HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 1171 ORDINANCE NO. 1171 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING FISHING AND BOATING ON THE CITY WATER RESERVOIR KNOWN AS LAKE WILSON, PROVIDING FOR THE PROMULGATION OF RULES AND REGULATIONS AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. BE I:i' OILDAINED BY T£4E CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVVILLE, ARK.'V£4SAS : Section 1 . Subject to the rules and regulations to be adopted in the manner herein- after set forth, it shall be lawful to fish in the City reservoir called Lake Wilson and located approximately 3 1 / 2 miles souaheast of Fayetteville in Washington County. Arkansas , and to operate boats on said Lake . Section 2 . Fishing and boating on said Lake shall be permitted at the time and in the manner he'reafter authorized by motion or resolution of the City Council of the City of Fayetteville . Arkansas , having due regard for the rules and regulations of the Board of Health of the State of Arkansas and of the recommendations of the Ark- ansas State Game and Fish Commission. Section 3 . The City of Fayetteville shall from time to time by resolution or motion promulgate all necessary rules and regulations in connection with the use of said Lake for boating and fishing and all necessary rules and regulations with respect to the time fish may be taken and the types of boats which may be used on said Lake, and to provide such other .ruleo and regulations in connection with boating and fish= ing activities on said Lake . as may from time to time be desir4ble , including the fixing of permit fees and such other matters and things as the City of Fayetteville may deem advisable and pz oper .. Section 4. This ordinance being necessary for the public health, . peace. and safety, an emergency is hereby declared to exist and this ordinance shailf&61iii fall fonce and effect from and after its passage and approval. Passed and approved this ,26th day of May , 19," . APPR E�D: J. A STIN PARISH, , . YOR ATTEST : off . GEORGE 9 DAVISo CITY CLERK M1�ROF BATF Ea Eg€DINANCE.NO' AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING FIuEMM . AND BOATING ON THE CITY MATER RESERVOIR-KNOWN AS LAaaE WILSON, PROVIDING FO '`i`HE PROMULGATION or- RULES A161D REGULATIONS AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES** BE IT ORDAMED' BY THECITY" COUNCIL OF THE CITY Or FAYETTEVILLE. ARIaANSAS:. Section-i ; .Subject to`the rules, and regulatione to he adopted in the nianner hareIm inafter-:set; tants. it shall be-laEvful to .firh in the City. reservoir called Lake Wilson and lacated approximately '3. 112 szsiles .•it"+awt of lr`ayealiviile ia;'4q"hiugtan Cauntyr. Askanaaa* and to Operate boat 'zqA -said Fake. Section 2. 'Fivbiag=aa8 bieatiug on -said -Linke: shall be peamitt#d at t6 time acid in the. manaar hereafter authorised by ruoticn or, rusolutfan -of the ;City usunc l .of ' .talcs City, of. Fayetteville, .Arkansas, havikW due regard for' the rules. and regulations of tis® Saazcl at F1ffiakh of the State of Arl arses aszd =of the recomn eadatioas of the Arkansas Stato Gama and FUh Commission. Stiction '-3.< ThLb-!!L4ty. of; Fayett*viil*;_shall from tisaa. to' time by rasolutioa or motion promulgate--all. necess aryr rules and rogu6tioaa in cossection wlthlhe use of- said Lane tea ::sat£ ash lashing asd all aeceseary .alae axil rog4 iatione. with respect to the time flssh• raay be taken and the types of boats which .may be used on -said Lake. and to provide"such 'othim rules and regulations In councitiaan;witts bcsttag and fishing activities ori said hake as may from time to-time be 'dsairable; in- eltugug-tkefixfgg .of permit fees and such:other. matters and things as..the ' City of Fayetteville may doers advisable asd.proper. Section o: This Qrdivaace being necessary for the publta health. peace a safety, au:arnergenccy id. hereby. deciarsd to exist and'this ordinance &hall be 'in full force, and effect fss� and after its.passage-and ej ypreval# Passed and approved this o ., 19 APPROVE] So Austin Paris . .Aftyor ATTEST: Georry t,11ftVU, city ,Clerh