HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 1111 ORDINANCE NO , 1111 AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING ONE - WAY STREETS , TRAFFIC AND PEDESTRIAN CONTROL LIGHTS AND PARALLEL PARKING; PROVIDING FOR ENFORCEMENT; AND PRESCRIBING PENALTIES FOR THE VIO- LATION OF ITS PROVISIONS AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES . BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTE- VILLE, ARKANSAS : SECTION 1 . Whenever any ordinance of this city designates any one -way street or alley the Mayor shall cause to be placed and maintained signs , lights , and /or traffic control devices are in place . Signs indicating the direction of lawful traffic movement shall be placed at every intersection where movement of traffic in the opposite direction is prohibited . SECTION 2 . Upon those streets and parts of streets hereinafter' described , vehicular t.-raffic shall move only in the indicated direction when signs indicating the direction of traffic are erected and maintained at every intersection where movement in the opposite direction is prohibited . It shall be unlawful for any person to operate any vehicle in violation of such signs except that vehicles of the fire and police department when responding to an emergency call , when in pursuit of an actual suspected violator of the law or when responding to but not upon returning from a fire alarm as the . case may be , amy disregard the provisions of this ordinance . SECTION 3 . In accordance with Sections 1 and 2 above and when properly signposted, traffic shall move only in the direction indicated upon the following parts of streets : Description of Part of Street Direction of Traffic Movement Center Street from College Avenue to Church Avenue West Mountain Street from Church Avenue to College Avenue East East Avenue from Rock Street to Dickson Street North Block Street from Dickson Street to Rock Street South SECTION 4 . Vehicles shall park parallel to the curb in the following locations : North side of Center Street between East.Avenue and Block Avenue . West side of Block Avenue between Center Street and Mountain 4Street . South side of Mountain Street between Block Avenue and East Avenue . East side of East Avenue between Mountain Street and Center Street . MICROFILMED DATE OCT 9 1918 REEL.L2 ,S"' The Mayor is authorized to cause to be erected signs upon the left-hand side of any one -way street , alley, or part thereof , to prohibit the standing or parking of vehicles and when such signs are in place , no person shall stand or park a vehicle upon such left-hand side in violation of any such sign . SECTION 5 . The Mayor shall cause to be placed and maintained traffic and pedestrian control signal lights or other devices at the four intersections or control devices shall be placed on the sidewalk at a minimum of three corners of each intersection . The control device shall provide separate intervals for traffic to move on each of the intersecting streets and an interval when all vehicular traffic shall stop permitting simultaneous movement of pedestrians in all directions within the designated area. of the intersection . SECTION 6 . It shall be unlawful for a pedestrian or for the driver of a vehicle to disobey the instructions of any such traffic control signal light or device , unless otherwise directed by a police officer , subject to the exceptions granted the driver of an authorized emergency vehicle in this ordinance . SECTION 7 . Vehicular traffic shall be permitted to make a left -hand turn from the inside or left-hand lane of traffic around the Square at all times except when the traffic - control signal exhibits the word "Walk . " Vehicles shall be permitted to make a right turn from the right lane of traffic at the corners of all streets entering the Square after the Vehicle has come to a full stop except when the traffic - control signal exhibits the word "Walk . " SECTION 8 . That the plan of traffic control hereinabove set forth shall be installed for a minimum trial period of six (6 ) months . SECTION 9 . That any person violating the provisions of Sections 2 , 3 , 4, 6 , or 7 of this ordinance shall be claimed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in the sum of not less than one dollar ($ 1 . 00 ) nor more than twenty-five dollars ( $25 . 00 ) . SECTION 10 . That the provisions of this ordinance are severable and if any part or provision hereof shall be held void , the remaining parts of this ordinance shall not be affected or impaired . SECTION 11 . All existing ordinances or parts of ordinances of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansap , are hereby repealed insofar as they may be inconsistent with the provisions of this ordinance . PASSED AND APPROVED THIS p13 DAY 06t fju/ 1956 . RA . 9CTTT, MAYOR ATTEST : Alber nes , CITY CLERK ' C