HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 1122 P 1 306 FILECb OR FVCORD s�elc �,I PLRSHINNON COUNTY ARKANSAS ORDINANCE N0 , 1122 CC p ,4�7 AN ORDINANCE VACATING CERTAIN STREETS , AVENUE�Bs IA�PIDI BC13T AVW)s IN OAK PARK PLACE ADDITION TO THE CITY OF FAYETTT[6jdP, ,C0yliNSAS CIRCUIT CLERK WHEREAS , a petition was duly filed with the City Council of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , on the 25th day of January , 1957 , asking the City Council to vacate and abandon certain streets , avenues , and boulevards in Oak Park Place Addition described as follows : Wyoming Street from Razorback Road on the West to intersection with Wisconsin Avenue on the East , bordering Lots #1201 through 1207 , and 1900 through 1907 which are on the North side of this street and Lots 1300 through 1305 , and 1800 through 1807 which are on the South side of this street . Minnesota Street from Razorback Road on the West to Florida Avenue on the East , bordering Lots 1007 through 1012 , 1404 through 1410 , and 1700 through 1703 which are on the North side of this street , and Lots 900 through two lots each number 906 , 1500 through 1507 , and 1600 through two lots each number 1606 which are on the South side of this street . California Blvd . from Razorback Road on the West to Florida Avenue on the East , bordering lots 1102 , 1104 through 1108 , 1300 through 1302 , 1306 through 1308 , 1809 through 1816 which are on the North side of this street , and Lots 1000 through 1005 , 1400 through 1403 , and 1700 through 1703 which are on the South side of this street , so that the Wrest line of Florida Avenue will be equidistant from the East line of that street making a street of equal width at the intersection . with the abandoned portion of California Blvd . All of Michigan Avenue as platted , bordering Lots 1600 , 1700 , 1816 , 1800 , and 1900 which are on the West side of this street , and Lots 1507 , 1404 , 14033 1306 , 1305 , and 1207 which are on the East side of this street . All of Wisconsin Avenue as platted , bordering Lots 1500 , 1410 , 1400 , 1300 , 1201 and 1200 which are on the West side of this street , and Lots 906 , 1007 , 1006 , 1005 , and 1103 through 1108 which are on the East side of this street . All of Utah Street as platted , bordering Lots 605 through 609 which are on the North side of this street ; and Lot 1100 which is on the South side of this street . The streets , avenues , and boulevards above being in the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 17 , Township 16 North , Range 30 West , platted as Revised Plat Oak Park Place , Fayetteville , Arkansas , and recorded . in Plat Book No . 1. at Page 173 . WHEREAS , after due notices as required by law , the City Council has , at the time and place mentioned in the notice , heard all per - sons desiring to be heard on the question and has ascertained that the streets , avenues , and boulevards hereinabove described have heretofore been dedicated to the public use as streets but have not been actually opened and used by the public generally for a period of at least five ( 5 ) years subsequent to the filing of the plat ; that all of the owners of the property abutting on the portion of said streets , avenues , and boulevards sought to be vacated have filed with the City Council their written consent to staid abandon- ment ; and that the public interest and welfare will not be adversely affected by the abandonment ; NOW , THEREFORE , BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : Section 1 : The City of Fayetteville ; Arkansas , hereby releases , vacates and abandons all its right , together with the rights of the public generally , in and to the streets , avenues , and boulevards designated as follows : MICROFILMED DATE OCT 9 1978 REEL l _ J 9D0li � � P bf 307 Wyoming Street from Razorback Road on the West to inter- section with Wisconsin Avenue on the East , bordering Lots #1201 through 1207 , and 1900 through 1907 which are on the North side of this street and Lots 1300 through 1305 and 1800 through 1807 which are on the South side of this street . Minnesota Street from Razorback Road on the West to Florida Avenue on the East , borering Lots 1007 through 1012 , 1404 through 1410 , and 1700 through 1703 which are on the North sidenof this street , and Lots 900 through two lots each number 906 , 1500 through 1507 , and 1600 through two lots, each number 1606 which are on the South side of this street . California