HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 1120 T � I" . 'e •' 3! ORDINANCE :+fOo�--��•�_� S 1 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING F'OR.,; FiCtE Ll "! TSo AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE CONSTRUCTION„ ALTERATION, REMOVAL , DEMOLITION, EQUIP,MENT, ', AND MAINTENANCE OF BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES , ` WHEREAS , the City Council of the City of Fayetteville„ Arkansas caused 8 notice to be published that. it hand under consideraiion .the adoption of an Ordinance', relating to the construction, alteration , equipmPitnt , maintenance , moving , and. . demolition of buildings and structures , as set firth in the National Building Code. , i 1955 Golden Anniversary Edition , as recommended. by the National Board of Fire - . 1, Underwriters ; and WHEREAS , elle requisite nL1YYb$P of copies of said code Bre kepi on file �n theoffice of the City Clerk of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , as prop}ded by It Act 267 of the Acts of Arksansas for the year 1949 , and there have .been •no>protests., suggestions orrequests for discussion; gnu, WHEREAS , the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas , finds that . it is to the best interests of the City of Fayetteville that the National Building Code , 1955 Golden Anniversary Edition, as recommended by the National Board of Fire Underwriters , be adopted: NOW THEREFORE BE . IT ORDAINED BY THE' CITY COUNCIL OF THE ,CITY OIt OF FAYETTEVILLEO ARKANSAS: Section 1 , Adoption of Building Code , There is hereby adopted by the City Council of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas that certain building code known as the National wilding Code recommended by the" National Board of Fire Underwriters , being particularly the 1955 ' editiori . ' thereof and the whole thereof save . and .except such portions' as are; hereinafter de`` < i feted, modified, or amended, and the said code is hereby adopted and incorporated as .fully tis if set out t.t length herein,` abd the, provisions1hereof: shall be. controlling in the construction of. all buildings and structures therein conWned :within. the` cor ` porate limits of the City. of Fayrttsville , A.rkans3as , Section Z . Establishment of Office of BuildinLhispector , f1 ) The office of fisilding Inspector is hekaby created and the executive official in charge shall be known an the. Building Insspactoro #Z) The Building Inspector shah. be Appointed bx the . Mayor and with the approval of the City Council . HjL4 oppointsxsenG. shall conthme during good behavior and satism factory service .. Ile sh413 not ha removed from office except for cause after full opportunity has been given bam to be beat l on specific charges , b,11GROFl��q y�19 DATE R Y Page mZ= 13 ) During temporary absence or disability of the Buildang Inspector the appointing authority shall designate an acting building insnectoie Section 3e C'ualifications of Building Inspector , To be eligible to appointment , the candidate_ for the position shall have ha d experience as an architect, structural engineer , building inspector or superinteadaat I of building construction . He shall be in good health , physically capable of making the necessary examinations and inspections . He shall not have any interest whatever , directly or indirectly , in the sale or manufacture of any material , process or device entering into or used in or in connection with building construction, alterations , 3 removal , and demolition. Section 4, Duties of Building Inspector . ( 1 ) The Building Inspector shall devote his whole time to the duties of.his office . He shall receive applications required by this code , issue permits and furnish the prescribed certificateso He shall examine premises for which permits have been issued and shall make necessary inspections to see that the provisions of law are complied -with and that construction is prosecuted safely° He shall enforce all provisions , of the building code . He, shall , when requested by proper authority , or when the public interest so requires , make investigations in connection with matters referred to 'in „- the building code and render written reports on the same , To enforce compliance = ' with law. . to remove illegal or unsafeconditions , to secure the necessary safeguards during ,constructiono or to require edequate exit facilities in buildings and structures , he shall issue such notices or orders as may be neceesar.ya / d ' ((t ) Inspections required under the provisions of thec building code shall be made S by the building Inspector or his duly appointed assistant, , The Building' Inspector may accept reports of