HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 1121 ORDINANCE NO* 21 A*✓ ORDINANCE ACCEPTING TERRITORY ANNEXED TO THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS, BY ORDER OF THE CIRCUIT COURT OF WASHINGTON COUNTY, ARKANSAS; ASSIGNING SAID TERRITORY TO 'DARDS AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES: WHEREAS, in the general election held in the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, on Tuesday, November 8, 1955, a majority of the qualified electors of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, voted to annex certain territory to the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, and the City of Fayetteville, pursuant to the results of said election, filed its petition in the County Court Z4 of Washington County, Arkansas, and thereafter on January ft, 1956, the County Court entered an Order annexing certain territory to the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, and certain remonstrants appealed to the Circuit Court of Washington County, Arkansas, and % HEREAS, after the hearing before the Circuit Court of Washington County, Arkansas, the oGf e//li+�a+.cfcf /9 /rs� ' Court entered an Ordgr confirming the 5rder of the County Court of Washington County, Arkansas, insofar as the real estate hereinafter described is concerned, and WHEREAS, after expiration of thirty (30) days from the entrance of said Order of the GfeJiL'f Circuit Court of Washington County, Arkansas, the ftmft Clerk of Washington County, Arkansas, filed certified copies of the transcript of the proceedings '- -- W t, and WHEREAS, The County Clerk of Washington County, Arkansas, has in turn forwarded transcript of the proceedings in the County and Circuit Courts to the Secretary of State and to the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE. ARKANSAS: Section 1. That the following described real estate contiguous and adjacent to the present boundaries of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, also described in said Order of the Circuit Court of Washington County, Arkansas, dated November 19, 1956, be and the same is hereby accepted, annexed to, and made a part of the City of Fayetteville, Arkanuas, to-wit: Tract No. A All of the NE 1 / 4 of the SW 1 / 4; all of the NW 1 / 4 of the SE 1 / 4; and all of the SW 1 / 4 of the NE 1 / 4 of Section 20, T - 16-N, R-30-W, containing 120 acres, more or less . Tract No. E Part of Section 22, T - 16-N, R-30 -1V, described as beginning at the NV9 corner of the NE 1 / 4 of the N1'V 1 / 4 of said section and running thence South one fourth mile; thence east one fourth mile; thence north to a point 400 feet s,iuth of the WE corner of the WE 1 / 4 of the MV 1 / 4 of said section 22; thence east 1720 feet more or less to a point which is 400 feet south and 400- feet east of the MW corner of the WE 1 / 4 of the WE 1 / 4 of said Section 22; thence north 400 feet; thence west 3040 feet more or less to the point of beginning, containing 55. 7 acres, more or less . Tract No. C ✓ All of the M 1 / 4 of the SV9 1 / 4; and all of the NVJ 1 / 4 of the SW 1 / 4 of Section 11 , T - 16-N, R-30-w'W; and all of HE 1 / 4 of the WE 1 / 4 of Section 15, T- 16-N, R- 30 -W, encept the west 300 feet; all of the SE 1 / 4 of the SE 1 / 4 of Section 10, T - 16-N, R-30-VJ encopt the west 300 feet; all of the WE 1 / 4 of the SE 1 / 4 of Section 10, T - 16 -N, R-30 -VV oncept a square tract 300 feet on each side in the SIV corner o1 said 40 acre tract; and a part of the N1J 1 / 4 of the SE 1 / 4 of Section 10, T - 16-N, R - 30-C9 described as beginning at a point 300 feet north of the SE corner of .said 40 acre tract and running thence north to the WE corner of said 40 acre tract, thence west 330 feet more or lose to present corporate line of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas; thence south 1020 foot; and thence east 330 feet more or less to the place of beginning; containing a total of 187 . 5 acres . TRACT RTO, D A part of Section 4, T -l6-N, R-30-11, described as follows, be- ginning at th3 SW corner of On S17 1 / 4 of the S1'V 1 / 4 of said section 4 and running thence east 1 / 2 mile; thence north 1 / 4 mile; thence east 1 / 4 mile; thence north 635 foot more or less to the center of Elm Street in Green Acres sub-division; thence east 200 feet; thence north 200 foot; thence east 200 foot; thence north 280. 7 feet more or less to the north line of the Sr. 1 / 4 of said section 4; thence east 920 feet more or less to the NE corner of the SE 1 / 4 of said Section 4; thence no; th to the WE corner of said section 4; thence west along the north line of said suction 4 appronimately 1150 feet to the east right of way line of the St. L. & SF. R. Re ; thence in a southwesterly direction along the east right of way line of the St. L. & SF. R. R. appronimately 1800 feet to a point in line with the north line of Elm Street of Parker 's Plat of Valley View Acres entended; thence west along th3 north line of Elm Street of Parker's Plat of Valley View Acres appronimately 950 feet to the west line of Birch Avenue of the Parker's plat of Valley View Acres; thence south along the west line of said Birch Avenue to the north Una of Poplar Street of said Parker's Plat of Valley View Acres; then west along the north line of said Poplar Street to the west line of Leverott Avenue; thence south approidmately 70 feet to the north line of the SW 1 / 4 of the SW 1 / 4 of said section 4; th3nce west 1300 feet more or less to the NW corner of the SW 1 / 4 of the SW 1 / 4 of said section 4; and thence .south 1 /4 mile to the point of beginning, containing a total of 141 . 