HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 1116 ORDINANCE NO , 1116 AN ORDINANCE TO REDUCE THE CONGESTION OF TRAFFIC IN THE VICINITY OF THE INTERSECTION OF ILA STREET AND ..WILSON AVENUE WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS . WHEREAS, the narrowness of and the volume of traffic on IIs Street , and particu- larly near the intersection of IIs Street and Wilson Avenue , located in a residential area within the corporate limits of the City of• Fayetteville , Arkansas , has the effectiof con- gesting the interpection of Ila Street and Wilson Avenue , and impeding the movement of traffic along Ila Street near said intersection, and : WHEREAS, the location of at least one fraternity house and the prospective location of at least one sorority house to house approximately seventy -five ( 75) girls within the near proximity to said intersection and the lack of adequate parking facilities within the immediate area increase general existing traffic congestion , and WHEREAS , the prospective sorority: contemplates the creation of a parking area on property adjacent to IIa Street for approximately fifty to seventy -five motor vehicles for members and guests of the sorority ; -and WHEREAS , to allow the large volume of motor vehicles of the members , guests , and service agencies of the sorority to enter the sorority property from Ila Street tendo . to further impede traffic , and in addition thereto , constitutes a danger to the life , limb and property of other motorists , pedestrians and othersresiding on and using Ila Street , and WHEREAS , it in the opinion of the• City Council of the City of Fayetteville , Arken sas that the beat method by which the above mentioned conditions nearest the intersection of net Street and Wilson Avenue may be remedied is to prohibit entraice or exit of any and all motor vehicles to or from may part of the^sorority property to IIa Street by preventing ingress or egress to Ila Street by such vehicles to and from any part of the sorority prop- perty real estate adjoining the south side of Ila Street . WHEREAS, resprecentatives - of the property owners adjoining the hereinafter den - cribed real estate appeared before the City Council and upon being afforded an opportunity to be heard did not object to the adoption ' of this ordinance . s NOW , THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE , ARKANSAS : Section 1 . That hereafter no motor vehicle of any kind shall have ingress or egress into Ila Street within the corporate limits of the City of Fay %!t ville , Arkansas to or from any part of the sorority real estate adjoining the south aide of Ila Street , such sorority property being more particularly described as follows : to-wit : MiCROFILMED DATE OCT. 9, i . 7978 REEL l -7 Section 2 . Any person, firm or corporation violating the provisions of this or - dinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined is the sum of not leas than One Dollar ($ 1 . 00) nor more Ahan Twenty-five Dollars ($25 . 00) . Section 3 . It appearing that traffic conditions in the area nearest the intersection ofIla Street and Wilson Avenue are entremely congested and will become more congested with the addition of a new sorority house located upon maid above described real estate , and it appearing" that this ordinance is neceecary for the preservation of the public health , peace and safety , an emergency is hereby declared to exist and this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval . PASSED AND APPROVED T14IS 22nd DAY OF OCTOBER , 1956 . APPROVED: RO Ao SCOTT , MAYOR ATTEST : ALBERT ONES , CITY CLERK