HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 1191 ORDINANCE NO, 1191 AN ORDINANCE TO BE KNOWN AS THE GENERAL PLUMBING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS; GOVERNING THE CONSTRUCTION, INSTALLATION AND INSPECTION OF PLUMBING AND DRAINAGE , AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. AS AMENDED : WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , caused a notice to be published that it had under consideration the adoption of an Ordinance relating to the construction. installation , and inspection of plumbing and drainage , as set forth in a pamphlet entitled, - "Arkansas State Plumbing Code , Rules and Regulations of the State Board of Health Governing the Construction , Installation , and Inspection of Plumbing and Drainage , 1957 , Third Edition Issued by the Ark- ansas State Board of. Health , Little Rock, Arhonsas " , and in a pamphlet entitled, "Septic Tank Systems , Arkansas State Board of Health, Bureau of Sanitary Engin- eering , Bulletin No , 9 " . and WHEREAS , the requisite number of copies of said above named pamphlets are kept on file in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Fayetteville ; Arkansas , as provided by Arkansas Act 267 of 1949 , and WHEREAS , the City Council of the City of E'ayetteville , Arkansas finds that it is to the best interest of the City of Fayetteville -that the pamphlet entitled "Ark- ansas State Plumbing Code , Rules and Regulations of the State Board of Health, governing the construction, installation and inspection of plumbing and drainage , 1957 , Third Edition , issued by the Arhanssc State Board of Health, Little Rock, Arkansas ", and the pamphlet entitled "Septic Tank Systems , Arkansas State Board of Health , Bureau of Sanitary Engineering, Bulletin No . 9 " , be adopted- NOW , THEREFORE , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVIILLE, ARKANSAS : SECTION 1 .. Ado tion By Reference There is hereby adopted by the City Council of the City of Fayetteville , Ark- ansas , by reference thereto the provisions set forth in the pamphlet entitled, "Ark- ansas State Plumbing Code , Rules and Regulations of the State Board of Health governing the construction, instr.11ation and inspection of plumbing and drainage , 1957 , Third Edition, issued by the Arkansas State Board of Health, Little Rock, Arkansan", together with the provisions of the pamphlet entitled "Septic Tank Systems , Arkansas State Board of Health ; Bureau of Sanitary Engineering , Bulletin No. 9 ", save and except such portions of said pamphlets an are hereinafter deleted, modified, or amended, and the provisions contained in said pamphlets are hereby adopted and incorporated as fully as if set out at length herein, and the provisions thereof shall be controlling within the corporate limits of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas . SECTION 2 . Definitions ( 1 ) The definitions in this ordinance shall correspond to those of Act 200 of 1951 as enacted by the GENERA ', ASSEMBLY OF THE STATE OF ARKANSAS, and the Arkansas State Plumbing Code , MICROFILMED DATE"0'CT 9 1978 tkjCROFUMW. REE __ DATE. � _2, (2) PLUMBING: In this ordinance , "PLUMBING " means and 'includes in add- ition to those listed above : (a) All piping , fixtures , appliances and appurtenances in connection with the water supply and drainage system within a building and to a point from three to five feet outside of the building , (b) The construction and connection of any drain or waste pipe carrying dom- estic sewage from a point within three to five feet outside of the foundation walls of any building with the sewer service lateral or other disposal terminal , including private domestic sewage treatment and disposal systems and the alter - ation of any such system , drain or waste pipe , except minor repairs to faucets , valves , pipes , appliances and removing of stoppages , (c ) The water service piping from a point within three to five feet outside of the foundation walls of any building to the water meter or other water utility property or other terminal and the connecting of domestic hot water storage tanks , water softeners and water heaters with the water supply systema (d) Water pressure systems other than public utility systems . ( e ) A plumbing and drainage system so designed and vent piping so installed, as to keep the air within the system in free circulation and movement , and to prevent with a margin of safety unequal air pressure of such force as might blow, siphon or affect trap seals or retard the discharge from plumbing fixtures , or permit sewer air to escape into the building , SECTION 3 , Plumbing Inspector ( 1 ) PROVISION FOR INSPECTOR : There is hereby created the position of Plumbing Inspector of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansaa , and as many assistants as are needed to discharge the duties of this office . ( 2) APPOINTMENT OF INSPECTOR AND ASSISTANTS : The Plumbing Inspector and assistants , whose qualifications and ability shall be reviewed by the City Council , shall be appointed by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas . ( 3) LIMITATIONS OF INSPECTOR: The Plumbing Inspector and his assistants shall not be connected in any business engaged in plumbing or the sale of plumbing fixtures , appliances , and material , either directly or indirectly, (4) SALARY OF INSPECTOR : The Plumbing Inspector and his assistants shall receive , as full compensation for their services , such salaries as the City Council may direct, ( 5) DUTIES OF INSPECTOR ; INVESTIGATION, ENFORCEMENT : It shall be the duty of the Plumbing Inspector and his assistants to make investigations , teat all plumbing work for compliance with the Code , issue plumbing permits for plumb- ing work, prepare suitable forms for permits and other reports and check any install- ation of plumbing any time he may see fit during reasonable hours , - 3 •, (6) INSPECTOR ; RIGHT OF ENTRY : The Plumbing Inspector , or his assist- ants and other persons authorized by the Inspector , may enter and inspect between the hours of 8 : 00 a. m. and 5 : 00 p. m. Plumbing installations on private or public property in the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , and may disseminate information re - lative to the provisions of this ordinance . ( 7) INSPECTOR - BOND : The Plumbing Inspector shall file bond in the sum of $1 , 000 to indemnify the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas from the loss of any money or other personal property through fraud , dishonesty, forgery, or embezzlements , while occupying and performing his duties hereunder . The premium for such bond shall be paid by the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas . SECTION 4. Licensing ( 1 ) An applicant desiring