8 acres, more or less . Tract No, L•' All of the S 1 / 4 of the S 1 /2 of the SE 1 / 4 of Section 5, T - 16-1% R-30-V9; all of the N 3/ 4 of the E 1 / 2 of the SE 1 / 0 of the SE I / at of Section 5, T - 16-N, R-30 .1'9; and all of the HE 1 / 4 of Section 8, T -16-N, R-30-1°J, encept that area now lying within the corporate limits of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, containing in all 180 acres more or less. - Tract No. F r All of the S 1 / 2 of th3 S 1 /2 of the NV'J 1 / 4 of Section 0, T - 16•N, R-3OeeW; and all the N 1 /2 of the N 1 / 2 of the SW 1 / 4 of Section 8, T -18 -N, R-30-W, containing a total of 80 acres. Tract No. t3 All of the S 3/4 of the V. 1 /2 of the SCV 1 / 4 of Section 17, T - 16-N, R-30-W, except the area now within the corporate limits of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, cantalning in all approximately 57 acres, Tract No. H All of the E 1 / 2 of the NW 1 /4 of Section 11 , T - 16-N, R-30 -W, containing a total of 80 acres, Tract No. I All that part of the SW 1 / 4 of the NE 1 / 4 of Section 10, T - 16-N, R-30-W, s lying outside the present corporate area of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas; All that part of the NW 1 /4 ofthe NE 1 /4 of Section 10, T- 16-N, R-30-W des- ' cribed and included in the area platted as Meadow View Sub-division to the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, which lies outside of the present corporate area of Fayetteville, Arkansas; all of Edgewood Addition to the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, situated outside the present corporate area of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, said addition being a part of the E 1 / 2 of the = 1 / 4 of Sectlon• 10, T - 16-N, R-30mW; with a total combined areas of 34. 0 acres , Total acreage included in Tracts A through I equals to 837 , 7 acres, Section 2. That Tract No. A of said above described . real estate be and the same is hereby assigned to and made a part of Ward One of the City of 'Fayetteviile, Arkansas; That Tract No. B of said above described real estate be and the same is hereby assigned to and made a part of Ward Three of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, That Tract C of said above described real estate be and the tame is hereby assigned to and made a part of Ward Three of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, All that part of Tract D lying west of the St. Lauiu and San Francisco Railroad right- of- way be and the same is hereby assigned to and made a part of Ward Four of the City. of Fayetteville, Arkanaas; All that part of Tract D lying east o1 the St. Louis and San Francisco Railroad right-of-way be and the same is hereby assigned to and made a part of Ward Two of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas; That Tract E of said above described real estate be and the same is hereby assigned to and made a part of Ward Four of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas; That Tract F of said above described real estate be and the same is hereby assigned to and made a part of Ward Four of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas; That Tract Q of said above described real estate be and the same is hereby assigned to and made a part of Ward One of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas; That Tract H of said above described real estate be and the same is hereby assigned to and made a part of Ward Three of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, That Tract I of the above described real estate be and the same is hereby assigned to and made a part of Ward Three of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas , It appearkaQ that roaidonto in aaid above doocribed areas are badly in need of focAitleo which the City of Fayetteville. ArLumoaao, io in a pooition to provide, an omorge:acy Lo hereby declarod to ouiot and this ordinance ob all ba -in full force and effect from and after ito pasoago and approval. PASSM AND APIMOVE13ID thia Slot day of Docombor, 1050, Yt SCOTT, P.,IAYOR ATTEST: AY,l llZUT aMS, CITY CI ZaK E^QK ORDINANCE NOf 1121 Pii.E0, ncCUliJ 112 _ e.nsi{nFniisisu; 5Y AN ORDINANCE ACCEPTING TERRITORY;IANNEXED TO .THE -CITY . OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS , BY ORDER OF THE CIRCU%'.f?COURT OF WASHINGTON COUNTY , ARKANSAS; A,aSSIGNING 'SAIDTERILt� C0 KLAF�DS AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES : WHEREAS, in the general election held in the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , on Tuesday , November .8 , 1955 , a majority of the qualified electors of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , voted to annex certain territory to