HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 1321 ORDINANCE NO, 1321 AN ORDINANCE SUBMITTING AT THE GENERAL ELECTION IN THE CITY OF FAYETTE - VILLE ON NOVEMBER 6 , 1962 , THE QUESTION OF ISSUING BONDS FOR THE PURPOSE OF REFUNDING THE OUTSTANDING BONDS OF THE CITY ' S GENERAL OBLIGATION RE- FUNDING AND IMPROVEMENT BONDS DATED NOVEMBER 1 , 19592 ACQUIRING A SITE FOR AND CONSTRUCTING AND EQUIPPING A CITY JAIL AND COURT BUILDING, AC - QUIRING SITES FOR AND CONSTRUCTING AND EQUIPPING BUILDINGS FOR THE HOUSING OF FIRE FIGHTING APPARATUS , AND THE PURCHASE OF FIRE FIGHTING APPARATUS , AND CONSTRUCTING AND EQUIPPING AN EXTENSION TO THE EXISTING CITY HOSPITAL, UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF AMENDMENT NO , 13 TO THE CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OF ARKANSAS ; PRESCRIBING OTHER MATTERS RELATING THERETO; AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY . WHEREAS , the City of Fayetteville is a city of the first class ; and WHEREAS , the City has outstanding an issue of General Obligation Refunding and Improvement Bonds , dated November 1 , 1959 ; and WHEREAS , the City Council has determined that it would be in the best interests of the City to acquire a site for and construct and equip a City Jail and Court Building , at an estimated cost of $225 , 000 ; to acquire sites for and construct and equip buildings for the housing of fire fighting apparatus , and to purchase fire fighting apparatus , at an estimated cost to the City of $300 , 000 ; to construct and equip an extension to the existing City Hospital at an estimated cost to the City of $ 100 , 000 ( it being comtemplated that an agency of the United States Government will participate in the cost of constructing and equipping the said extension) ; and to refund said outstanding bonds at an estimated cost to the City of $465 , 000 , which estimates include necessary expenses incidental to the improvements , to the refunding and to the issuance of bonds ; NOW , THEREFORE , BE IT ORDAINED by the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas : SECTION 1 . That there be submitted to the electors of the City at the general election to be held on November 6 , 1962 , the question of issuing bonds in the following amounts and for the following specified purposes , to -wit : $225 , 000 for the acquisition of a site for and the construction and equipment of a City Jail and Court Building ; $300 , 000 for the acquisition of sites for and the construction and equipment of buildings for the housing of fire fighting apparatus , and the purchase of fire fighting apparatus ; $ 100 , 000 for the construction and equipment of an extension to the existing City Hospital . $465 , 000 for the purpose of refunding the outstanding bonds of the City' s General Obligation Refunding and Improvement Bond Issue , dated November 1 , 1959 , which refunding bonds will be issued only in the event bonds are approved for one or all of the purposes above specified . ?< MICROFILMED DATE OCT 9 1978 REEL 1 Ordinance Nd . 1321 - 2 - October 3 , 1962 SECTION 2 . That the bonds shall be dated as of the first day of December , 1962 , with interest thereon to be payable semi - annually on January 1 and July 1 of each year , commencing July 1 , 1963 , and the bonds shall mature on January 1 of each year as follows , but shall be callable for payment prior to maturity on such terms as the City may specify in the Notice of public sale of the .bonds ; YEAR AMOUNT ' 1966 $ 14 , 000 1967 15 , 000 1968 17 , 000 1969 18 , 000 1910 20 $ 000 1971 22 , 000 1972 25 , 000 1973 27 , 000 1974 29 , 000 1975 31 , 000 1976 33 , 000 1977 34 , 000 1978 35 , 000 1979 37 , 000 1980 39 , 000 1981 41 , 000 1982 43 , 000 1983 45 , 000 1984 47 , 000 1985 50 , 000 1986 52 . 000 1987 54 , 000 1988 56 , 000 1989 58 , 000 1990 592000 1991 613000 1992 63 , 000 1993 65 , 000 The bonds shall be sold at public sale and shall bear interest at such rate or rates as are accepted by the City at the sale and may be sold with privilege of conversion to an issue bearing a lower rate or rates of interest . Any conversion must be upon such terms that the City receives no less and pays no more than it would receive and pay if the bonds were not converted . The conversion shall be subject to the approval of the City Council , the City ' s fiscal agent and the Paying Agent for the bonds . The $465 , 000 of Refunding Bonds will be issued only in the event the issuance of bonds is approved for one or more of the purposes set forth in Section 1 of this Ordinance . If bonds are approved for all of said purposes , the Improvement Bonds and the Refunding Bonds will be combined into a single issue with the maturity dates and amounts set forth above . In the event bonds are approved for less than all of said purposes , the Improvement Bonds for the purposes approved and the Refunding Bonds will be issued with the same maturity dates but for proportionately less amounts . Ordinance No . 