HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 1124 ORDINANCE WMIBER 1121 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE COLLECTION, RF.IiOVAL, AND DISPOSAL OF GARBAGE AND TRASH !•JITHIN THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILI,E , ARKANSAS ; ASSIGNING A TITLE; DEFI`IING TERI•0 ; REQUIRING ALL MITERS , OCCUPANTS , TENANTS OR LIMEES OF RESIDENCES , COMERCIAL, PUBLIC 011 PRIVATE IIISTITUTIO'dS , BUSII:TSS FSTABLISIR•:ENTS , OR CTHER EUILDI'$CS •JITHIN THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS ; TO PROVIDE COMPAI?MMS AND RECEPTACLES ; FIXING tMONTHLY CHARGES TO BE ( LADE TO O.JNERS , OCCUPAiM , TEMAa ITS , OR LESSEES OF BUILDINGS AND PRMIS"dS RECEIVING THC; SERVICE ; ESTABLISHING THE 'FREQUENCY OF SERVICE ; PROHIBITING 1A7YCI>u EXCEPT AGENTS OR KIPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS FROM Z1.1PTYING CONTAIN1FRS OR RECEPTACLES OR TRAIiSPORTING THE CONTENTS ThMEOF ON Tiff: STREETS 0r+ PUBLIC TIROUGHFARES OF TIM. CITY (IF FAYE t iEVILT• ARKANSP.S WT.^ROUT COITRACT; LEVYING A PENAMY;_ CHEATING A. SANITATION DF?ART LENT TO IIAKE PERIODIC INSPE(JTIONS OF BUILDINGS A;`JI) NRE:41ISiZy AND ALL PLAOGS MIL":RE GARBAGE AND TRASH :11A.Y ACCU2"MIMA" , AM TO 'ENFORCE AND ADI;INISTF.R THE PROVISIONS OF THIS ORDr-IMICE ; PROVIDI! G A SAVINGS CLAUSE ; FIXING A PEVALTY FOR VIOLATIONS HEREOF ; REPEALING ALL ORDI;?ANCES IN CONFLIGT ITERa•JITH; AND DECLARING AN EI'!ERGENCY . 1.411EREAS , the accumulation of waste , refuse , garbage , trash, and rubbish on the praxises of private residences , commercial , public or private institutions , business establishments , office buildings , and in or on the streets and alleys of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas constitutes a public mena�/ce and nuisance and greatly increases the danger of the spread of infectious, contagious and epidemic diseases , and 'rJHEREAS , it is imperative for the preservation of health, safety , sanitation, peace and public welfare that proper and adequate regulations be adopted to require property owners , tenants , occupants or lessees to secure containers and receptacles of sufficient size and material in which to deposit waste , refuse , garbage , trash, and rubbish for collection and removal at regular intervals , and ` ( W11FREAS , the cost of operating the Sanitation Department of the City of Fayettevi . e , Arkansas has substantially increased since the present rates were nut into effect in 1951 , and WIiER "I the continued deficit operations of the Sanitation Department is detrimental to the financial operations of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , NOd , THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY TIM CITY COUNCIL OF TM CITY OF FAYETT3VILLE , AFKANSAS : SECTION 1 . TITLE 1 . From and after its passage and approval, the short title of this ordinance shall be : "SANITATION ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, l.RKANSAS . " SECTION 2 , DEFINITION OF TETU*3 1 . As used in this ordinance , unless otherwise required by the context : ( a) The term "sanitation service" shall mean the collection , removal , and disposal of waste , refuse , garbage , trash, and rubbish; the insecticidal fogging, performed by the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas for the control MiCROFILMED DATE OCT 9 1918 REEL / of .flies and other insects d1w1ng the su:u,ler months ; and such other functions contained herein that are necessary for the preservation of health, safety , peace and public welfare . ( b ) The term " garbage" shall mean all rejected food waste , and include all refuse accumulations of animal , fruit or vegetable' matter that attend the preparation, use , cooking , dealing in, or storage of meat , fish, fowl , fruits or =vegetables . ( c ) The term " trash" shall mean refuse other than garbage , such as broken china , glasTvrare , bottles , paper, tin cans , boxes , and similar matter. ( d ) The term "domestic service" shall mean the collection and removal of garbage and/or trash from all one-family residences , two family residences , apart,aents , apartment houses , and rooming houses , ( e ) The term "cocLmercial service" shall Crean the collection and removal of garbage and/or trash fro.: all co:rmercial , public , or private institutions , fraternity and/or sorority houses , business establishmonts , office buildings , and any or all other buildings or portions thereof , occupied and/or used for any other purpose not herein stated . ( f ) The term "person" shall include natural persons, firms, partner= ships , associations , corporations , organizations , or societies , the masculine shall include the feminine and neuter genders , and the singular the plural . ( g } The term " faAIV " shall mean one or more individuals- living as a single housekeeping unit . ( h) The term " ones=family residence" shall, mean