inspectors of recognized inspection services , after investigation of their .qualifications . and reliability . . No certifi.cate • called. for by any provision of the building code shall be issued on such reports unless the same are in wrifing and certified to be a' responsible officer of such service . , Q'3) The Building Inspector shall keep comprebexisive records of applicationsa of + permits issued, of certificates issued, of inspections made , of reports rendered, and of notices or ordcre issued . He shall retain on file copies of required plans and all documents relating to building work. so .long as any part of the building or structure to which they relate may be in existence , q4) All such records shall be open to public inspection for good and sufficient reasons at the stated office hours , but shell not be removed from the office of the building inspector, without his written conaeat , g5) The building inspector shall make written ,reports to his immediate superior once each month , or oftener .if requested, including statements of permits .and cer � tificates isstaed , and orders promulgated , page - 3 � , Section 50' Cooperation of Other 'Officiale The Building Inspector may request and shall receive so far as may be necessary, f in the discharge of his duties , the assistance and cooperation of other officials of the � municipality. f Section 6 . Right of Entry , The Building Inspector in the discharge of his official duties , and upon proper identification, shall have authority to enter any building , structure or premises at any reasonable hour ,, Section 7 , Definitions . . ( 1 ) Wherever the word " Municipality" is used in the building code , it :shall be held to mean the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas . (2) Wherever the term "Corporiation Counsel " is used in the building code , it shall be held to mean the City Attorney for the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas . Section 8 . Fire Limits Established. The fire limits . of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas are hereby established as being the same as the " First Fire Zone " limits as set out in existing or hereafter adopted Fayetteville . City ordinances , Section 9. . Fees ( 1 ) No permit as required by the building code shall :be issued until the fee prescribed in this ordinance shall have been paid . Nor shall an amendment to a permit be approved until the additional fee , if any, due to an increase in the esti= mated cost of the building or structure , shall have been paid.- JZ) For a permit for the construction or alte,ration , of-a building or structure t radio tower . ,gasoline storage tanks ,` watertainke ; etc ,') awniagsB ' caaopies and. sireet t clocks the following schedule of fees is hereby' established, A . When the erection, alteration , remodeling of repair is estimated to cost, including labor and material , exclusive of electrical wiring and plumbing (gas , heating , air conditioning , sprinkling systems , and sewer ,. ) $ 1 , 000 or less the fee shall be $ 3 . 00 . For each additional $ 1 , 000 or fraction thereof from $ 1 , 000 to $ 100 000 ' the fee shall be $ 2 - 50 . For each additional $ 1 , 000 or fraction thereof from $ 10 , 000 to $ 259000 the fee shall be $ 2, 00 , :For each additional $ 1 , 000 or fraction thereof from $ 25 , 000 to $ 50 , 000 the fee shell be $ 1 , 50 . . =-7-7771 Page cam_ For each additional $ 1, 000 or fractiou thereof in excess ;of $: 50 , 000 , the fee i shall be $ 1 . 25 , B . No fee shall be required when the estimated cost of any remodel work } done onthe inside of any e'aisting building does not exceed two hundred dollars 1$200 . 00) 'and when the proposed work does not effect the structural safety of the building No fee shall be required when the estimated cost of any repair work done on any building does not exceed two hundred dollar a($ 200 . 00) . J3) For,. a permit for the removal of a building or structure from one lot to -_ another , the fee- shall be at the rate of two and one=half Q $ 2 . 50) dollars per thousand dollars of the estimated value of the building or structure in ` its completed condition after removal . (4) Fora permit for the removal of a building from a lot inside the city limits to a location outside the city limits , the fee shall be five dollars B $ 5 . 00) . The purpose of this permit and fee being a means by which the moving routes . size of the building being moved and etc . may be controlled, 95) For a permit for 'the removal of a building or structure to a new location within the sarne lot , the fee shall be at the rate of two and one®half Q $ 2, 50) dollars per - thousand dollars of the estimated cost of moving , of new foundations ` and of work necessary to put the building or structure in usable condition in, its new location . (b) For a permit for the demolition of a building ' or .structure the. fee shall be at. the rate $ 1 . 