a city plumbing license must qualify under one of the following conditions to become eligible for a city license : (a) Renewal of City License The applicant must hold an Arkansas State Plumbers License for the current year ( a temporary Arkansas State Plumbers Permit will not oatisfy this require - ment( and The . applicant must hold a similar deferred city plumbing ,license as set out in this ordinance or have held a similar Fayetteville plumbing license within a three ( 3 ) year period prior to the date of the application . (b) Examination for Cit rX License The applicant must hold an Arkansas State Plumbers License for the current year (a temporary Arkansas State Plumbers Permit will not satisfy this require - ment) , and must arrange with the Chairman of the City Plumbing Examining Board for a plumbing examination for the license desired. The applicant shall wipe a lead joint as part of said examination. The result of said examination ohall be the minimum or above that required by the Examining Board to satisfy this requirement for eligibility . Should an applicant fail two examinations in succession, he will be required to pay an additional examination fee and wait six months from the date of the last exam- ' ination before he can be re -examined. (2) Temporary City Plumbing Permits (a) A temporary master or journeyman plumbing permit may be issued to an applicant who has applied for , a city plumbing license for a 30 day period or until the next plumbing examination is given by the Plumbing Examining Board and only on the following conditions : 1 . Applicant must make arrangerr_ ^nts with the Chairman of the Plumbing Examining Board for an examination for the license desired, 2. Applicant must hold a permanent Arkansas State Plumbers license for the current year . (A temporary Arlt. Stpte Plumbers Permit will not satisfy this requirement ). r 1 _ 4' 3 . The said temporary city permit shall become void and the applicant must cease doing plumbing work in the City of Fayetteville if the results of said examination should be below the minimum passing grade required by the Examining Board. 4 . No temporary permit may be renewed or re -issued to the same applicant. Applicant must have a permanent city plumbers license to continue doing plumbing work in Fayetteville after expiration date of temporary permit . ( 3) Plumbers Bond and Liability Insurance (a) Every master plumber doing business in the City of Fayetteville , Ark- ansas , shall be required to carry liability insurance and a corporate surety license permit bond as set out below: 1 . Every master plumber shall execute and file in the office of the City Clark a corporate surety license permit bond in the sum of One Thousand Dollars , conditioned to indemnify and hold harmless , the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , and all persons , firms or corporations , against all loss by the failure of said master plumber , his agents , servants , or employees to comply with the pro- visions of this plumbing ordinance. 2 . Every master plumber shall file with the City Clerk a certificate of insurance coverage stating that said master plumber , his agents , servants and employees , have obtained a contractor ' s liability insurance policy or policies in the minimum coverage limits of Twenty4five Thousand Dollars bodily injury for each person , Fifty Thousand Dollars for each accident and Ten Thousand Dollars property damage for each accident with Twenty-five Thousand Dollars aggregate ; together with the number of said policy or policies and the name of the liability insurance company issuing same . (4) License Fees Payment in advance of the following license and examination fees to the City of Fayetteville as follo:vs : Schedule of license and examination fees . Initial Renewal Examination Master Plumbers & Gas Fitters $50. 00 $25. 00 $25. 00 Master Gas Fitter 25 . 00 15 . 00 10 . 00 Journeyman Plumber & Gas Fitter 17 . 00 5. 00 12. 00 Journeyman Plumber 1740 5 . 00 12 . 00 Journeyman Gas Fitter 10 . 00 5 . 00 5 . 00 (a) Delinquent Fee A $5 . 00 delinquent fere shall be added to the above renewal fees when the application for renewal is made sifter February first of the current year , (b) Deferment Fee A fee of $3 . 00 ahal.l be charged to cover special. deferment services connected with deferment of license . ( c ) Re-Exarnination Fees An apl+licaat 10.0 fails of on examination shall be entitled to 'one re - examination �rlthout an additional fee. For each two subsequent exam- inations the fee shall be as ..set out i;a the above schedule of examination fees . ( 5) Examination Material The applicant shall furnish all necessary tools and furnaces required for his lead wiping examination. The City of Fayetteville shall furnish the lead pipe , wiping lead and. brass ferrules . . However , the applicant may furnish his own lead pipe , wiping lead and braas ferrules if he wishes to use his own materials . (6) Length of License (a) Current Licenses No city plumbing license shall be issued for longer than one year and all licenses shall expire on December thirty-first (Dec . 31) of each year and such license may be renewad upon application made ,%vithin thirty- ( 30) days following the date of expiration. (b) Deferred License A licensed master plumber or licensed journeyman plumber may make application to the City of Fayetteville for deferment of city license , which may be granted for a period not to exceed three (3 ) years , except that additional deferment to members of the Armed Services in times of emergency and in cases of serious illness may be grarsted. SECTION 5 . Plumbing Examining Board An Examining Board is hereby created to act on all applications for license , examination for licenses and other related dieties as required by State Law and the Plumbing Code of the City of Fayetteville . Said Board shall be composed of four .