a building or structure having accomodations for, and occupied by one family, (i} The term ° twodfaruly residence" shall mean a building or structure having separate cz'comn:odations for, and occupied as a duelling by tiro families . ( j ) The term " apariment" shall mean a raon: or suite of rooms arranged , designed or occupied by a family, and shall. al..;o meae a vuhordinate dwelling occupied as a garage apartment or a servant9s quarters . ( k) The term " apartment house" shall mean s building or structure or portions thereof , or building arranged , designed , or occupied by three or more families . ( 1 ) The term " rooming house" shall :Wean a building or structure or portions thereof , where ten ( 10 ) or more persons are lodged for compensation , and no prolri.sion is made for cooking in any individual room . ' SECTIOPI 3 . GODAGE AND TRASH RECEPTACUS 1 . Each owner, occupant, tenant or lessee using or occupying an house , building , structure , or portions thereof , for a residence , commercial , public or private institution, fraternity and/or sorority house , business establishment , office , or for any other purpose , shall provide and maintain garbage receptacles of sufficient nwiber and size to contain the garbage that will accumulate on the premises . � �zo ( a ) The receptacle or receptacles for garbage shall be portable , wiUi handles and constructed of galvanized metal or equivalent in such a riaaner as to be strong , not easily corrodible . :od: nt proof, £ly-proof , grater prcof9 and shall have a ti.ghi:�•fittin ; lid or cover. (b ) The receptacle or receptacles for garbage shall be of not less than tsn ( 1.0 ) nor more than fifty ( 50 ) gallon capacity . ( c ) _•Io liquid garbage shall be deposited with any garbage or trash. 3itchen garbage ' and any or all wet garbage shall be drained of all moisture and wrapped in paper before being placed in the garbage receptacle . ( d ) Receptacles for garbage not in accordance with the provisions contained herein shall have condemnation labels attached and contents will not be collected on the next sarvice trip following condemnation.. 2 . Lach owner, occupant , terart or lessee using or occupying amr house , building , structure . or portions thereof, for a residence , commercial , public or private institution, fraternity and/hr sorority house , business establish.e nt , office , or for any other purpose , shall prat-ride and maintain a container or receptacle for the accumulation of trash, and such container or receptacle shall be of tuch. .construction and design that it can be maintained in a sanitary condition . ( a ) If the trash is of such a nature that it cannot be placed in the container or receptacle , it shall be placed beside the container or receptacle in bun(;les or boxes under fifty ( 5O ) pounds in weight . (b )l No trash container nr recoptacle shall. be filled to contain :.ora than seventynfise poaxds ( 75 lbs . ) . ( c ) All containers or receptacle<� shl.11. ; • located and maintained ao as not to create a fire hazard , or provide harborage for rodents , or the breeding of insects . 3 . Each (rdner , occupant, tenant or lessee shall place or cause to be placed , the garbage and trash receptacles at a point on the premises where the collectors can conveniently have access to sane . Lt . Garbage and trash may be placed in the same garbage receptacle , provided , that all the provisions as contained in this ordinance are complied Frith. SECTIOAI Is DOMESTIC SERVICE AND CHARGES 1 , Garbage and/or trash shall be collected and removed from each of the categories as contained in Table ;lumber One at least twice each week . 2 . The charges shown adjacent to the respective categories in Table Nusgber One shall be the charges for the Sanitation Service , _3_ . . Table ";umber One Descript:i�onlonthl�-- Charge ( a ) Oneafanily residence :1 . 00 (b ) Ttao�£amily residence on one water iaeter :12 . 00 ( c ) `f .Toafaiaily rasidence on separate wets" meters ; 1 , 00 each unit ( d ) One�fa:nily residence and one apartment on one water meter ;2 ,00 ( e ) Ornc�family residence and one epart.lient on separate water meters x1 . 00 each unit ( f ) Apartment house containing three or more units on one water toter • . 75 each unit ( g ) Apart:aent house containing three or core t units and each unit on a separate. watei' mater . 75 each uni'c ( h ) Rooming houses 310100 3 . The monthly charges herein provided for shall be included on the bill rendered ;so^ethly to each aser of City plater, and it shall be the duty of each v ner , occupant, tenant or- lessee to pay the charges herein provided for on or before tate 10th day of each taonth at the same time and in the same canner provided for the payment of water bills . SECTION 5 . CO �'iCRCIAL SrrZVICR Al'D CMRGPS 1 , The frequency that the garbace and/or trash shall be collected and remove-d , and the charges for the Sanitation `iervica are contained In Table Number Ttio , Table Number Two Frequency of Service 11.11onthly Charge ( a ) Daily service ( except Sundays and ]Holidays ; 9 . 