00 ,for each ten feet in the height of such building or structure , except that no permit will be required to demolish residential building , resin dential garages and residential storage . buildings . ( 7), The. values used in determining the fees for permits, and br inspections, i shall be stated An. the application for a . building permit; and upon the com pietion of the. imp,ovement , the applicant may be required by the Building Official :to Make an affidavit as to the total cost thereof, and-the fees shall be regulated in accorear.ce X"WI thin true total cost. 18) The term " estimated cost" as used in this sectionq means the reasonable value of all services , labor , materials and applicances or devices entering into and necessary to the prosecution and completion of the work ready for occupancy; provided that the cost of excavation or grading , and of painting , decorating or other work that is merely for embellishment or not necessary for the safe and lac✓fs:l use of the building or structure and the estimated costs of the electrical wiring and plumbing (gas fired furnaces and duct work, and sewer and water to plumbing fixtures ) is not deemed a part of such estimated cost. 5eparzxn permits bring required for the electrical wiring and plumbing work clone on any building or structure . Page - 5A Section 10 , Saving Claus¢ . Nothing in this ordinance or in the building code hereby adopted shall be construed to affect any suit or proceeding now. pending in any court , or any . rights acquired, or liability incurred, nor any cause or causes of action accrued or existing under any act or ordinance repealed hereby . Nor shall any right or remedy of any character be lost, impaired or affected by this ordinance . Section 11 . Validity, I The invalidity of any section or provision of this ordinance or of the building code hereby adopted shall not invalidate other sections or provisions thereof . Section 12 . Inconsistent ordinances repealed. The following ordinances or parts of ordinances of the City of Fayetteville now in effect are hereby specifically repealed: Ordinance No,, 118 passed and approved, March 10 , 1902, Ordinance No.' 243 passed and approved. October 23 , 1908 , Ordinance No, 250 , passed and approved, January 15, 1909 . Ordinance No . 306 , passed and approved, February 20 , 1913 , Ordinance No. 331 , passed and approved , May 1 , 19140 , Ordinance No . .373 , passed and approved, August 3 , 1917 . Ordinance No . 398 . passed and approved, October 20 . 1919 , Ordinance No. 482 , passed and approved, May 21 , 1923 . Ordinance No . . 519 , passed and approved, July 14, 1924. Ordinance No. 541 passed and approved, January 19 , 1925 . Ordinance No . 577 B . passed and approved, - October 5 , 1925 , Ordinance No . 604, passed and approved. March 8 , 1926 . That Sections 1 , 2 , 3 & 4 of Ordinance No . 610 , passed and approved. May, 10 , 1926 are hereby repealed. Ordinance No . 619 , passed and approved, May 24, 1926 . Ordinance No. 624, passed and approved , June 28 , 1926 . ty � , Fa a e6 ® Oidinance No , • p . 6.40 , assed and 'approv6d, Novo 1 , 1926 , Ordinance No . 641 ,- passed and: approved; Nov . 1 , 1926 . Ordinance No, 6.65 , passed and approved, Sept . 12 , 1927 , e Oidinince Noo 667 ,• , passed and approved Septa 12 , 1927 .: . . . ; Ordinance No . 690 ; passed 'and approved, August 20 , 19280 Ordinance No. . 736c passed and approved, July .13 , . 1931 . j Ordinance Noo , 746 , passed and 4pproved, July 2'5; 19320 It Ordinance No . 783 , passed and approved, July 23 , 1935 , Ordinance No . 80&r passed and approved, June 13 , 1938 . It Ordinance No.- 829 , passed and approved, June 5 , 1939f Ordinance Noo . 848 , passed and approved, June 24, 1940 . '! �i Ordinance No. 551 , passed and approved, Feb . 19 1941 , Ordinance No. 899 . passed and approved, May 279 1946 . Ordinance No. , 954, passed amid, approved,, August 15 , 1949 . Ordinance No. 958 , passed and approved, October 10 , 1949f, Ordinance . No., 995, passed and approved, .April 23 , 1951 . Ordinnance No 45+6 , apab�ec and approved, April 23 , 195, 10 , ry Ordinance Nolo 10061f. passed-fa d approved, October 8 ,-%1951 > Ordinance No. 1021 , passed and approved, April 24, 1952 Ordinance Nof, 1027 , passed and approved, June 23 , 19524 Ordinance No. 10470 passed and approved, March 23 , 1953 . Ora,1121 cn & No . 1056 , passed. aad app rot ed, Sept , 21 , 19 ` 3 .. Ordinance No . 