HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 1123 • fi 7K t4�. � F,9f; l ',J FILM FvR RECORD / � 4IASHINCTON COUNTY ORDINANCE NO, Z/ ARKANSAS AN ORDINANCE TERRITORY D TO THE YE, TEVILLE, ARKANSAS, BY ORDERS OFGTHE CIRCUIT COURT OF WASIMCM..'Ah KANSAS; ASSIGNING SAID TERRITORY TO WARDS AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES: ' LLOYD NCCOiiNNELL WHEREAS, in the general election held in the City of Fayetteville , Ar%` LWJI 6LEVA Tuesday, November 8, 1955, a majority of the qualified electors of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas , voted to annex certain territory to the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, and the City of Fayetteville , pursuant to the results of said election, filed its petition in the County Court of Washington County, Arkansas, and thereafter on January 24, 1956, the County Court entered an Order annexing certain territory to the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, and certain remonstrants appealed to the Circuit Court of Washington County, Arkansas; and WHEREAS, after a hearing in the Circuit Court of Washington County, Arkansas, the Court entered an Order dated November 19 , 1956 , confirming the Order of the County Court of Washington County, Arkansas , insofar as the real estate described in said Order dated November 19 , 1956 , was concerned; and WHEREAS, after a subsequent hearing in the Circuit Court of Washington County, Arkansas , an agreement satisfactory to all parties was reached and the Circuit Court entered an Order dated January 24, 1957 , annexing the territory described in said Order and not then within the existing corporate limits of the City of Fayetteville to the City of Fayette - ville , Arkansas ; and WHEREAS, the County Clerk of Washington County, Arkansas , has forwarded transcripts of the proceedings in the County and Circuit Courts to the Secretary of State and to the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas . NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS: Section 1 . That the following described real estate, also described in said Orders of the Circuit Court of Washington County, Arkansas, dated November 19 , 1956 , and January and not presently included within the corporate limits of the City of Fayetteville, 24, 1957 , ^be and the same is hereby accepted, annexed to, and made a part of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas , so that the boundaries of the corporate limits of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , shall be more particularly described as follows, to - wit : MICROFILMED DATE � 198 REEL `> I % 2 / 304 Beginning at the Southwest corner of the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 20 and running thenoe east one and one - half miles to the Southeast corner of the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 21 ; thence north one -half mile to the Southwest corner of the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 21 ; thence east one -half mile to the South- east corner of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 22 ; thence north one -fourth mile to the Southwest corner of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 22 ; thence east one -fourth mile to the Southeast corner of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 22 ; thence north approximately 920 feet to a point 400 feet south of the North- west corner of the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 22 ; thence east to a point 400 feet east and 400 feet south of the Northwest corner of the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 22 ; thence north to a point 400 feet east of the Southwest corner of the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 15; thence east to the Southeast corner of the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 15; thence north one -fourth mile to the Northeast corner of Section 15; thence east one -fourth mile to the Southeast corner of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 11 ; thence north one -half mile to the Southwest corner of the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 11 ; thence east one -fourth mile to the South- east corner of the Northwest Quarter of Section 11 ; thence North one -half mile to the Northeast corner of the Northwest Quarter of Section 11 ; thence west one - fourth mile to the Northwest corner of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 11 ; thence north 340 feet; thence west approximately 775 feet to a line which is parallel to and lying 300 feet in a perpendicular distance in a west and northwest direction from the center line of State Highway No. 45 which is designated as Mission Boulevard within the corporate limits of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas ; thence in a south and southwesterly direction along this line which is 300 feet in perpendicular distance -from the center line of said State Highway No. 45 to the east line of the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 