(4) members as foliov. s : ( 1 ) A licensed master plumber , (2 ) a licensed journeyman plumber . ( 3 ) a representative of the adi-ninistrative authority of the city and (4) a licensed gas fitter . Members of the Board shall be appointed for a period of two years by the Mayor of the Citi. of Fayetteville, with the recommendations of the Plumbers Association of Fayetteville , given due consideration. The City 'bf Fayettlauille shall secure necessary equipment and supplies as required by the Board. from the reeei: ots collected with applications for exam- inations and the City Buiding Inspector shall be in charge of said equipment and supplies . The surplus thereof <3hall be disposed cf� as the Board shall unanimously direct . However, with the approval of the Board, Board members present at examinations may receive a propos tiozzal part of this surplus up to $2 , 00 per hour for time spent in examining zaplcanta by furnis :ing the city with signed vouchers requesting such payments . The total value of such vouchers shall not exceed the surplus left from examination fees collected by the city after all cost of supplies and equipment has been deducted. _ 6 _ SECTION 6 . Plumbing Permits ( 1 ) PERMIT REQUIRED : Before beginning any plumbing work in the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , the person installing same shall apply for and obtain a permit to do such work. ( 2 ) AUTHORIZED PERSONS: Only those persons authorized to do plumbing may be issued plumbing permits . (a) A permit may be issued to a property owner to install plumbing in a single family residence provided the property owner does the work himself and the building is owned and occupied by such owner as his home; provided, however , - that such work must be completed within strict compliance with the requirements of this Code . SECTION 7 . Permit Fees ( 1 ) DEFINITIONS; For the purpose of establishing plumbing permit fees , new washing machine instibllations or. washing machine replacements that requires any extension or alteration of the water supply or sewer drainage piping, new water heaters and boilers or replacements , air conditioner cooling towers , car washing sand traps , sewer yard lines , water yard lines , floor drains and any receptacle , device , or appliance which is connected to the city water or city sanitary sewer system shall be defined as a plumbing fixture .. (2) PLUMBING. FEES: Said plumbing permit shall require a fee payable to the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas as follows : (a) $2 . 00 for first fixture $1 . 00 each for the next five ( 5 ) fixtures $ . 50 each for all additional fixtures ( b)INo charge shall be made for the sewer or water yard lines when obtaining a plumbing permit to install plumbing in a new building or in an existing building when installing plumbing fixtures for the first time . 2 . A charge will be made for sewer or water yard lines when installing water lines for yard hydrants where the building has no plumbing fixtures . and new water or sewer yard line to existing buildings . ( c) Septic field Inspection Fee When the City of: Fayetteville , Arkansas , is requested to inspect a septic disposal field. an additional permit fee will be iequired as follows : 1 . A fee of $7 . 50 will be required when the city makes a percolation test and inspects a new septic disposal field installation for the minimum requirements as outlined by the Arkansas State Board of Health. The required percolation holes being dug by the plumber or property owner prior to calling the city for a percolation test. 2. A fee of $4 . 00 will be required when the city makes an inspection of an extension to an existing septic disposal field installation or when the City Plumb- ing inspector makes an inspection of a new septic field installation for the min- imum requirements as outlined by the Arkansas State Board of Health where a licensed engineer has made the percolation test and has designed the disposal system. (d) Outside City Inspection Fees When the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas is requested to make a plumb - ing inspection of plumbing installed outside the corporate limits of the City of Fayetteville . Arkansas , that is to be connected to the city water or , city sani- tary sewer system , an additional fee of $ 1 . 00 shall be added to the above plumb- ing permit fees . SECTIONS . Extra Fee for Additional Inspection It is further provided that any extra trip by the inspector or his assistants caused by failure of the plumber to be ready for a plumbing inspection or by failure of the plumber to comply with this ordinance, shall be charged a penalty of $2. 00 for each and every such trip . SECTION 9 . Inspection sued 'fest ( 1 ) NUMBER OF TESTS (PLUMBING)- There shall be a minimum of two tests or inspections by the Plumbing Inspector or hie assistants . First known as the sough-in inspection and the second or final inspection. ( 2) ROUGH-IN TEST ( PLUMBING) : The roiagh� in test and inspection is to be made when all plumbing drainage or water piping is in place but uncovered. ( 3) INSPECTION AND TEST OF EXISTING INSTALLATION (PLUMBING) : The Plumbing Inspector shall have the legal right to require any existing plumbing or drainage installation to meet inspection and test when he may have reason to believe that such system is not safe for the uee it is intended. When such inspections or tests indicate a faulty and unsafe system , the owner shall recondition such system or installation to render it safe . SECTION 10 . Service Taps ( 1 ) STREET OPENINGS: All water and sewer service lines will be brought to the property line of property desiring service , by the respective departments of the City of Fayetteville . (2) All service tap connections made on the city water and sewer mains located on private property shall be made by the respective departments of the City of Fayetteville . ( 3) Said connection shall be made upon payment to the city of a set fee , as shall be established from time to time by the City Council. SECTION i 1 . Plumbing Standards ( 1) WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM: (a) Water service piping located on private property shall be installed at least thirty ( 30 ) inches deep . (b) Water service piping located on public property or under road beds or road ditches shall be installed thirty six ( 36 ) inches deep . (2) PROHIBITED DRAINAGE : Storm water from roof downspouts , paved areas , yards or doorway drains shall not be drained directly or indirectly into the city sanitary sewer system . ( 3) FLOOR DRAINS I'N PUBLIC REST ROOMS : All public rest rooms , con- struction of which is begun on and after the passage of this ordinance , shall be equipped with floor drains in such .a manner that liquids will flow by gravity into said drains . SECTION 12 . Amendments and Additions to Technical Codes Adopted by Reference ( 1 ) That paragraph 10 , 1 , 4 of Chapter 10 of the Arkansas State Plumbing Code referred to above be amended to read as follows : Sec . 10 . 1 , 4 UNDERGROUND PIPING WITHIN BUILDING- Water piping within buildings when underground shall be of cast iron pipe , type "K" copper tubing and extra heavy lead pipe except that water piping placed under concrete floors inside buildings shall be type "K" copper tubing sweated or soldered together with approved pipe fittings , (2) That paragraph 10 . 1 . 5 of Chapter 10. of the Arkansas State Plumbing Code referred to above be amended to read as follows : Sec , 10 . 1 .5 WATER SERVICE PIPE ijMaterials ) - Cold water service piping shall be of cast iron, type "K" copper tubing , galvanize pipe or extra heavy lead pipe, The use*dl' plastic water piping is prohibited. ( 3) That paragraph 11 . 