1106 , passed and approved. April 16 , 19566 Page - 7m Section .13 . Amendments Made in Said Codeo . . fe The said code is amended and changed in the following respects : (Change No . 1 ) That section 100 .1 of said. code entitled "SHORT TITLE " be amended to read' as follows : j 100 . 1 SHORT TITLE. This ordinance shall be known and may be cited as " THE BUILDING CODE" , hereinafter referred to as " THIS. CODE . ." ( 1 ) The- term "Building Official " is referred to in said National Building Code. 1955edition shall be synonymous with CITY BUILDING INSPECTOR , as used in this ordinance . i ( Change No . 2 ). That section 102 .1 of said code entitled " PERMIT REQUIRED" 1 be amended to read as follows : i i 102. 1 Permit Required. It shall be unlawful to ' cnnstruct , alter or remove. or to commence the construction ,; alteration or ,remmral of a buildang_ or structure or install equipment for the operation of a bailding or structure without first filing with the. building inspector an application in . writirg ;and obtaining a formal permits Also it shall be unlaJxful to demolish any eomi-nercis.I or business building located in the fire limits of, the City of rayetteville without first filing with " f the building inspector an application in writing and obtaining a fcrinal permit . ( Change No4 3) 'Mat paragraphs (A)' &( B ) be -added .to Section 10Z . b of said ; code entitled "PLANS TO ACCOMPANY APPLICATION . " to .read aspfollows. . ( a). That plani. for certain buildings as required by Arkansas State Law b6,,-. drawn e ,- drawn or approved by an architect licensed in the State of Arkansas . (b) That beams , joists ,, colnmuo , lintels , etc . be designed or approved by an engineer who : c in the State of Arkansas when remodeling work is done on existing .business or public assembly buildings that in the opinion of the Building Inspector might affect the structural safety of the building . ( Change No . 4) That section 102 . 8 of said code entitled "REPAIRS " be amended to read as follows : 1.02 : 8 REP ATR S , Repairs to existing buildings which do not exceed two hundred dollars ( $200 . 00) tray be made without filing an application. or obtaining a permit. Page z,8 - - i ( Change No . 5) That section 102 . 16 of said code entitled "EXPIRATION OF, PERMIT" be amended to .read as follows : 1OZ, 16 EXPIRATION OF PERMIT A permit under which no work is commenced within 6 months ( 180 days ) after date of issuance shall expire by limitation and a now permit shell be secured before work is started, (Change No , 6) That section 104. 5 entitled " EMERGENCY WORK" be deleted from said code > ( Change Nom 7) That section 104 . 7 entitled "RECOVERY OF CoAST S ' lse deleted from said code ,. . - I (; Change No. 8 ) That section 106 .. 1 of said code entitled "NON COMPLIANCE" be &mended to read &a follows . 10601 NON COMPLIANCE , 41 ) A person, firm, corporation , or association who shall violate a provision of this code or fails to comply therewith or with any of the requirements thereof, or who shall erect, constructq 'alter or repair , .or has erected, con- strutted, capered or repaired a building or structure or portion thereof , in violation of a detailed. statement or plan submitted and approved thereunder , or of a permit or certificate issued thereunder , staall be guilty of a misde meanor punishable by % fine of not less than ten dollars Q $ 10 , 00) nor more than one hundred dollars ( $ 100 . 00 ) or by imprisonrnent not exceeding 6 momths , . or by both such fine and imprisonment , , t ( 2) When not otherwise specified,, each ten days that .prohibited conditions , are maintained shall constitute r, separate offense, _ as ( Change No, 91 Th&t stiction 106 . 2 of said code entitled " ABATEMENT" be amended to read as follows : 106 „ 2 ABATEMENT The imposition of the penalties herein prescribed shall not preclude the corporation counsel or adjoining property owner from instituting an Appropriate action or proceeding to prevent an unlawful ' erection , construction, recon struction , alteration, repair , conversion„ maintenance or use , or to restrain, correct or abate as violnxion, or to prevent the occupancy of a building or structure or portion thereof , or of the premises , or to prevenk an illegal act , conduct, business or use in or about .Any premises . P age ^gc QChange Noy 10) That paragraph 11 ) be added to section 107 . 1 of said code r entitled "APPOINTMENT " to read as foilows v Q1 ) The thief appointing authority as hereinafter referred to, in this section of the code shall be the Mayor of Fayetteville QChange No . 