10 ; thence north approximately 400 feet to a point which is the Northeast corner of the Meadow View Sub-Division as platted and recorded in the office of the Washington County Circuit Clerk; thence west approximately 550 feet to the west line of a road known as the Old Wire Road; thence in a northeasterly direction along the west line of the Old Wire Road approximately 450 feet to the north line of the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 10; thence west approximately 2230 feet to the Southeast corner of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 3 ; thence north one - half mile to the Northeast corner of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 3 ; thence east 300 feet; thence north to the north line of Section 3; thence west approximately 2790 feet to the east right of way line of the St . Louis and San Francisco Railway Company, said right of way line being 50 feet in a perpendicular direction from the center line of the main track of the railroad; thence in a southwesterly direction along the east right of way of the St . Louis and San Francisco Railway Company approximately 1930 feet to the north line of Elm Street extended of Parkers Plat of Valley View Acres; thence west on the north line of Elm Street approximately 950 feet to the west line of Birch Avenue; thence south along the west line of Birch Avenue to the north line of Poplar Street; thence west along the North line of Poplar Street to the west line of Leverett Avenue ; thence south along the west line of Leverett Avenue approximately 80 feet to the south line of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 4; thence west approximately 1960 feet to the Northwest corner of the east half of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 5; thence south 99� feet; thence west approximately 1980 feet to a point 330 feet north of the Northwest corner of the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 8; thence south Approximately 2310 feet to a point 660 feet north of the Southwest corner of the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 8; thence west one -half mile, to a point 660 feet north of the southwest corner of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 8; thence south 1320 feet; thence east one -half mile to a point 660 feet south of the Northwest corner of the Northwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 8; thence south three -fourths of a mile to the Northeast corner of the South one -half of the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 17 ;�ce west 350 feet to the Northwest corner 3 / n r(` C� S^ ic t!H t�� ?;f of Aces Acres Sub -Division; thence south 660 feet; thence east 350 feet to the Northeast corner of the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 17 ; thence south 660 feet to the Southeast corner of the North Half of the North- east Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 17 ; thence west one -fourth mile to the southwest corner of the North Half of the Northeast Quarter of the South- west Quarter of Section 17 ; thence south one and three - eighths of a mile to the point of beginning, all in Township 16 North, Range 30 West of the 5th Principal Meridian and embracing an area of approximately 5080 . 3 acres or 7 . 64 square mile s . Section 2 . That all that part of said above described territory lying west of College Avenue, or College Avenue Extended, and south of Center Street, be and the same is hereby assigned to and made a part of Ward One of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas ; that all that part of said above described territory lying north of Center Street between the St . Louis -San Francisco Railway and College Avenue , be and the same is hereby assigned to and made a part of Ward Two of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas ; that all that part of said above described territory lying east of College Avenue be and the same is hereby assigned to and r made a part of Ward Three of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas ; that all that part of said above described territory lying north of Center Street, or Center Street extended, and west of the St. Louis -San Francisco Railway, be and the same is hereby assigned to and made a part of Ward Four of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas , Section 3 , It appearing that residents within said above described areas are badly in need of facilities which the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, is in a position to provide , an emergency is hereby declared to exist and this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval. PASSED AND APPROVED thisday of February, 1957 . • ,: a l;`Vii• ' w = ROY S OTT, MAYOR ATTk GEORGE A CITY CLERK } w T i 1 / L 7 ' _ T CERTIFICATE OF RECORD STATE OF ARKANSAS 1y Washington County ) ss. 1, L':vd McConne'I, Circuit Clerk and TX-Officlo Recorder for W. sh ng on County, do hereby certify that the annex 4 fir fire. ging Inas filed for recprrl in rn fice on th 1 /3dav nf. . . . . . . . . .D .