HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 1334 ORDINANCE NO . FEB i3 2 4"2' PM 1963 LLOYD ivICCOW1ELL CIRCUIT CLERK AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ZONING ORDINANCE NO , 1239 AND REVISED ZONING DISTRICT MAP OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS , APPROVED MAY 281 1962 , TO REZONE CERTAIN REAL ESTATE FROM R-1B SINGLE FAMILY„ RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT TO P-ILA SPECIAL CHURCH DISTRICT . WHEREAS , a public hearing was held before the Planning Commission of the City of Fayetteville Arkansas , on Febru- ary 5 , 1963 , on the petition of the'XFksbyterian Church , re- questing that said Planning Commission recommend to the City Council of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , that the City Council enact an ordinance rezoning the following described property , to-wit : Part of the Southeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section Eight ( 8) in Township Sixteen ( 16 ) North of Range Thirty ( 30) West , described as follows : Beginning at a point eight and fifty hundredths (8 . 50) chains North and three and forty-eight hundredths ( 3 . 48 ) chains East of the Southwest corner of said forty acre tract , and running , thence East eleven and forty three hundredths ( 11 . 43 ) chains ; thence South eight and fifty six hundredths (8 . 56 ) chains to the North line of State Highway No . 16 ; thence in a Westerly direction bearing North with the North line of said Highway to a point where drain under the roadbed of said highway enters into a certain ditch ; thence North 5k West with line of ditch seven and sixty hundredths ( 7 . 60) chains to the point of be- ginning , containing nine and fifteen hundredths ( 9 . 15 ) acres , more or less , from R- IB Single Family Residential District to P -lA Special Church District , and WHEREAS , notice of said public hearing , setting forth the date , time , place and purposes of hearing , and location of property was published in the Northwest Arkansas Times , a newspaper of general circulation in said City , more than 15 days prior to said public hearing , and WHEREAS , following said public hearing , said Planning Commission certified to the City Council of the City of Fay- etteville , Arkansas , its recommendation that an ordinance be adopted rezoning the above described property from R-1B Single Family Residential District to P -lA Special Church District ; MiCROFILMLD DATE OCT 9 1978 REEL eoox 588 m304 - 2 - NOW , THEREFORE , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : SECTION 1 . That the above described property presently zoned as R- IB Single Family Residential District be , and the same is hereby rezoned to P -lA Special Church District . SECTION 2 . That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed , and this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage , approval and publication PASSED AND APPROVED this '" s day of , 1963 . APPROVED : ' GUY E . BROWN , MAYOR ATTEST : GEORGE . D IS , CITY CLERK BOOK 588 PAGE 305 CERTIFICATE STATE OF ARKANSAS CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE Ix GEORGE J, DAVIS , City Clerk within and for the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , do hereby certify that the annexed and 0 foregoing is a true and correct copy of th l • therein set forth , and the same is as it appears of Record in PROCEDURE OF CITY COUNCIL RECORD , Volume �Z_ at Page ./99 thereof . IN WITNESS WHEREOF , I have hereunto set ae. my hand and affixed my official seal this »du :ys : r "'.tea of �:J�.a..A` J 19 Y +tib '''•....:..••%�,F` ,;" City GTerK f l'. f . • I 1. . 40Y • CERTIFICATE OF RECORD STATE OF ARKANSAS i ss. Wash n- cn County oer . . ly that the annex I or fore. 1 L r y,d ,yf-Ci,ineP, Circuit Clerk and Ex Officio Recorder o YJ ch nn, on County, do hereby ,fr„r ,h, /3day B ,n + in'trument Was bled for rar rd in mV o — e . a t .