HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 1115 ORDINANCE NO. . 1115 AN ORDINANCE DEFINING AND REGULATING TRAILER COURTS ; ESTABLISHING MINIMUM• STANDARDS GOVERNING THE CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE OF TRAILER COURTS ; ESTABLISHING MINIMUM STANDARDS GOVERNING THE PROVIDED UTILITIES AND FACTILITIES , AND OTHER PHYSICAL THINGS AND CONDITIONS TO MAKE TRAILER COURTS SAFE , SANITARY , AND FIT FOR HUMAN HABITATION; FIXING THE RESPONSIBILITIES AND DUTIES OF OWNERS AND OPERATORS OF TRAILER COUR TS ; . AUTHOR IZING THE INSPECTION OF TRAILER • COURTS ; AND FIXING PENALTIES FOR V.IOLATIONS . . BE IT THEREFORE ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF F AYETTEV ILLE , . ARKANSAS : SECTION 1 - DEFINITIONS: For the purposes of this Ordinance , the following words and phrases shall have the meaning ascribed to them in this section: Permit shall mean a written permit issued by the City Building Inspector permitting ' the court to operate under this Ordinance and regulations promulgated-thereunder . Trailer Court shall mean any plotof ground upon which two or more trailer coaches , - occupied for dwelling or sleeping purposes , are located. Trailer Coach shall mean any vehicle used, or so constructed as to permit its being used as a conveyance upon the public streets or highways and duly licensable as such , and constructed in .,such a manner as will permit occupancy tkiereof as a dwelling or sleeping place for one or more persons . Trailer Coach Space shall mean a plot of ground within a trailer court designated for the accommodation of one trailer coach . Service Building shall mean . a building housing toilet facilities for men and women, with slop-water closet and laundry facilities and with separate bath' 'or shower accommodations . SECTION 2 - PERMITSc .. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm , corporation, or association to construct , maintain , operate, or alter any trailer court within the limits of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , unless . he .holds a valid permit issued by the City Building Inspector in the name of such person, . firm , corporation or association for ,the specific trailer court. SECTION 3 - INSPECTION : The City Building Inspector is hereby authorized and directed to make inspections to determine . the condition of trailer courts located within the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , in order that he may perform his duty of safeguarding the health and safety of occupants of trailer courts and of the general public . The City Building Inspector shall have the power to enter at reasonable times upon any *private or public property for the purpose of inspecting and investigating conditions relating to the enforcement of this Ordinance or of regulations promulgated thereunder . MICROFILMED DATE O=T 9 1970 REEL J—'1_') Ordinance No . 1115 - 2 - September 24 ; 1956 SECTION 4 - ADOPTION OF REGULATIONS : The. City Building Inspector is hereby author ized' to. promulgate and submit such written-regulations : for . City Council approval as may be necessary for : the proper enforcement of the provisions of this Ordinance ; provided that such regulations shall Live the, same foPce, and 'effect a§ the penalty fok, violation thereof shall be the • same as {lie penalty for violation of the provisions of this Ordinance , as hereinafter provided: SECTION 5 - LOCATION, SPACE AND GENERAL LAYOUT : The trailer court shall be located on a well - drained site , shall be so located that its drainage will not endanger any water supply , and shall be in conformity with a plan approved by the City Building Inspector . The Zity Building Inspector shall promulgate regulations for trailer court location and plan approval for the City Council approval which shall provide for adequate drainage , space , lighting , safety, service buildings and other sanitary facilities necessary to protect the public health and prevent nuisances . All such trailer courts shall be in areas free from marshes , swamps or other potential breeding places for insects or rodents . Each trailer coach space shall contain a minimum of 1 , 000 square feet , shall be at least 23 feet wide , and shall abut on a driveway or other clear area with unobstructed access to a public street . Such spaces shall be clearly defined, and trailer coaches shall be parked in such spaces so that there will be a minimum of 15 feet between trailer coaches and so that no trailer coach will be less than 5 feet from the exterior boundary of the trailer court . It shall be illegal to allow any trailer coach to remain in a trailer court unless a trailer coach space is available . One way or two way access drives shall be provided to each trailer coach space . Each access drive shall be continuous , shall connect with a street or highway , and shall have a minimum width of 12 feet for one way access drives and 20 feet for two way access drives . Entrances to access drives shall be plainly marked with signs designating the direction of movement of vehicular traffic . Areas shall be provided for the parking of motor vehicles . Such areas shall accommodate at least the number of vehicles equal to the number of trailer coach spaces provided . Outside drying space adjacent to the service building , or other clothes - drying facilities , shall be provided, A minimum of 50 square feet per coach shall be provided in the area used for clothes drying . SECTION 6 - SERVICE BUILDINGS : Except in the case of trailer plumbed for sewage disposal as provided in Section 9 , each trailer court shall be provided with one or more service building adequately equipped with flush - type fixtures . No service building shall contain less than two toilets for females , one toilet for males , two lavatories and one shower for each sex , a urinal for males , a laundry tray and a slop - water closet , To serve more than 20 dependent trailer coaches , additional fixtures shall be provided in the ratios mentioned below , Toilet facilities for females shall consist of at least one flush- type water closet for every ten dependent trailer coaches ; toilet facilities for males shall consist of one flush - type water closet or urinal for every ten dependent trailer coaches . Urinals shall be substituted for not more than 1 / 3 of the toilet fixtures required for men . Each water closet shall be in a private compartment , Toilet facilities for males and females shall be separated, if located in the same building , by a sound resistant wall . A lavatory for each sex shall be provided for every ten or fraction thereof dependent trailer coaches . A bathtub or shower for each sex shall be provided for every 20 dependent trailer coaches . Each bathtub or shower shall be in a separate compartment . Ordinance No . 