Blvd . from Razorback Road on the West to Florida Avenue on the East , bordering Lots 1102, 1104 through 1108 , 1300; through 1302 , 1306 through 1308 , 1809 through 1616 which are on the North side . of this 'street , and Lots 1000 through 1005 , 1400 through 1403 and 1700 through 1703 which are on the South side of this street , so that the West line of Florida Avenue will be equidistant from the East line of that street making a street of equal width at the intersection with the abandoned portion of California- Blvd . All of Michigan Avenue as platted , bordering Lots 1600 , 1700 1816 , 1800 , and 1900 which are on the West side of this street , and Lots 1507 , 1404 , 1403;, 1306 , 1305 , and 1207 which are on the East side of this street . All of Wisconsin Avenue as platted bordering Lots 1500 , 1410 , 1400 , 1300 , 1201 , and 1200 . which are on the West side of this street , and Lots 906 , 1007 , 1006 , 1005 , and 1103 through 1108 which are on the East side of this street . All of Utah Street as platted , bordering Lots 605 through 609 which are on the Northrside of this street , and Lot 1100 which is on the South side of this street . The streets , avenues , and boulevards above being in the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 17 , Township 16 North , Range 30 Wrest , platted as Revised Plat Oak Park Place , Fayetteville , Ark . , and recorded in Plat Book No . 1 at Page 173 . Section 2 : A. copy of the Ordinance duly certified by the City Clerk shall be filed in the office of the Recorder of the County , and recorded in the deed records of the county . Section 3 : It appearing that an immediate necessity exists to vacate said above described streets , avenues , and boulevards , and in order to protect the public health , peace , and safety , an emergency is hereby declared to exist and this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage , approval , I'i�, and publication . `QF � Air'fl/� PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 11th DAY OF FEBRUARY , 1957 . , . » �-- A . SCOrT .. IN j . , ATTEST : G� vS � City Clerk . ANn �C tJ 1j^� lam.•' 41,. .$ yl,l CERTIFICATE OF RECORD STATE OF ARKANSAS Washington County ss. I, Lloyd McConnell, Circuit Clerk and Ex•Offlclo Rocnralor Mr W sh n - on County, do hereby certify that the annexed or torn. ' F ,ng instrumentw;s filed for rec r lorry !five nn thj. 3, dnv ef. . . . . . . . . . ., �at�( . tock ®M, and the samu is du'y recorded in . . . . . . .. ,;&; 0n. record . , V7t. , a,t, p,fn Ro . Witness my hand and seal thisQ. day of . . . . . . .c .1.4+, �. . . 19:r7 Grcuft rk and. Ex•Offico Recoder Legal Notice. �� dering Lots 605 through 609 which ami / are on the North side of this street, ORDINANCE N 1121 and Lot 1100 which is on the South NOW-THEREFORE—BE— AN ORDINANCE VACATING CER- side of this street. "HE CITY By THE CITY COUNCIL OF TAIN STREETS, AVENUES. AND The streets. avenues. and boule- OF FAYE11'EVH,LE, AR- BOULEVAADS IN OAK PARK The above being in the Northeast KANSAS: . PLACE ADDITION' .TO THE CITY quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 1. The City .of Fayetteville, Section 17, Township 16 North. Arkansas, hereby releases, vacates and OF REAS. EVILLE, ARKANSAS. Range 30 West, Dialled as Revised abandons all its right tVHEAEAS, a petition was duly filed plat Oak Perk Place, Fayetteville, the rights of the gist, together with with the City Council o[ the City o[ Ark.. and recorded in Plat Book and to the etreeta, Public generally. in Fayetteville, Arkansas on the 25th day vaMs designated avenues, end boul!- of January, 1957, asking the City No. 1 et Page 173. R ed as follows: Council to vacate and abandon car- Section ..: A ropy of the Ordi- Wyoming ' Street from. Razorback twin streets, avenues, and boulevards nonce duly certified by the tj{{t>. Road On. the West_to intersection. . in Oak Park Place es, anon oulevdescrboulevards Clerk shall be filed in the off(ce with .Wisconsin ^ Avenue • 01 'the of the Recorder of the County, and East, bordering Lots';' N.S. 1201 as follows: recorded in the deed record;t of through 1207, and 1900 throw Wyoming Street from Razorback the County. which are on the No gh' 1907 Road on the West to intersection with Section 3: It a atreet and North sideg f this appearing that an I Lott 1300 throw h 1305 Wisconsin Avenue on .the East. border- immediate necessity exists to va- '- and 1800 through 1907 which are on ing IS Nog. 1201 through 1207, and cafe said above described. streets, the South aide of this street. 