�;-. .. o,,�k .T°iA .crand th a sa �. €�. . . . . record J.g9. . . at Pa6Z3 . . of . . . . r- - � � duly recorded in . L.J'L" • • • ” of . . .. . Witness my hand and seal this ��day y� em ircuit Clerk and Fjt.Office Recoder STATE of ARKANSAS County of Washington as. hereby certify that I ORDINANCt NO. ISN am the ( nag ) ( of THE NORTHWEST IAN ORDINANCE AMENDING ARKANSAS S, a daily newspaper having a Second class mailing pri- ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 1239 vilege, and being not less than four pages of five columns each, published AND REVISED ZONING DISTRICT MAP OF FAYETTEVILLE, AR- at a fixed place of business and at a fixed (daily) intervals continuously in KANSAS, APPROVED MAY 28. the Cit g 1962, TO REZONE CERTAIN REAL y Of Fayetteville, County Of Washington, Arkansas, for more than ESTATE FROM R-IB SINGLE a period of twelve months, circulated and, distributed from an established FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT TO P-IA SPECIAL` CH DIS- . place of business to subscribers and readers generally of all classes in the TAKER Jt ' City & County for a def inate price for each co WHEREAkJ, a publiphearing was City or 'a fixed price per held before the Planning Commis- annum, which price was fixed at what is considered the value of the pub- ston of the CityFeb of Fayy 5. 1 v. a , pr- lication, based upon the news value and service value it contains, that at kansof he February 5, tevi on lr. P petition of the United Presbyterian least fifty percent of the subscribers thereto have paid cash for their sub- ning , gqeequestinK that send PitRR-- seri tions to the newspaper or its a agents or through Shu cortin on r at said P , Es pg recognized news deal- The clfyy Cc n tl�dtfy of Foy ers over a period of at least six months; and that the said newspaper ub- i etteviltl, (t,'fit as. typp��1 the CA • PaP P , Council et an ordliranee rew, lishers an average of more than fourty percent news matter. Ing'thq' foHowing described prci ty, to it: Part of the ISouth aat I further certify that the le Quarter of She Northeast quarter 01 gal notice hereto attached in the matter of SectionEI¢ht (8) in To hip Sit- teew(161 North of Range 2hiflY 180 - West, described as follows: Beg1n- ning< at a Pont e18M 'agd t�fiY —___—_-______-1� ! ,hundredths (8,50) chnins'North aPtl -- ' the" an& tarty-el8fa Wt,�,� hundredths. 43.48) chains East o7 'R+e Southwgr cornett o{ said forty acre tract. ant, was published in the regular daily issue of said newspaper for ___�____ runniht thence East Eleven ands eot fie insertions as fO110WS; _ tortyt three hundredths (11AS) - -- -- chains: thence Sout�Is iht and fil- ty six hun the 8,561 chains tq the North � of Statgighway. The first insertion on the __/ ______ day of ____ 191a No. 16: the a in a Vq estetly dlrec-r tion bearing North't0ith the NorRl' line of said Hfdkhway to a point' the seined insertion on the da w4ere 'drain under the roadbed of; ----- isaid ,{dghway enters into a ceresin --- ---------- Y Of 19_ ?4itch, 'hence North 5!5' West With line-oI ditch seven and sixty bun-, the third insertion on the --------------- day of ____________ 19______ dreaths (7.601 chains to the point of beginning. containing nine 4nd" fifteen hundredths (9.15) Scree, and the fourth insertion on the ______ ___ day __ 1 moven hundredths drum R•iB �Singl �+p ge tyre Aar} ___ !peCUu, l9ee. n trigc[f. %a t R-1 1 f hear i� ublic @.SSeif$5 a tll8sliw date. ittirtic' -- ` tf __ _ ytnce-atld•Pu -of. hearing. • d . I on of p est A w•na cum•shed' Sworn to and subscribed' before me on this _._/s� K a ne Npor of t neral cis Times; ______ day OP ______ i ne id r bT t than 1' drculatlon 1n id ClCItY n e than 15 days print to dal •"tMU' i ---------- 1�� wt .vara ----- Comtnideidn - t otnnacil of they 7' •�� - (1 - C g •e, - v AelfensoI _ _ _ S _ rlpolnln on , at an ordin"ce Notary Public be aa�dtlii RPR g the above de Sing Famgy .6fs1 t al District rorn to PIA .�kpecigl Chu Is cd NOW. THEREF' :IBE IT OR My Commission Expires: DAIN1r1, BY THE C17W COUNCIL P O$ THCITY' OF FAYETWEV.ILLE, , •,iION li, ai 'the a��o0v de- _ set pr�Ptr i r_gagnth�i de. i _ ____ -------- 11 __ Ufa SI /It F . �4v ee ae_rtinl i^brJ dnh the salac is hereby Fee for Printing . . . rnton tq P-tA Spepcial Ohurch Dis- trJot. 11. o M�r ins ceseD conned ict Cost of Proof . . . . . $ ____________ Ithb.Ordinancezhall be In full force ' affil effect from and-after its age. approval and publicationp.ass• Total . . . $ PASSED AND APPROVED this � 11th day of February, 1963. APPGUYRE BRDWN, Mayor ATTEST: George I. Davis. City Clerk - 14-It-c STATE of ARKANSAS County of Washington as- I, __ *ASES _ 111 p hereby certify that I OROINANC[ NO. 1)]4 I am the nag ) ( of THE NORTHWEST IN Ito DINASCE A�tENDINGi ARKANSa daily newspaper having a second class mailing pri- \Nil il't . ORDINANCE NO I230 Ct vilege, and being not less than four pages of five columns each, published \NDN( .