HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 1069 rj.eoin!,gn�CE neo. ��G � - AIN ORDINANCE ORDERING THE REMOVAL, RAZING AND/OR MODELING .OF CERTAIN BUILDINGS, HOUSES, AND OTHER STRUCTURES IN THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES . 17HEI AS, in many parts of the City of Fayetteville , Arla nsas , owners of real estate have allowed certain buildings and/or structures situated thereon to become run down, dilapidated, unsafe, unsightly, dangerous, obnoxious , unsanitary, and detrimental to the public welfare of the citizens of the City of Fayetteville , and WdEREAS, the condition of such buildings and/or structures constitute a serious. fire hazard and unless immediate action is taken to remedy this situat®on, there is a great likelihood that the surrounding property will be destroyed by ' fire originating in such unsafe and hazardous structures . NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORMINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS . Section 1. That the owner or owners of the following described real estate be and they are hereby ordered to remodel , remove or raze the dilapidated buildings ani/or ' structures now standing upon said real estate within thirty ( 30 ) days from the date of service of a copy of this ordinance upon said owner or owners to-wit : A part of the Northwest Quarter ( NW ) of the Southwest Quarter ( Si'kFl ) of Section 15 Township 16 North, Range 30 west, described as commencing at a point which is 29 rods and 10 feet Fast of the Horthwest corner of said forty ( 40 ) acre tract and running thence East sixty-five ( 65 ) feet to the place of beginning; running thence South thirteen ( 13 ) rods ; thence East sixty-five ( 65 ) feet ; ' thence North thirteen ( 13 ) rods, thence hest sixty-five ( 65 ) feet to the place of beginning, and being in the City of Fayetteville and further known and described as the East Half ( E2 ) of Lot Eight b ( 8b ) in the County Court Plat of the Southwest Quarter ( Sid; ) of Section Fifteen ( 15 ) , Township Sixteen ( 16) North , Range Thirty (30 ) West. Section 2 . The Chief of the Fire Department is hereby authorized and instructed to serve the owner or owners of each of said above described tracts of real estate with a copy of this ordinance and notify said owner or owners that the dilapidated buildings and/or structures now standing thereon must either be torn dorm and removed or remodeled in accordance with applicable biuilding and znniilg ordinances of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, within thirty ( 30 ) days fram date of service of a certified copy of " this ordinance upon said owner or owners . Section 3 . In the event the owner or owners of any of said real estate cannot be located, the Chief of the Fire Department is instructed to serve notice by posting a copy of this ordinance on the front door or exterior wall of each of said buildings and to mail a certified copy of same by registered mail to said owner or owners last known address and report such action to the Fire Committee of the• City Council . Section 4. All persons ; firms, corporations violating the terms and provisions , of this ordinance shall 'upon conviction thereof be fined in any sum not less than Twenty-Five Dollars ( ,$25 . 00) Nnor more than' Three Hundred ($300. 00 ) Dollars . Section 5 . The City Attorney is hereby directed to institute such , legal proceedings against such persons as may be necessary in order to en orce the provisions of this ordinance, and to remedy the dangerous , unsanitary, and unsightly conditions brought. about as a result of the failure of the owner to properly keep up said real estate .: Section 6. Because the dilapidated buildings and/or structures situated upon the real estate heretofore described causes a constant fire hazard and menaceto the public peace, health and safety; andd because this hazard and the condition of the nuisance created by such property should be removed and abated at once, an emergency is hereby declared .to exist , and this eedinance is found to be necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety, and the same dwall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval . Passed and approved this day of 1954. MICROFILMO DATE OCT 6 Lg7g REEL II_�j ATTEST : ROY A. SCOTT , MAYOR JaW,— McGEHEE, CITY CLERK