1 , 2 of Chapter 11 of the Arkansas State Plumbing Code referred to above be amended to read as follows : Sec . 11 . 1 . 2 ABOVE GROUND PIPING WITHIN BUILDING- Soil and waste piping for a drainage system within a building shall be of cast iron, lead, brass type DWV drainage copper or type "L" hard drawn copper with the following exceptions : (a) That short horizontal branch arms of galvanize pipe will be permitted for waste piping above the fi'bor within building. (b) That proper connections from cast iron soil pipe to cast iron drum traps may be made above ground within buildings with short all-thread galvanize pipe and drainage fittings , (4) That paragraph 11 . 2 . 1 of Chapter 11 of the Arkansas State Plumbing Code referred to above be amended to read as follows : Sec . 11 . 2 . 1 SEPARATE TRENCHES- The building sewer , when installed in a separate trench from the water service pipe , shall be cast iron sewer pipe , vitrified clay sewer pipe , bituminized fiber sewer pipe or asbestos ce - ment sewer pipe . The use of concrete sewer pipe is prohibited. ( 5) That is hereby added to Chapter 11 of the Arkansas State Plumbing Code referred to above , the following paragraph: Sec . 11 . 5 . 8 ( c) MINIMUM 4 INCH MAIN BUILDING DRAIN 'IVSIDE BUILD- ING- That the main sanitary building sewer drainage piping be sized not less than four (4) inches in diameter . The main sanitary building drainage piping is further defined - as that part of the lowest main horizontal piping of a drainage system inside a. building that receives waste from other branches of the building drain . This would not necessarily mean that this drainage piping would have to be run to the first bath, but would have to terminate inside the building at such a point that it would be accessible for furthre additions to the building sewer . All other drainage piping and branches off this main building drainage piping shall be, sized according to the fall of the piping and the fiyture until load as set out in table 11 . 5 . 2 of the Arkansas State Plumbing Code . (6) That paragraph 1.:4. 2 . 1 of Chapter 14 of the Arkansas .State Plumbing Code referred to above be amended to read as follows : Sec . 14. 2 , 1 ADVANCE NOTICE- ( a) It shall be the duty of the owner , master plumber , or his authorized representative to give actual personal notice to the City Plumbing Inspector at least four(4) hours before the work is ready for test or inspection. (b) Plumber is authorized to cover work where be has made written notice to the Plumbing Inspector should inspector fail to make inspection or test within twelve ( 12) working hours from receipt of such written notice . (7) That is hereby added to Chapter 2 of the pamphlet entitled, "Septic Tank Systems , Arkansas State Board of Health. Bureau of Sanitary Engineering, Bulletin No. 911 , the following paragraph: Sec . 2. 3 SUITABILITY OF LOT FOR SEPTIC SYSTEM" When a public sewer is not available for use within 300 feet of the property desiring to re nerved, sewage and drainage piping may be connected to an individual sewage disposal syeteir providing the City Plumbing Inspector and the City Sanitarian or Health Officer feel that the lot area is sufficient to prevent a health hazard. - 10 - In buildings that are connected to a city sewer main, building drains that carry waste from bath rooms % and commercial sinks which cannot be discharged to the sewer by gravity flow, shall be discharged into a tightly covered and vented sump from which the liquid shall be lifted and discharged into the building gravity drainage system by automatic pumping equipment, SECTION 13 . Penalties ( 1 ) Any person, firm or corporation who engages in or follows the business or occupation of. or, advertises or holds himself or itself or acts temporarily or otherwise as a master plumber , vAthout first having secured the required':license or permit, or :who otherwise violates any provisions of this ordinance , shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not less than Ten Dollars nor more than One Hundred Dollars or by imprisonment in the City jail for not less than thirty days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Each day during which a violation continues shal1 .be a separate offense . (2) Any master plumber who shall employ an apprentice of plumbing represent- ing him to be a journeyman, or who shall charge for an apprentice a journeyman's wage , shall be punished by a fine of not more than Twenty-five Dollars , or by im- prisonment in the City Jail for not more than thirty days. Each day of violation shall be a separate offense . ( 3) Any master plumber who shall employ and/or use any person in the install- ation of plumbing who has not first received a license or permit by the State of Arkansas , . or having first been registered with the Joint Apprenticeship Committee of the U. S. Department of , Labor , shall be in violation of this ordinance and shall be subject to any and all penalties provided in Section 13, Paragraph 2, of:this ordinance , . SECTION 14, Ordinances Repealed The following ordinances are hereby repealed: 138 passed and approved March 28 , 1904 235 passed and approved May 220 1908 254 �. :ga`ssed a�d. aprreved . May 4, 1909 , 255 passed and approved May 13, 1909 263 passed and approved August 5, 1909 570 passed and approved September 7, 1925 571 passed and. approved September 14, 1925 575 passed and approved September 21 , 1925 579 passed and approved November 2, 1925 599 passed and approved March 9 , 1926 809 passed and approved July 5 , 1938 940 passed and approved October 11 , 1948 1014 passed and approved January 29 1952 ' 1015 passed and approved January 14, 1952 , ' SECTION 15 . Severability Clause If any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence , clause, or phrase of this ordinance shall be declared invalid for any reason whatsoever , such decision shall not affect the remaining portions of this ordinance , which shall remain in full force and effect; and to this end the provisions of this ordinance are hereby declared to be severable. SECTION 16 . Emergency Clause The City Council hereby finds that the public has been "and will be injured through improper plumbing and improper construction of sewage and drain pipes and that this ordinance is necessary for the public health and safety, and an emerg- ency is hereby declared to exist and this ordinancee - shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval . Passed and approved this 19th day of January, 1959 . APPROVED: MAYOR ATTEST: ITY CLERK $ NORTHWEST ARKANSAS TIMES, Fayetteville, A 1 "LEGAL NOTICE- ` LE(�l NOTICE- LEGAL NOTICE- LEGAL NOTICE- ORDINANCE NOj 1191 'iw1 Examination for City ing ta7j.a single famb,,�residence use of concrete sewer pipe ie AN ORDINANCE TO BE KNOWN License provided the property. Owner does prohibited. AS THE GENERAL PLUMBING The applicant must hold an Ar- the work himself and the building (5) That is hereby added to Chap- O DINANCE ' OF THE CITY kansasState Plumbers License is owned and occupied by such ter it of the Arkansas State Plumb OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKAN- for the current year. (a temporary owner as his home; provided, how- ing Code referred to above, the SAS; GOVERNING THE - CON- Arkansas State Plumbers Permit ever, that such work must be com- following paragraph: STRUCTION, INSTALLATION will not satisfy this requirement), Pleted within strict compliance Sec. 11.5 8 (c) MINIMUM 4 AND INSPECTION OF PLUMB- and must arrange with the Chair- with the requirements of this Code. 