HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 1320 ti 1 +3015 i3cdt� PAGE1 � ORDINANCE NO , 1320 AN ORDINANCE TO ACCEPT AND CONFIRM THE DEDICATION OF ALL STREETS, ALLEYS , AND EASEMENTS IN MCCLINTON ' S SECOND ADDITION TO THE CITY OF F AYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS . WHEREAS , there has been duly presented to the City C6uncil of the City of . . . Fayetteville , Arkansas , a plat dated July, 1962 , known as the Mc Clinton ' s Second Addition to the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , and being a part of the Southwest Quarter (SW 1 / 4) of the Southwest Quarter (SW 1 / 4 ) of Section 21 , Township 16 North , Range 30 West of the Fifth Principal Meridian , by which the owners of the platted real estate have dedicated for the public use the streets , alleys , and easements shown upon said plat; and WHEREAS , the City Planning Commission of the City of Fayetteville , . Arkansas , has recommended the acceptance of the said plat . NOW , THEREFORE , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEV ILLE , ARKANSAS : SECTION 1 . That the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , hereby accepts and confirms the dedication of all streets , alleys , and easements ,\ dedicated in Mc Clinton ' s Second Addition to the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , and hereby declares said streets , alleys , and easements , to be public streets , alleys and easements , and the said City Council hereby assumes the care , control , and jurisdiction of the same . SECTION 2 . That this Ordinance shall take effect and be in force and effect from and after its passage , approval , and publication . PASSED AND APPROVED this 10th day of September , 1962 . APPROVED: lfi4M GUY '�'� . BROWN, MAYOR ATTEST: or/ d CD n r > W m GEORCZ Y DAVIS, CITY CLERKc,o (n cfl Cl < ' C-) 70 r C) N ,_ m o 7V � m z IvliC..U�IM&D 4978 DATE REE4�'Z_ CERTIFICATE a STATE OF ARKANSAS mob - �CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE • GEORGE J. DAVIS , City Clerk within and for the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , do hereby certify that the annexed and r/ L foregoing is a true and correct copy of th � , therein set forth , and the same is as it appears of Record in PROCEDURE OF CITY COUNCIL RECORD , Volume at Page /�O' 4�1 thereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF , I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal this day of 19 (o ?y City er _ „�O a YK O� • / 1 CIQ W O V Wo V. O Y a u 0 vi U b t d W !�Vy Y LL Y �j U O N C C , • . '. W w C. v E a t U . p � oVo w � E E N .. . •. .I4d6 . m n C T C STATE of ARKANSAS County of Washington ( ss. I I. ___,.__ ....-___-__�__________ ____, hereby certify that I am the (C(IROO Ouansgei ) (ehicf--accOunt:l of THE NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, a daily newspaper having a second class mailing pri- vilege, and being not less thanfour pages of five columns each, published oetiiaAace rio.' at a, fixed place of business and at a fixed (daily) intervals continuously in AN ORDINANC]l ACCEPT' AND '- CONFIRMI;JTBE«,,DEDtCA- the City of Fayetteville, County of Washington, Arkansas, for more than TION EASEA ENTRm�]N."LLEYS, a period of twelve months, circulated and' distributed from an established AND OFMI qENTSq$I S4'!ACCLiN- TON'S iSECOND ` A' ION TO place of business to subscribers and readers generally of all classes in the THE CITY,.n. OF F TTEVI LL copy, or a fixed priceper THE CIT $ A Tk. City St County for a deflnatO price for each co WHEREAS(, there ' n been duly annum, which price was fixed at what is considered the value of the pub- ' present §tt ie City until of file Cityot`•,F DDttevlll'e rkan ihs )pa, lication, based upon the news value and service value it contains, that at plat Gated u'7y 196 ! own ag4hc. McClintoas second itlo }tel lhM1, least fifty percent Of the subscribers thereto have paid cash for their sub- city ofFaOtt o�v'11 st ;+i'fiti scriptions to the newspaper or its agents or through recognized news deal- being e`l pert of-th Outhtivrst: Quarter - ff / )-,qf stye Sq athw@aft ers over a period of at least six months; and that the said newspaper pub- ship 16r;(SW�3tp'{ge<t3t{d�Tt Moa'✓: lishecs an average of more than fourly percent news matter. ship 1G NDrthl- i ge 39 Weit cf tha' Fifth Ptlnclpal �etl�}en b�"` whlch' the owners4 bf ' Vial " lattNd(real es: I further certify that the legal notice hereto attached in, the matter of tate have°deN Zmt d;^,foFt'thet'7Puri}ic use the streets alleys Jpnd ;eeso-. menta shown upon` 'd p b 4an'd ; WHEREAS.`?h'Yfi 1 � Q rl (SYp T'lailnih6' ------------------------- --- ________ Commlasfon of.,the.City,'�off Fayette-, ville A41ia�ea5 r•Nris&Feco`Mlnended ' the acceptance of, "]rsfid 1st., NOW„'THEREF 4$ a1T_.OH- was published in the regulaT daily issue' of said newspaper for __ �___ DAINED` BY THHi. 1154V KoUNCIL -- - OF THE;.CITY,i..: F ?F'AYETTE- conse ;utlVe insertions as follows: VILLE. ARKANSAS -i SECTION 1 1 ,rhe City of. / Fayetteville Arke sas; htrebr"itc= L e The first insertion on the _____ :epts and conflrN' t d-iaas rcents - - - day Of _ 1 _- if all streets a11CYst it eaeeeents, deli tion t in ' McCliritbn s Second ar -a a to the CityI - ayetteville, the second insertion on the _ _ day of -------------- 19______ 4rkansas: antl -hereby declares: said Greets, alleys, 'and-easements, to.be 111 lie streets; site - -and. . 'eaie the third insertion on the y nents, and the ' .s`ald ' City . .Council __- -.___.-______ da of 19------ i re assumev' ,the care, control, I jurlstliction 'of the same. SECTION z. That this ordinance and the fourth insertion on the ______ ____ day of 19______ hall take effect an tl be in force .nd effect from and after its pass- , ge. approval. and PASSED AND APPROVED n this - ' - ' eth day of September, 1962. APPROVED: '- 1�{(i Zi .TTF.SGUY E. BROWN. MAYOR Sworn to and Snbscribad hero CC me on this __zj _____- day of ______ :EOR^!; T. D:'.VIS, /I( _ 'it3' Cleric /, Notary Public My Commission Expires: csiiLExg; ros N1,11A l2ua1�rPju'3 Fee for Printing . . . $ _./__ 90 Cost of Proof . . . . Total . . . . . . .