\' ORDNANCE DISTRIC!'� v \ P nF FAYETTEVILLE. AR. at a fixed place of business and at a fixed (daily) intervals continuously in RAND \S APPROVED MAY z! e Y Y g l"O REZONE CERTAIN REAL the City of Fayetteville, Count of Washington, Arkansas, for more than FST:\ E FROM R-IB SINGLE a period of twelve months, circulated and, distributed from an cistablishod F INIM1l Y RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT TO P-IA SPECIAL CHURCH DI-S- I place of business to subscribers and readers generally of all classes in the THICT. Cit & Count p prilreper P' i1FREAS, a Indite hear,ng %t a, Y y for a definate rice far each copy, or a fixed tele, hefore the Planning Commis- anion, which price was fixed at what is considered the value of the pub- k„ •'f the Cit' of Fayetteville. Ar- ;;.;,,, on February s. 19&9. on ills lication, based upon the news value and service value it contains, that at it IIlion of the united Presil lav least fifty percent of the subscribers thereto have paid cash for their sub- ( ion-ch. requesting that said Plan- ning Commission recommend to • scriptions to the newspaper or its agents or through recognized news deal- tile Cit}' cc y ncil. of the City of Fav- ers over a period of at least six months; and that the said newspaper ub- eltecille. Atka Sas, that the Cilr P Pa'P P Coot ca enact an ordinance revon- fishers an average of more than fourty percent news matter. ing the rolloeing described proper-: I , , '.o-wit ' Part of the Southeast i gnnrter of the Northeast quaver or I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of flight IRI in TieveuhiP S1 - ,.... n Ilio North of Rfntee Thir :nl-. _ I : N,-,t. drserthed - Senn-- Ic at a point eight antl ilf' , -----—___`____�L� ! mmdredths � eaol chains Nei th = :. - _ _ _ __ _ _ -!�--__________ I-.rye and fury -eight hundredths " 't,al chasm Fa,t of the Southwa>' net of said mru' acre tract . and was published in the regular daily issue of said newspaper for ___2------ thence East eleven Ila C, ! ape insertionif as follows: , r !V three hundredths n„inti thence South eight and III -, ----- -- -- stV hundredths I1591 chains 'a Z< . / III- Nomtine of tinof Slate Highix , t The first insertion on the __ �______ day of iz� ---- 19 \'� �. lfi. thence in a Westerly dire,- X n bearing North wwith the North - ,m)e of said Highway to a point ere drain ,nteier the roiI of , the second insertion on the __ day of -------------- 19 wId highe'aY enirra of 0 a I amain tet' thence North 5 West wish d ' . I ne of ditch seVtm and %lXta tun- the third insertion on the --- ------------- day of ------------ 19__- •I 'edihs (7 01 chalni to the pol".t n i,•-einn!ng. containing 'et . I .Vve hondiedthl 9l t n< rr or Islet. from x IB sit m and the fourth insertion on the ___ day 1 F t up Re;identwi Il rift to Y IA (((yyy}}}jjj -- p .far Church Only, L and iC K IiF1�WS'. Pours pl nl publit c ____ 4 -- --- Learinµ, aetting lor[tr the I tel n , - '--- -'-' ---'------ place and purposes of hearingand location or Property was pill)] shed htUlhe Northwest Arkansas Tin It , . Sworn to and subscribed before me on this ____ ___.___ day of n said niter of general cln '.vlaI• vI n said City. shote than IS days prior aaldpublic hewing, and _(r=h� 1 _ _______ WHER)FAS. following .•ild Public _____ _ __ hfarieg,t"d PlehNn 4 Commissior ^j p CASJI ie ' 9n the City Arom as ihV _ j� .�l' : F£o, I IT City Arkansas. ht S.�` -X36-<.25� elf recommecAtion that an nrd!n;,not Notal Public he adoptedm - sening the a toner de- Y ached property from R-IB Smale Family Resldeptial District to Y- I '. Special Church Di irict NOW. THEREFORE. BE IT OR - � DAINED BY THE CITY COLINCTT. . My Commission Expires: OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLt'_ ARni SECTION 1 . That the ,Ours tic- vr[ibed Single pretend] ilone-04 If. �. R-IB Single Family Realdentiyl !Astuel he, and ' he same is herelay V.oned loll-] A speci:a Cnnrch rna- I Fee for Printing . . $ trO 1. SECTION 2 That all ordimmo. - ur uakts of ,roinan(es in eonrinl Cost of Proof . . . . . $ -___________ he, Vtlh arc hor,9rc repealed. and h ,a ordin:mce ,hall he In fila forge �jtitt w! rt'fcrt from and nfte^ its pass npprol'al and publication. Total . . . . . . $ { Y_ \SSFD AND APPRO\"ED this I it din f r0ol arv, 19e:I. APPROVED'. (;t-Y E. HRON'N Vfa. n,- II'I.ST G1111ge D. vr. . III - <-rk H-lt-e