00 ( b ) Three ( 3 ) times a week service „•1 . 50 ( c ) Two ( 2 ) tines a :-reek service 33 . 00 ( d ) One ( 1 ) time a week service ';1 . 50 2 , The owner, occupant , tenant or lessee being served shall have the right to designate the numbnr of calls per week which in his judgeMent are required in order to keep the premises in a sanitary condition and free from fire hazard , and the rate charged shall be determined by the number of weekly calls made . Provided however , that in the event the number of calls per week as fired by the owner , occupant; tenant or lessae being served is insufficient to keep the premises in a sanit^ry condition and free from fire hazard , additional service may be rendered at the requ :st of the i ayor, the City Health Officer , the Sanitation Oo uaittee , or tf:e; Fire Chief , as the case may be , and the charge for such additional service calls shall bn added to the charge originally designated by the en!=.er , occupvnnt, tcu_ant or lessee , and collected in the same !aanrter as if the o;•sner, occupant , te.:uht or lessee had designated the additional service calls as necessary . 3 . In the event that the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas, is not receiving a fair return from the monthly charges contained in 'fable '_cumber Two for the Sanitation Service , a contract deviating from the montIDl.y charges contained in Table Nu ber Two shall be negotiated with the owner, occupant , tenant or lessee receiving the Sanitation Service , 4 , For the purposes of negotiating any contract herein provided for , the Iayor and Sanitation Cor_mittee with approval of the City Council are hereby authorized to execute such contract or contracts as may be necessary to fulfill the provisions of this ordinance . 5 . In no instance shall 'the monthly° charges as contained ir. Table "dumber Two be deviated from except , where a ,written contract has been negotiated , or such other contract or contracts as the i;ayor and the Sanitation Committee with approval of the City ,Council have authorized and approved , 6. The ,aonthly charges herein provided for shall be included on the bill rendered monthly ' to each user of City Water , or, such :aonthly charges may be billed by any other practicable means of collection , and it shall be the duty of each owner, occupant, tenant or lessee to pay the monthly charges herein provided for on or before the 10th day of each month at the sane time and in the sena manner provided for the payment of water bills . SECTIO d 5 . GO!nnVCT TO COLLECT AND R?s'r;OVG 1 . No person except a duly authorized agent and/or employee of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , shall eiapty garbage and/or trash receptacles , or convey or transport garbage and/or trash on the streets or public th°rough� fares of the City of Fayetteville , Irka.nsas ; wia,leut a 1'rritten contract with the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , SECTION 6 . GENERAL YROVISIO:i 1 . In the event that the monthly charges herein provided fare not; paid on or before -the lOth day of the month *Then due , a penalty of ten, percent ( j0%) is hereby lov_Led . Such penalty shall become a part of and be collected with the regular monthly charges heretofore levied . 2 . If the Sanitation Service provided for Iisrein is extended to include owners , occupants , tenants or lessees of residences , commercial , public , or nrivate institutions , business establishments , and any or all other buildings or structures occupied and/or used for any other purpose not herein stated , and located outside the corporate limits of the City of F&yettcvill.e , Arkansas , such service shall be subject to all the provisions of this ordinance , and in addition a charge of fifty per cent ( '7% ) shall be added to the monthly charges herein provided for . 3 . The monthly charges prescribed by this ordinance shall be reduced one�half ( s ) if collection and removal -erJi.ces ace or will be rendered not to exceed fifteen ( 15 ) days durinf* the calendar month. !G . It shall be the duty and the responsibility of the City Official or employee charged with the .responsibility of billing and collecting the charges I erein provided for, to notify the City Attorney in writing of any and all accounts delinCaent in payment of the charges herein provided for in excess of thirty ( 30 ) days , $ . It is distinctly provided that this ordinance does not in aaly way require nor obligate City [3mployees or City trucks to collect and remove refuse or debris resulting from construction on property where buildings are being repaired , remodeled , razed , or are under construction, nor to collect and remove wood and limbs resulting from the removal of trees on private property, nor to clean out incinerators , nor to render any other service unless so contained in this ordinance . 