1321 , - 3 - October ' 3 ; 1962 SECTION 3 . The questions shall be placed on the ballot for the election .in sub - stantially the following form : Vote on measure by placing an "X " in the square opposite the measure either for or against : For an issue of bonds in the amount of $225 , 000 for the acquisition of a site for and the construction and equipment of a City Jail and _ Court Building . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Against an issue of bonds in the amount of $225 , 000 for the acquisition of a site for and the construction and equipment of a City Jail and _ Court Building . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . / / For an issue of bonds in the amount of $300 , 000 for the acquisition of sites for and the construction and equipment of buildings for the housing _ of fire fighting apparatus , and the purchase of fire fighting apparatus . . / / Against an issue of bonds in the amount of $300 , 000 for the acquisition of sites for and the construction and equipment of buildings for the housing of fire fighting apparatus , and the purchase of fire fighting apparatus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7—/ For an issue of bonds in the amount of $ 100 , 000 for the construction and equipment of an extension to the existing City Hospital ( it being con- templated that a grant will be obtained from an agency or agencies of the United States Government to defray a portion of the cost of such construction and equipment) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Against an issue of bonds in the amount of $ 100 , 000 for the construction and equipment of an extension to the existing City Hospital ( it being contemplated that a grant will be obtained from an agency or agencies of the United States Government to defray a portion of the cost of such construction and equipment) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F7 If bonds for one or more of the above set forth purposes are approved by the electors , they will be combined into one issue together with refunding bonds in the amount of $465 , 000 to refund the outstanding bonds of the City' s Refunding and Improvement Bond Issue dated November 1 , 1959 , which combined issue of bonds will mature serially on January 1 in each of the years , 1966 to 1993 , inclusive . In the event bonds are approved for less than all of said purposes , the improvement bonds for the purposes approved and the refunding bonds will be issued with the same maturity dates but for proportionately less amounts . The City Council will levy and there will be collected a con- tinuing annual tax in an amount sufficient to insure the payment of the principal of and interest on the bonds that are issued . The bonds that are issued will bear interest at the rate accepted by the City at the public sale of the bonds J Ordinance No .-' 1321 - 4 - October 3 , 1962 , 0 and may be sold with the privilege of conversion to a rate or rates of interest lower than the rate accepted by the City . The bonds shall be callable for payment prior to maturity upon the terms specified in the Notice of the public sale of the bonds . SECTION 4 . That the election shall be held and conducted and the vote canvassed and the results declared under the law and in the manner now provided for municipal election, so far as the same is applicable , and the Mayor of the City of Fayetteville is hereby authorized and directed to give notice of such election by an advertisement published weekly once a week for four times in a newspaper published in the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , and having a bona fide circulation therein , the last publication to be not less than ten days prior to the date of the election , and only qualified voters of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , shall have the right to vote at said election on said question . SECTION 5 . That the results of said election shall be proclaimed by the Mayor and his proclamation shall be published one time in a newspaper published in the City of Fayette - ville , Arkansas , and having a bona fide circulation therein , which proclamation shall advise that the results as proclaimed shall be conclusive unless attached in the courts within thirty days after the date of such proclamation . SECTION 6 . That the Mayor is authorized to advertise , according to the terms of Amendment No . 