off- street parking and other requirements of R-IB Sin- gle Family Residential District (Section 2, 26.