HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 1056 a • t ORDINANCE N0 . AN ORDINANCE REGULATI !G THE HANCTI 1 OF SIGNS IN THE CITY OF FAYETTKVILLEs ARKANSAS, HERRALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH AIM FOR OTHER PURPOSES ti WHEREASs the City of Fayetteville , Arkansass does not have a standard uniform Building Code and WHM1EASr existing ordinances of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas, do not permit the erection of signs which could be erected under the 1949 Edition of the National Building Code, and WHEREASs the City Council of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, finds that it is to the best interests of the City of fayetteville that the building ordinances for construction of signs be amended as hereinafter set forth : NONs THEREFOREs BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETTEVILIEs ARKANSAS : Section 1. A. No display sign shall hereafter be erecteds or attached to, suspended from or supported on a �}ilding or structure until a permit for the same has been issued by the Building Inspector. B. Any persons firm or corporation who may desire to erect or maintain any sign in the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas, shall submit to the City Building Inspector of the City of Fayettevilles Arkansas , an application for a permit to erect or maintain such sign, with the design and specifications showing the size and construction of such sign and the matter to appear thereon. If the City Building Inspector approves such applications design and specifications along with the method of suspending or hanging such signs he shall issue a permit on the condition that the work be done under the supervision and inspection of the City Building Inspector or his duly authorized representative, provided that the applicant shall pay for said permit and inspection the sum of Two Dollars and Fifty Cents (x2.50) which shall be a prerequisite to the issuance of such permit. However, no permit shall be issued for the erection of any sign unless satisfactory evidence be produced to the City Engineer that said sign is to be erected upon applicant 's real estate or upon another ' s real estate by written consent of the owner thereof. C . The provisions of this articles except as to height and safety, shall not apply to a sign not more than 10 square feet in area, announcing, without display or elaboration, only the name of the proprietor and the nature of his business ; nor to a wall sign not exceeding one square foot of disply surface, on a residence building stating merely the name and profession of an occupant ; nor to a signs not exceeding 10sluare feet of display surfaces on a public building giving the name and nature of the occupancy and information as to the conditions of use or admission; nor to a wall sign not exceeding 2* square feet of display surface ., nor a ground sign, advertising in either case the sale or rental of the premises upon which it is maintained; nor to street signs erected by the municipality; nor to temporary signs or banners legally authorized. CC ��C � `f�9GG_L I Ul. r CCS 6 19/F REEL l 4 •.".ontld - P7# 2 Onlinsnce "o. :'.action 2• ATI ATI . A* Structural f Uo display sign shall hereafter be altered# rebuilt# en„ a # extendsd or relocated except in conformity with the provisions of this article. II. Uovable #'arts - The Chang n£ of movable parts of myna that are desirped oroianiv or the repainting of display matter aha11 not be doe::nd to be alterations within the reaning of this section. 8sation . W S:" UCTION A* all SiSi - vo Display signs placed a..a nst tTm exterior walls of buildings o amino extend more than 15 inches outaide of the wall enrfsoe* Such signs shall not exceed 40 square feet in area# unless made of non- combustible aateriala# provided that zzouldinge and cappinrc may be of woot. Such sigm shall not cxte-d beyond the top or ands of VIO nail =Vfaee on y Vaic9 thcor aro placed* call signs shall be sacuro3y mttacbod to the building by means of metal anchors, bolts or expansion screws. Sizes ah&ll not be fastened by nails or staples to wooden blocks or na.ilinr strips built into tluz masouu>r . r. PrWtinr Sinze on ro projecting sim shall prosect free the face of the buil n or— atxuature over a streetp alley or other public space more than 10 feet# but in no case sluill any ouch sitm prosect beyond a line drain perpezilicular3y upward from 2 foot inside the curb line. L clear space of not lose than 10 That clmlll be provided below all parts of Such amps• -� ProsectinZ sib shall be see'"rely attac%ad to ttw building or structure by bolts# anchors# chains or Lwow A32 signs shall be of metal constriotion or of ap u%oved material of snffiolent strength to insure the safety of the rubliee O . Cronzd Sipm - Craund display slCm shall not exaced 30 foot in hoight above the Croun.