'INCH MAIN BUILDING DRAIN ING AND DRAINAGE, AND FOR man of the City Plumbing Exam- SECTION 7. Permit Fees -INSIDE BUILDING-That the OTHER PURPOSES AS AMEND- fining Board for a plumbing ex- (1) DEFINITIONS: For the pur. main sanitary building sewer ED: . amination for the license desired. p g plumbing drainage piping be sized not less The applicant shall wipe Ise of establiahw g per- WHEREAS, the a it Council s, PP mi a lead mit fees, new washing machine than four (4) inches it diameter. caused of Fayetteville; Arkansas, joint as part of said examination, installations or washing machine The main sanitary building drain- it hada notice to be published that The result of said examination replacements that requires any ex-ter age piping is further defined as it had .under consideration - the shall re the minimum or above that Dart of the lowest main stem Iado tion of an Ordinance relating that required by the Examining tension or alteration of the wale[ P g g supply to sewer drainage piping, i?putalnside piping ld n drainage system llosthe ionsof pin, installation, and Board to satisfy this require- new water heaters and boilers or imide a building that receives , inspection of plumbing and drain- ment for eligibility Should an replacements, air conditioner cool- waste from other branches of the fags, as set forth in a pamphlet en- applicant fail two examinations to ing towers, car s,washingwer sand traps, building drain. This would not soiled, "Arkansas State ' Plumbing succession, he will borequired to sewer yard lines, water yard lines, necessarily mean that this drainage "Code; Rules and Health. Go r the pay an additional examination floor drains and any receptacle, de- Piping would have would be tun to the State Board do Health. Governing ' tee t of t e six months £rem the vice Or appliance which is connected £fret bath, butabei have t ter. the Construction,oftPlumb Installation.D and datfore the the last examination be- to the city water or city sanitary urinate inside the building at such Inspection of Plumbing and Drain- foie he can be re-examined, a point that it would be accessible P g sewer system shall be defined as a r age,Arkansas Third Edition Issued by (2) Temporary City Plumbing plumbing {fixture. for further additions to the build- the Arkansas State Board of Health, Permits ing sewer. Little Rock, Arkansas,'! and in a (a) A temporary master or g PLUMBING FEES: Said plumb- All other drainage g I pamphlet entitled, "Septic Tank p y ing permit shall require a fee pay- g piping and 1 p p p ' journeyman plumbing permit able to the Cit of Fayetteville. At branches off this main building Il : Systems, Arkansas. .State. Board of may be issued to an applicant kansas as follows: Y drainage piping shall be sized ac- Health, Bureau of Sanitary Engin- who has applied for a city cording to the fall of the piping eerin Bulletin No. 9," and Plumbing license for a 30 da (a) $2.00 for first fixture g, p g y and the fixture until load u set 'WHEREAS, the requisite number $1.00 each for the next flue (5) q period m until the next plumb- fixtures. out in table 11.5.2 Ofthe Arkansas V of copies of said . above named ing examination is given by the State Plumbing Code. t . pam hlets are kept on, fixtures each for all additional (6) That p p p file a City Plumbing Examining Board and . fixtures Paragra h 19.2,1 Plumb. t office a the le, Arkan s. the pro- only on the following conditions: ter 14 of the Arkansas Siete Plumb- - (b) 1. No charge shall be made for � of Fayetteville, Arkansas, ,as Pro- . "yl. Applicant must make err- the sewer or water ing Code referred t0 above be vided �by Arkansas Act 267 of 1949, rangemente with ,the Chairmen yard lines when amended t0 read as follows: ' and - - of " the Plumbing Examiningobtaining Plumbing in ing permit to in. Sec. 14 2,L AVANCE NOTICE- WHEREAS, the evil Council' of Board for iced. enation for the st stalling existing building when the ( n I, shall be the duty of the the. City of Fayetteville, Arkansas ' license desired. stalling plumbing fixtures for the owner, master plumben or his finds that H is to the best interest a nt Arkansas must hold a per- first time. authorized representative to glue , of the City titled "Arrantteville that the manent Arkansas State year. ( q 2. A charge will be made forin- actual personal notice at the entitled Rules State license for the current year. (A yard linea when in- Cot Plumbing Inspectorhe at least �. pamphlet sewer or water Y g Plumbing Code, Rules and Regula-_ temporary Ark. State Plumbers re' stalling , water lines for yard by. four (4) hours before the work is tions Of the State Board of Health,, Permit will not satisfy this re- Brants where the building has er ready for test or inspection. governing the,inspection construction, instal- q 3. The said plumbing fixtures and new water (b) Plumber is authorized to latton and inspection of plumbing 3, The said temporary city per- or sewer yard line to existing cover work where he has made and drainage, 1957; Third Edition, mit shall become void, and the g written notice to the Plumbing 8 buildings. g issued It the Arkansas State Board applicant must - cease doing W n tie field Inspection Fee Inspector should inspector fail j of Health, Little Rock, Arkansas;" Plumbing work in the City id When the City of Fayetteville, to make 12) works or test within rom and the pamphlet entitled "Septic Fayetexamination if the results of said Arkansas, is requested to inspect twelve (12) working hours from Tank Systems, Arkansas State examination shouldbe below the receipt of such written notice. f Y t septic disposal field, an required Bmrd' of Health, Bureau of Sani- minimum passing grade requited tional Permit fee will be re aired (7) That is hereby added to "Sep- ' tary Engineering, Bulletin No. 9;' by the Examining Board. as follows: q ter 2 of the pamphlet entitled, "Sep- be -adopted- 4. No temporary