HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 1119 ORDINANCE NO, AN ORDINANCE ORDERING THE REMOVAL AND RAZING OF CERTAIN BUILDINGS, HOUSES, AND OTHER STRUCTURES IN THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. . WHEREAS , in many parts of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas, owners of real property have allowed such property to become run down, dilapidated, unsafe, unsightly, dangerous, obnoxious , unsanitary, and detrimental to the public welfare of the citizens of the City of Fayetteville, and WHEREAS, the condition of this property is a serious fire hazard and that, unless immediate action is taken to remedy this situation, there is a great likelihood that the surrounding property will be destroyed by fire originating in such unsafe and hazardous structures . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS : Section 1. That the owner of the following described real estate be and they are hereby ordered to remodel, remove or raze the dilapidated buildings and / or structures now standing upon said real estate within thirty (30) days from the effective date of this ordinance , to - wit : 1 Fifty ( 50) feet of equal and uniform width off of the south end of the West Half (W 1 / 2) of Block Thirty-three ( 33) in the Original Town (now city) of Fayetteville , Arkansas , Section 2 . The Chief of the Fire Department is hereby authorized and instructed to serve the owners of said above described real estate with a copy of this ordinance and notify, paid owner or owners :tk2 H xm:g of the above described property tha &s"ty ffe either torn down and removed or remodeled in accordance with applicable building and zoning ordinances of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas, within thirty (30) days from the date of passage of this ordinance . Section 3 . In the event the owner or owners of any of said properties cannot be located, the Chief of the Fire Department is instructed to serve notice by posting a copy of this ordinance on the front door or exterior wall of the building, and to mail a true copy of same by registered mail to said owrier or owners last known address and report such action to the Fire Committee of the City Couricil. Section 4 ; All persons , firms, corporations violating the terms and provisions of this ordinance shall upon conviction thereof be fined in any sum not less than Twenty-five Dollars ($25 . 00) , nor more than Three Hundred Dollars ($300 . 00) . Section 5 , The City attorney is- 'hereby directed to institute such legal proceedings against such persons as may be necessary in order to enforce the provisions of this ordinance, and to remedy the dangerous , unsanitary, and unsightly conditions brought aboutIIall s, a result of the failureofthe owner to properly keep up said property. Section 6 . Because the parcel of property heretofore described causes a constant fire hazard •,and. menace. to the public peace ; health and safety; and because this hazard and the condittok-of the nuisance created by such properties should be removed and abated at . : Conte , `)an er't�ergency is hereby declared to exist, and this ordinance is found to be necessary % for the kite'servation of the public peace , health and safety, and the same shall be in full for" Man , ;%effect from and after its passage and approval. &,,,, d P g PP Passed and approved this ( 74' day of December, 1956 . , T Attest: go Scott, . Mayor Albert Jone , ty Clerk MICROFILMED DATE ocT.919M REED CERTIFICATE I hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a• true and correct copy of Ordinance No . 110 duly passed and approved by- the City Counci-Vof the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , on the 17th day of December, 1956, and now appearing in minutes and proceedings of the - Fayetteville . City Council Record $ook r at page A.v7 Zog . r thereof in the office of the Fayetteville City Clerk. T 7 r _ . N6 (SEAL) ALBERT J� S, CITY CLERK , - r r - ; RETURN OF CHIEF OF FIRE DEPARTMENT - The above and rfbregoing ordinance came into my hands on the . .yBK day of ' ' ` 19 ,�- V and I duly served the same on the e jr day' of - - yl' - _ 19' ,6-x by : ' - - : I - BURL SKELTON BURLSKELTON ` r' Chief of Fayetteville Fire Department . . ; err. ' . . rp 66) - _ Tj f- DELIVERING Deliver ONLY to addressee - - - . . EMPLOYEE Show address where delivered Received from the Postmaster the Registered dr Insured Article, the number of which appears on the face of is return receipt. L = (Sgrmtore or 2-0i dr see) / 2 ________________________________________________ _-__.__.-__________-____-_--__- (St[nctmeofaddresseesasemf Asmt should enter addrsanis name an Rne ONE above) Date of deliue`ry _1 Z_----- ___-,, , 84v. 4-31 ____________________ _________ _ _____ _ __._ ................ ..•...._._ . . . . r - -- - - u. a. vMxxrxr a rz1<[ IB�12471! J -r