11 ) That section , 107 ,, 9 of said code entitled "APPEALS FROM , DECISIONS OF TfiE BOARD OF APPEAL " be amended to read as follows: 10709 APPEALS FROM DECISIONS OF THE BOARD' OF APPEAL . A personaggreived by a decision of said board, whether previously . .party to the proceeding or not , or an officer: or bossd, may°within 15 days after . the filing of such decision in the office of the building inapector appeal to the City Council and thereafter to the appropriate court to correct errors- of law and fact in such decisions , 3 QChange Note '12) That an addition be made to paragraph (h) section 300 . 1 of said code entitled " CLASSES DESIGNATED" to read as follows : ! TRAILER COURTS OR TRAILER CAMPSO . QChange No . 13) That section 400 , 3 . of said code entitled " MOVING BUILDINGS" be amended to read as follows : 9 Q1 ) No building or structure of wood frame construction or unprotected nonce combustible construction shall be moved* from without to within the fire limits or from one lot to another lot within the fire limits or from one location on a lot to another location on the same lot within the fire limits except: Qa) residential private garages as allowed ;by section, 400 , 5 of said code as amendedby this ordinance 12) Tj otectid mitt buildings may be moved into the fare liinite- provided the buildings in- the new location conform . with the fire limits regulations and they are located in areas where metal buildings are allowed by this ordinance and said code.,. . QChange No . 14) That paragraph tb) of section 400 . 5 of said code entitled "EXCEPTIONS. TO RESTRICTIONS WITHIN FIRE LIMITS" be amended to read as follows : 41 ) A building occupied as a private garage , not more than one story in height nor more than 750 square feet in area., located on the same lot with a dwelling provided that such building shall be placed at least five ( 5) feet from the side or rear lot lines of adjoining property , r . Page 10 = y ( Ch ,x$e No . 15) ThatZ.x_wagi �.pli .( c) of sec4ion `4Q0 5 of said code entrtlLj ed t x . ' I EXCEPTIONS TO RESTRICTIONS WITHIN FIRELIMITS . be Arne d to read as follows y{. ( 1 ) Buildings of Fanprc?.ected noncomab(:t:ctible constauction, exce: t when uaed I'tfor a high hazard occupancy , net e <ceeding 2 .' 500 squAve feet in area when, used for a business occup*mc: y by I , 000 sgaxaage: feet tiiz area when used for Ip other occupancies no: mora thean. one. story in Iiexg a ., xnd haying is horizontal ; separation oz` net, IrSs than 10 feet ' an ill sides . Walla having A horizontal separation 01.. less t Ern 10 feet oi.asljr 1a e j_ fine r v s at;,..rrce r-,xping, of not lees A than orl4 hsr w— _ '_.F d QA) however ., no sheet metzIc oxregated 1. tal, or metal covered ,buildaups o' : sheds shall be elected in the first floe zoiie exc .apC when 'suckbuildings .. shall be used for, industrial storage *T Warehouse puxpose;s , end located within 300 feet of a railroad irasec and south of . Spiir .itreet or north of l Douglas Street , r n with tine ' .,, * ser x ept:ion, that moveable metal buildings � with metal frames uad covering :n,41y be moved or buzlt ' lix this area for cafe purposes .'i 1B ) Also „ all rnet.iAl house tnrailcr6 shall .be. pex: rnit;:nd. "-:o be, located in tb'o fire limits only when they are loc ated in an ,„ oU)blished trailer court. , , as,. established by .action of the C:i+;y Council and City Osrdineacas , 1.4 ( Chang0 N o< 16 ). That ;-,s �gra.ph lh ) I of section 400fl 5 of said code crakitled :! + EXCEP<T �CIFTS TC Jt ES RIC� TIONS"4y STIiIn? FIRE i ? MITS,, " be a:mznded to read as followsF, ( l ) . Piazzas or balconies on d%realingsn root exceeding , Q fe'ef . in width nor TI extending rnme than 3 fee : ab ova the secoxdmatory , floor -booms ; provided that nor such zitrl.:crure sh:ali be located near'ez thin five (5) feet to the' slide yard property, line oi- be. joined to a similar structu` e_ of another bciildinga z= ( Chsait#.Fs•Novo 17) That parAgra ;alx H,h) of Ic a«ctxoa 403x4 6fIIsiid code . entitled PERMISSIBLE PROJECTIONS. , be .'a6sreudeil,•to,read' as follows ` , yfs _. : ,r (h) Marquises at entwr}a ee to , eteis stores or office buildings and structures x loc&ted in the fir ¢ limits may :mtend. beyond the street line and t Aidewalk to Nk4 in turenty- four ( 24) xnchcs of the curb line: prodded they are not leas than 1Q, feet a.bo�- a the curb Ievel at all points , and, within the' fi,re limits , are constructed of iron and g', acs , or other noncombustible materials ,: They shall be securely supported from the building or structure and shall be properly guttered and cormecton by down spouts to a storm sewer or discharge Into the street gutter so that the water therefrom •!ll not drip or flow onto the public sxd;euwalk or thorougbfar• e , sr' ` • Page 