HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 1317 BOOK ORDINANCE NO, 1317 AN ORDINANCE ACCEPTING TERRITORY ANNEXED TO THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS: ASSIGNING SAID TERRITORY TO WARDS ; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES WHEREAS , the County Court of Washington County , Arkansas , did on June 11 , 1962 , make an Order annexing the following described territory to the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , to-wit: Five acres , more or less , lying at the east end of the 20 - acre tract described as the North Half (N 1 / 2 ) of the Northeast Quarter (NE 1 / 4) of the Southwest Quarter (SW 1 / 4) Section 17 , Township 16 North , Range 30 West, of the Fifth Principal Meridian, said five acres being more particularly described as beginning at the fence corner which locates the Northeast corner of the above- described 20 acres , thence running 44 yards west along the north line thereof, thence running 55 yards in a south- southwesterly direction along a row of ash trees to the last tree in said row, thence 36 yards in a southwesterly direction to a large elm tree , thence 77 yards in a west- southwesterly direction to a large cornerstone implanted in the ground, thence due south for 114 yards , more or less , to the south line of the above - described 20 acres , thence east along the south line of said 20 acres to the south- east corner thereof, thence north along the old fence , which is the east line of the said 20 acres , to the point of beginning . NOW, THEREFORE , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS: SECTION 1 . That the Annexation of the above- described territory to the Corporate Limits of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , be and the same is hereby accepted. SECTION 2 . That all of the above-described territory is hereby assigned to and made a part of Wari0of t. e City of Fayetteville , Arkansas . SECTION 3 . That this Ordinance shall take effect and be in force and effect from and after its passage , approval , and publication . T IS m r 3' W C r- Y, U� PASSED AND APPROVED this 10th day of September , 1962 . E 3� o C,v _c 7�1 G F in f/ APPROVED: =+c u W coo N p 2 G�. BROWN, MAYOR ATTEST : GEORGE SAVIS , CITY CLERK M,CRp�j 9 y91B ppTE Rj'L::C ' CERTIFICATE • - STATE OF ARKANSAS • CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE I. GEORGE J. DAVIS , City Clerk within and for the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , do hereby certify that the annexed and foregoing is a true and correct copy oft e - /cs /h therein set forth , and the same is as it appears of Record in PROCEDURE OF CITY COUNCIL RECORD , Volume G at Page thereof . IN WITNESS WHEREOF , I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal this / 9(day of 19 44�1 city C Ud = �: m W o t o !"� L yLL c y � o a F . A 9 � `� � � � � ' gig } t • ^ � • y�; ilk- Ir STATE of ARKANSAS Count l'i o4 Washington i ----------------- --- ------- - ---- nereby certil'.y that I OVOINANck NO. 1317 am the (editor-) (manager) (c'hleC—accounCaat) of THE NORTHWEST 1 '`4 OnUINAN.C.E _ . ACCEPTING , t{�tTo1;Y lNEXED TO THE ARKANSAS TIMES, a daily newspaper having a second class mailing pri- ,p Y pf�;u�'t7 Y,�j',TIy'Ytk>:.E. wR vilege, and being not less than. four pages of five columns each, AN l�,.S„•,�^Y ('.NINE%SAID TER- published tl,yp yF�9„ 'A D$; UAND( FOR at a fixed place of business and at a, fixed (daily) intervals continuously in )191tik1 16s' "Mt the Cit of Fayetteville, Count of Washington, Arkansas, for more than q 1 + he Counfy 1CoV1rY id Y Y g [ �todhtJ"�A;kan+2aa did a period of twelve months, circulated and distributed from in established �nftltrp 1 f1aQ42 )}1ait ns Qrder innGxlrt follow,nge Nscrllied place of business to subscribers. and readers generally of all classes in the erritb�y4ti t��vjCAO 61IFe3f6tt�ville, City & County for a definate price for each co trk�q,p3sf{ior Hl �ri py, or a fixed p�riceper Five-' c de o e or 5ess l�.ng?6t annum, which price was fixed at what is considered the value of the pub- 11.11 1, 0 aorQ 'tracy rf(Qacrlligd��3 t,Wy,j7)Pith HaiC(��i) liCatiott, based upon the WOWS value and service volae it contaiins, that at 'of= the of the T orulc Southwest u ) least fifty percent of the subscribers thereto have paid cash for their sub- - Qei{ertSlyl4)! sehtipoi. t7 Tgwnsl;i 16 or)¢, scriptions to the newspaper or its agents or through recognized news deal- Ra--tCeee�^�90ers over a pellod of at least Six months; .olid that the Said newspaper ub- tc+dab;Mkddkm� rrs®•ftQ,' 9f:Ne� hacres. lishers an average of more than fourty percent news matter. p tcocn, 4.rI rvh)ip�Jt('��@ij"��z�� %INorthl; ie�st�jcigKKneq&of _the_ra� trove de- I further certify That the legal notice hereto attached int the matter of den ti 2tr acrcdN! i , dl•'�lfunning 44 >iardflt s5ebtt aJ�!g Ih� north Rise,;ahcreot thencg',. running Su, //r// yardaf "e )South-. sdtuthwe(sterlY (�J�c� _ /7 � daedHoaY� on fl ro o ash - ------- trees'{o the,-last SreG .m�sar row, menec35 yamsrt n7fi£soutw ter ¢1v-�aij•ectio>3jtn;fac8ellrtd,rt[ee, was published in the regular daily issue of said newspaper for ---- at-aputh- wester'1y+0 recision p td-at.l , ons©gutiva insertionq as follows: e round, nerstpne )mlilanted. in the ground, thence ,due south' fdi 114 yards; /• more ar le3s Oo)%the .south line ofThe first insertion on the [ the above described_ 20 ) aeres. _ _ _ da of ___ thence .eesa{ along ?he souQhIlne / of se1d 20roeres' U) the:.southeast corper_. ,thereof, - thence north the second insertion on the .___ ._ __-____- day of -------------- 19------ alopg the old fence, which ls' tAe east line of the said 20. acresl:t6 the point of begFORE,, BE R- the third insertion on the da of ------------ 19______ NOW. THEREFORE. BE IT OA= Y )AINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL )F THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE. tRRANSAS: . . " . ' and the fourth insertion on the ____: ____ day of _'1__—_ k 59'1_____ SECTION 1. That the Annexa- ion of the above-described terri- ' cry to the Corporate Limits of thel aty of Fayetteville, Arkansas. be -------•:------ ------------- nd the same is hereby accepted. (/ SECTION 2. That all of the above- .escribed territory is hereby as- Sworn to andsubscribed before me on this _.._l�� clay of __ ___ igned to and made a part of Ward J of thzMas. e City of Fayetteville, Ar- I SECTION 3. That this Ordinance �J � 19 �_?_ hall take effect and be in force ' nd effect from and after its pass . _ 'y ge, approval, and publication. ��.0-IJ;,a ` PASSED AND APPROVED . this --------- �-)'��-i- --------"y----- Oth day of September, 1962. Notary Public APPROVED: GUY E. BROWN, MAYOR ,TTEST: ;EORGE T. DAVIS, My Clerk - 17-1t-c My Commission Expires: t,''[; Cnm:n• _aiva :a ._ n.l.n , .. /, ,tSGo ------------------------------- Fee for Printing . . . Cost of Proof . . . . . $ ------------ Total __-Total . . . . . . . $ 1 �Y 2