the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , and the City of Fayetteville , pursuant to the results of paid election , filed its petition in. the County Court of Washington,County , Arkansas , and thereafter on January 24 , 1956 ; the County Court entered an Order annexing certain territory to the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , and certain remonctrants appealed to the Circuit Court of Washington County , Arkansas , and WHEREAS , 'after the hearing before , the Circuit Court of .Washington County , Arkansas , the Court -entered an Order dated November 19 , 1956 , confirming the Order of the. County Court of Washington County , .9:.rkansas'; insofar as the real estate hereinafter described is concerned, and WHEREAS, after expiration of thirty ( 30) days from the entrance of said Order of the Circuit Court of Washington County , Arkansas , the Circuit -Clerk of Washington County , Arkansas , filed certified copies of the transcript of the proceedings with the Washington County Clerk, and WHEREAS, The County Clerk of Washington County , Arkansas , has in turn forwarded transcript of the proceedings in the County and Circuit Courts to the MICROFIIL T 197% DATE REEL Secretary of State and to the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas . !?^OK �x�� °" . .. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CIITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS : Section 1 .. That the following described real estate contiguous and adjacent to the present boundaries of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas ; also described in said Order of the Circuit Court of Washington County , Arkansas , dated November 19 , 1956 , be and the same is hereby accepted, annexed to , and made a part of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , to- wit : Tract No. A All of the NE 1 /4 of the SW 1 /4; all of the NW 1 /4 of the SE 1 /4; and all of the SW 1 /4'of the . NE 1 /4 of Section 20 , T - 16 -N, R - 30 - W , containing .120 acres , more or less . ' Tract No . B - Part of Section 22 , T- 16 - N , 11- 30 - W , described as beginning at the NW corner of the NE 1 /4 of the NW 1 /4 of said section and running thence South one fourth mile ; thence east one=fou=th mile ; thence • north to a point 400 feet south of the NE corner of the NE 1 /4 of the NW 1 /4 of -said section 22 ; thence east 1720 feet more or less, to a point which is 400 feet south and 400 feet east of the N111 corner of the NE 1 /4 of the NE 1 /4 of said Section 22 ; thence north 400 feet; thence west 3040 feet more or less to the point of beginning , containing 55 . 7 acres , more or less . Tract No . C All of the SW 1 /4 of the SW 1 /4; and all of the NW 1 /4 of the SW 1 /4 of Section 11 , T- 16 - N , R - 30 - W ; and all of NE 1 /4 of' the NE 1 /4 of Section 15 , T - 16 - N , R- 30 - W , except the west 300 feet; all of the ' SE 1 /4 of the SE 1 /4 of Section 10 , T - 16 -N, R- 30 - W except the west 300 feet ; all of the NE 1 /4 of the SEk1 /4 of Section 10 , T - 16 - N , R - 30 - W except a square tract 300 feet on each side in the Sl:'- corner of said 40 acre tract ; and a part of the NW 1 /4 of the SE 1 /4 of Section 10 , T - 16 -N, R- 30 - W described as beginning at a point 300 feet north of the SE corner of said 40 acre tract and running thence north to the NE corner of said 40 acre tract , thence .west 330 feet more or less to present corporate line of the City of Fayetteville . Arkansas ; thence south 1020 feet; and thence east 330 feet more or less to the place of beginning; containing a total of 187 . 5 acres . TRACT NO, D A part of Section 4, T - 16 -N, R- 30 - W , . described as follows , be - ginning at the SW corner of the SW 1 /4 of the SW 1 /4 of said section . f 4 and running thence east 1 /2 mile ; thence north 1 /4 mile ; thence ROOK f `�`! �/ G� east 1 /4 mile ; thence north 835 feet more or less to the center of ' Elm Street in Green Acres sub- division; thence east 200 feet; thence north 200 feet; thence east 200 feet; thence north 288 : 7 feet more or less to the north line of the SE 1 /4 of said section 4; thence east 920 feet more 'or less to the NE corner of the SE 1 /4 of said Section 4; thence north to the NE- corner of said section 4; thence west along the north line of said section 4 approximately 1150 feet to the east right of way line of the St. L . & SF. R . R . ; thence in a southwesterly direction along the east right. of way line of the St . L . & SF . R . R . approximately 1800 feet to a point in line . with the north line of Elm Street of Parker ' s Plat of Valley View Acres extended; thence west along the north line of Elm Street of Parker ' s Plat of Valley View Acres approximately 950 feet to the west line of Birch Avenue of the Parker ' s Plat of Valley View Acres ; thence south along the west line of said Birch Avenue to the north line of Poplar Street of said Parker ' s Plat of Valley View Acres ; then west along the north line of said Poplar Street to the west line of Leverett Avenue; thence south approximately 70 feet to the :north line of the SW 1 /4 of the SW 1 /4 of said section 4; thence west 1300 feet more or less to the NW corner of the SW 1 /4 of the. SW. 1 /4 of said section4; and thence south 1 /4 mile to the point of beginning , containing a total - of 141 . 