13 to the Constitution of the State of Arkansas , the public sale of the proposed bond issue . SECTION 7 . That a copy of this Ordinance shall be given to the Washington County Board of Election Commissioners so that the necessary election officials and supplies may be provided . SECTION 8 . That all Ordinances or parts thereof in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict . SECTION 9 . That it is hereby ascertained and declared that there is an immediate and urgent need for a City Jail and Court Building , City Fire Stations and fire fighting apparatus , and an extension to the existing City Hospital , in order to promote and protect and health , safety and welfare of the City and its inhabitants and that said improvements can be accomplished only by the issuance of bonds . It is , therefore , declared that an emergency exists and this ordinance being necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace , health , and safety snall be in force and take effect immediately from and after its passage . PASSED October 3 , 1962 . APPROVED: GUY E . BROWN, MAYOR ATTEST : GEORGET/J. AVIS , CITY CLERK - STATE of ARKANSAS • i. .. Cou of W��gtoas � .. Tq I, _---------- hereby certify that I am the (gditer) (manager) THE NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, a daily newspaper having a second class mailing pri- vilege, and being not less than four pages of five columns each, published at a fixed place of business and at a fixed (daily) intervals continuously in the City of Fayetteville, County of Washington, Arkansas, for more than a period of twelve months, circulated and, distributed from an established place of business to subscribers and readers generally of all classes in the City & County for a definate price for each copy, or a fixed price per •� !�� annum, which price was fixed at what is considered the value of the pub- lication, based upon the news value and service value it contains, that at least fifty percent of the subscribers thereto have paid cash for their sub- -: - scriptions to the newspaper or its agents or through recognized news deal- ers over a period of at least six months; and that the said newspaper pub- lishers an average of more than fourty percent news matter. I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in the matter of vk . ., was published in the regular daily issue of said newspaper for ----_____ consecutive insertions as follows: The first insertion on the _Q?----______ day of 19 y the second insertion on the ___ __________ day of ___________ 19______ the third insertion on the ___------- day of ------------ 19______ F,,. r • and the fourth insertion on the ___ _ ___ day 9 -� � ' - Sworn to aand,� subscribed before me on this _ _____ day of ______ ----------1 - --._ 19 Notary Public My Commission Expires: 1y17�Qgmmio_ or 'za_:_aa tkarth[2�Q,/1�¢��/ Fee for Printing . . . $ ___S�_G•Y___� Cost of Proof . . . . . $ ------------ Total _-_ ---___Total . . . . . . . $ , 4 X � J •Nikq� '., q� if Y � r ORDINANCE NO. 1721 YEAR - AN ORDINANCE SUBMITTING AS14," t AT THE GENERAL ELECTION 196- 614,000 and equipment of build- SECTION ti. ]'hat the Mayor 1s I'M% 15.000 ings for the housing of authorized to advertise. according IN THE CITY OF FAYETTE- 19M 17.0(0 fire fighting appara- to the terms of Amendment No. 13 MLLE ES NOVEMBER 6. 196_ 1969 tus. and the purchase THE QUESTION OF ISSUING 16,000 P to the Constitution of the State e BONDS FOR THE PURPOSE D- 1971 20,000 of fire fighting Arkansas. the public sale of the REFUNDING THE HE Cr Y'S 1971 22,000 apparatus . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . proposed bond issue. ING BONDS OF THE CITY'6 1972 25,00 ) For an issue of bonds in SECTION 7. That • copy PY O[ this GENERAL OBLIGATION AE- 1974 27 � the amount of $100.000 for ordinance shall y given to the 1976 29•O Washington County Board of Elec- FUNDING AND IMPROVEMENT the construction a n d BONDS DATED NOVEMBER 1.R 3L000 tion necessary Commissioners so that the I AN ACQUIRING A SITE FOR 1976 33,000 toequipment xi ti an extension necessary election officials and AND CONSTRUCTING AND 1977 pl the existing City tem- ', 1996 34'000 plate (it being contem- supplies may be provided. EQUIPPING I CITY JAIL AND 1979 35,00(1 plated that a grant will he SECTIONS. That all ordinances COURT BUILDING, DACQUIR. CON. 1960 37'� obtained from an agency and parte thereof a conflict heree ST SITES FOR AND CON- 39.010 with are hereby repealed to the 1961 41000 or agencies of the United extent of such conflict. BUILDINGS AND EQUIPPING 1982 States Government to de- BUILDINGS FOR THE HOUSING 4$000 fray a portion of the coat SECTION 9.n That it to hereby OF FIRE FIGHTING APPAR F 1963 45,000 ascertained and declared that there FIR AND THE PURCHASE OF 1964 of such construe_ 1gs,1 47� tion and equipment) . . . . 