1115 - 3 - September 24 , 1961 Laundry facilities shall be provided in the ratio of one unit for every 20 trailer coach spaces . Drying space in the ratio of 50 feet for each coach space , or other adequate clothes - drying facilities , shall be provided to accommodate the laundry of the trailer court occupants . A slop -water closet shall be provided in a separate room in the service building . Each service building shall : ( a) Be located not more than 200 feet from any dependent trailer coach , and at least 15 feet from any trailer coach; ( b) Be of permanent construction, and shall be provided with adequate light , heat and ventilation; ( c ) have its interior of moisture - resistant material , to permit frequent washing and cleaning ; (d) have all rooms well ventilated, with all openings effectively screened . SECTION 7 - WATER SUPPLY : An accessible , adequate , safe and potable supply of water shall be provided in each trailer court , capable of furnishing a minimum of 125 fallons per day per trailer - coach space . Where a public supply of water of such quality is available , connection shall be made thereto and its supply shall be used exclusively . The development of an independent water supply to serve the trailer court shall be made only after express approval has been granted by the City Plumbing Inspector . SECTION 8 - PLUMBING : All plumbing in the trailer court shall comply with State and local plumbing laws and regulations . SECTION 9 - SEWAGE DISPOSAL: Trailer courts shall be served by a public sewer system or by a private disposal system which has the approval of the City Plumbing Inspector . Each .trailer coach space shall be provided with a satisfactory sewer connection . All sewer disposal apparatus , including appurtenances thereto , shall be provided, main- tained, and operated so as not to create a nuisance or health hazard . SECTION 10 - REFUSE DISPOSAL : The storage , collection, and disposal of refuse in the court shall be so managed as to create no health hazards , rodent haborage , insect - breeding areas , accident hazards , or air pollution. All refuse shall be stored in fly-tight , watertight , rodentproof containers , which shall be provided in sufficient number and capacity to prevent any container from overflowing . Satisfactory container racks or holders shall be provided , and shall be located not more than 150 feet from any trailer coach space . SECTION 11 - ELECTRICITY : An electrical outlet supplying at least 110 volts shall be provided for each trailer coach space . The installation , shall comply with all State and local electrical codes , ordinances ; and rules and regulations of the local electrical utility company . SECTION 12 - FUEL: Liquefied petroleum gas for cooking purposes shall not be used at individual trailer coach spaces unless the containers are properly connected by coppor or other suitable metallic tubing . Liquefied petroleum gas cylinders shall be securely fastened in place , and adequately protected from the weather . No cylinder con - taining liquefied petroleum gas shall be located in a trailer coach , nor within 5 feet of a door thereof. Ordinance 1115 - 4 - September 24, 1956 SECTION 13 - FIRE PROTECTION: The court area shall be subject to the rules and regulations of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , fire prevention authority . SECTION 14 - ALTERATIONS AND ADDITIONS : No permanent additions of any kind shall be built onto , nor become a part of any trailer coach . Skirting of coaches is permissible , but such skirting shall not permanently attach the coach to the ground , provide a harborage for rodents , or create a fire hazard . The wheels of the coach shall not be removed, except temporarily when necessary for repairs . Jacks or stabilizers may be placed under the frame of the coach to prevent movement on the springs while the coach is parked and occupied . SECTION 15 - PENALTIES : Any person , firm , corporation or associations , vio- lating any provisions of this Ordinance , or any provision of any regulation duly promul- gated under the authority of this Ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor , and upon conviction thereof, shall be fined in a sum not less than $ 1 . 00 nor more than $25 . 00 and each day such violation continues , shall constitute a separate offense , and shall be punishable in an amount not exceeding $ 15 . 00 per day . SECTION 16 - CON.FLICT OF ORDINANCES - EFFECT OF PARTIAL INVALIDITY : In any case where a provision of this Ordinance is found to be in conflict with a provision of any zoning , building , fire , safety or health ordinance or code of this City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , existing on the effective date of this Ordinance , the provision which establishes the higher standard for the promotion and protection of the health and safety of the people shall prevail . In any case where a provision of this Ordinance is found to be in conflict with a provision of any other ordinance or code of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , existing on the effective date of this Ordinance , which establishes a lower standardfor the promotion and protection of the health and safety of the people , the provisions of this Ordinance shall be deemed to prevail , and such other ordinances or codes are hereby declared to be repealed to the extent that they may be found in conflict with this Ordinance . If any section , subsection , paragraph , sentence , clause , or phrase of this Ordinance should be declared invalid for any reason whatsoever , such decision shall not affect the remaining portions of this Ordinance , which shall remain in full force and effect ; and to this end the provisions of this Ordinance are hereby declared to be severable . SECTION 17 : All matters not covered by this Ordinance shall conform with generally accepted good practice . PASSED AND APPROVED THIS 24th day of September , 1956 . APPROVED : / s / ROY A. SCOTT ROY A . SCOTT, MAYOR ATTEST : / s / ALBERT J. JONES ALBERT J. JONES , CITY CLERK