permit may be 1.. A fee of $7.50 will' be required tic Tank Systems, Arkansas State NOW, THEREFORE. BE IT OR- renewed or, re-issued to the same when the city makes a percolation Board of Health, Bureau of Sant- DAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL applicant. ' Applicant must have test and inspects a new septic die- terry Engineering, Bulletin No. 9J' OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, a permanent city plumbers 11- Posal field installation for the min- the following paragraph: j - ARKANSAS: cense to continue doing plumbing imum requirements as outlined -by Sec. 2.3 SUITABILITY OF LOT work. in Fayetteville after ex- FOR SEPTIC SYSTEM- _ Section 1.hereby p d by the the Arkansas State Board of When a There is hereby adopted by the mration date' of temporary pe[- Health. The required Plumber or Public sewer is not available for mit. use within be feet ed the property City Council of the City of Fayette- holes being dug by the plumber or pro art - villa, Arkansas, by reference there- InraneePlumbs" Bond and Liability property owner prior to calling the desiring to be served, sewage and to the provisionsnled set forth in the (a( Evers city for a percolation test. drainage piping may be connected pamphlet entitled, ' Arkansas State ' (a( Every master plumber doing 2, 'A fee Of $4.00 will be requir- to an individualoing sewage disposal amb. Plumbing Code, Rules and Regula- business in the City Of Fayette- ed when the city makes an in- system providing the City Plumb- tions of the State Board o[ Health Ville, Arkansas, shall be required spection of in extension to an ng Inspector and the City Sani- j governing the construction.- instal- to . carry liability Insurance and existing septic disposal field in tarian or Health Officer feel that latton and inspection of plumbing a corporate surety license per- stallation or when the City 'the lot area is sufficient to' prevent and drainage, 1957, Third Edition, mit bond as set out below: Plumbing •Inspector - makes aa fico@h ingsr flint issued by the Arkansas State Board 1. Every master , plumber shall inspection of a new septic field In buildings that are connected of Health, Little Rock, Arkansas," execute and file in the office of installation for the minimum re- drains city sewer main, building 1 together with the provisions of the the City 'Clerk a corporate sure- quirementa as outlined by the drains that carry waste from bath Pamphlet entitled "Septic Tank ty license permit bond' in the Arkansas State Hoard of Health rooms and commercial-sinks which Systems, Arkansas State Board of sum of One Thousand Dollars, .where' a licensed engineer has cannot be discharged to the sewer Health, Bureau , of Sanitary , En- conditioned to indemnify and made ,the percolation teat and by gravity flow, shall be discharg- gineering, Bulletin No ' 9;' save - hold harmless, the City of Fay- - bas designed the dig ed into a tightly covered and vent- and portions' of said i disposal system. and except such etteville, Arkansas, and all per- (d)When t e 'Cit Inspection Fayetteville, Fell ed SUMP l from which the ]Squid ., pamphlets fi are hereinafter' and sons: firms or corporations, When the 'City requested Fayetteville, shall be lifted and dischargedmanage into luted, 'modified, or amended; and said master s loss by the failure s, PArkansaslumbing is spection to make a the building gravity drainage cya- pa plots- re contained to said saivants, plumber, his agents, Plumbing inspection of plumbingtem by automatic pumping equip. p corportteare hereby adopted and servants, or employees to com- installed of outside the corporatMent. incorporated as fully ash set out Ply with the provisions of this limits of the City of Fayetteville, SECTION 13. Penalties at length herein, and the prove- Plumbing ordinance. Arkansas, that is to be connected (]) 'Any person, firm or corpora- C goons thereof shall be controlling 2. Every master plumber shall to the city water or city sanitary tion who engages in or follows the within the corporate ,limits. of the file with the City Clerk a cer- sewer system, •an additional fee bustnese or occupation of, or ad- City of Fayetteville, Arkansas: tlficate of insurance coverage of $1.00 shall .be.. added to the vertlsas or holds himself or itself 'SECTION'2 Definitiens: atating that;said master plumber, above plumbing permit fees. or acts temporarily or otherwise as . (I) !The definitions in this ordf- his agents, ' servants - and em- SECTION 8. Extra Fee for a master plumber, without .lint ! Hance shall correspond to those. of Ployees, have obtained a contrac- SECTION Inspection having secured the required license . Act 200 of 1951 as enacted. by the tor's liability insurance policy oror S permit, or .who •otherwise vio- GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE policies in the minimum coverage It is further provided that any laces an limits of Twenty-five extra trip by the inspector or his Y Provisions of this ordf- STATE OF ARKANSAS, antl Ne y-£1ve Thousand nonce, shall be deemed guilty of Dollars bodily injury for each assistants caused by failure of the Arkansas State Plumbing Code. plumber to be ready for a plumb= a misdemeanor and, upon convic- - '(2) PLUMBING: In this ordinance, Person, Fifty Thousand Dollars for Ing inspection or by {allure of the thin thereof, Shall be punished by "PLUMBING" means and includes each accident and Ten Thousand a fine of not less than Ten Dollars in. addition to those listed above: . Dollars property damage for each plumber to comply with this ordf+ g Hance, shall be charged nor more than One Hundred Dol. (a) All piping, fixtures, appli accident with Twenty-five Thou- g a penalty late or by imprisonment on the City ' ances. and appurtenances ,ln con- sand Dollars aggregate; together of $2.00 for each and every such with the number of said g Jail for not less than thirty days, 1 drain n with the waters apply and Policy he trip, or by both such fine and whit Imprison. drainage system within a -building or i s and the name of the SECTION 9. Inspection and MB moot. Each day during- which e a s e and to point from three g. five liabilitysem insurance company isau- (1) NUMBER al TESTS (PLUMB- violation offense.continues shall be a sap- feet outside of the building, ing same. ING)-There shall be, i minimum 'state offence, (b) .The 'construction and con- Pa ment i Facts Plumbing two teats or Inspector nor his by the (2) Any masteran plumber who ne(e on of any drain * or waste Payment in advance of the fol- Plumbing Inspector - or his assist. shall employ an apprentice of pipe' carrying domestic sewage lowing license and examination ante. First known ere the rough-in fees to the Cit Inspection g al Plumbing n, or oho him to be 'e from a outside