11 = flij ( Change No , ' 18 ) That parekgrFaph (i ) of section 403 , 4 of said code entitled . . . `PERMISSIBLE PROJECTIONS " be an iended to read as follows . ( 1 ) Awnings attached to retail stores or office building and structures located in the fire limits may extend beyond the street line but not nearer than twenty- E four ( 24) inches to the curb line ; provided that they are not less than seven and onerhalf ( 7 1 /2) feet above the sidewalk at all points , (Change No , 19 ) That section 1600 of said code entitled "GENERAL " be amended to read as follows : Section 1600 General ( 1 ) Definitions -Trnless otherwise expressly statedg the following terms shall , for the purpose of this section, have the meaning as indicat3d below: . (a) Display Sign shall include any ir±signa or emblem used to advertise or promote the interests of any person when the same is placed out of doors in view of the general public r (b) Erect shall mean, to build, construct, attach , hang , place ,. suspend, or affix, but shall not include the painting of signs on building welter: - (c) Altered shall mean to make a sign different by adding ne on stripping" aeon letters , or emblems , to the original. sign and/ or adding a new sign face to an existing sign, (d) Sign Face shall mean the surface of the sign upon,, against, or through, which the message is displayed, on the sign , ( Change No , 20) That Section 1600 , 1 of said code entitled 'PER MIT" be amended to read &a follows : (Section 1600 , 1 PERMIT) !, ( 1 ) Permits Raquired. It shall be unlawful for any person to erecta reptsira' s ' alter. attach to suspend from , or support on a buildings structure or lot within t the Gity bi Fayetteville any sign without first obtaining an erection permit from the building inspector and making payment of the fee . -(2) Application for Erection Permit . .Any person, firm or corporation who may desire to erect or maintain any sign in the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas6 shall submit to the Building Inspector of the Cit} of Fayetteville , Arkansas „ an application for a permit to erect or maintain such sign, and such application shall, contain or hove attacher-1 thereto the following i_nfor. ma,tion: (A) Name and address of the applicant , (B) Location of building , structure or lot to which or upon which the sign is to be attached or erected, IL Fag 1Z f qG} A sketch of she sign w lx Lhe specifications showing 43ie size , canskruction, Q < and the advertising matter to .appear ou the sign , ( D) The sketch shall show tla9 .minimi;m distance from the` graiand. or ' sidewalk to the lowest part of the sign a1'ong with the minimum distance from the street curb and property line to the signs qE) NaLme of persona firm , corporation or association eraeting the sign , ,E qf') The tong, arnouiit of the primary voltage and current gamperes) required to operate all . of -the electrical bulbs , wiring and devices of the signs : . � qG) When the sign is to be erected on any real estate .other than the lot where s" the product is sold or the business' conducted , the application must contain the written consent of fhe owner of the real estate j JH) Such other information as the Building Inspector may feel necessary to require in order to carry out the intent of the ordinance such as the methodf of suspension , a copy of stress sheets and calculations showing that the sfg"n: is -designed for dead load and wind pressures as set out in Section 160206 of, -. said code- q3} Issuing of the Erection Permit .' qA) It shall be the duty of the Building Inspector upon approval of such application} dessgn, location, specifications , sand method of suspending or hanging..such ,eign to issue the erection permit ' qB ) Pio permit ehall be is sued to erect a sign which in the opinion of the Building Inspector will create a traffic hazard'by. obstructing the view of passing motorists or motorists entering traffic`; p7Cj NP pern-ilt „hall be issuedlto erect h sign unleWs , it conforms to the. requiremeats ' of"the Fa ; e*reville Zoning Ordinance . ' �' D) No parmit ahall be iss ;.aed to re �_t „a iliug7inaterl sign ,,n ;il the City Electrician Y kno= as the: City Electric2,1 Inspector tsars cxc'.mined the plane and specifications of the wiring, and connectioiis to determine if A complies with the electrical . code of el e (s ity of Fayetteville , = . _ : a 15) Erection Pormit Fees , The applicant shall pay to the City of Faryettevine ;. Arkansas for said permit acid inspection the sum of two dollars and fifty cents ' q $Z � 50) for each sign erected, gChange No . 21 ) That Section 1600 , L of said code entitled "BOND " shall be deleted from said code .