HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 1058 lit A 1r CRDINANCN N0* f a �� L. , t Alf OMNANC£ TO ABANDON AN ALLEY RUNNIIQ NORTH AND SOUTH BETMN TRH WT AND IMT ALLEY$ WHICH I = TO THE YOM Cr LATS S ARD 17 AND SOUTH Cr LOTS 16 AND 23 If BLACK ONE, OAKLAND PEACE ADDITION TO THP. CITY OF FAlM?MLI.N, ARKANSAS , WMREAS , a petition was duly filed with the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, on the dM day of Ocz!t6 o- , 1953 , asking that said City Council vacate Z alloy running north and south between the cant and west alleys which Its to the north of lots 8 and 17 and south of Lots 16 and 23 in $look 1, Oakland Place Addition to the City of s'ayettevills, Arkansas , and WMLS , the abutting lots affected are Lots 8 to 25, inclusive, 1n Block One, Oakland Place Addition to the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas , and MMREAS , after due notice as required by law, the City Co nail has, at the tine and plsoe mentioned in the notice, heard all persons desiring to be heard on the question and has ascertained that the portion of the alley hersinabove desoribed was heretofore dedicated to the public use as an alleys that the said alley never has been opened and that the public interest and welfare will -• not be adversely affected by the abandonment of said alley. NOR, THEREFORE, RS IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF TRH CITY OF FAYETTHYILLEt Section le The City of Fayattevills , Arkansas, hereby releases , vacates a� abandons all its rights, together with the rights of the public generally, in and to that p1ley manning north and south between the east and wast alleys which Its to the north of Lots 8 and 17 and south of Lots 16 end 2$ in Block One, Oakland Place Addition to the City of Fayetteville. Arkansas , reserving unto said City of Fayetteville . Arkansas, its smecassors " assigns an casement or right of way on, over, under and across said alley hereby vacated, far the pur- pose of conotruoting, installing, laying and relaying, relocating and maintain- ing all public utilities new located or which may hereafter be located upon said vacated "alley by said City or any corporation having a franehise or right of way from said City. Section t . A copy of this Ordinance duly certified by the City Clerk shall be filed in the office of the R000rder of said County and recorded in the deed reoords of said county* Section 3 . This Ordinance shall take effeat and be in force from and after its passage* PASBlD AND APPROVED THIS day of ovomber, 19�53. qn As i his is to certify t :iat the move is a true and cor - sect copy of Orlinnnee number 1058 as it appears of record on page 31 , Book "F " Proceedings of CI'" Y COT ;T?CIL . 11'ayetteville Arkansas . i ity Clerk �M 191 P. October 24, 1453 . To the Mayor and City Council, Fayetteville , Arkansas . Gentlemen; - In re petition of W . H . Hughes, etal for the vacation of a certain alley running north and south in Block 1, Oakland Place Addition to the City of Fayetteville . The undersigned, constituting a majority of the members of the City Planning Commission of Fayetteville, recommend that the said petition be granted, reserving however to the City ofadvettell�� a said alley for public utilities and that o ante a teand �c We find that the said alley has never been used for ingress and egress; that it does not extend the entire length of the said block, but merely connects two east and west alleys , one near the north end and the other near the south end of the said block. We also find that the contour of the groundis of such a nature that no alley could be opened up for ingress and egress, except at great expense . We find that all owners of property abutting on this alley have joined in the petition, and that in every case it is more practical and feasible to approach their properties by entrances from either Oakland Avenue or Storer Avenue upon which the properties of all the petitioners abut . Reservation of an easement for public utilities , we believe will fully protect the interest Of the public for any future developments . � / 110 T I C E Notice is hereby given to all persons that the City Council of khyetteville, Arcansae, at its regular meeting on the 16th day of ovc..bor, 1953 , will hear the Petition of W. U. Uughes, wary Charlotte R charduon, Keeton, Lars . salter 8. Trowbridge, Zillifim 8. Cowan, L:audo B. Blo*deau, J. IF. Hudson, Glen Steuart' R. L. bteearu, Zrs. S. A. Roberts sand F. '1. Cralley, to deteraino whether or not an alley running north and south between the east and west alleys which lie to khe north of Lots 8 and 17 and south of Lots 16 and 25 In blosL- 4 Oa::l rA Place Addition to t:c City of Fayotteville, Arkansas, u:iould be vacated ami aban:lomd au regseoted in said petition. The lots abutting upon the alley sought to be vacated aro Lots 8 to 25, inclusive, Block 1, in Oakland Place Addition to the City of PayettevIllo, Ar'cansas. J. ::. r' ,o( EC, City aeik o 1'ayettevillo, Arlansas CQR'R9-C��� S •TR e, g f' s 6 � M 7 A-9 L 'NC A y hNU _ 1 • ,-1 iVLlew O g I!s I . I /6 is .w,, w. 7 i povGL !} $ S7. CLERK ' S CERTIFICATE I hereby certify the above to Duk tmgo I�1 a ee Addirro .✓ be a true and correct copy of 7� the plat of Block 1 , Oakland Place to the City of Fayette - OGk ville , Arkansas . The alloy we are petitioninf; to close is the onc% running north and south heti✓non the east and west allevs which lie to the north of lots 8 and 17 , and south of lots 16 and 25 . / ' t.wrt a CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS RECEIPT NO, 123, 5 . DATE 7 - a 7 195 o RECEIVED FRO $ o�b ADDRESS / RECD BY . IN PAYMENT OF ITEMS LISTED BELOW FOR CITY OF FAYETTEVILLE, ARL MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS CITY VEHICLE LICENSE NO I LA PASS. CAR TRUCE - BUS-TON MART YE AA ' J - � � r-12 DR. ❑ 4 DR. C] COUPE //JJ ✓I"�.�" / OTHER - iW4 L• X. �1� LICENSE FOR CALENDAR 'YR- qC. DOG LICENSE NO BREED MALE FEMALE AGF. COLOR REMARKS NAME RABIES CERTIF. NO. HATE LICENSE FOR CALENDAR YR PAYERS RECEIPT PETITION TO CLOSE ALLEY Vie the following property owners •in Block 1 , Oakland Place Addition , to the City of Fayetteville , Washington Count# , Arkansas , hereby petition the City Council of Fayetteville to close the alley that is shown on the plat of said block as run- ning north and south through the block . The alley has never been opened , and we agree that there is no need for it for highway purposes and that the welfare of the city will be enhanced by the closing and abandoning of said alley , We hereby agree that said �alley may be closed and abandoned . 3 46 -•_T_ u .le.� � QAJ' 157 CERTIFICATE OF RECORD STATE OF ARKANSAS SS. COUNTY OF WASHINGTON)) I, W. S. Bronson, Circuit Clerk and Ex- Officio Recorder for the County aforesaid, do hereby certify that the annexed and foregoing instrupient of writing was filed for record in my 3 t office on the- - - - - per---0----------------day of--------- ��------------- A. D., 195 at �� - � ' (. O'clock__A-M__., and the same is now duly recorded with the acknowledgments and certificates thereon in Record Book__2' __Page__s-G_4-__. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said court, this--------------f&4!>_---day of---------------- --------- 195---. o %Aotr� ------- _' cuft k and I(ZlYic Recorder. (N - '