f- the three d five Y 0f Fayetteville as P ction and the second or final Journeyman, or who shell charge -) , Seel. outside ob ' the . foundation. follower . inspection. for an eDPrbe punished journeyman's w$ walls any building h the Schedule of license and examen- (2) ROUGH-IN TEST (PLUMB- wage, slier] be punished bySine / ,sesewer service lateral or other die- anion fees. ING): The rough-in teat and 1n- of not more than Twenty-five D01- ,POsal terminal,. including .private Initial Renewal Examination apectipn is to be made when all Ian, or by imprisonment in the F domestic sewage treatment and Master "Plumbers & Gas Fitters plumbing drainage or water- pip- City Jail .for not more than thirty 'I disposal systems and the altera. $50 00 $25.00 $25.00 Ing is in place but uncovered. days, Each day Of violation shall .tion Of any such system, drain Master Gas Fitter (3) INSPECTION AND TEST OF be a separate offense. or waste pipe, except minor re- $25 00 ' $15.00 $10,00 EPXISTING' INSTALLATION (3) Any master plumber who shall •pairs ' to faucets, valves, pipes, •Journeyman Plumber & Gas Fitter (PLUMBING): The Plumbing In- employ and/or use anyappliances and . removing , stop- $17.00 $ 5.00 $12.00 Spector shall have the legal right to the installation of Person in ] pages. Journeyman Plumber require any existing' plumbing or has not first received Plumbing license or (c) who The water service , j $17.00 $ 5.00 •$12:00 drainage installation to meet in. permit by the State of Arkansas, from a piping^g Journeyman.Gas Fitter spection and test when he may or having first been registered with Point within . three to $1000 $ 5.00 $ 5.00 have reason to believe, that such the `Joint Apprenticeship . five feet outside of the founda- S. Department tof La. tion walla Of any'bufiding to the (a) Delinquent Pee system is not sate for the use it tee of the U.S. Department ofLa- water meter or other water .utilt- A $5.00 delinquent fee shall be is intended. When such inspections her, shall be in violation of this dty property or , other terminal added to the above renewal fees or tests indicate a faulty and on. ordinance and shall be subject to anthe c necting of domestic hot when the application for renewal safe system, the owner shall recon- any and all` penaltfes provided In is made after ,Februar first of dition .such system or installation water at ge tanks, -water. soft- . . the current. year. . . - y to render it safe. Section 13, Paragraph 2, � of this eners and water heaters with the (b) Deferment Pea ordinance. :water supply system. SECTION 30 Service Tape SECTION 14. ordinances Repealed (d) Water pressure systema oth- A fee Of $3.00 shall be charged (1) STREET OPENINGS: All wat- The following ordinances '. 'are er than public utility systems. ' to cover special deferment serv- er and sewer service lines will be hereby repealed- (e) A. plumbing and drainage ices connected with deferment of brought to the property line of 138 passed end approved March system so designed and vent i license. property desiring. service, by the 28, 1904 i Ing So Installed, act :to 'keep the (c) Re-Examination Fees respective departments of the Cit , 1 City passed and, approved May 22, air lvithin . the system in free -An applicant who fails upon ex- of Fayettevfile. 1908 circulation and movement, and amination shall be entitled to one (2) All service tap connection's 254 passed and approved May 4, to Prevent with a margin of safe- re-examination without an addi- made on the city water and sewer 1909 tY unequal air pressure of- auch tional fee. For each two subse- mains located on private property 255 passed -and approved May 13, ". force as might blow, siphon 0r quent examinations the fee shall shall be made by the respective de- 1909 affect trapseals or retard the be as set out inthe above ached- partments of the City of Fayette- 263 passed, and a discharge, -from plumbing fix• ule Of. examination fees. Ville. 5, 1909 PProved August tures, or permit sewer air to es- (5) "Examination Material (3) Said connection shall be made 570 passed and approved Septem- cape into the building ; The applicant shall furnish all upon payment to the city of a set her 7, 1925 SECTION 3. Plumbfng Inspector necessary tools . and furnaces re. fee, as shall be established from 571 passed and approved Septem- (1) PROVISION FOA INSPEC- qufred for his lead wiping examin- time to time by the City Council. bar 14, 1925 OR: There is hereby created the ation. The City of Fayetteville shall SECTION Il. Plumbing Standards 575 passed and approved Septem- 'Position of Plumbing Inspector 0f furnish the lead pipe, wiping lead (1) WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM: ber ,21, 1925 the City of tie tile Arkansas, and brass ferrules. However, the (a) Water service Piping located 579 Passed and approved Novem- 'and as many as at act are need• applicant may furnish his own lead onprivateproperty shall be in- bar 2, 1925 ed to discharge the duties of thio Pipe, wiping lead and brass fep- stalledatleast (30) inches deep. 599 Passed and approved March 9, office. rules if he wishes to use own (b) Water service piping ]o- 1926 (2) APPOINTMENT OF materials. " cated on Property Passed and approved July 5, INSPEC- Publices 19389 TOR AND ASSISTANTS: " The (6) Length 'e1 License � under road beds or road ditches ' Plumbing Inspector and assistants, (a) Current Licenses shall be installed thirty six (36) 940 passed and approved October whose qualifications ' and - ability No city plumbing license shall Inches deep. 11, 1948 shall 'be reviewed by the City be issued for longer then one (2) , PROHIBITED DRAINAGE: 1014 passed and approved Janu- Council, shell be appointed by the Year and all licenses shall expire Storm water from roof downspouts, ary 2, 1952 Mayor with the approval of the on December thirty-first (Dec. paved areas. yards or doorway 1015 passed and approved January City Council of- the City of 31) of each year and such license drains shall not be drained directly 14, 1952 Fayetteville, Arkansas. may be renewed upon application Or indirectly Into the city sanitary SECTION 15. Severability .Clause (3) LIMITATIONS OF INSPEC- made within thirty- (30) days sewer systeIf any section, subsection,m. n, TOR: The Plumbing Inspector and following the date of.expiration. (3) FLOOR DRAINS IN PUBLIC graph, sentence, clause, io Phrase his assistants shall not be eon- (b) Deferred Lfeenie REST ROOMS: All Public rest of this ordinance shall be declared nected In any business' engage d .in A licensed master plumber or rooms, construction of which is be. invalid for an Plumbing or the sale of plumbing licensed journeyman plumber gun on and after the Y reason whatsoever, may make application to . the this ordinance, shall be ere avec of such decision shall not affect the fixtures, appliances, and material, City of Fayetteville for deferment with {leer equipped remaining portions of this ordi- . 