HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 1089 ORDINANCE N0 . AR ORDINANCE TO ACCEPT THE CONVEYANCE OF REAL ESTATE FOR STREET PURPOSES AND TO NAME SAID STREET CREST LANE MIER.FAS, there has been filed in the office of the City Clerk the petition of Glen Wing, Tressie D. Wing, Charles W. Brewer, Virginia L. Brewer, Fount Richardson, and Elisabeth Richardson, requesting the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, to accept the conveyance of the following described real estate for street purposes , to-wits The South ten ( 10) feet • of Lot Five (5 ) in Block No. Ten (14) in the City. Park Addition to the City of Fayetteville, as shown upon A. L. . Trent ' s Revised Plat of said Addition, recorded at Page 125 of the Plat Book in the office of Circuit Clerk and Ex-Officio Recorder of ' ', said county, being the ten-foot strip off the south side of said Lot 5 heretofore dedicated and used for street purposes by the owners of said Lot 5, and .which is added to the twenty-foot ( 20-foot ) alley lying mediately South of said Lot 5i for the purpose of forming a thirty- foot street:the. to be known as, "Crest Lane`. a.vof W HERE AS,, the C ;t 7�JoaAviNqq Comm %soiad has rtCOmMtndL4 the oto Pton . of MI� h�jen� NOW, THEREFORE, BE T ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE ARKANSASt . Section 1: That the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, hereby accepts the conveyance of said above described real estate for street, purposes, and hereby declares said real estate to be a public street; that the said City Council hereby assumes its care, control, and jurisdiction of same and hereby designates said street to be henceforth known as Crest Lane , Section 2 : That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage, approval and publication. Dated thisi� day of July., 1955. " ROY A . SCOTT3 Mayor ATTEST: -9r J. W McGEHEE, City Clerk ' MICROaIW%6 ly;g DATE REEL 1—