5 acres , more or less . Tract No . E All of the S 1 /4-of the S 1 /2 of the SE 1 /4 of Section 5 , T - 16 -N , R - 30 -W; all of the N 3 /4 of the E 1 /2 of the SE 1 /4 of the SE 1 /4 of Section 5 , T - 16 - N, R- 30- W; and all of the NE 1 /4 of Section 8 , T - 16 -N , R- 30 = W , except that . area now lying within the corporate limits of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , containing in all 180 acres more or lose . Tract No . F All of the S 1 /2 of the S 1 /2 of the NW 1 /4 of Section 8 , T- 16 -N , R- 30 - W ; and all the N 1 /2 of the N 1 /2 of the SW 1 /4 of Section 8 , T- 16 -N, R - 30 - W , containing a total of 80 acres . Tract No . G All of the S 3 /4 of the E 1 /2 of the SW 1 /4 of Section 17 , T - 16 -N , R- 30 -W , except the area now within the corporate limits of the . . City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , containing in all approximately 57 acres . Tract No . H All of the E 1 /2 of the NW 1 /4 of Section 11 , T - 16 -N, R- 30 -W , containing a total of 80 acres . Tract No. 1 All that part ofihe SW 1 /4 of the NE 1 /4 of Section 10 , T- 16 -N, R- 30" W , lying outside the present corporate area of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas ; All that part of the NW 1 /4 of the NE 1 /4 of Section 10 , T- 16 -N, R- 30 - W described and included in the area platted as Meadow View Sub- division to the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , which lies outside of the present corporate area of Fayetteville , Arkansas; all of Edgewbod Addition to the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , situated outside the present corporate area of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , said addition being a part of the Ed1 /2 of the NE 1'/4: 0f Section 10 , T - 16 -Nr R - 30 -. W; with a total _combined, areas of 34.0 acres . P��K 490 Farf498 Total acreage included in Tracts A through I equals to 937 . 7 acres . Section 2 . That Tract No . A of said above described real estate be and the same is hereby assigned to .and made a part of Ward One of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas ; That Tract No . B of said above described real estate be and the same is hereby assigned to and made a part of Ward Three of the City of Fayetteville , . Arkansas ; That Tract C of said above described real estate be and the same is hereby assigned to and made a part of Ward Three of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas ; All that part of Tract D lying west of the St. Louis and San Francisco Railroad right - of- way be and the same is hereby assigned to and made a part of Ward Four of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas ; All that, part of Tract D lying east of the •ut-. Louis and San Francisco Railroad right-of-way be and the same is hereby assigned to and made a part of Ward -Two of the City of Fayetteville . Arkansas ; That Tract E of said above described- real estate be and the same is hereby assigned to- and made a part of Ward Four - of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas ; That Tract F off said above described real estate be and the same is hereby assigned to and- made a part of Ward Four of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas ; That Tract G of said above described real estate be and the same is hereby assigned to and made a part of Ward One of the City ,of Fayetteville , Arkansas ; That Tract H ofcsaid above described real estate be and the same is hereby assigned to and made -a part of Ward Three of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas ; That Tract I of the=above described real estate be and the same is hereby assigned to and made a part of Ward Three of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas . •Section 3 . it appearing that residents in said above described areae are badly in need of facilities which the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , is in a position to provide , an emergency is hereby declared to exist and thic ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after. its passage and approval. PASSED AND APPROVED this 21st day. of December , 1956 . FIN 490 PAfiF499 RO A . SCOTT . MAYOR ii ATTEST : Q ALBERT JONESe CITY CLERK r' I , ALBERT JONES , CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS IS A TRUE AND CORRECT COPY OF ORDINANCE NUMBER 1121 AS IT APPEARS IN BOOK F OF THE PROCEEDINGS 0 T-HE . CITY COUNCILDo ' F N December 28 , 1956 � r as r3 er nes , t ity Clerk At �jp Z7 N F p G^ , t,�� J to LLl ALL ' Y. C Rf A cANSA$ OF STATE C Plash;ng,, n •"cun ty ss. 1, L'"yd McCnnne;l, Circuit Clerk and Ex.Officio Re Wash n , en County, corder fcr do hareby certify that the annex=d or fore ge !0- :rumen; was filed fn recur$ ii4t my 0 ice on thy?J`day af, 1L / ^ 19 . t aCo'ord . M and the same is du'7 rc . rdetl in . .4'Q N,' tr my hand . . . 4.t„q. . . . . record . and at g . 9. d and seal this � page 1 day of olO.a.t � Q X71., ,�, ,�� . , url �; ••A . Circuit Clerk and �x-Offico Heroder ,. uIP