'either directly or indirectly. drains in such a man- nance, which shall remain in full (4) SALARY OF INSPECTOR: of city license, which may be ner that liquids will' flow by gravi- force and effect; and to this endi ,'.The Plumbing Inspector and his as- granted fora period not to ex- ty into said drains. the provisions of this ordinance are ;Fistants shall receive, as full com- ceed ' three (3) years, except that SECTION 12. Amendments and hereby declared to be severable. ! ;pensatton for their services, such additional deferment to members Additions to Technical Codes SECTION 16. Emergency Clause -salaries, as the City Council may of the Armed Services in times Adopted by Reference The City Council hereby direct. of emergency and in cases of (1) That Paragraph 10.1.4 Of Chap- that .the public has been adfwiilll (5) DUTIES OF INSPECTOR; IN- serious illness may be granted. ter 10 of the Arkansas State be injured through finpr erg 'VESTIGATOR, ENFORCEMENT: It SECTION 5. Plumbing Examing Plumbing Code referred to above plumbing and improper P P shall to the duty ss the Plumbing Eoard. be amended to read as follows: tion of Sewage antlin pipes and'Inspector and his assistants to make An Examining Board Is hereby Sec. 10.1 4'UNDERGROUND PIP- g PiPea and investigations, test all created to act on all applications ING WITHIN BUILDING-Water then public[ health¢and safety. and Plumbing for license, examination for licenses Piping within building when under- in necessary for `work for crop Per with the Code, g an exemergencyis hereby Issue ,plumbing and other related duties as requir- ground shall be of cast iron Y declared g permits for plumb- ed b State Law and the Plumbing type "K" co PIPs, to exist and thin ordinance shall be ing work, prepare suitable forma y g Peer tubing and extra after i force and effect from and for permits and other reports and Said of the all a Fayetteville, heavy lead pipe except that water after its check any installation of plumbing Said Board shall be composed 1) Piping placed under concrete floors Passed Passage .and approval. any time he may see fit during four ns members u follows (1) inside buildings shall be type K" da of Januar approved this 19th -reasonable hours. A licensed master plumber, 2) a li- co y Y•' 1959. ( copper tubing sweated or soldered APPROVED: (b) INSPECTOR; RIGHT OF EN- representative journeyman plumber, (3) - together with approved pipe fittings J. AUSTIN PARISH, Mayor TRY: The Plumbing Inspector, or representative of the y and (4) a (2) That paragraph 10.1.5, of Chap- 'ATTEST: his assistants and other ersons live authority Of the city and (9) a ter 10 of the Arkansas State Plumb- George J. Davis, P 1lc Used gas fitter. Members of the Ing Code referred to above be City Clerk authorized by the Inspector, may Board shell be appointed enter and inspect between the riod of two he Mayofor a pe- amended to read T follows: hours of -8:00 a.m. and+5:00 Years b the Mayor of ' Sect; Steri WATER SERVICE P.m. the City of Fayetteville, with the PIPE (Materials)-Cold water aerv- or public installations on private.' recommendation of the Plumbers ce or public property in , the Cit of I PPinq shall be of cast iron, - Fayetteville, Arkansas', and ma Association of Fayetteville, given tYpe K" copper tubing, galvan- disseminate information relative due consideration. Te pipe or extra heavy lead pipe. f- - ! to the provisions of this ordf- The City of Fayetteville shall se- The use Of plastic water piping is nance. cure necessary equipment and cep- Prohibited. L plies as required by the Board (3) That paragraph 11.1.2 of (7) INSPECTOR BOND: The from the receipts collected with Chapter Il of the Arkansas State Plumbing Inspector shall file bond applications for examinations and Plumbing Code referred to above V in the sum of $1,000 to indemnify the City Building Inspector shall be amended to read as follows: the City of Fayetteville. Arkansas be in charge of said equipment and Sec 11.1.2 ABOVE GROUND ' from the loss of any money or oth- supplies The surplus thereof shall PIPING WITHIN BUILDING-&il er personal property through fraud, be disposed of as the Board shall and waste piping for a drainage dishonesty, forgery, or embezzle- uanimously direct. system within a building aliasbe ments, while occupying and per. However, with the approval of of cast. iron, lead, brans type DWV forming his duties hereunder. The the Board, Board members present drainage copper or type "L• hard Premium for such bond shall be at examinations Max receive a pro- drawn copper with the 4IIowing Paid by the City of Fayetteville, portional .part of this surplus up to exceptions: Arkansas. $2.00 per hour for , time spent 'in (a) That short horizontal branch SECTION 4. Licensing examining applicants by furnishing arms of galvanize pipe will be (1) An applicant desiring a city the city with signed vouchers re- Permitted for waste piping above +lumbing license must qualify on. questing such payments. The total the floor within building. 'er one of the following conditions value of such vouchers shall not (b) That proper connections from I become . eligible for a city 'If exceed the surplus left from exam- cast iron soil pipe,to cast iron lose: - mation fees collected by' the city drum traps may be made above. (a) Renewal of City License after all cost of supplies and equip- ground within buildings with' The applicant must hold an ment has been deducted. short • all-thread galvanize pipe Arkansas State Plumbers License - SECTION 6. Plumbing Permits and drainage fittings. for the current year (a tempora- (1) PERMIT -REQUIRED: Before (4). That paragraph 11.2.1 of Chap•; ry Arkansas State Plumbers Per beginning any plumbing work in ter 11 of the Arkansas States Plumb- mit' will not satisfy this require- the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, ing Code referred to above be ment and the person installing same shall amended to read as follows: The applicant must hold a apply for and obtain a permit to Sec. 11.2.1 SEPARATE similar deferred city Plumbing do such work. TRENCHES-The building sew- �1 license as set out in this ordi- (2) AUTHORIZED PERSONS: or, when installed in a separate nance or have held a similar Only those persons authorized to do trench from the water service Fayetteville plumbing license plumbing may be issued plumbing pipe, shall be cast iron sewer within a three (3) year period permits. pipe, vitrified clay sewer pipe, - prior to the date of the applica- (a) A Permit may be issued to bituminized fiber sewer pipe or tion. - , a property owner to install plumb asbestos cement sewer pipe, The