+:E LI n which they rest. U; htinp, reflectors may prosect beyond time face of the sign. An open space at least 3 feet Sieh 51 all ie maintained betwen the bottom of l tiro airn and the Lzound; provided that nccessar7 su7_,arts extending through anoh space and the filling of such apace arid: lattice or rlA to leaving at least 50 Leis cant ei ,= space open shall not Iia prohioited. " I:ithin the fire limits# such sign when more Ulan 13 feat high shall be constructed of noneonbustible materials# except that mouldinrs and cappings may be of rood. • ,� 'Ice 4 D. -oa — Bipp? c oil that cz Iz ee i above or suW isortcd on the 16 to) Of GT-:ILL I?C :."r ©"..rUct'.11C> G%all lxX cO_'+otor.;Zted Of n'.rrco:.:.asstible ant=rites, c =co u that no w:q a%! mals be of wood. 4Ln onm c,:aco of not loco than 6 foot shall be cointalrsxl Wlov the bottom of tTta aim, eSCtip": for not scary vortical, supports. .3.', Ur. t':o SYra limits, no r33f aim c cll be crknxarted by or bra=d int to z 3a1an tv;e.-r or ottnr rani crz=t'.M stlor_ of a building or ot..r:cture over 40 Zcet in Lol it. C. <ocation — "a sir nali :;0 so L"nl.=:G as to ob.^t ".ot or intorfero 42a vcc,TAMI do3rav o- other a-yt- i=1 =mm of orxvcs, or so av to provent froo 7�rsa;a frog ono part of c ro*Z to any ot3or Part Viercof. F. Desi,^n — All oil ch-Al bo dosi,ed cceordinC to fensrally accopted an erin7 practice to vit:lstend mint precoures as apeoified bolous (a) All liras e%al Le dooiened to ccithst nl the horizontal pre:,earrs shorn in the dollo-wAT•, table, e,:plie3 to the F=Joctel exposed a"lea, cllO;'int for vied from any dimotiolr ITeifht frxa Ltoua3 to Lina I-reswvo :o,) of Sinn In Foot Pound VDr Cgvare boot Solid yid 0!= �1cm F,) to 30 15 25 31 to 50 25 351a*29 30 ,�> LQD-2g� �G 38 3^ (b ) firms in, cli the pro$octs! c=a c",powd. to rAnd con^icts of 70 ierzant or marc of Vic r ss area as doterjned by tLs ovcr�all di: CnaO is shill bo olessed as colid si cns ; torso in which tba Fso44eoted soler' nets is ro.vved fro,�j open lour=, fi(7,L,,�Z, s u;Ipc, end ctruct: ral frmnjrr s.v::: e=, the a7r"rs ut�e total. area of W%Ich is loss than 70 I3cr cent of tbo cross crew so determined, nhnII bo cla>scd as open eiCase (o) Tho loado shall bo distributed to t_:n 8tr,=t=4 and rs of the buil :3r.Z In such a =7 Cut t MGO Lc oars will not be over- stavacade Faction 4. `i'$at no ciC-ns shall Im erected purs.:act to two tor,,,s of this onanaws on that Property owned by the City of rayetteville, lying, botaoon the outside edFo of the eidowalk and tho curb line ezzept t'h- t this motion O!mll nat be construed so as to probibit thO erls.fttinZ of traffic control ohne or directional sirns erected by church and/or educational institutions. Section LzW porton, fixes or corporation violating raW provioions of this ordinance shall bo ruilty of yicderxanor aml fined in the s;M of not leso than live Dollars nor more than Fifteen Dollars ($15.00) and each day the said provisions o1 this ordinance is violated shall constitute a separate offense . Section 6. Allrdinanoss or parts of ordinances in conflict heremith are hereby expressly rep &led and it appearing that this ordinance is necessary for the public wlfares hheeaaffth, and safety, an emergency is hereby declared to exist and this ordinance shall be in full force ecus effect from and after it' s passage and approval . mayor Attests City Clerk o, D . do permit shall be issued to erect a sign whic h in the opinion of the building inspector will create a traffic hazard by obstructing the view of passing motorist, rX a sem.. ,r B.Ycf� d�Q/f 6c oio%.i-aa/`y �i�G Gly �oa� c./ �o .•� .�.ou c o < vG0/ 2-'��G OWr1GH J�JB /I O/CG rannd Q. v: /�,� t3 OIC ¢4ea � 4n. � C . When existing signs become a violation of the: provisions of this ordinance5in the event of widening a street or alley and/or if the curb line of a street is moved back, the owners of the existing signs must bear the expense of rearranging ,relocating :�.. in� ol-CGr ,y�.f�p/v Go...�� a.�/ L~/'�G ✓�.11 ilJ/vg OT�� iO o/o'iwoisG 'L17 Ot Gp ///�,rG�+►ONGdiYnH C.v �itC � � Passed and approved September 21 , 1953