HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 1181 ORDINANCE NO. 41 _ AN ORDINANCE AMENDING A PART OF SECTION I3 OF ORDINANCE N0. 1120# PASSED AND APPROVED DECEMBER 17# 1956s PROVIDING FOR FIRE LIMITS# AND REGUTATIONS GOVERNING THE CONSTRUCTION, ALTERATION, MOVALj DIYOLITION ' EQUIRMIT, AND MAINTENANCE OF BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES. SECTION Is That the paragraph entitled (Change No. 15 ) amending paragraph ( c ) of Section 400. 5 of the National Building Code, 1955 Oolden Anniversary Edition# entitled# "EKCEPTIONS TO RESTRICTIONS WITHIN FIRE. LIMITS" of Section 13 of Ordinance No. 1120, passed and approved December 17, 19569 be and the same is hereby amended to read as . follows : (Change No. 15 ) That paragraph ( c) of Section 400.5 of said Code entitled, "EXCEPTIONS TL 'RESTRICTIONS WITHIN FIRE LINTTS" be amended to read as follower (A) Buildings of unprotected# non-combustible construction, except when used for e high hazard occupancy# not exceeding 2#500 square feet in area when used for a business occupancy or 1#000 square feet in area when used for other occupancies, nor more than one story in height# and having a horizontal separation of not less than 10 feet on all sidese Valls having a horizontal separation of less than 10 feat shall have a fira. resistan6o rating of not leas than one hour, (B ) However, no sheet metals, corrugated metal, or metal covered buildings or shade, shall be erected in the first fire zone except : 1. That metal buildings not exceeding 2,500 square feet in area and with the proper horizontal separation constructed of metal frame, sides and roof aeannisM oft and used for industrial, storage or warehouse pur- poses may be erected in the first fire zone if located in a "G-Industrial Zone" and more than one hundred (100 ) feet from Dickson Streete Also, moveable metal buildings with metal frames and coverings may be moved or built in . the above area when used for cafe purposes, and metal covered buildings not exceeding the area requirements of Section 400 of the National Building Code may be built in the above area when used for residential garages or parking commercial trucks. 2. Sheds. bmetal covered sheds open on the long side, not more than 15 feet in height, nor more than 500 square feet in areas built in , accordance with the City Zoning Ordinances as to distance from buildings and property lines but located at least 5 feet from buildings and property lines may be erected in the first fire zone if located in a "G-Industrial Zone " and more than one hundred ( 100) feet from Dickson Streete For the purpose of this section, a shed is defined. as a structure with a roof and not more than three (3 ) outside walls . 3e That all metal frame and coverings for "Drive-Inn" and used car lot canopies may be erected in the first fire zone providing they are built in accordance with all of the requirements of Section 316 of the National Building Code and the Cita Zoning Ordinancese Also# .all exposed surfaces of the coverings shall have a factory baked enamel finish, painted or processed in such a manner as to reduce sun reflection and glare. MICROFILMED DATE OCT 9 19Ig REEL �� yip ! This type of canopy is not to be used as a building to store materials, but to be used for the sole purpose of protecting oars and people from the sun and weather. This type of canopy shall have no outside halls , but shall have all sides open unless attached to one or two walls of existing buildings. 4. That all metal residential car portp patio and parch coverings may be erected in the first fire zone provided that they are built in accordance with the City Zoning Ordinances as 'to distance from buildings and property lines. Also, all the exposed surfaces of the coverings shall have a factory baked enamel finish or be painted* ( C) Metal house trailers may be located within the fire limits as same are aotJ located or as may hereafter be established if one of the following conditions have been complied with, to-wit : 1. The trailer must be located in an established trailer court as may from time to time be established by appropriate action of the City Council, or 2. A modern "factory built" metal house trailer to be used by the owner or lessee as an OFFICE or as a RESIDENTIAL building may be located on a commercial or business lot if not in violation of City Zoning Ordinances and upon furnishing the Building Inspector with the followings (a ) Written approval of the owners or duly authorized agents of the owners of at least 75% of the frontage of all property within 150 feet of the lot upon wh ich said trailer is to be located if the said lot is located within an F-Businesa Zone as defined in the City Zoning Ordinances at the time said written approval is obtained. (b ) Written approval of the owners or duly authorized agents of the owners of at least 75% of the frontage of all property within 300 feet of the lot .upon which said trailer is to be located if the said lot is located within assO-Industrial Zonercrrf� c..,,, eau.. =W defined in the City Zoning Ordinances at the time said written approval is obtained. It being the intent of this section to limit,#: the use of metal house trailers within the fire zone but outside of an established trailer park to sales offices for used car lotep or trailer sales, or to dwelling purposes for owners or lessees operating a business upon the commercial lot inhere such trailer is to be located. SECTION 2 : That all ordinancea and parts of ordLnances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed and this action being necessary for the Oublic health. safetyp order, comfort and convenience within"the City of Fayetteville.. Arkansas, an emergency is hereby declared to exist and this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval.- PASSED AND APPROVED this 13L.�_ day of 1958. . AUSTIN - P , MAYOR ATTEST : GE Vis, CITY CLERK