HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 1034 MDINANCE No. 1034 AN ORDINANCE FITIPIO T.YE CO1!FENSATi.ON OF ALDERLi1N OF THE CITY OF FAYETMVILLF, ARKATIMS I'YMTMS, the compensation of Aldermen of the City of Fayetteville, Arkansas , is eonsiderably. lower than the amounts bsing paid to Aldermen by cities of like and lesser size and population , and 1111MEAS , the . compensation now received by Aldermen of the City . of Fayette- ville , Arkansas, has remaired unchanged since April 4, 1919' although the size of the City of Fayetteville. has more than tripled since that time . NOW, THEREFORE, DE IT ORDAINED BY ThE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FAYETI`E- VILLE, ARKANSAS : Section 1 . That from and after the first regular mretin E , of Fayetteville ..it�ouncil held subsequent to January 1, 1953, the conlenoaLion of each alderman of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , whose tem of office ex- pires on- or , before- "that date; shall be- fixed at 'Ton Dollars ($10 , 00 )-.for- attendance at each regular meeting, and Ten Dollars ($10. 00 ) for attendance m at each special meeting or adjourned meeting of the City Council . r Section 2 . That from and after the first regular meeting. of the Fayette- H villa City Council held subsequent to January 1, 1954, the compensation of each C4 Al erman of the City of Fayetteville , Arkansas , whose term of office expi ms 0 on or before that date shall be fixed at Ten Dollars o ($10.00 ) for attendance at each regular meeting, and Ten Dollars (310.00) for attendance at each 0 special or adjourned meeting of the City Council . oM Section 3 . That regular meetings of the Fayetteville City Council shall be each month during the calendar year . m Section 4 . That this ordinance shail be in full force and effect from and UFe�rfirst regular meeting of the Fayetteville City Council held sub- sequent to January 1, . 1953, -as to aldermen whose terms expireton or before �= that date , and shall be in full force arra effect from and after the first regular meeting of the City Council held subsequent to January 1, 1954, as to A-Ideawn whose terms expire on or before that date . All ordinances or parts thereof in conflict herewith are hereby re d. PASSED and APPROVED October 27 , Powe ea, or Attest : � . . c ee , III 10-27-52 Sao • A-$ MICROFILMED DAT REEL