1s an immediate and urgent need FIRE FIGHTING APPARATUS 1966 52'� Against an issue of bonds for a City Jail and Court Building, AND CONSTRUCTING AND 1987 52,001 in the amount of $100.000 City Fire Stations and fire to the EQUIPPING TI EXTENSION lgm8 54,OOa for the construction and apparatus, and an extension to the TO THE EXISTING CITY HOS- 56,000 existing Cityand Hospital, in order to SITAL, UNDER THE PROM- 1969 56,000 equipment ti an extension promote a dies protect the health, 1990 59,000 to the existing City Hos- safety and welfare of the City and T ONS OF AMENDMENT NO. F 1991 SLOW pital (it being contem- its inhabitants, and that said im- TO THE CONSTITUTION OF 1992 80000 plated that a grant will rovemenin can be accomplished THE STATE OF ARKANSAS; . be obtained from an agen- p P PRESCRIBING OTHER MAT-' 1993 65,000 only by the issuance of bonds. It in, The bonds shall be said at cy or agencies of the TEAS RELATING THERETO; PUDIic United States Covera- ' therefore, declared that an emer- aale and shall bear interest at such AND DECLARING AN EMER- rate or rates as are accepted b the ment to defray a Portion i fency exists and this ordinance be- GENCY. p y of cos[ of such construe- Ing necessary for the immediate City at the sale and may be sold reservation of the Public peace, WHEREAS the City of Fayette- with the privilege of conversion to eq D D tion and W menti health and safety villa is a city of the £Int class; and Y shall be in force WHEREAS the Cit has Obligation ra issue bearing a lower rate or a bonds for one or more of the and take effect immediately from Y rates o[ Interest Any conversion stove set Forth purposes passage. loll n issue o[ General ent Bonds must be upon such terms that the p t sea are and after its ossa e. Refunding end Improvement Bonds approved by the electors, they PASSED October 3. 1%2. City receives no lees and pays no will be combined into one is. APPROVED: dated November 1. 1959; and more than it would receive and pay WHEREAS the City Council has sue together with refunding GUY E. BROWN, Mayor it the bonds were not convened. ATTEST: ' best interests that it would o 1n the bonds in the amount of 5465,- The conversion shall be subject to i beer Intereeta Of the City to acquire the a bo to refund the outstanding GEORGE J. DAVIS, approval of the City Council, bolds of the Cit g a site for and construct and equip Ithe City's faecal agent and the Pay t and Issue (SEAL)Clerk a City Jail and Court Building00: t at ing Agent for the bonds. The a IS ; and Improvement Hones Issue (SEAL) an estimated coat of construct toad 000 0}only In the Ronde will be IS- : dated November e, 1959. which CERTIFICATE e t quire sites for and construct end sued only in the event the Issuance or . combined issue of bonds will The undersigned, City Clerk of ' cgWp buildings for the housing r- of bonds h approved et me in mature serially on January 1 Fayetteville. Arkansan, hereby cer- fire fighting apparatus, and tot an more of the purposes set, forth In to each of the years event to bonds lilbe ee that the foregoing pages num- estim fire cost o apparatus. at an Section a of this ordinance. If inclusive. In the event bonds � bered 1 ec 6, inclusive, area true ) estimated cost to the Cityequip of ex_ bonds area are approved for thea than all 1321 correct copy p Ordinance No. "en o construct and ui an ex- approved for all of said of said purposes. the improve- passed ata special session tension to the existing Cit Hos- Purposes, the Improvement Bonds meat bonds for the purposes the City Council of Feyetteville, q petal at an estimated cos[ t0 the Cit and the Refunding Bonds will approved and the refunding kanaas, held at the regular meet : : of Y be combined Into a stages issuebonds will be issued with the place of the Council at 1:00 o'clocn thatt aan a0 lit being contemplated with the maturity deter anndd that agency of the participate in the amounts set forth above. In o the same maturity deter but for 1962, n the 3rd day of October, Government will ngHind eq in the event loofa are approved for lea- proportionately less mounts. record and that said ordnance is k tact of constructing and equipping than all of said purposes. the Im- The City Council will levy and NooG 1n es mance Record Rnnk the said extension): and to refund Prevenient Bonds for the purposes there will ua collected a con- pages 169 :, ,,d tm. ne.said outstanding bonds at an esti- approved and the Refunding Bonds tinuing annual tax in an amount imGtpeoneeaeie'n mated cost to the City of $465,0110; will be issued with the same ma sufficient to insure the payment this 3rd da which estimates Include necessary turlty dates but for proportionately of the principal of and interest GEORGE expenses incidental to the Improve- less amounts, on the bonds that are Issued. (SEAL) ments, to the refunding and to the SECTION 3. The question shall The bonds that are issued will - n-c issuance of bonds: be placed on the ballot for the bear interest at the rate ac. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT OR- election in substantially the fol- cepted by the City at the pub- nAINED by the City Council of ', lowing form: lie sale of the bonds and may he City of Fayetteville, Arkansas: Vote on measure by plac- be sold with the privilege of SECTION 1. That there be sub- ing an "X" in the square conversion to a rate or rates of mitted to the electors of the Cityopposite the measure ei. interest lower than the rite sc- at the general election to be held ther for or against: cepted by the City. The bonds on November 6, 1962, the question For an issue of bonds in shall be callable for payment of issuing bonds In the following the amount of $225,001 for prior to maturity upon the terms amounts an for the following the acquisition of a site specified in the Notice of the specified purposes, to-wit: for and the construction Public sale of the bonds. $225.000 for the acquisition of a and equipment of a City ❑ SECTION 4. That the election site for artd the construction and Jail and Court Building shall be held and conducted and the equi menf of a City Jail and Against an Issue of bonds vote canvassed and the results de- CO Building in the amount of $225,000 clared under the law and in the 5300. Air the acquisition of for the acquisition of a manner now provided for muntci- sites for nd the construction site for and the construe-. pal election, so far as the same is arld 'eqv ent of buildings for tion and equipment of a applicable, and the Mayor of the tip hsirysi of fire fighting ap- City Jail and City of Fayetteville is hereby au- patetee, nd the purchase of Court Building thorized and directed to give no- fire fight g apparatus " " " " " " tice of such election by an adver- J�WW00 000 fol the construction and For an issue of bonds In tisement published weekly once a G*Wpmenj of an extension to the amount of $30x000 week for four times in a newspaper the existing City Hcapital for the acquisition of sites published in the City of Fayette- $465.000 for the purpose of re- for and the construction ville. Arkansas and having a bona 'tund1E,g tqe outstanding bonds and equipmeaR of build- fide circulation therein, the last of the ty'a General Ob11ga- togs for the housing of fere publication to be not less than ten tion Re[ ding and Improve- fighting apparatus, and days prior to the date of the elec- ment Bond Issue dated Novetq the purchase of fire tion, and only qualified voters of .y her 1, 1959. which refunding fighting apparatus L�j the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas bonds will be issued only in the Against an issue of bonds shall have the right to vote at said event bona are approved for in the amount of $300,000 election on said question. one or all of the purposes show for the acquisition of sites SECTION 5. That the results of ,apgpl(; { for =d the e0mt111CUC n said election shall be proclaimed SECTION 2. That the bonds shalt by the Mayor and his proclamation beedated as of the tat day of DJ shall be published one time in a vember, 1962, with interest there- newspaper published in the City of en to be payable semi-annually on Fayetteville. Arkansas and having .tatlPary 1, and July 1 of each year a bonsfide circulation therein. ornmencing July 1, 1963, and the which proclamation shall advise rends shall mature on January l that the results as proclaimed shall ^f each Bear :a follows but shall he be conclusive unless attacked in the prior if, n ...- courts within thirty days after the date of such proclamation. y + STATE of ARKANSAS County of Washington ss. '- hereby certify that I am the [ ) (manag r) (chief—nete'Htiant) of THE NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, a daily newspaper having a second class mailing pri- vilege, and being not less than four pages of five columns each, published at a, fixed place of business and at a fixed (daily) intervals continuously in the City of Fayetteville, County of Washington, Arkansas, for more than a period of twelve months, circulated and, distributed from an established place of business to subscribers and readers generally of all classes in the City & County for a definate price for each copy, or a fixed priceper annum, which price was fixed at what is considered the value of the pub- lication, based upon the news value and service value it contains, that at least fifty percent of the subscribers thereto have paid cash for their sub- scriptions to the newspaper or its agents or through recognized news deal- :t ers over a period of at least six months; and that the said newspaper pub- lishers an average of more than fourty percent news matter. I further certify that thelega notice hereto attached in the matter of _ _ _________________ was published in the regular daily issue of said newspaper for consecutive insertions as follows: ��jj�� // The first insertion on the _i _____ day of Ols�____ 191P_Ir_ the second insertion on the 1_ ___ day of the third insertion on the __!.7__.