6 . ;Mineral wastes , manufacturing or processing wastes shall not be considered garbage or trash as defined or outlindd.. in this ordinance . The service of collecting, removing, and disposing of mineral wastes , manufacturing or processing wastes shall not be rendered by the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , unless .a written contract betreen the owner, occupant, tenant or lessee desiring the service and the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , has been negiotated > 7 . From and after the passage and approval of this ordinance : (a) It shall be deemed a violation of this ordinance for any person to burn any garbage except in incinerators that have been approved by the Health and Fire Departments of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas . ( b ) It shall be deemed a .violation of this ordinance for a1W parson to dump or thrcr=, garbage and/or trash .or accumulation:, o£ the same on any va:;ant, lot , street or public t1&oug1%£are in the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , 8 . Any and all e;cerapt- ions from the payment of the monthly ci:arges herain provided for shall be ;ranted by the City Council of the City of Fayetteville , ;hrkar_sas , and only upon the recommendation of the 74ayor and Sanitation Committee shall any exemption be considered . 9 . All juric and other material placed on the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas, disposal area shall be the property of the City of Fayetteville , Ar'riansas , and no person shall be aller7ed to separate and collect , carry off or dispose of same except under the .iritten direction of the i-tayor . SECTION 7 , SAT411TATION D JPARTicOrn 1 . In order to satisfactorily collect and remove garbage anci/or trash and accomplish the other purposes of this ordinance , there is hereby created a Sanitation Department for the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas . 2 . The Sanitation Department shall be under the direction of the ;Mayor and Sanitation Committee of the City Council, who , in,'turn shall be subject to the general direction of the City Council of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , _6- 3 . The :.iayor and Sanitation Committee Shall make or cause to be :made regular inspections or special inspection of all premises , alleys , vacant lots and/or properties in the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , for any unsanitary or unsafe conditions existing thereon. ( a ) Inspectors employed by the Health Department , Sanitation Department, and/or Fire Department shall have the duty of notifying the owner, occupant , tenant or lessee thereof of any unsanitary or unsafe condition existing thereon, (b ) Within thirty ( 30) days after such notice , it shill be the duty of the owner, occupant, tenant or lessee of f:ch premises io immediately cause the removal of such unsanitary and unsafe conAd tions . ( c ) If the owner , occupant, tenant or lessee fails to obey such notice and continues to maintain an unsanitary and unsafe condition, such person shall be deemed in violation of the provisions of this ordinance and shall be fined as hereinafter set out. 4 . The Mayor and Sanitation Committee with the consent and approval of the City Council shall have the. authority to establish rules , regulations , and/or policies to clarify or enforce the provisions of this ordinance . SECTIO a . PFOUL CLAUSE 1 . From and after its passage and approval, any person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in any sum not less than Twepnty�£ive Dollars ( 25 . 00 ) . Each day that such violation continues shall constitute a separate offense and shall be punishable in any amount not exceeding Fifteen Dollars ( ;;15: 00 ) per day . SECTIOU 9 . SAVINGS CAUSE 1 . If any section, subsection, sentence , clause or phrase of this ordinance is for aqv reason declared unconstitutional or invalid , such decision Shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance . SECTION 10 . REPEAL 1 . Ordinance ?lumber 920 and Ordinance Number 991 are hereby specifically repealed , and all other ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance are hereby repealed . SECTIMI 11 . E,"•".ERUNCY 1 . Whereas an immediate necessity exists to provide for a sanitary method of storage , collection and disposal of waste , refuse , trash, and/or garbage ; therefore , in order to protect the public health, peace and safety , an emergency is hereby declared to exist, whereby this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage , approval and publication. PASSZD AND APPROVED THIS a^ = day of February, 1957 . Roy A . Ott', t• ayon Ueoree J.llavi's'7ity _eek �7a