1900 through _1907 which are on the avenues, and boulevards, and in Minnesota Street from Razorback North aide Of this-street and Loft 1300 order to protect the public health. Road on the •West to Florid Av. through 1305 and 1800 through I8D7 Peace and safety, an emergency is 1 enue on the East. bordering Loh which are on the South aide of this hereby declared to exist and this 1007 through 1012; 1404 through 1410, street. ordinance shall be in full force and .and 1700 through.1703.which are on. Minnesota Street from ' Razorback effect from and after its passage, the North side of thlsStreet.- And Road on the West to Florida Avenue approval. and publication. LOU 900 through two Iota ;each on the East, bordering Lots 1007 'PASSED AND APPROVED THIS number 906; 15001111Awgh 4507:.-and through 1012, 1404 through 1410. and 11TH DAY OF FEBRUARY. 1957. .16001.ihrough LrvD lots.gh 450 nurod: ' 1700 through 1703 which are on ' the APPROVED: ROY A. SCOTT, ' aid! Ofher Which are op .the soup): 1 North side of this street - and Lots 900 Mayo[ this street. through two ]oh each number 906: 1500 ATTEST: . Califsrnfe' Blpd..'from'Razorbacit"{ through 1507, and 1600 through two lots GEORGE DAVIS, Road• op the •Wnt to Florida •qv. Id each number 1606 which are on . the City Clerk 15-1t-c enue.on the East. bdrderiag_Lots +South side of this street. 1702, 1104 through 1108. 1300 through J California ' Blvd. from Razorback r 1302, 1306 through 1308, 1809 through Road on the West to Florida Avenue 1816 which are on the North side On the Eaat. bordering Lots 1102, 1104 of this street,.and Lots 1000 through through 1108, 1300 through1302, 1005. 1900 through 1403 and 1700 1306 through 1308. 1909 through I through 1703 which are on the I 1816 which are on .the North side of South side of this affect; so that this street and LOU 1000 through 1005, the Weat line of Florida Avenue 1400 through 3403, and 1700 through will be equidistant from the East 1703 which are on the south side of line of that street making a street this street, so that the - West line of Of equal width at the intersection Florida Avenue will be equidistant with the abandoned portion of Cali- tram the East line of that street mak- fOrAta Blvd ing a street of equal Width at the in- All of Michigan Avenue as tersectlon with the abandoned portion Platted. bordering Lots 1600. 1700, of California Bhtl. 1816, 1800, and 1900 'which are on All of Mibhlgan Avenue as platted, the West side Of. this street, and bordering Lots 1600, 1700, 1816. 1800, and LOU 1507, 1404, 1403. 1306, 1305, and 1900 which arc on the West side of this 1207 which ere_on the East side street, and Lots 1507, . 1404. 1403. 1306. Of this street and 1207 which are on [he East All of Wisconsin Avenue as side of this street. platted bordering Lots 1500, 1410. All of Wisconsin Avenue as platted 1400. 1300, 1201 and 1200 which are bordering Loh 1500, 1410, 1400. 1300, 1201 on the West side of this street, and and 12M which are on the West side Lots 8(18, 1007, 1006, 1005, and' 1103 of this street, and Lots 906, 1007. 1006, through 1108 7, 100 x1005. the E103 1005 and 1103 through 3108 which are aide of this 6t[eet on the East side of this street. All of UIsh Street ee platted, bor- All of Utah Street as platted. bortler- ing LOO 605 through 609 which are on the North side of this street, and Lot 1100 which is on the South side of this street. The streets, avenues, and boule= yards above being, in the Northeast quarter of the Southeast, quarter of Section 17. Township 16 North, Range 30 West. platted as Revised Plat Oak Park Place. Fayetteville. Ark.. and re- corded in Plat Book No. 1 at Page 173: WHEREAS. after due notices as. re- qulttd by law, the Citv Council has, at the time antlplace mentioned in' the notice. heard ail Persons tleairigg to be heartl on the question and hair ascer- tained that the atreeis. avenues, and boulevaMa hereinabove described have heretofore been dedicated to the public I use as streets but have not been ac- tually opened and used by the public generally for a period of at least five 151 Years subsequent to the filing of the Plat; that all of the owners of the ' Property abutting on the portion of , said' streets,. avenues; and boulevards sought to be vacated have. filed ,with the City Council their written con- sent to mid 'abandonment: and that the public Interest and welfare will loot be adversely affected by the aban- donment;