�• , , , 19r7ati 1. o'etoek 66M, and the s,irne is duly recorded in . . . . . . .. 4� record . . . ! 9�a. aeet �,plfage 3d,3 Witness my hand and seal this/.( day of . . . . . . MO?U! . . . wF71 Circuit Jerk and Ex-Offico-Recoder f^ ORDINANCE • NO. 1123i Secion 1' TIGt h following' Legal Notice. AN ¢ANCE ACCEPTING TER- laestateribed real described TO THE CITY idOrders ofthe Circuit of along this line which a 300 f et in p r- OF , FAYETTEVILLE, .ARKANSAS, Washington County, Arkansas, dated t?entllcular distance from the center BY OR DERS't OF !THE CIRCUIT.. ( November 19. 1956 . and January 24, , hne, of said State Highway, No. 45 to COURT OF 'AS- AINGTON COUN 1957. and not presently included with- • the east line of the Northwest Quarter. TY, ARRANF'AS: ASSIGNING SAID in the corporate limits of the City of �' of the Northeast Quarter of Section 10: OTHER PURPOSES 'TO ' WARDS AND FOR Fayetteville, be and the same is here- thence north approximately 400 feet to OTHER PURPOSES: , by accepted. annexed to, and made ' a - l a Point which is the Northeast corner WHEREAS. in the general election Part of' the City of Fayetteville. Ark- I of the Meadow View Sub-Division as f held in the City of Fayetteville, Arkan- ansae, 50 that the boundaries of the platted and recorded in the office of ass. on Tuesday. November 8. 1955, a corporate limits of the City of Fay- the Washington County Circuit Clerk; maJority of the qualified electors of etteville, Arkansas shall he more par- thence west approximately 550 feet to the Cily Of ' Fayetteville. Arkansas, ticularly described as follows, to-wit. the west line Of a road known as ,the voted to annex certain territory to the Beginning at the Southwest corner Old Wire Road; thence in a north- Cil3• of Fayetteville, Arkansas. and I of the Southeast Quarter of the South- easterly direction along the west line the City of Favetteville. pursuant to west Quarter of Section 20 and run- JI o[ the Old Wire Road approximately the results of said election, filed its ning thence cast ane and one-half 450 feet to the north line Of the North- Petillon•in' the County Court of Wash- miles to the Southeast corner of the west Quarter of the Northeast Quarter {ngton County, Arkansas: and there- Southwest Quarter of the Southeast ++ of Section 10: thence west approxi- after on January 24. 1956, the County Quarter of Section 21 ; thence north I mately 2230 feet to the -Southeast car. Court entered an Order annexing cer- one-half mile to the Southwest corner j ner of the Southwest Quarter of the tain territory' to the City of Fayette- of the Southeast Quarter of the North- .Southwest Quarter of ,Section 3; thence Ville Arkansas, and certain remon- east Quarter Of'Section 21 :, thence cast north one-half mile to the Northeast %fronts appealed to the Circuit Court one-half . mile. to 'the Southeast corner corner of •the Northwest Qua}ter of of.Washington County, Arkansas: and of the Southwest,Quarter of the North_ the Southwest Quarter of Section a;. . . WHEREAS, after a' hearing in the wrest Quarter of Section 22; thence thence cast 304 feet; thence north to Circuit Court of Washington County, north one-fourth mile to the Southwest the north line of Section 3; thence Arkansas, the Court entered an Order corner of the Northeast Quarter of the west approximately 2790. feet to the dated' November 19. 1956: confirming , Northwest Quarter of Section 2-; east-right of way line of -the St. Louis the Order of the County Court pf thence • east one-fourth mile . to 'the and San Francisco Railway Company, `Washington County, Arkansas. insofar I Southeast corner . of the Northeast, said 'right of -way line being 50 feet in as ' the reap estate described in said Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of a Perpendicular direction from the Order dated November 19, 1956, was Section 22; thence north approximately center line Of the main track o[ the concerned: and 1920 feet to a point 400 feet south of the railroad: thence In a southwesterly WHEREAS, after a subsequent hear- I Northwest corner of the Northwest direction along the east right of way ing in the Circuit Court of Washing- Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of of the St, 'LOUIS and San Francisco ' ton County, Arkansas., n agreement Section 22; thence cast to a .point 400 .Railway Company d approximately 1930 f satisfactory to all parties waa -reached feet east and 400 feet south of the I 'feet to the north line of. Elm Street I mid the Circuit Court. entered an Or- Northwest cornew of the Northeast extended:,of Parkers , Plat . of Valley ' der dated .January 24.. 