__`_--- day of ------- and ----__and the fourth insertion on the daly I• __ 1ST Z--- --------- ---------------- Sworn to and subscribed before-me on this �(�_----__ day of ______ -------- 19 & Z ` - Notary Public My Commission Expires: r. pppp My Commisslon Explros Meroh 20, 7888 _________________________c__p__ ,. mss Fee for Printing . . . $ Cost of Proof . . . . . $ ------------ Total ___ ___ _Total . . . . . . . $ I1•.� 2 r'; NOTICE OF ELECTION - Notice is hereby given that at tht leas amouata general election to he held in th, The City Council will Je ,y and City of F:iye'teciile, Arkansas of there will be collected a continuing November 6, 1962. there will be sub. annual tont in an amount sufficient matted to the electors of the Cit, to unsure the payment of the prin- the question of issuing General Ob- clpal of and interest on the bonds ligation Bonds under the provi- . that an Issued. sions of Amendment No. 13 to the Only qualified electors of the Constitution of the State of Arkan- City of Fayetteville will have the sae, in the following amounts forright to vote In said election on said the specified purposes, to-wit: questions. $225,000 for the acquisition of a The election will be held between site for and the construction and the hours of 9:00 o'clock a.m. and equipment of a City Jail and 6:30 o'clock p.m. at the following , Court Building. polling places in the City of Fay- 83M,000 for the acquisition of etteville. Arkansas: sites for and the construction Ward 1. City Administration and equipment of buildings for Building the housing of fire fighting Ward 2, Washinon School apparatus, and the purchase of Ward 3, County Court House fire fighting apparatus I Ward 4, Leverett School $100.000 for the construction and Given this 3rd day of October, ) equipment of an extension 1962, at the existing City Hospital GUY E. BROWN, Mayor, ;465,000 for the purpose of re- City of Fayetteville, Arkansas funding the outstanding bonds 5-12-19-28-c of the City's General Obligation Refunding and Improvement Bond Issue dated November 1, 1959, which refunding bonds will be issued only in the event bonds are approved for one or all of the purposes above speci- fied. The bonds shall be dated as of the lit day of December, 1962, with in- terest thereon to be payable semi- annually on January I and July 1 of each year commencing July 1, 1963, and the -banls 'ohall mature on January 1 of each year as fol- lows, but shall be callable for pay- ment prior toMCI on such terms as the Qrf 'specify in the Notice of pub a sale of the bonds: YEAR -- ;1 ,7woi AMOUNT 1996 $14,000 1997 . %2 r,o . , , 15.OW 1948 17.000 1969 18,000 1970 20,001 1911 22.000 1972 25,000 1973 - • _ 27,000 1974 29,000 1975 31,000 1976 33,000 1977 34,000 1978 35,000 1979 37.000 1910 39,000 1981 Y, £ . 41.000 IN243,000 ISM 1967 45,001 1904 t 47,000 I915 50,000 Y996 92.000 54,010 1998 36,000 ltd9 58,000 191 59,000 1991 61.000 1982 - 63.000 .000 Else upubl �'ka bonds shall i sold at t such sate and shall bear interest at such rate or rates as are acethe City t may the sale end hea Bold with. the privilege Of conversion ersion to rates bearing A lrate OO ratess of of interest. Anyy conversion must e upon such terms that the r City receive no leas and pays no more than it would receive and pay if the bonds were not converted. The Converapproval shall be subject Coun to the approval of the City Council, the City's fort agent and the Pay- ing f Ref for the bonds. The a is- suedof Refunding Bonds will be ce sued only in the event the issuance of bonds is approved for one or more of the purposes set forth shove. If bonds for one se more of the above set forth elec Durposes are ap. proved by the electors,is, they will er combined into one issue together with the refundinE bonds in the 10.5 amount of $ ,000 to refund the fu di nding bonds Improvement the City's Re- funding and Improvement Bond he Is- sue dated November 1. edx9. In the even[ loofa are approved for less than iillnt of sold purposes. the l- proroved bonds ire the purpinds approved and the refunding Minds sail) he awned with the same rna- turity dates but for proportionately