1957, annexing - Quarter of the Northeast Quarter •of View Acres; thence west on-Ahe 'north the territory described in said Order Section '"3; thence north 4o a point 400 line of Elm Street approximately 950 and not then within the existing cor- Feet cast of the southwest corner of feet to the west line of Birch Avenue: porate limits of the City of Fayette- file Northeast Quarter of the North- thence south along the west, line of %'file to the City of Fayetteville, Ar- east Quarter of Section 15; thence cast 1 "Birch Avenue to' the north line of kansas; and to the Southeast corner of the North- 1 Poplar Street; thence' west along 'file E WHREAS, the County Clerk of east Quarter of the Northeast Quarter t North line of Poplar Street to .the west �tVashington County. Arkansas. has Of Section 15: thence north one-fourth ' tine of Leverett Avenue thence south forwarding transcripts of the proceed- mile'to the Northeast.corner of Section along the 'west line of 'Leverett AV. in Flu County and Circuit Courts 15: thence east one-fourth mile to the enue apprmnmateI3, M set to the I 'to the Secretary of State and to the i9 Southeast corner o[ the Southwest south -line of the Northwest Quarter of ! City o[' Fayetteville. Arkansas, 4 Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest' Quarter of Section 4- NOW THEREFOR BE IT ORDAIN- Section 11 : thence • north one-half 'thence west. approximately1960 feet ED BY THE, CITY COUNCIL OF' THE mile to the Southwest corner of the to the Northwest corner-,of •the east CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARRAN- 'C • Southeast Quarter of 'the • Northwest half of the Southeast Quarter of the AS: quarter of Section 11 ; .thence east one- Southeast Quarter of -Section k thence fourth mile to the Southeast corner of south 990 feet; thence' west approxi- 'the Northwest Quarter of Section 11; mately 1980 feet to a point 334 feet thence North ooe-half mile to the i north of the Northwest corner of the Northeast corner of the Northwest117 Northwest Quarter of . the, Northeast Quarter of Section 11; thence west one- Quarter of Section 8: thence south ap_ i fourth mile to the Northwest corner of Proximately 2310 feet to a point 660 the Northeast Quarter, of the North- feet north Proximately the Southwest corner of west Quarter of Section ll ; thence I the SoLthwest Quarter of the North- north 350 teak thence west approxi- east Quarter of $action 8: thence west _ North- mately 775 feet to a line which is one-half mile to a point 660 feet northEGTiDN-2t — That all Lhet Dart of Parallel to and lying 300 feet in a per- of the southwest corner of the South- Pendicular distance in a west and west Quarter of the Northwest Quar- said above described territory lying i northwest direction from the center t ter of Section 8; thence south 1320 feet; %Pest of College Avenue, or College line of State Highway. No. 45 which is thence east one-half mile to a point Avenue Extended, and south of Cell- designated as Mission Boulevard with• G60 feet south of the Northwest corner ter Street. be and the same is hereby j In . the corporate limits of the City of of the Northwest Quarter of the South- assigned to and made a part of Ward LFayetteville,- Arkansas: thence in a 'east Quarter sof Section 8;: thence , One of; the that ally of that part oflsaiticabove south and southwesterly direction t south three-fourths of a mile to the J Northeast corner of the-South one-halt described,territory lying north oECen- of the Southeast Quarter of the NorUi_ ter 'Street between the St. Louis-San west Quarter of Section . 17; - .thence ( Francisco Railway and College Avenue. west 350 feet to the No corner be and the same is hereby assigned to Of Aces Acres Sub-Division' 'thence and made a part o[ Word Two o[ the - south 60 feet, thence cast 350 feet to City of Fayetteville. Arkansas; that , the Northeast corner of the Northeast ` all that part of said above described (Quarter of- the Southwest n •. r r ' territory lying east of College Avenue Section 17;' thence south 660 feet to be and the same 1a hereby assigned to ,the Southeast corner of the North and made a part at Ward Three. of the i ,Half. of ,the Northeast Quarter of the City ' of Fayetteville, Arkansas; that Southwest Quarter of Section 17; ail that. part of said above described ithence west ' onc-fourth - mi]¢ . to ahe ' I territory lying' north of Center Street, southwest corner of the North Half of 1 or Center Street extended.. and. west the Northeast Quarter of the South- I Xf the St. Louis-San Francisco - Rail- Quarter of Section 17:" thence way, be and the same Is hereby as- Isouth one and -three-eighths of a mile signed to, and . made is ,part of Ward to .the point of beginning, all in Town- Four of the City of Fayetlleville, Ar- ship 16 North, Range 30 West of the kansas. '5th Principal Meridian and ' embracing SECTION 3: It appearing •that resi- an area of approximately 5080.3- acres dents within said above ` described or 7.64 square miles. areas are badly in nced •of facilities ' which the City of Fayetteville. Arkan- sas, is. in a position W provide. an emergency is hereby declared to exist and this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and atter its passage and approval. PASSED AND APPROVED this 77th day of Februarv, 1957. • APPROVED' ROY A. SCOTT. ATTEST: Myyor GE Cie CORGE J.DAVIS, j[w ICrk I5